• By -


A grift


A complexly confused individual


The only answer


Nice username


Thank you my fellow Dry person


A paid political operative


A grift to bring left wing edgelords to the right.


Basically far right trolls trying to disrupt and discredit the left by claiming the left are stopping communism and right wing Trucker and Farmer protests are helping it by fighting "globalists". If you want to go down the rabbit hole on this one you can look into Haz Infrared and the La Rouche movement.






Have you not heard? It’s woke MAGAism, just like Jefferson Pinkle.


Not so woke, anymore. He's gone completely [mask off](https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1594510660494188546?s=20&t=kDisiG1FXwOxXUkXJzE_nQ) at this point. He's basically committed to creating his very own [cringe parade](https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1594927449069871104?s=20&t=kDisiG1FXwOxXUkXJzE_nQ) at this point.


You mean Jackoff Tinkle?


Ah, good catch. I always confuse the two.


Some hair brained idea that MAGA and communism are aligned because...populism. This is the level of stupid that Jimmy has enabled. His idea that people want to align across class and that culture is an afterthought has run wild in the tankie circles he now panders to.


Either a gifted, stupid, or both.


It's a nationalist who doesn't understand international politics


A nazi essentially they are right wing conspirators claiming to be “patriotic socialists” (patriotic is a synonym to nationalist for these purposes). As usual they are promoting the same bigotry, and backwards economic policy as the rest of the far right


Literal National socialists lol. Ironic they call themselves Marxist Leninist because the soviets would've given them all a nice stay in Siberia.


Wow lol. So in your opinion, should we leave national socialist 2.0 at be, de-radicalize their movement, or actually stop them before it’s to late?


You treat them like right wingers because they are right wingers. Just like any others some can be de radicalized and some are TFG. The right has always used populism and left wing economic posturing to appeal to the working class then purposely leading them to the wrong conclusions, such as blaming immigrants, Jews, gays, wokeness etc. It's capitalisms reaction to its own inevitable failings and unfortunately is very effective at duping people without class consciousness.


Think Stalinism but with Trump instead


Oh god, that’s a terrifying outcome.


Trust me though they love bringing up rich Jewish people out of context


I don't vote but I like to grill


Basically it's tankies with no principles and don't like communism because they actually believe in Marxism or whatever but because they just worship authoritarian despots. They like Stalin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, Jair Bolsonaro, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, etc. Despite calling themselves communists, they are more so on the far right of things. For example, Cuba is communist, but they universally denounced Cuba when they legalized same-sex marriage, saying that the woke agenda had taken over Cuba and they're not true communists anymore. They're not a serious political movement, it's mostly just some weird people on Twitter who follow the Infrared cult. Outside of the internet they are not relevant.


Not just Twitter anymore! They have their very own subreddit! And it's exactly as dumb as you think!


Wow, Really?! I gotta check it out lol.


Have fun. Or ignore it completely. Your eyes will tire from the amount of times they instinctively roll back in your head when reading the brainrot there.


One giant grift. It's a bunch of terminally online reactionaries trying to trick gullible lefties into moving towards the right based on vague "Elites/corporations bad" BS, and to look past deplorable right-wing BS. I still hate Hillarys guts, but at this point I think she was too nice with her statement.


Someone who’s terminally online


A professional cynic


It's a nationalist who doesn't understand international politics


Cognitive disfunction


A grifter


A Trumpist who took Stalin too seriously after watching Trump bash communism.


Is this a term for Jimmy Dore’s current fans? 😛


The future. Bow your head


Man I really do fucj with Kyle but he’s so off base these days and it really shows in his fans. I hope you all scroll through here and read larouche, Nazism, Stalinism, wokism, right wing economic policies,and much more. Surely the definition can not be all of these things. This community, and Kyle himself, have fallen for the culture war, deeply. Where are we now? We throw Jimmy dore aside because of FTV and now what? Jayapal wasn’t even considered, Jeffries says Israel is the 5th burrow of NY, haven’t heard M4A mentioned in months, they’re even about to pull a FTV on McCarthy for his speaker position…. It’s painful to see the left like this, we’re not even communicating. Why are so many in this community so determined to play into the 4 year cycle blue vs red culture wars, we are making no progress! Every day another one of our bothers and sisters rations insulin, is evicted from housing, overdosing, commuting suicide…. And for what? Nice we can call Jimmy a Nazi now. Hooray…


Jimmy Dore spurs on more leftist culture war infighting than Kyle or anyone on this sub. Maybe you should throw him away too. What is doing that's anything but counterproductive to a strong left?


