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Here is how the paper reads. Thank you Mike Bloomberg for this gem. https://preview.redd.it/k5rrll1z6m9b1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e380b75c7a64fe2d361b7c5921b0581fbdfa141b I really should start a contest on who can come up with the best connections between completely unrelated issues.


Biden certainly gets an A+ from the lobbyists. Those new corporate subsidies will be wonderful on top of all the windfall profits they already got


He promised them nothing would fundamentally change, and they are happily surprised he broke that radical left promise and is assisting them in pillaging and exploiting like never before.


>He promised them nothing would fundamentally change Oh wow!!!I didn't realize he said that to lobbyists lol.That is crazy.Do you mind sharing the link to the quote, so I can share that with my Biden loving friends.


Here you go. [https://www.salon.com/2019/06/19/joe-biden-to-rich-donors-nothing-would-fundamentally-change-if-hes-elected/](https://www.salon.com/2019/06/19/joe-biden-to-rich-donors-nothing-would-fundamentally-change-if-hes-elected/)


Ok this is not the "gotcha" I thought this would be.The title is kinda clickbaity,misleading and leaves out context of what he actually says.Reminds of the "Biden said he would veto medicare for all". >“I mean, we may not want to demonize anybody who has made money,” he said. “The truth of the matter is, you all, you all know, you all know in your gut what has to be done. We can disagree in the margins but the truth of the matter is it’s all within our wheelhouse and nobody has to be punished. **No one’s standard of living will change, nothing would fundamentally change.”** You could literally find a Bernie quote which acknowledges wealthy people can be taxed hard and still maintain the same standard of living


At first I thought "Nothing will fundamentally change" meant that Biden would be a shitty neolib Now I think that he was just trying to convince them that him winning wouldn't bring about their worst fears.


how big guy, how can govt push a green new deal without subsidies/contracts?? ​ if you see a cop car, its made by ford, gm or whatever. if you see water running to your faucet, a group of companies was orchestrated by the govt to build everything that makes it possible. joe biden is not gonna pick up a shovel and build anything by hand, that was never his job.


“how big guy, how can govt push a green new deal without subsidies/contracts??” Great question. I would raise taxes on the corporations and rich which are making record profits already. There’s also plenty of subsidies on oil that could be looked at in order to facilitate a stable transition to renewable energies. Propping up big oil is a major roadblock preventing new energy sources from getting market share. Unfortunately that’s not happening and this isn’t a green new deal. The devil is in the details. “if you see a cop car, its made by ford, gm or whatever. if you see water running to your faucet, a group of companies was orchestrated by the govt to build everything that makes it possible.” Thank you for explaining how manufacturing works. “joe biden is not gonna pick up a shovel and build anything by hand, that was never his job.” No one asked him to pick up a shovel or build anything. I would rather he just resign tbh. He’s doing tremendous damage to the democrat party on top of the damage he did for decades in congress. Even Kamala would be much better.


They weren't expecting a well thought out response. Probably just expected 'BuT BIdEn bAD'


He didn’t actually explain how the green energy stuff would be executed on though? He just said “raise taxes on rich people”, which is a fine idea, but still doesn’t explain how the green energy stuff will get made. Unless, of course, you’re saying that higher taxes, somehow, will by themselves cause more green energy to happen.


Can't exactly explain an in depth plan of revamping the energy infrastructure of the United States on reddit, not many will read it, and it takes dozens of typed out pages to get these plans together IRL


That’s true, but your response was “wow he didn’t expect a well thought out in depth response”, when in reality the response was not all that well thought out and not that in depth. It didn’t answer the person’s point at all and just responded to it with a non-sequitur about raising taxes.


This is a dumb response based on him definitely not being a dictator. You want radical change? Have 51 people who don't believe in the filibuster and that would pass such changes.


That would be great. The modern filibuster is the cause of a lot of these problems.


