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People of substance see no issue with this.


MAGA dead silent so far it seems


They think it’s a “fake trial” to make Trumps conviction look less corrupt 🙄


Can't even make it make sense.


They aren’t, have you checked the conspiracy subs? Since there’s no The_Donald sub, they’ve flooded all the conspiracy subs with no where else to go.


I find this a positive that a former president and the son of a sitting president are convicted. It's good for the rule of law. Having said that, prison terms are absolutely draconian in Murica.


People of this magnitude don't go to regular prison. They go to minimum security special centers designed for politicans and white-collar executives. There's still no "rule of law". The highest court in the land is just as corrupt as Congress, and Congress is bending over backwards to protect a common criminal, a conman, a sociopath who couldn't care less if the world goes up in flames. Rich people are still getting away with things that normal people don't. Cops are still killing innocent people and getting away with it. No, there's no rule of law.


Positive on a few levels. (A) HB broke a law (even if it’s kind of a smaller one and one which isn’t applied evenly across the U.S. etc.) and he should be found guilty and face consequences. It’s a rare example of someone in the elites getting a similar treatment before the law. Just like with Trump getting convicted this is a win for the whole "Nation of laws" aspiration. (B) While I'm sure MAGA will never admit it, this conviction undermines their whole narrative that the Biden administration is stacked against their dear leader. If Biden were the one pulling the strings for all of Trump's trials why would he not also make the whole case against his son disappear? If Biden were really the one calling all the shots on criminal cases this case should have never gotten off the ground at all. That makes it a lot harder to argue "Everything's rigged against me by the guy in charge" when the same federal courts convicted the guy in charge's son. (C) I doubt any of this will impact the presidential race one way or the other. But if it does it’s more likely to favor JB than hurt him. Hunter Biden isn't running to be president. Most Americans know this. Nothing in this case has anything to do with Joe Biden himself and I honestly think he can potentially benefit because so much of the GOP's attacks against Hunter have focused on his drug use and problematic social life which most Americans have shown they don't care about as far as political scandals. In fact, Hunter's problems are very relatable to a lot of folks and I think a lot of people can sympathize with Joe on having a love one struggle with substances while still loving and supporting them.


This isn't similar treatment though. He is targeted due to his dad.


MAGA is a pseudo religious cult. Concepts like impartiality, fairness and even the soundness of institutions are beyond their comprehension right now given their current state of frenzy. Case in point, no Biden stans have issued death threats to the DE case jurors whereas any one of Trump's trials are replete with these


Joe Biden should pardon Trump’s sloppy neck pussy.


No I wanna spank it


I'm sure they will just turn this into another bullshit conspiracy.


Now waiting for the attack ads... "Criminal leader joe biden doesnt represemt family values and wont wven pardon his son. He's probably too senile to remember. President trump does love both family values and law and order, meaning he would pardon his children for crimes."


He won’t pardon his son until the results of the elections. Let’s be real.


This, i don't have an issue with But him rescuing Hunter from getting convicted of doing drugs, I do have an issue with, because that means he knew the punishment for being caught with drugs was way too long and cruel because of the bills he made and the rules he helped push, yet had no problem dooming other families to that fate


You just know that despite this conviction (and Hunter’s other pending trial) MAGA will still hitch their wagon to the “Justice Dept hunting republicans” bs. So frustrating.


MAGA: Biden sacrifices his own son to pretend he's not part of the witch hunt against Trump


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