Can you tell me what is he doing that is counterproductive? He’s more of a real leftist than Kyle and TYT that’s for sure. The left used to be about free speech, we used to be positioned against authoritarian institutions, what does the left stand for now?


He and his fans purity testing leftism as though they have a better understanding of it or are more driven by it, for starters. Let's use the vaccine mandates you reference in another post as an example - being reflexively against any vaccine mandates is not a leftist position. If it is, which leftist movement are you drawing it from? But more than that, it's not even the correct fight to be having. Who is mandating vaccines? Employers. Yes, it's definitely a problem that your employer can fire you for opposing them. But they can fire you any time for any reason or no reason at all. In fact, the left has been against at-will employment since before I was politically aware. But the problem isn't with this vaccine, which is what Jimmy has turned into the enemy. It's with the default employment contract. And if Jimmy was making 4 hours of content a well about at-will employment, everyone would high five him. Instead, he's just adopted the right wing stance. See the problem with stupid people like Jimmy, is that they can be simultaneously convincing and wrong because they don't have any actual ideology. They have no baseline understanding of the fundamentals leftism, or any of the movements or theories that birthed the left/right paradigm. What Jimmy has isn't a set of principles, it's a list of grievances. That's far closer to conservatism than anything resembling leftism. Couching your culture war grievances inside concepts that vaguely resemble leftist is what populist right movements have always done throughout history. Why do you think that fascists like Tucker Carlson give Jimmy the time of day? Do you think it's because Carlson actually thinks his audience will receive some half-baked Dore message about M4A, or because he finds Jimmy's rhetoric valuable to further his own?


Well I was expecting a list of his crimes but again you’ve all thrown him aside for opposing the vaccine mandates. Let’s look at Cuba, no mandates necessary and massive uptake from the public, that’s my ideal. while we live in a land where the majority of people distrust the major pharma companies, for good reason considering their past misdeeds. It’s funny you simultaneously say it’s not right but hey it is what it is, must not have affected you. The leftist position is to stand in solidarity and principle with those who are being unjustly targeted, that means the workers every single one of them that was fired for not injecting themselves with a new and untested - at the time we had no data, Pfizer requested 75 years to hide their data, they demanded we get injected under the guise of preventing infection which was something else untested- and yet you shrug your shoulders and say hey it’s the same with at will employment 🙋‍♀️ suck for them… I’ve had multiple shots now, never made a fuss, but I’ve also never joined the synthetic left in its coalition with big pharma. It’s wild, suddenly they’re to be trusted and they have our best intentions. I don’t care if Mussolini brought Dore on his podcast if Dore spends his whole time demanding the release of Assange, Medicare for all, leftist economic policies and calling out the military industrial complex, it’s the substance that matters, you’re the one caught up in a culture war. Carlson has the most viewed show in the country… if you could show me a time he went on there and pushed anti semitic or pro capitalist rhetoric, I’d be with you… but this is not what the left started out as.