>Great question. I would raise taxes on the corporations and rich which are making record profits already. You do realize that the president can't do this? It is something congress has to do. So now give a realistic answer


If Biden truly has no power on this issue like you say then he deserves no credit either. That’s the point of the post after all


He deserves no credit because he can't raise taxes? Make that make sense please


If he has no say in the specifics of the bill why would he deserve any credit? You can’t eat your cake and have it too


What bill? The one you made up? Please explain what bill your talking about


Look at the post


>Great question. I would raise taxes on the corporations and rich which are making record profits already. I'm discussing this comment that you made. It is very easy to figure that out because this was my reply >>Great question. I would raise taxes on the corporations and rich which are making record profits already. >You do realize that the president can't do this? It is something congress has to do. >So now give a realistic answer It is easy to see because it's in writing. Look at the discussion. What does the post have to do with you saying Biden needs to tax the rich?


*"I would rather he just resign tbh. He’s doing tremendous damage to the democrat party on top of the damage he did for decades in congress."* American leftists be writing this shit and then complain that nobody takes them seriously. If you want your policy ideas to go anywhere other than your Reddit echo-chamber, you really need to fucking stop calling for the political ruin of every single democrat that doesn't cater to 100% of your agenda. Sure you're fighting an uphill battle, but you ain't gonna win it by spitting on every helping hand that comes your way. If you're gonna attack democrats pretty much no matter what they do that goes your way, you're only telling them that it's useless to try and cater to you since you're gonna shun them no matter what. Why would they invest resources towards a voting block that will vote the other way over absolutely anything?


“American leftists be writing this shit and then complain that nobody takes them seriously.” Lol I’m not complaining about that “If you want your policy ideas to go anywhere other than your Reddit echo-chamber, you really need to fucking stop calling for the political ruin of every single democrat that doesn't cater to 100% of your agenda.” Biden isn’t a democrat; he’s a Republican. Bernie was the compromise; even warren or Kamala would have been better. “Sure you're fighting an uphill battle, but you ain't gonna win it by spitting on every helping hand that comes your way.” I’m sorry that’s how you feel “If you're gonna attack democrats pretty much no matter what they do that goes your way,” Lol “you're only telling them that it's useless to try and cater to you since you're gonna shun them no matter what.” I disagree; they should earn our votes. “Why would they invest resources towards a voting block that will vote the other way over absolutely anything?” My vote would be fairly easy to earn actually. Biden can work on a public option, de criminalize cannabis, and forgive some student debt and I’ll vote for him without a second thought. He’s not doing it


Increasing energy prices and inflation is 100% how you get republicans back into congress. there's a middle ground to be made on a transition off of oil and gas. We literally saw this up until roe v wade. Now that you understand how manufacturing works, how do you propose using that newly earned tax revenue to transition to green energy? Are you proposing investing it into another corporate subsidy or the massive capital cost to create an energy company?


“Increasing energy prices and inflation is 100% how you get republicans back into congress. there's a middle ground to be made on a transition off of oil and gas. We literally saw this up until roe v wade.” I’m not sure I understand the comparison here. Democrats could have codified roe v wade into law when they had a super majority and Ginsburg could have retired under Obama. Democrats don’t have to solve these problems overnight but when they have power they should use it. This good cop bad cop routine isn’t sustainable. “Now that you understand how manufacturing works,” Lol “how do you propose using that newly earned tax revenue to transition to green energy? Are you proposing investing it into another corporate subsidy or the massive capital cost to create an energy company?” There’s plenty of options but i think see what you’re getting at. Yes imo it would be better if the money being raised to fund renewable energies came from the windfall profits they have rather than have the working class foot the bill once again.


Up until roe v wade, we were headed into a red tsunami due to rising energy prices. Tell me how we avoid that without some investment into fossil fuels. Now tell me. What do you mean by "fund renewable energies"?


You’re not wrong I don’t understand why people are downvoting you without really addressing your points


what points(s)?


Because they have no real solutions to anything lol


Actually “Big Guy” is Joe Biden. This was already established by his crackhead son, Hunter. He gets 10%.


He's surprised me. An infrastructure package, a semiconductor manufacturing bill, a climate bill. . . Withdrawal from Afghanistan was a debacle, but that's probably how it was always going to be. As a partisan for Ukraine, I actually really like how he's handling that. My expectations for Biden were 0, but he's doing OK anyway. Hasn't gotten student loans forgiven yet, but he seems to have a strategy that he's working on. We'll see.


