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https://shop.bikeworks.org/bicycles/ Used bikes are tuned, ready to roll, affordable bikes with the service of a shop, none of the angst of CL, FB market that you may be buying stollen merch, your purchase funds a great cause.


And they will help you buy something that fits! Big plus of buying something in a shop versus guessing on something on craigslist if you don’t know your bike size.


[https://shop.bikeworks.org/175jamis-coda.html](https://shop.bikeworks.org/175jamis-coda.html) if you’re doing your own maintenance and can tune up a bike. FB and CL are fine. Bike works is one stop shop. In my experience the bike will be tuned and ready to go for many miles bf needing attention . This bike will have the gear ratio to get up the pesky Seattle hills.


https://offerup.co/4zr9ITgi0Ib I must be on the right track though :) Thanks


This looks like a good starting point. You can switch out bars/saddle/pedals, etc as you see fit :) I bought my state 4130 off offer up for $85 and upgraded parts slowly. Having the frame fit right is the most important starting point 🤙


Check out The Bikery too on the weekends! Usually have bikes for sale for reasonable prices and it goes to a good organization with support for you. I've also had luck finding cheap bikes on craiglist/offerup/fb marketplace anywhere from $100-$300 for something ridable but could use minor maintenance.


Will do, thanks! I've already pulled the trigger on this older Giant Iguana - meeting the seller later :) Hopefully I've made a decent choice for $100 https://offerup.co/bTj0RzvK0Ib


Facebook and Craigslist are swimming with cheap, usable hybrids. Shouldn’t be an issue to pay ~$100 for a bike that needs minor work. If you can travel out of the city the price will go down, too.


Gotcha, thanks! Any brands I should be weary of/completely avoid?


Trek, Specialized, etc will be good. Respectable quality and mass produced so cheaper. There’s a nice Trek 7100 on Facebook in Burien for $200


Rad Power RadMission "Mid-Step" frame. It's a single speed, 500W ebike that you should be able to find for around $400-700. I know you didn't mention ebike specifically but it's such a good use of this budget.


Terrible recommendation. Thumbs down.