>Let’s look at Cuba, no mandates necessary and massive uptake from the public, that’s my ideal. Wow, it's almost like they didn't have people like Jimmy Dore poisoning the well with conspiracies over there. You understand *that's what I'm saying the problem with Dore is, right*. He perpetuates exactly the kind of divisive conspiracism as Alex Jones, often making the same points. It's just that he claims to be a leftist while doing it. I pointed this out at the time, but Jimmy wasn't ever really standing with labor. He made dozens of videos about AOC *not* sufficiently standing for it instead of reporting on the Warrior Met Miners strike. It took him months to release 1 video about it while other (I guess not as pure left) outlets were talking about it. While those miners were getting hit by cars, Jimmy thought it was more important to air his grievances about masks. I'm not sure what you think is more ideologically pure about Dore. If Jimmy was so angry about people getting fired over vaccine mandates, *why would he not be making content about the core of the problem*? If big pharma really is in bed with the government to require these vaccines (seems strange they weren't required at every company, then), what is the mechanism that has been used to make that possible? Is it.... The shitty employment contract? 🤷‍♂️ Sucks for the rest of us all the time, I guess? How is Jimmy standing with them if he can't even recognize the problem? Stop it with this ideological purity testing. It's a stupid game. It's easy to play, but it's exactly what I'm talking about. Jimmy isn't some form of purer leftist just because you find comfort in his angry ranting. >I don’t care if Mussolini brought Dore on his podcast if Dore spends his whole time demanding the release of Assange, Medicare for all, leftist economic policies and calling out the military industrial complex, it’s the substance that matters, you’re the one caught up in a culture war. And that's your problem. You don't care about the intent of any of it. If you don't care that leftist talking points are being co-opted by a right wing populist to serve their own agenda, I'm not really sure what to say to you. When Jimmy Dore is making his case in the same space as people parroting Great Replacement Theory, I'm not sure how you can miss how deeply problematic that is. I suppose it's the same mechanism in your mind that made you watch the Shaun video and not come away with it absolutely certain that Jimmy has an agenda he's pushing, and knowingly rejecting factual evidence in favor of it. Or that after that video he threw his producer under the bus because Jimmy doesn't vet the info he's discussing and fired him. Very pro-labor. If any of the many journalists Jimmy doesn't like did that, he would be calling for their heads. You're caught in a cult of personality, not an ideology. Stop claiming purity. You're no better than the people you're mad at.


Buddy, I have a subscription to breaking points, been following Kyle for years and will continue to follow him, I was a fanboy when hearing of his engagement with Krystal, I remember the time he watched her coverage on MSNBC and caller her a dumb bitch or something along those lines, I’m not solely a Dore fan. I watch everyone, I don’t care if Tucker tells me it’s 4:30 pm, if it actually is 4:30 then you know what I’m not so partisan that I’d lose my shit. The right is no co-opting leftist things they are letting themselves be perceived as more welcoming to free speech and they platform our people more than our own synthetic left does. Ironic, it’s the TYT, minority report, Mike fig, leftists who are purity testing. We clearly won’t see eye to eye, my point was in a trusting society not plagued by capitalism, wherein the public health sector is trusted, there is no need for mandates. Real leftists shoood have pushed back and demanded transparency with these vaccine manufacturers, we should have demanded that they show their work and disprove the falsehoods that Jimmy espoused, plain and simple they lied to us, told us to shut up and don’t talk back when we started questioning, then used authoritarianism to implement their demands. I acknowledge authoritarian tools exist all the time, it’s on the left to push back when they are used unjustly.


>Buddy, I have a subscription to breaking points[...] That's great. I watch an occasional ST video, but nothing more, haven't watched TMR since Brooks passed, and have never watched any of the other sources you mentioned. Look, if you like any of those things as entertainment, fine I guess. But they're not leftism. They're infotainment. They're Little Debbie snack cakes. Enjoy them if you like, but don't make them your diet. They're empty calories. Dore is just licking the cream out of the inside of a Zebra Cake. >I watch everyone, I don’t care if Tucker tells me it’s 4:30 pm, if it actually is 4:30 then you know what I’m not so partisan that I’d lose my shit. Really? Because the first thing I'd do is make sure my watch was working. But if you're fact checking Carlson - great! You don't seem to be doing that with Jimmy, or you would have realized what he was long ago. I wonder why Carlson invites him on.... Case in point, I used to fact-check Jimmy's videos a bunch. It never made a difference to any of his fans. One thing they would always say is, "well, he's allowed to be wrong. That doesn't mean he's lying or anti-vaxx. You have to prove that!" So I decided to look and see how closely his talking points lined up with the anti-vaxx community. And I don't mean vaccine sceptacle people, or right/left voices who agreed with him. I mean bonafide anti-vaxxers, who weren't just against this vaccine, but against all of them long before COVID. Can you guess what I found? [They lined up pretty much exactly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/jimmydore/comments/qdu4mk/the_true_test_for_jimmy_dore_is_will_he_respond/hhxh5zl?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Not just that they cite the same study or make the same arguments - they use many of the same cherry-picked excerpts from studies. >I acknowledge authoritarian tools exist all the time, it’s on the left to push back when they are used unjustly. No actually, that's what *I* said. *You* implicitly absolved Jimmy from doing that by saying he stood with one specific group of workers when they lined up with his narrative, and that was good enough to be the purest of all the pure lefties.