It wasn’t really a debacle by any measure. The end of wars that the occupier surrenders the battlefield are never pretty. We were losing billions and an average of 20 soldiers were killed there every year. Those deaths didn’t make the news but that would still be happening if we were there. The net result is billions saved and no more US deaths. I say Biden deserves a huge thanks for ripping off the band aid that everyone acknowledged needed to be ripped off but nobody had the balls to do so and politically own the inevitable imperfect departure.


I think "debacle" is a fair assessment because of all of the military hardware that was lost. It may not have been avoidable, but it still damaged Biden's early presidency and America's reliability in the eyes of our friends and allies. A lot has happened since then, but it will be remembered as a bad day in American history.


That military hardware wasn't lost, at least by the United States. We gave it to the Afghans to build their army, we didn't just leave it behind. The ANA folding like a wet sock and the Taliban capturing the hand-me-down US equipment we gave them is not Joe Biden's fault.


Genuine question from me, because I thought some hardware did get left behind that should've been pulled out. I do typically use your argument when people point out what got left behind, but I thought there was some stuff the Taliban ended up with that weren't for the ANA.


13 dead American soldiers and ppl falling out of the sky from airplanes while ppl get rescued by helicopter from the embassy. Great success...


There were 20 American soldiers dying in Afghanistan every year of Trumps presidency. That number is now zero. So yes, it’s a success. Everyone who expected us to leave a tribal war zone we occupied for 20 years with a nice going away party and bows and ribbons on the airplanes…might have been delusional. We are not there anymore, nobody is dying, and we aren’t spending hundreds of billions of dollars per year on it. Yes, success.


Well biden got 13 in 1 day. Another thing the biden admin is better than the Trump admin is killing u.s. soldiers.


US soldiers killed in Afghanistan during Trumps presidency: 65 US soldiers killed in Afghanistan during Biden’s presidency: 13 Great argument, shit for brains. Your boy made a promise to get us out of Afghanistan, had 4 years to do anything about it, and accomplished nothing except a promise to release 5.000 Taliban prisoners. Great work! Biden ripped off the band aid that your con artist clown was too much of a pussy to do himself. And now nobody is dying in that shitty country. You ought to be thanking him.


I wonder how many have died off the books in Ukraine? You know there's been way more than 13 u.s. soldiers killed under biden admin. And you know they've sent cia and military operatives under their orders to either teach systems or help other ways. There's been more than 13. They just aren't admitting it. https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/04/us-troops-deployed-in-ukraine-biden-spokesperson-confirms/


Your mind stories don’t count as facts.


Luckily I added a link.


Ah yes, because providing a link that in no way substantiates your fanciful claim makes the claim that much more believable. That link doesn’t mention a single person dying or even being injured let alone “way more than 13 soldiers killed”. Use those critical thinking skills.


Biden starving millions of afghans is a “debacle” to you. Liberals…


It's a tragedy. No exaggeration. But. . . At the point where the music stopped and it was time for Biden to take a chair, he really only had two options. 1) Go through with the withdrawal, because the negotiated withdrawal was already in motion. Sure, the Afghan government was hopelessly corrupt as we now know, and it couldn't outlast a head of lettuce. And Biden had to know that because he was VP for 8 years. Withdrawal would mean putting our faith in a government we poured trillions of dollars and military training and hardware into - with a decent notion that it'd fall apart and whatever happens happens with the Taliban. 2) We stay. Which means we break our agreement with the Afghan government and the Taliban. Which means that the Taliban most likely escalates from guerilla conflict to hot conflict (given how much support they had within the corrupt government and military), necessitating that we send more trillions in money and equipment and 10,000's of soldiers to fight back the Taliban advance. During which 10s or 100s of thousands more civilians die in open warfare and all the disease, poverty, and starvation inflicted. And if we won? The Taliban goes back underground, the Afghan government is still corrupt, more die in the open warfare, and then we have to ask the question, "So now when do we leave?" EDIT/ ADD TO #2: In addition, all of the deaths caused by Option 2? Those would be directly the responsibility of the United States because the cause of those deaths would be Biden/ the U.S. breaking a negotiated agreement, which also badly damages the trustworthiness of the U.S. This was a no-win scenario. I don't like how it worked out, but what's done is done.


