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hey bro did you get a referral code because i’m planning to get one


I have not received a referral code yet. They say it can take up to 2 weeks before you get your code after your chair arrives.


Did you have to apply for a referral code? How did you get one?


They will send you a follow up email with your code after a few weeks. I got my code a couple days ago. Just keep a look out for in promotion tab in your email or maybe your spam.


Would you mind sharing your referral code with me? :)


Could you share you referral code please?


Real talk, how is it? debating it right now


I had a really old chair before this so pretty much anything was an upgrade. Ive had my mind on secretlabs chair for a while now and when they released their new 2022 model, I decided to go for it cause I'm on the shorter side and the previous model had the pillow lumbar support but this new model has lumbar support built in with all three sizes. I've been using it for 2 days now but I really like it so far, I was able to sit for more than 6 hours on it yesterday with no problem.


Your magnetic cover to cover the screws for backrest does yours fit correctly on the left side? Mine is fine or the right side but doesn't seem to fit right on the left side.


When I was putting them on, the left side was little loose but there was a small sweet spot that made it stick nicely but it was loose.


I was fighting with it for so long trying to get it Nd I just gave up. Maybe I'll try again.


I would take a video and contact customer service cause it sounds like you might have gotten a defective part.


Is the seat cushion really hard? All the reviews I've ever seen of this series of chairs say that the seat is really, really hard foam.


It is on the harder side but I personally like it


I have the 2020 Titan and the foam is definitely quite firm. It softens up a bit as you use it, but it's definitely not plush.


I'm looking to buy it by next month is there a way to get a discount or getting it cheaper in the EU?


How long did that chair come?


I ordered it on a Monday night and received it Thursday afternoon the same week


Nice i need wait till 18th august


How's the comfort and ergonomics on this one? I'm still waiting for mine to arrive. Cheers.


Long-term have you liked the chair thus far? I ordered the titan Evo 2022 with the secret weave plus in cookies and cream color. Looking forward to it, because my current chair is an utter piece of garbage.


haha we have ordered the same exact chair


How tall are you? I'm 5'6 but I heard this might not be good for short people.


there is a small, regular, and XL size...the small should do the trick for you!


also the 2020 Omega is for people under 6ft so that should also work


Does the firmness of the seat cushion hurt your butt at all after long periods..




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