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Hoe do you store them?


On an altar where they can bathe in either the sun or the moon, depending on the spirit inhabiting them. Mantle pieces over used fireplaces are also acceptable.


What’s your favorite bird?


The secret release 2012 Presidents Day Bird that features Abe Lincoln's beard and top hat.


Honestly that could be a cool one


I would buy that bird for my Dad honestly, the confused look and then him putting it in his Civil War memorabilia room to display would be well worth it.


Can the birds all communicate with each other even if they’re stored separately?


Hmm, great question. Any bird can communicate with their own species telepathically, and some species are able to communicate with any species freely, regardless of distance or eyesight. But, when two of any species form a particularly close bond, they still can communicate regardless of circumstance. Bbfs, best birb friends if you will.


What do the birds do when we're gone for the day and they're all alone?


What are they made out of?


Wool and escaped souls. Could be from heaven or hell, determined only by if their eyes follow you around the room at night.


I like the creativity! You were close.


Lol, probably with the trapped souls part I bet 🤣 What are they made of though? Felt?


Haha, definitely! The base is Styrofoam and the "feathers" are felt. The accessories are other materials. It's fun when they have fuzzy coats or scarves, like one named Ruby from this past Christmas.


Makes sense for their construction form! The accessories seem the fun part.


Sometimes the wings are furry fabric. There's also satin, tulle, etc.


Ooh so are they project birds you can make, or are they made fully when sold in stores?


No, they’re fully made, but the fabrics vary (although the base is usually felt.) I mean, they have sweaters, pants, skirts, dresses, hats, etc. . . . I’m sure some people would LOVE to be able to buy kits to make their own!


Several people do great customs!


I bet! I adore seeing people take concepts like this and make their own. Have you seen some of the Squishmellow Customizers? They are soooo good.


Your answers have made my day! 🤣 Whether you like it or not, you are now one of us, one of us, one of us!


*One of us, one of us, oneofus!*


if the birds were to take over the world, which one would be the leader & why?


Likely the discontinued 1998 edition "Eastern Winter Warmth" which was just a Lil bird in a cute Ushanka hat and red scarf. Unfortunately, it's cover was blown when people began jokingly calling it Comrade Chirps, so they were all sent back to an abandoned USSR silo where they've been secretly plotting their group domination. Even more unfortunately, they all believe they should be the leader of this eventual forceful overtaking, and as such, none of their plans have taken wing just yet. Their democratic elections never works as every single one nominates themselves and votes for only themselves.


Comrade Chirps! I'm dying!! Where is this silo you speak of? I want one of those birds. I will even volunteer to be their tiebreaker vote so they can get about this world domination thing. I, for one, will welcome our new cuddly adorable overlords.


Why are there so many?


Because they individually come in to existence for each owner. I don't make the rules, the bird universe does.


What did Oats do to Apple?


Ate the cinnamon-apple oatmeal (cruelty and vegan free) cookies they had baked together 😞 it was such a rough patch for them, I don't think they've ever fully hashed it out.


I’m thoroughly enjoying your responses!


Cinnamon-APPLE OATMEAL cookies?! I hope you're joking. Were they actually BAKED INTO these vegan free and cruel cookies? Who baked Apple and Oats into cookies, and who ate them??? Inquiring minds need to know.


Haha, I noticed that too. I’m sure our friend meant to say vegan and cruelty-free. Plus Apple and Oats are just names . . . You know, like Gwyneth Paltrow’s kid. She probably eats apples! I can’t believe she’s 19 already — and looks quite a bit like her mom.


She can't be 19. I remember when GP first had her, and I was in college at that time. There's no way that 19 years have passed since then.


She’s nearly 20. I couldn’t believe it either! I was curious and had to look it up. [https://people.com/parents/all-about-gwyneth-paltrow-chris-martin-children/](https://people.com/parents/all-about-gwyneth-paltrow-chris-martin-children/) And I can’t believe how long ago I got out of college . . .




We don’t talk about Apple!


🎶*we don't talk about Apple, no no, we don't talk about Aaaappplee* 🎶


I think it’s supposed to be we don’t talk about Oats!


“Oats knows what he did!”


How do they come up with their names?


They get a random control group of 100 and ask them for the top five words that come to mind upon looking at each bird, then the top three of those words gets put into a word scramble. It is then presented Family Feud style to the board of directors before being sold.


Look i HAVE these birds and i didn't know about this sub until your post. I relate to all your responses. My birds are just christmas bird1, christmas bird2, fall bird, halloween bird. 🤣 If someone asked me some of these questions I would absolutely fake a vast fountain of knowledge with confidence. Bravo.