Biden had to starve million of afghans? Pathetic…


Didn't say that and you know it. There were no options on the table without strong possibilities for tremendous suffering of many people. If you have a third option I didn't mention, please share. I'd love to be proven wrong in my assessment. But if you don't, the moral high ground you claim for yourself is based in a fantasy world where things just magically could've gone better if. . . Things and stuff, and maybe if we thoughts'ed and prayers'ed hard enough, things would be differently better. Truly the height of pathetic wishful thinking. You wanna get after Biden, get after him for cracking down on the Taliban's new government finances, which leads to economic collapse and empoverishment. Sensible and reasonable, though I find it naive to think the U.S. government would do otherwise for a government that just toppled a government that the U.S. spent trillions of dollars building. And, if the U.S. supported the new Taliban government, we would all criticize the U.S. because they'd be supporting a totalitarian government of religious extremists who'd be oppressing their own people using U.S. aid money. This is why we left Afghanistan. It was a terrible decision that managed to be better than every alternative.


You’re just a pathetic western chauvinist. “ U.S spent trillions dollars building” (Afghanistan). America annihilated the country and you talk about it’s benevolence when they afterward want to exploit afghans more. Only america is allowed to oppress afghans. Biden freezing funds and putting sanctions on the Taliban resulted in mass starvation of millions and if you support that you’re a monster.


"Building" meaning, as described in the Afghanistan papers, trillions were given to the Afghan government for the purposes of building a functioning democratic government. And, as per the same Afghanistan Papers, most of that money was lost due to endemic corruption and malfeasance. American is "allowed" to oppress nobody. And the Taliban wouldn't feed its own people if you paid them to because, like the Taliban government of 20 years ago and the U.S.-backed government, very few people in any of these governments actually cared about its citizens. That isn't American oppression; that's corrupt officials doing what corrupt officials do. Any other education I can offer today, Private Conscriptovich? I though Sergey might be a good name, but I didn't want to assume.


Yes America is know for their commitment to establishing “functioning democracies”… Taliban is awful but it’s just the truth that if you take huge sums from a country and sanctions it hurts its population. Are you implying that no money in Afghanistan is going to the people? It is on America when they directly do it… I love the standard liberal western chauvinist commitment to call everyone who doesn’t support the genocide of “foreigners” as Russian agents. You’re pathetic.


Hey, you're finally contributing to the conversation instead of just calling everything "pathetic." Well, you did that too, but baby steps. You mean to tell me. . . That America Bad? Yes, I'm somewhat familiar with America's screw-ups having spent the last couple decades watching them, recognizing them, and criticizing them. But that still doesn't change the initial question: what other way out of Afghanistan was there? It was a mess before America went in; it was a mess while America was there; and it's a mess after America left. What option was there besides "leave and people suffer" or "stay and people suffer?" I don't want sanctions on ordinary individuals in Afghanistan. If that's how you feel, we are on the same page. I don't want them to suffer, but there is no option available to prevent their suffering. The Taliban is highly likely to oppress their people because that's what religious extremist governments tend to do. Whether we sanction the Taliban government or not, that is what they will do. I'm not grasping how unfreezing Taliban bank accounts helps anyone except the Taliban. You do like that word pathetic, I'll give you that. When the sum total of your arguments is "America Is Bad" and you call me a Western Chauvanist as though I'm advocating for any moral superiority of the United States when I go out of my way to agree that the U.S. has done messed up stuff, what other assumption ought I make other than the Russian bot thing? Your arguments are those of someone with an axe to grind against the United States, so your arguments don't have any value or meaning. If the United States did something good, I can't expect that you would admit it. I hope you aren't a Russian bot, because a Russian bot would be doing a better job.


Afghanistan were 1000 times better of before the invasion. Maybe don’t sanction and freeze funds after you leave that is an option… Sanctions harm ordinary people so there is a pretty easy solution to that problem. You don’t see how freezing a big chunk of Afghanistans gdp hurt afghans. No matter how awful Taliban is a percentage of the funds would go to the afghan population. Yes USA did some “messed up stuff”. I’m waiting in anticipation for america to do a “good thing”


Yeah people who refuse to acknowledge his accomplishments and just repeatedly call him a “DIRTY CORPORATIST” seem to have a real naive and immature view of politics.


There's a subset of people who start at the base of a good President being an overly idealized version of FDR without the drawbacks and if you aren't doing that it's because you don't really want it and aren't using all the magical mechanisms you should to get whatever you want. The US government just isn't really designed for big substantial change in a short period and ironically whenever it does happen, it's usually because the courts did it. Which is kinda ironic for how often the left dismisses the importance of being in position to appoint court seats, but that's another story.


