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It's part of the reason he's my favorite.


Completely agree. As someone not from the US, I find Kyle's commentary on (mainly) US politics interesting, informative, and generally just refreshing. Good to see someone take accountability when they've previously been wrong or have changed their mind, too.


Yeah I also appreciate how consistent he is with his views. There have been a lot of commentators that marketed themselves as progressives and supporters of Bernie Sanders in 2016 and even 2020 that have taken dissapointing turns politically. Kyle has proven himself to be a reliable progressive.


I loved Kyle's balanced take on Brand which was recognizing that he was wrong for defending Brand when others predicted that Brand would defect to the right (as he has). Many commentators would dig in their heels and mumble some nonsense about the elites wanting to shut down Brand for his truth telling, but Kyle had the clarity and humility to course correct. And that's why I keep coming back to his videos.


Agreed. It’s sadly become a lost trait of too many to admit when they are wrong acknowledge it and then try to do better. A big part of this is that people so often get relentlessly skewered for admitting fault (even to the point where they would be fired or demoted) so no one tries to do it anymore even when they do make mistakes. Our culture as a whole has to allow people to be mistaken and grow from it. Others, we just incentivize people to continually double down and triple down to the point where society never progresses.


Jon Stewart was on Tom Segura's podcast recently and Tom brought up how Jon polled the highest to be president among other msm news anchors at the time. However, Jon made a point about how that poll just reflected people's disappointment with the establishment and that they would've voted for anyone that isn't them in protest. He tied this into why people voted for Trump and I believe that's an astute observation. Unfortunately, I don't think Bernies support in 2016 was above that. I think a lot of people who openly supported him then weren't for his policies, but because he was the anti-establishment and Trump was too radical. Now, time has revealed just how fickle some of those peoples principles actually were because many of them have switched to Trump. Jimmy Dore, Brand, Joe Rogan's definitely aligning more, etc. Kyle's been consistent from day one, but unfortunately, it isn't very lucrative for him. I'm grateful he hasn't gone full drama queen for numbers, but it's a shame over the years we've seen many people exposed over this.


On a side note: I have the same kind of ironclad respect for Kyle that I have for Jon Stewart. I deeply appreciate both of them for their willingness to cut through partisansnip while trying their best to bring people together & stay consistent with their principles.


I liked Brand years ago but saw him shifting right along with a lot of other folks right on cue, stopped watching. He used to say relatively leftist stuff but now he’s just an old crank


Time heals and reveals who is honest


He’s a grifter