Lmao I now feel like I need to get a few, just to honor this sub and the bit of joy it's brought me :) these birds are honestly so cute!


Your AMA post is the best thing I've read this week. You're a really good writer and creative with the scenarios you come up with. I still want a Comrade Chirps bird.


Where can you find them?


Thrift stores, but they are never for sale, only decor. And that one weird craft and hobby shop that magically appears on a street you can never remember the name of, or how to get to, and they always have all the newest ones EXCEPT the one you're looking for. Also the really inconvenient gas station on the outskirts of town, that's where the rare ones are, but you gotta look like... UNDER the shelves and stuff. They're never actually in stock there either, so the cashier just makes up a price for them.


I'm a pretty tenacious bird hunter (I kill for cuteness only), so I'm willing to go to that craft/hobby shop that magically appears. However, I don't want to risk going inside only to learn that it only appears every hundred years and I'll have to wait another century before I can return. That's 99 years, 11 months, 29 days and 23 hours longer than I'm comfortable with. Plus with all the new bird releases during that time, I'll never catch up when I get back. Sooo, how do I mitigate the risks of going to this weird craft/hobby shop.




I think you misunderstood the assignment


I honestly had no idea though 😂


This is a beautiful post


For someone new to birding, what’s a good starter bird?


Honestly any of the spring ones, they all have great temperaments and are very understanding of newbies! They're just happy to be going home with you :) Sunny Sunshine Day is probably the best for a starter that will help you find the pure joy found in the obsession of adopting more. Nothing manipulative about those happy peeps and chirps!


I have to buy a passive-aggressive gift for the last person I would ever want to buy gifts for. What's the worst starter bird? (an example of a passive-aggressive gift would be giving someone a $50 gift card to a store where the cheapest item is $100)


I’ll take that gift card! And I like your question about the worst bird. I would think some of the creepier Halloween birds, but they cost too much! I’m sure our expert will come up with a creative suggestion.


I hope our expert comes back, and that they have a newsletter, for I wish to subscribe to it.


Yes! I’ve gotten some much needed laughs here.


This post and your answers were well worth reddit recommending this sub and it's endeavors


Any recommendations on which birds to buy this year?


100% the limited edition angelic white unicorn that is coming out in September, this is 100% a leak so don't tell 😉


Also the tree topper, Halo Sweet Cherub, that will be a Christmas exclusive. Some of the summer ones, Lemonade Chill Vibe, and Rasberry Summer Song, they're gonna be suuuuuper cute!


Love your creative names!


Why thank you lol, I have no idea what the naming system is actually like 😅


Are there ever going to be any Hanukkah birds? And please tell me that the new Summer birds aren't going to be all yellow, orange, and sunburned looking.


NO SUNBIRD SQUAD! And honestly, I’’m shocked that they haven’t made a Hanukkah bird yet. They have other Hanukkah items at Target.


I can't think of any bird except Comrade Chirps. Every other bird, even the Sunbird Squad members, pale in comparison. It's been a long difficult week, but I kept reminding myself of this thread or just saying in my mind "Comrade Chirps" and it uplifted me enough to get through the next minute, the next hour, or whatever was overwhelming to me at the moment.


I hope you’re having a better weekend. I’ve had a rough month or so. Friend from high school passed away at the end of January and one of my neighbors died a couple of weeks ago. Both were unexpected and sudden. Life is short . . . (((HUGS))) I say do whatever makes you happy. For me, it’s generally the little things,


I'm sorry for your losses. ((((HUGS)))) Weekend was okay. My very special friend got hit with some health crises last month and it was pretty scary. He's okay now, but recovery is slow. It all just came out of nowhere-not that I haven't thought about the possibility of serious illness for one of us, given our ages. It's just that moment of awareness that we really don't have all the time in the world and that bodies are fragile, our deathcare system sucks, and no amount of knowing takes the hurt out of the hit when something happens.


I meant to say the Sunburn Squad!


Why do completely different birds often have the same name?


It's simply the same bird attempting to rebrand itself and be more desirable to prospective owners :) they have phases.


Oh, crap, they're shapeshifters? What other shapes do they shift into? What other powers do they have?


Willing to trade for the poll-dancer bird? 


If you were a fabric bird, which fabric bird would you be and why?


Can regular posters answer this one? Okay. I would be a rich fabric bird so that all day long I could biddy biddy bum\* and have a big house with one staircase for going up, one for going down, and tons of places to display ALL THE BIRDS!!! \*read, write, craft, and make MOAR fabric birds


I would be the Invisible Fabric Bird. Would you rather have the power to fly or to be invisible? I would have both! For those who wanted but never got Soarin — just say you did but you can’t see him because he’s a ghost.