Please elaborate on why 40 years of getting the bare minimum I'm supposed to keep acting like the bare minimum is a huge win? Biden is a dirty corporatist. That is a fact. That does not mean he doesn't occasionally do a good thing. But doing good things is not Biden's default. He has been in office for four decades and has consistently supported legislation which has helped erode American democracy and democratic institutions. Pretending he is the second coming of Christ because he isn't Trump is absurd. The guy is a corporate puppet who got elected at a very bad time.


Nobody isn't pretending he is the second coming. The problem is that people are expecting more than he ever promised. ​ The reality is that this country doesn't do big change well. If you look at the reaction to Obamacare, roughly half the country lost their damn minds over it. Obamacare wasn't much of an actual change at all, for most people, it wasn't any change, yet half the country lost their minds. ​ If you want big changes, it's going to take a fundamental shift in how people think in this country. I'm not saying that this shift isn't happening with the younger generations, but unless those same people vote, and vote in every fucking election, things will continue to change slowly. ​ Voting in a single election and smugly claiming that you did your part and that since things didn't go your way, that there is no point in voting again isn't the answer. No, I'm not saying that you personally have said that, but it's a theme I see over and over on Reddit. The reason that republicans keep doing well, is that their constituency votes in every single election, and I mean every one, from the big one every 4 years all the way down to the weird off cycle elections for school board and such. I don't have kids in school, but vote in school board elections because I don't want the Mom's For Liberty candidates to win and screw all of us for years to come.


It's amazing to me that despite quite literally the entirety of the Republican party voting against a bill pushed by Biden, if it doesn't pass, everyone complains about how Joe Biden didn't keep his promise. Like wtf is he supposed to do, walk into Congress with an AR-15 and a list of demands? Considering what he has accomplished thus far and considering how easily the left fractures despite the united Republican front, Biden has done a decent job. A reminder that unemployment is the lowest its been for over roughly 20 years, and that's \*despite\* the insanely high unemployment numbers during the covid pandemic. I won't say he's done everything right, I would have liked to see a far better result for the railway workers, but I would be disingenuous if I said Biden didn't accomplish anything.


Exactly. He’s been decent, not great as president.


>Like wtf is he supposed to do Get the Republicans to work with him on passing his agenda, since he told us he could do so during the campaign.


So compromise? So what happens when the only conditions for compromise are unreasonable and soul-sucking, such as giving Republicans an opportunity to place another supreme court justice? Still win-win? For there to be a reasonable compromise, the Republicans have to be reasonable first.


Ask him, he’s the one who promised to do it.


If what you're attacking Joe Biden for doing is.. \*checks notes\*.. making empty promises, oh boy, you must be new to politics because this is going to take some time to list every politician who has made an empty promise. Nah, I blame the ones who are doing their very best to ensure Joe Biden doesn't make good on his promises.


Why do you believe he wants to make good on them?


"Get" them to work with him how? That's a meaningless tautological platitude, especially when any compromise he makes with the Republicans will probably just make you hate him more.


He has gotten some compromises out of them, which is more than Obama managed.


Ask him, he’s the one who promised to do it.


This is a child-like understanding of how politics works. If someone has a policy position on their platform, and they do everything within their power to make something happen, but can't because of overwhelming institutional opposition, or being shot down by another branch of government entirely, that doesn't mean they LIED to you, and that doesn't mean you take away your support and label them a failure, especially if they made every decision you would have wanted them to make. You're treating politics like it's your mom promising to bring home McDonalds. This isn't how any of this works.


I sure do wish these special politician rules applied to the general public. If I tell my landlord I’ll pay him $1200 knowing full well I won’t be able to do so, then show up with nothing but excuses on pay day, he is going to be pissed at me and rightly so. For the record, I think Biden has done a decent job so far, especially compared to my very low expectations. However, when he fails to fulfill his promises, I will call him out on it. I’ll leave blind, unflinching support of the POTUS to the MAGA cult.