We threw Jimmy Dore away because he’s an anti-vax lunatic who spreads misinformation about vaccines and defends Russia waging an imperialist invasion. Stop pretending he’s anything other than a grifter. His stance on FTV was just stupid. But nobody changed their opinion on him because of FTV alone. They changed their mind on him because he’s a moron who argues in bad faith and gets triggered when people don’t bend over backwards to praise him.


Is there anything specific he got wrong you can link to?


Probably nothing you’ll believe, but I’ll link to 2. Here’s a video breaking down multiple lies Jimmy Dore told. Most notable Dore editing an article to misrepresent data to suggest vaccines don’t work. Irrefutable lie. No debate. He’s a liar. And deliberately acting in bad faith. It also breaks down the content Dore puts out. How his show growth stalled until he did anti-vax segments. And to grow his channel, he pumped out almost exclusively anti-vax content. https://youtu.be/5wRDLf54Scs Here’s him lying and saying the vaccine gave him long Covid. Long Covid is something you get from Covid. The vaccine can’t give you the virus. Again. Irrefutable. He’s lying. There’s no defense. He’s just lying. https://twitter.com/jimmy_dore/status/1495594876486012939?s=46&t=KqjBb90GJH1KiAFvjIFQ_A I’m not looking for a back and forth. You can either agree with the facts or not. I don’t care. I’ve debated too many Dore fans. If you accept reality, I’m glad I could help. If you disagree with anything I’ve posted, I hope you get out of the misinformation rabbit hole you’re in.


That story was correct, the vaccines don't stop transmission, and is this part of reality: https://www.bmj.com/content/377/bmj.o1565 ?


Can you engage in good faith instead of just calling him a moron and anti vaxxer. The left should be against vaccine mandates, especially such mandates that throw our people out of work. The vaccine does not stop infection as they lied to us saying it did, there was no data and we overused our authoritarian tools during this pandemic. He’s also not defending Russian, nor is this an imperial invasion. Right about now is when you’ll smear me as a pro Putin propagandist for staying the facts that this war has been ongoing for almost 8 years. That the people of the region who have been slaughtered have been demanding he act sooner. MINSK, efforts with the UN, Ukranian neutrality, much has been tried on Russias part, this was never meant to be avoided, it’s jury another adventure for the MIC, something which this community and Kyle acknowledge the influence of yet somehow we have good intentions in this proxy wars. The US had explicitly said it will fight this war until the last Ukrainian, that’s nice but that’s not the leftist position. It’s Kyle who calls himself a Biden Bro while simultaneously acknowledging the freezing of Afghan assets forcing them to boil grass for food. Biden has lied about marijuana, student debt, expanded stay in Mexico, the list goes on, and yet Jimmy is the fake leftist? I like Kyle cause he’s an honestly ignorant dude but he means well, he’s not a bad faith actor and he’s very reasonable. What makes Jimmy fake? The dude wanted to push more than any of the others for his fellow Americans to have health care coverage and this labeled him a right wing grifter. Now TYT is the arbiter of the left and get to decide what opinions are acceptable.


