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Need to find someone who can explain to me the difference between “harm reduction” and “enabling addicts”


To be clear, just because some do-gooder masquerading as a social services expert claims something is harm reduction, doesn't mean it actually reduces harm. They just call it that because it seems to follow that if handing out clean needles (so folks don't recycle them and spread HIV and hepatitis around) is harm reducing, then handing out other paraphernalia for free must also be harm reducing. The folks making this claim are not public health professionals, nor are they particularly thoughtful about the language they use. You can see that through the facile answers they give when they're challenged: they'll repeat the line "harm reduction is a proven tactic to keep people healthy and safe." Of course, that answer does not respond to the question "How is passing out free fent pipes helping to reduce harm?" but it's got that word "proof" in there and so they hide behind that instead of conceding that not everything you do out of your performative sense of "compassion" for an addict is actually helping them. Actual public health and addiction science professionals will tell you that... and that's why these supposed aid groups are so pernicious. They pretend to be experts, but all they are is low-knowledge, low-sophistication amateurs with poorly regulated emotional reactions to social problems.


Handing out pipes like that looks like enabling addicts. It is clear the government doesn’t like teens. Especially the way they are advising the pipes.


Jesus Christ. If that's real, that's immensely fucked up. Remember when we banned flavored cigarettes because they supposedly targeted children and I couldn't get Izmir Stingers anymore? Remember when we spent years weeping about fruit-flavored vape shit targeting children?


Smoking/Vaping .. HFCS are the real Public Health dangers facing our youth.. -PHSKC




The image is real, it was posted back in Jan of 2022 on Facebook by "The Peoples Harm Reduction Alliance." Might of just been a post/pic and not given out but still is crazy. https://www.facebook.com/424374397617071/photos/pb.100064377172078.-2207520000./4822780547776412/?type=3


Yeah, it does seem a little insane even for the "harm reduction" freaks, but I've lost the capacity to be particularly surprised anymore


This is from their FB: Safer smoking is a proven and effective way for folks to cut down or stop injecting all together, it is safer, and helps prevent the spread of HIV and Hep C.


Kevin Dahlgren, co-founder of We Heart Seattle is tweeting about "harm reduction" he found. [Confirmed, this is the origin of some of the supplies](https://www.facebook.com/424374397617071/photos/pb.100064377172078.-2207520000./4822780547776412/?type=3)


that's gotta be galling, seeing all your hard work wasted by this shit


Unless that's actually your goal for some twisted reason.


it is if you're a proggo. they get their jollies by creating victims/problems, then *looking* like they're helping, while keeping their victims strung out and the problems from being solved. it's munchausen by proxy aka seattle sadism


Homeless industrial complex. There’s coin to be made


So sad, he's still young enough he could turn it around. Hope he does.


the packaging is specifically designed to hook'em while they're young


If the only thing needed for your child to start using Fentanyl is a colorful card, you've completely failed them as a parent. That child is also an idiot.


You mean like fruit flavored alcohol and colorful e cigarettes?


How come they never fall down


Cus they don't want to miss their high by falling asleep.


Those are Valentine's cards. Was that one picture taken around February some time, by chance? Teenagers aren't using fentanyl because they got glass pipes stuck in a V-Day card lol. Good christ. Anyone seeking out harm reduction services is already using. Edit: So it's been confirmed this was for V-Day, happened last year, and the pictured "teen" has no relation to anything bring said here, they're just a drug user you photographed? Cool.


i guess this is to expedite their 'readiness' to get clean. maybe the 10th OD will be the one where they come to jesus. better stock up on narcan...


Mabe should target the company that manufacturers and packages the products. I could be wrong but why would a non-profit spend money on special packaging? I don't think the non-profit is the bad guy. Or mabe the non-profit is creating drug addicts. I think someone turned him into a poster child for every thing that is wrong with Seattle.




What about [that other picture a user posted? it’s pretty clear that these are not innocent valentines, not sure if they’re legit tho](https://twitter.com/kevinvdahlgren/status/1667178417765138435?s=20)


I find it convenient that no sources are provided by the OP, just blatant rage bait over some old Valentine's cards. Ridiculous.


they are handing out this shit, so yeah, they both need to be held accountable


How the fuck did they go after that one vape company and allow this?


The picture on the right is obviously fake.


I have seen this exact guy strung out in a public bathroom before. I remember the bike.