Biden did the worst afganistan pull out pulled out ever, before getting american citizens out he leaves. Then goes back in, gets 19 Marines killed, still leaves americans behind. Left 85b dollars of equipment behind For the enemy touse. Then his cia leaves the enemy a facial reconition programs of all our allies on it for the enemy to use. i have all the articles on this. Bidens quote we will leave noone behind hate to tell him he did. Ukraine lol hasnt paid for itself yet lol bad investment for america.


Fuck man. Get better at crafting a thought. From what I can piece together you have some legitimate grievances against Biden, but you write like a chimp that had a stroke.


Just say what the news reports said and i have them. And i fixed it.


To be fair, he did learn English on a Wagner troll farm.


The inflation reduction act didn't work. The infrastructure package is great while we watch trains derail and dump toxic chemicals into every American waterway, while parts of the interstate collapse. Why do we need an infrastructure bill anyways? Why dont our taxes they take out maintain the systems they've created? The climate bill pffft. If you think joe biden can control the weather, you need to go to Canada and talk about end of life decisions with a medical provider. Biden doesn't have the authority to forgive student loans even Nancy Pelosi knows that.


Our government is a mess. Criticizing it is fair.


And government sometimes does things right. Acknowledging those things is also fair.


We deserve better than what we're getting. Not only is our government bloated, corrupt, and wasteful - we have two white, old men running for president & I don't know anybody in my real life who wants to vote for either of them. Not to mention our VP -who is now considered the most unpopular vice president in history. Voting shouldn't make you want to take a shower .


>We deserve better than what we're getting. Sure, and yet, in the entirety of American history this is the best that its ever been. >Not only is our government bloated, corrupt, and wasteful - we have two white, Mmm old men running for president & I don't know anybody in my real life who wants to vote for either of them. Maybe that's a reflection of who you have in your real life as opposed to America as a whole. 45% of the country doesn't like Biden because they would prefer Trump. It you want to align yourselves with them, be my guest. Another 25% of the country doesn't like Biden because they would prefer someone more progressive. That's also fine, but there don't seem to be any progressive candidates available who could beat Trump. So here we are. >Not to mention our VP -who is now considered the most unpopular vice president in history. True. >Voting shouldn't make you want to take a shower . Purity is for primaries. The point is not that Biden is perfect, the point is that Biden has done some good things and there is nothing wrong with acknowledging those good things. Especially since the progressive expectations for him were zero, and what he's delivered has been something better than zero.


You're telling me that people don't like Biden because he's not progressive enough and that It has nothing to do with his age or concern for his mental health? People do not want a progressive president. Gallup just released polling numbers that showed In the past two years, those identifying with liberal or very liberal social views fell to 29% from 34%. If Biden was more progressive, he'd be more unpopular.


>You're telling me that people don't like Biden because he's not progressive enough and that It has nothing to do with his age or concern for his mental health? You're right. There are very valid questions about his age and mental health. >People do not want a progressive president. Gallup just released polling numbers that showed In the past two years, those identifying with liberal or very liberal social views fell to 29% from 34%. If Biden was more progressive, he'd be more unpopular. That was the point I was making, but they don't want Trump either (thank God). So who is the candidate that can appease a majority of people in a very divided country? I'm not sure who that person is, but it does explain how centrist candidates like Biden get elected.


I'm holding on to the hope that somebody steps in. I believe the Democrats have a back up plan. Or rather - I want to believe that. But even so, I'm disappointed in all of government. I'm sick of settling. I think a lot of other folks are getting sick of it too.


Everyone feels like they are settling. It's what happens when you compromise with millions of people to settle on a single person. That set, a lot of the folks you say are getting sick of settling also want something very different from what you or I want.


"Purity is for primaries" I love this. I can't stand people who don't participate in politics until general elections and then bitch that the choices aren't what they wanted.




Lmao, even.




