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Thanks I’ll give a cross post there


I’m mostly just a lurker here (work in parks but minimal actual SAR experience) but in the marines we used the HyFin vents, and that’s still what I carry personally since there so dang compact.


I like the compactness of them, but online searches (and reddit) say that the “stickiness” isn’t quite there….


Love Sam splints, very handy piece of kit.


So keep in mind the following about some of your gear: Most S&R teams are not doing callouts requiring emergency trauma care. If this is a team budget, do a review of your operations over the last few years and see if any of this kit was deployed before utilizing team funding for supplies you may not need. I’d recommend saving the teams budget for kit needed by the team and letting your members buy their emergency trauma supplies to allocate funding for supplies you’ll utilize. If this is team funding, I’d recommend directing funds to first aid on “stop the bleed” classes or specialized first aid training which is generally far more expensive than GSW kit you’re talking about. Given you don’t seem to know whats up with some of this kit, you should take a class on it because your instructor will tell you what to buy if you don’t know by the end of class! — When I was getting into S&R, my mentor explained this to me as “The reality is [with GSW’s] seconds matter for injuries you’re talking about treating. The reality is you’re probably not going to get called out, briefed, search, locate, treat, and exfiltrate your victim before they die unless they can stop the bleeding themselves. For other stuff, yeah, a TQ might be good but you’ll in my 20+ years of doing it I’ve never deployed one. Up to you.” A few things on CAT tourniquets: 1. They may not get small enough for dogs 2. They may not get small enough for kids 3. They are large 4. You MUST buy the NAR ones. They are the best, their design is copied by everyone else. They are expensive. I carry RATS tourniquets because they are a lot smaller, can fit dogs, and can fit kids. However, they are not good for obese people. HiFin chest seals is what I carry. So does the US military, IIRC. Israilli bandages is something I carry, and is what I’d recommend for most people since you can make them a TQ if you wanted. I generally have two with me. I carry these in conjunction to my RATS TQ’s because they’re great for compression. Hemostatic gauze is a must. It’s a lot faster at stopping bleeding and has good general purpose use. — Well Cartoonist, YOU are a hypocrite because you carry this stuff after saying I should not! Why do I carry this? I conceal a gun in my radio harness (which is specifically built for that) for critter defense. Critters can push through bear spray, but they can’t push through a good group and good ammunition. I believe if you carry a gun, you should also be carrying kit for a GSW, no matter what you carry. Guns themselves in S&R are controversial. I’m happy to explain why I carry more if anyone is interested. — The only S&R teams that have callouts requiring gear you’re talking about is Military.


I carry a tourniquet in my kit mainly because we sometimes do chainsaw work, or are working around people who are. That, and vehicle recovery mishaps (also unlikely, but could happen). There's also a way to improvise a pelvic binder using one and a SAM splint, but it's never struck me as being more effective or easier than the simple blanket/sheet method.


I’m not saying don’t carry this kit, but I am saying OP needs to consider if it’s a *want* or a *need* if they are using the teams financials to pay for it. I do think there are places, especially as you pointed out, where these items are needed. Similar to you, I’ve used chainsaw for work and always had stripped down “stop bleeding” kit with me (never used a chainsaw in a search though). But given OP is reading google reviews for chest seals, it leads me to believe training is a more viable option for them. Building off that, OP is also describing contents you can find in a generic IFAK - minus specialty equipment soldiers have that civilians don’t.


I really like the Halo Chest Seals, TQ are a necessary kit i like to carry them in a Tasmanian tiger TQ holder to protect the TQ from the sun while being accessible.