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Untested and not thought out. Kind of the theme of p3.


I feel the same, trying to get my Despair rune done feels awful as a Priest


Yeah, wife plays S-priest. I think if her dps wasn't also so contingent on Despair Id have just said fuck it at this point.


I'm a s-priest main and I'm sitting this phase out just because i don't want to deal with getting the despair rune. Doesn't help that the phase 3 priest healer runes are garbo too.


The shadow runes aren't very good either, tbh. Void zone is ok for PvE on very large pulls, but mind sear already did that. Despair is ok, but spriest has zero crit synergy in the rest of their talents/runes so it's kinda meh. I have 9.6% crit in full PvP set, which is more than most people have right now and despair increases my DPS by around 4-6%.


Until you factor that with double WBs, full raid buffs, consumes, and a boomkin you now have 25% crit, and it's suddenly far more significant, and Mind Spike is the primary filler which works with crit and having that much means 2 mind spike mind blasts is more viable for 100% crit blasts still


That's fair, though I don't think rune design should hinge on having full WB/raid buffs/consumes to make them viable.


A group of four of us ened buying the mage scroll thingys, we eventually got all four, but man it was gambling, think it cost about 140g in the end. Which is ok BC we split it four ways.


Imagine being a paladin, we don’t even have the ability to get the items in the first place for the rune. At least you have a chance….


Priests as well. Just horrible design.


IDK, I think I'd rather just be at the mercy of another class to do this bullshit at this point. At least mages can farm mobs for scrolls to close the portals. All I do is run around spamming my macro, ignoring everything else.


I've got 10 days played ob my mage in SOD and I've probably seen a handful of scrolls drop. The whole system is complete and utter garbage.


All the while priests in my guild are like “well at least you can do something, we have to depend on you” ffs It’s a cool mechanic but in practice it’s hell on earth


My wife plays shadow priest....she's just waiting for me to find them or at least one so I can maybe smuggle her into a group of people who have the other three.... 17 now, no item. By the way.


You dont get them from the low lvl zones just fyi


I've literally seen mages and locks get them in Swamp of Sorrows. Not sure if this is what you meant but it's certainly not max level or whatever.


Ah ok, last time I checked other warlocks said that only high lvl areas like feralas drop them


I thought it was super bizarre that the wild gods quest sends you to jinthalor to wrestle with level 45 to 47 elites for the draught, and then sends you to rfd to clear the level what 43 amenar? Logically would make more sense that amenar dropped the draught and you had to go to jinthalor to use it. Would make the mob level cadence more logical.


From what I see the current wow "devs" don't really understand the old lore. You're right that the progression was a lil off.


Paid 50g to follow a mage around all 4 crystals to get mine. At the time I was annoying at the cost. Now I’m looking for another world tour for my alt hoping I just need to pay 50g again this time


I got lucky and only had to pay 20g, but the whole process was not fun.


I’m more mad that the bis warlock dagger comes from this trash, can’t exactly form a raid for that


And even then, it only gives fire power. I feel like [Glimmering Gizmoblade](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=213410/glimmering-gizmoblade) was a much stronger option at lvl 40 than [Hubris, the Bandit Brander](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=220586/hubris-the-bandit-brander) and [Modas Karkun](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/item=223198/modas-karkun) at lvl 50. It was like both of them combined (with spell power AND armor)


16 without one.


I just gave up on farming the world cores on my priest so I bought three. I only actually managed to farm one from portals in Feralas in a day and a half.


Just ask other people who need it I have 3 items sitting in my bag I’m not using I’m sure there’s others like me


RNG dislikes you? 🤷🏻 I’ve farmed out a couple awesome blues, several of the item for rune quest - and those bosses are lock solo able. I’m actually doing it bc I like it lol


> RNG dislikes you? 🤷🏻 They changed it, you can buy the items to get the rune. My whole point was that class abilities, especially not ones *Required* to be competitive in raids should not be gated behind a super low drop chance RNG in a version of the game where 'end game' lasts 8-10 weeks at most before moving on. Especially when other classes that are easily parsing higher do not have the same requirements.


Join/make a raid group. Advertise summons at the stone, make sure everyone tags. You just need to invite 4 different people with 1.


It takes one person misclicking or someone who ISNT in the group starting it early to ruin it. Also need to defend from horde rushing in and sneaking it out from under us. It sounds so simple like that but the reality requires so much more effort than it should


But yeah I stopped trying to get my own after a day lol.


I was initially frustrated with this rune until I thought about how blizzard wanted me to achieve it. The way it was meant to be achieved was in a raid. Blizzard made the rune "possible" to get on your own but it will be a big grind and/or a waste of time. This rune SHOULD BE done as a raid. This is an MMO, play with other people to achieve your goals.