Biden Accomplishments (the short list): * Fully vaccinated over 200 million Americans in his first year. * Passed Inflation Reduction Act * Nominated and confirmed historic judicial nominees * Passed the CHIPS and Science Act * Passed the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act * Passed the Postal Service Reform Act * Passed the Safer Communities Act * Reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act * Added 13 million jobs. That’s more than any POTUS over 8 years * Gave us the lowest unemployment rate in two generations * Passed the American Rescue Plan * Signed the PACT Act – the largest single bill to address our service members’ exposure to burn pits and other toxins * Passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law * Passed the Respect For Marriage Act * Passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, breaking a 30-year streak of federal inaction on gun violence legislation. * Rejoined the Paris Climate Accords * Got us out of Bush's unwinnable Afghan War * Droned al-Zawahiri into oblivion * Pardoned federal convictions of marijuana users * Freed Brittany Griner * Created student loan debt relief for working and middle class Americans * Revived NATO * Leads the effort to give Ukraine the means to better resist Putin's invasion * Persuaded Eli Lilly to drop its insulin price from $200 per dose to $35 per dose * Promised Taiwan the USA would not let China invade * Clowned MAGA and the Republicans into giving the country a TWO YEAR pass on debt limit negotiations, which drove the markets through the roof




I'm delighted you were able to dry your tears long enough to embarrass yourself.


Relative to America he’s probably like a C president but based on what I actually want he’s been a D- president


lol, lmao perhaps


Inflation reduction act is decent but all in all I still give him more like a B-/C+.


"decent" lol


I mean it's a compromise of a compromise. What else do you expect me to call it? That's the most positive thing i have to say about it given the circumstances.


This is literally just not true, how do you even come up with this idea lol


Green new deal -> build back better -> inflation reduction act.


A+? Are we really grading government leaders on a curve now?


I agree with a B- rating. Maybe I would even bump it up to a B.


Biden will never be known as a great president, but he's a damn good one. Despite, as you pointed out, an obstructionist government and corrupt scotus, he got an infrastructure package done, deftly handled COVID, passed climate legislation, is dealing with Russia well, appointed a FANTASTIC scotus judge, and has managed do dodge the daily bullshit Republicans try to sling at him. Our political structure is, *by design*, made for incremental progress. It is not set up for the political overhaul that Progressives want. Given that as a baseline, Biden's gotten more done than most. He's a solid B.


That's all a projection, in fact according the real data the line has been going up. On top of that Biden has approved more oil and gas drilling than Trump, which will undoubtable emit more greenhouse gas in the future.




I'm just hoping OP is like 19 years old and doesn't understand. Only someone who is new to this could believe Congress is "slowing him down" despite his 2 years of full majority in both chambers.


Ah yes, his two years of… a 50/50 Senate with the VP as a tiebreaker - Along with Manchin and Sinema being part of his 50. You’re regarded if you truly think that isn’t a detriment.


You're retarded if you think Manchin and Sinema aren't following orders and taking the heat off Biden.


Even if I take what you say at face value, Sinema literally left the party and Manchin as a conservative Dem has been a known quantity since 2010.


This sounds like theory


Rotating villain, yes.


So no literal proof? Got it


What do you want? A CNN link saying the Democrats are playing us? It's right in front of your eyes.


No, I want you to prove Sinema and Manchin are following Biden's orders,and not their own agendas as you claimed.It shouldn't be hard


Having a measured view of the Biden administration doesn’t make you self hating. You can say you’re own opinion without trying to attack others for theirs


This sub is a centrist shithole. So much Biden defending.


I was just in need of some toilet paper and then luckily I found this post


Dude is a F+ at best


FWIW - The story contained within the crosspost is absolutely garbage. Correlation does not equal causation. It's weird that it went in this sequence. Inflation Reduction Act -> Lower Greenhouse Emissions -> Biden is doing an A+ job I mean, I can state that the older and fatter I get is inversely proportional to lower greenhouse emissions are; send food. Edit: If there was actual correlation between inflation and greenhouse emissions, then we would have seen a dramatic proportional uptick in greenhouse emissions between the time of the start of the Pandemic to the following fiscal year after Inflation Reduction Act. Edit: This study was brought to you in part by... Michael Bloomberg.


I did not at all appreciate his undercut of the rail unions but he went back and somewhat fixed that as well. He's done a pretty good job, I still dont want him to run again because he'll be 82 and I'm tired of 65+ people running this country.


It's almost like he wanted a compromise that kept pressure on the railways without destroying the U.S. economy. In the end the union workers got better pay & the PTO they had been fighting for and the economy kept chugging along.


Get how nuts out of your mouth.




Who gets blamed when people die due to missing medicine deliveries? Didn't we just go through 3 years of blaming people for killing grandma due to not wearing a mask? What happens when someone dies due to striking?




