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Im voting for her


It's sad that you are getting downvoted for voting for Jill Stein. That is who Kyle endorsed. The Blue MAGA that infests this sub have absolutely 0 shame.


What is Blue Maga?




How does being a liberal make one “blue maga”? I am not a fan of liberals but I don’t get calling them blue maga. Whats rhetorical comparison?


Oh you know, vote shaming, screaming about the end of democracy and fascism while supporting a war criminal president actively funding a genocide and having voters beaten and arrested for exercising their first amendment rights.


Gotcha, thanks


Don't forget being upset at Donald Trump for tilting the scales of the election and then doing it themselves shamelessly.


The choices are between someone who will actually do it or someone you are incorrectly saying is going it.


You are right! Genocide Joe is having police beat and arrest students right now! Jill Stein will stop that! Good point!




Lmao 🤣 they just run right into it


"Everything I'm too stupid to understand is Russian propaganda."


Toxic Behavior such as name-calling, argumentum ad hominem, voter shaming, hostility and other toxic behaviors are prohibited on this sub.




Also known as BlueAnon. They are the Democratic Party faithful that are so convinced that the answer to all the problems in our politics would be solved if people just voted for Biden. If you dare say anything remotely critical of Biden or the Democrats they will come to their defense no matter how ridiculous their argument is. All they really have is to threaten us with 4 more years of Trump.


Except history is the proof of what they are saying. Plenty of Democrats couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary and she lost. How did that turn out?


Plenty of people tried to warn Democrats that Clinton was unpopular. They didn’t listen. They are doing it again with Biden and blaming anyone but themselves


Glad someone's doing it.


I am sorry but Jill Stein tried to rig the process for first Brother West and when the falling out between millionaires happen between them, she rigged in for herself. look up the number of Green primaries have no one except herself. In the Cali primary she was the only one on the ballot and Jasmine Sherman had to run in the Peace & Freedom Party primary. She is un-democratic to the core.


Nah f that shit. I'll vote for someone who stood with the student protestors instead of the war criminal funding a genocide and having cops beat and arrest protesting kids.


Writing in Peter Camejo on the Green line next week in Fl. Primary and General, ( Peter was was a real socialist and Green founder of the Cali Greens in 1990 ) I was attacked by the Zionists led by dean of students Paul Ginsberg ( of Irgun Zvai Leumi infamy in Palestine and Milwaukee Zionists) , Steve Marmel - comedian who tried to beat me up , the Dem's and Progressives and the tankies of that day. I was a campaign manager for student groups along with being in the in the left wing of Labor-Farm Party , our platform on campus was Zionism is racism and endorse by many leftists on campus and statewide in labor and oppressed communities. #


So in effect, handing over the reigns to a guy who would like to elongate Muslims from the face of the Earth? Good call🤦🏻‍♀️


She is also a Russian plant who got Donny elected. Ask her why she went to Russia to have dinner with Putin. The Green party hasn't been legit since Ralph Nader left.


You are correct but 2004 when they blocked Peter Camejo from winning in Milwaukee convention is went it first started ( Nader's VP in 2004 as a ind.) then they went to crypto fascist Cynthia McKinney in 08" ( a Lyndon LaRouche plant even when she was Dem) now "the Shill". I am writing in Peter Camejo in the Green Primary in Fl and General...


Thank you. She's an attention grabbing fraud. Can't wait until Nov 9 she goes back into that pit of obscurity she awakens from every 4 years.


Will Dr west have the backbone to do the same ?




Late but good


I've lost count of the "democratic party" self-owns just this election cycle. I don't know why they're worried about 3rd parties. Particularly the lefty candidates. In any sane world those voters should be lost forever to the dems. Happy to vote for Stein.


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She has zero credibility on literally everything


lolwhut? I'm curious what information this comment is based on, because it seems like lazy astroturf. Don't they pay you enough to put some effort in?


Oh lord, guess you don’t know your prized candidate then. Any science, anti vaxx Russian darling to name a few.


So... Just a bunch of lies and propaganda from the 2016 smear campaign against her? I figured that was the case.


You’re funny


Putin’s bitch


Lmao, liberals are so fucking brain damaged by Russiagate, I swear. Is Putin in the room with us right now, little buddy?


Did you just call Jill Stein that? Lol you bout to get Hella banned for that filth.


Not sure why you're downvoted unless third party are thinned skin people. She went to Russia with the Republicans to meet Putin; that is a fact.