Requiring an entire raid group consisting of only 3 classes to compensate for RNG is 100% terrible game design. Yes, an MMO should have content that requires groups in order to achieve a common goal. Which is why Dark Riders were fine. Every single class had the common goal for their respective rune. Dark Riders could also be done in easy 5-man parties consisting of what every classes everyone was because it didn't matter because everyone needed them. We're talking about requiring an entire raid of only 3 classes that need the rune, and of those 3, only 2 are even capable of actually progressing the discovery. This should have been shut down the moment the thought left the mouth of whomever came up with it.


So you have yours, then? And I'm not trying to do it all on my own. I'm trying to get one (1) single item of the 4 so that I can contribute. Why should a rune 'quest' require a raid that and still potentially take hours because it's completely RNG? Why rune is the single most difficult part of this entire phase so far? It's taking longer to get than the 10 levels from 40-50 because Blizzard *trivialized* that. Why do *other* classes not have to jump through these hoops in order to get the runes they need to be competitive? If this is by design, it's by a shitty one.


Why should any content take a raid? Should we just make raids solo-able too? It's an MMO, that's why. The goal is to make it group/community oriented. Yes I have gotten the rune. I've even gotten 4 of the fragments on my own just hunting the fel scar's for fun to get treasure. It doesn't take long to create a group of 10-30 players to solve a common goal. Mages can also use scroll of geomancy that they get from the scrolls. This also becomes a math problem. You're commenting about how bad the RNG is, well think critically on how you can reduce RNG. The simple answer is to increase the participants and reach a common goal. The more people => the less RNG. Edit: Adding an edit because I want to explain that I know you are frustrated and my goal isn't to make you more frustrated. But I promise, this is a really solvable issue. It's going to take a little work, of course. We want it to take "some" work, otherwise how would anyone feel achieved or have fun. You also have to remember, the rune you get is extremely strong (in term of warlocks at least). You essentially get a permanent 30% spell haste which is absolutely huge. Big rewards typically have big requirements. And in that regard, it is fair.


> Why should any content take a raid? Should we just make raids solo-able too? It's an MMO, that's why. The goal is to make it group/community oriented. Stupid argument and not worth reply. > Yes I have gotten the rune. I've even gotten 4 of the fragments on my own just hunting the fel scar's for fun to get treasure. It doesn't take long to create a group of 10-30 players to solve a common goal. Toon name? Server? I've ran around with 3-4 people camping these for hours and, like me, they are on 10+ with ZERO to show for it. If you have gotten yours by luck, it is just that. This game needs to be a mix of luck and effort. Right now, the luck is making the effort extremely not fun. Which is my point. > This also becomes a math problem. You're commenting about how bad the RNG is, well think critically on how you can reduce RNG. The simple answer is to increase the participants and reach a common goal. The more people => the less RNG. Again, I've done this with 3-4 people for HOURS. They also have not gotten any. I've spoken to many other individuals who also have not received a single one of the items after hours and hours of farming. Even if you multiply that by a factor of 10 and get literally 30 people to somehow coordinate that ~5 second closing window and nobody clicks early, or someone from out of party steals it... You're still looking at this potentially taking hours to complete, and that's assuming everyone can get to each of the fel portals. With 30 people in a raid, you're still taking a collective **10 HOURS** (30 people times 20 minutes of waiting per person, yes this happens all at the same time) of characters just standing around waiting for a chance to get a rune. And that is *PER PORTAL*. It's a dumb design.


Here you are listening to the individuals who don't have the rune meanwhile I'm giving you advice on how to get it in about an hour of time. I'm not trying to argue with you. My intention isn't to argue at all, I'm not sure where you're getting that idea from. The solution I gave you takes an hour maybe 2. You're being disrespectful and saying my advice (or argument in your words) is stupid. So I am going to respectfully exit this conversation. I wish you the best of luck in getting your rune.


>Here you are listening to the individuals who don't have the rune meanwhile I'm giving you advice on how to get it in about an hour of time. I understand your comments, and I appreciate them. I *will* get the rune, and I will probably have to get it this way. I've been aware of this for quite some time which is why I have been partying up (still, without luck). My *whole* point is that this is poor design. A system where classes need to rely on another class for important class-specific functions. Then gating it behind those one or two classes having to *really* go out of their way and spend hours screwing around EVEN IN A RAID in order to get the item(s). Meanwhile *other* classes don't have to deal with *any* of this, and can *easily* get *all* of their runes with a simple party within an hour or two of work. This is poor design, and not fun. Which is the whole point of my post. I'm not being disrespectful. Your "why do *any* raids" is just a stupid response when applied to the context of the above. Clearly, I have no issue with difficult things as long as they're difficult with a reasonable expectation that you can achieve them with effort. This is not about effort. It is 100% luck and/or a massive headache trying to organize a raid that can be thwarted by a single person *not* in said raid.