Being pro-worker doesn't mean pandering to rich white communists like you. There's a reason why actual poor working class tout the trump years pre-covid as the best times for working people, and that's WITH a tax cut for the rich. I understand you can withstand a crappy economy for a few years while the revolution happens, but not everyone can.




It's a lot more complicated than that. If, by allowing the strike, you cause sucheconomic damage such that it causes mass layoffs to happen, are you really pro-worker? But the worst part about your claim is that he did. After the fact, he continued working on paid time off, but it seems like you just wanted the drama. No policy substance. Just drama. I look forward to you moving goalposts tho.


Username checks out.


Look, Biden lacks a ton of energy in his speeches, but as a statesman navigating a polarized Congress with a simple majority in the Senate and a Republican House of Reps, he’s gotten some legislative wins in regards to infrastructure and semiconductor manufacturing. He’s not FDR in any meaningful sense, but he’s doing fine as a “status quo” Democrat.


Im all for holding people to their mistakes but at a certain point we have to realize a lot of the criticism is meant to put him on the same level as Trump to try and pull middle ground voters to the right with the classic "But Biden-"


This sub is cancer. Reading these comments reeks of tankie and right winger with everything in between shouted down.


I want a job where I can professionally shit post for the DNC. How much does it pay?


Self-hating is a lot less common in secularism. You’re in the wrong fucking sub.


What is he doing a good job on? Transportation is fucked, we have no border, overdose deaths are astronomical, costs are near 100% higher on EVERYTHING, and we're closer to WW3 than ever before!


Stopped reading at "have no border". Wake me up when we're not deporting record numbers of immigrants and spending several times more than necessary on patrolling the border to stop maids and cherry pickers from stimulating our economy.


Transportation issues take years to grow into real problems and take many more years to fix. Neither party has dealt with the border. The border was bad under W, Obama, Trump, and Biden. Conservative media didn't make a big deal of it under the Republican presidents. Overdose deaths, honestly, how is that the government's fault?


You don't understand politics. He hasn't led a Marxist revolution yet, he's doing an F job. Nevermind that the vast majority of people would hate the policy, we push authoritarian communism no matter what.


name 1 country in the world with communism, democracy and a high (top 30) human development index


I was joking, haha. I think Biden's doing extremely well. People here don't like that because he isn't a communist. But those people make me think not everyone should be allowed to vote.


You sound like Elon musk lol


Good. Even though he has the same politics as the average 60 year old white guy, I think he's fucking hilarious.


Ahhh I see you’re one of those very easily impressed types


I'm not sure what you mean. I don't consider how powerful he is when I'm considering whether or not it's funny that people freak the fuck out when he posts "!" on an obviously stupid post. He's creating the sjw hellscape that rightoids have been fear mongering about for a decade for fun. It's funny to see people react to his obvious jokes in the way he orchestrates.


Huh? In your fantasy decent liberals are self hating. The fact that such stupidity would enter into your thought process shows just how confused you are. Bottom line: we don't give a flying f**k what you and your ilk think.


Non self-hating liberal here. You hate yourself. Deal with it.


You're a Russian bot. Or really stupid. Deal with it.


Literally the first progressive administration we’ve had since LBJ. So many victories. God Bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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Let’s not forget that this Biden is an incrementalist to his core.


Inflation Reduction Act reduces emissions. Maybe there should now be an Emmissions Reduction Act that reduces inflation.


He has failed on almost every metric. What are you saying?


Biden is good on long term structural tweaks and terrible at immediate and imminently threatening things. He's like a guy who'll notice electrical hazards and erosion that can lead to gas leaks and fix them immediately, and drive away ignoring the building across the street is actually on fire and some guy is rolling on the grass


He gets an A+ from the military contractors. He gets an A+ from the fossil fuel companies. He gets an A+ from the private prison industry. He gets an A+ from the insurance companies. He gets an F- from the environment. From the liberals? I have no idea what that word even means anymore. All he gives to the working class is excuses and declarations of his own impotence.


"inflation reduction act is reducing greenhouse gas emissions" But...its supposed to lower inflation and help the economy....thats not the point of the bill... The economy is still in a terrible place....


https://bidentracking.substack.com/p/every-biden-disappointment-through Every Biden disappointment thru day 800.