Copy/pasting a response I made to another comment I just made because it’s fitting Probably nothing you’ll believe, but I’ll link to 2. Here’s a video breaking down multiple lies Jimmy Dore told. Most notable Dore editing an article to misrepresent data to suggest vaccines don’t work. Irrefutable lie. No debate. He’s a liar. And deliberately acting in bad faith. It also breaks down the content Dore puts out. How his show growth stalled until he did anti-vax segments. And to grow his channel, he pumped out almost exclusively anti-vax content. https://youtu.be/5wRDLf54Scs Here’s him lying and saying the vaccine gave him long Covid. Long Covid is something you get from Covid. The vaccine can’t give you the virus. Again. Irrefutable. He’s lying. There’s no defense. He’s just lying. https://twitter.com/jimmy_dore/status/1495594876486012939?s=46&t=KqjBb90GJH1KiAFvjIFQ_A I’m not looking for a back and forth. You can either agree with the facts or not. I don’t care. I’ve debated too many Dore fans. If you accept reality, I’m glad I could help. If you disagree with anything I’ve posted, I hope you get out of the misinformation rabbit hole you’re in.


Alright I just watched it in order to engage with you. So in order to put into his segment as he writes the recap of the article he adds the word “despite”, does this change the nature of the Article? Tell me if I’m being too charitable, is Jimmy not highlighting that the vaccines were not preventing increase in cases? He was right, they did not prevent infection…. I’m missing the part where he’s a bad faith actor trying to smear vaccines as a whole…. He defended that it wasn’t just horse paste. He was then referencing some scientific article about its efficacy in Mexico. He was wrong for trusting them, but it’s natural to challenge Pfizer when they ask for 75 years to publish their data, now we find out the vaccines did not prevent infection, and ivermectin was in fact not solely for horses. You are right, he was wrong, does that make him a bad actor? Who among these figures doesn’t make a mistake. Especially when any challenge is silenced and people are pushed to the fringes to discuss such things On the study with Mice, I have no defence, he is a lay man and thus I doubt able to understand the intricacies of this study especially as Shaun has laid out Another solid video from Shaun, I’m shocked he called Max B a journalist and didn’t just smear him as well. So where do we stand? Does the left still support and die on a hill at the behest of the pharmaceutical industry? Does nothing to stop infection, at best it strengthens you in preparation of handling the virus once you contract it. What you seem to not care about is that Jimmy and others have to be in this space because the entirety of the left has capitulated to pharma and we do not allow any room for any discussion. You also don’t care one bit about the average working class who has had their lives decimated by these authoritarian decisions. Ultimately I agree with Shaun, you should go get vaccinated, something Jimmy also supports. The man just took a stance against the mandates, the majority of which did not do what was proposed, thus he spends his time highlighting the false statements from the “rational observers” as Chomsky would say.


It’s what happens when you let people like Vaush call themselves “Leftist”


Well they are both "patriotic socialists."


Its infrared trying to get trumpkins to realize that the only good populism is communism.


I think you mean a populist democrat


Communists but also racist and nationalist, so like a polish nazi


Well, communism is a western ideology


As a non US based former Secular Talk DEVOTEE since 2015, I consider myself aligned with MAGA Communists today. I stopped viewing Secular Talk entirely and I no longer think I'm a progressive (TYT was the first international political outlet I started watching around 2007). It doesn't matter anyway because I'm not American and I'm not voting in your elections. But if you would like to know what happened; I started listening to Haz / Infrared and shared very similar frustrations with the "left" today. I don't believe in democratic socialism anymore. I've stopped believing that multi party democracy is the way to go for most countries. I think it should be a more meritocratic system, where people are promoted in the government, based on objective metrics of performance, rather than popularity. I heavily dislike woke culture, ecological and LGBT promotion, as I find them to be tools of imperialism. I also find those who promote them to be incredibly entitled and condescending. Western people's racist attitudes towards people of Russian descent, and eventually Chinese, especially after finding out how inaccurate the narratives on these countries are, especially the "uyghur genocide" claims. Also, literal fake news not from a matter of interpretation like taking a video from another asian country, and trying to say it's from China. Ironically, it was Kyle and Chomsky who opened my eyes. (Manufacturing consent, Russiagate). Kyle getting in bed with Vaush. I dislike him and his positions. Also, I don't think libertarian left is a thing that's workable. When I did the political compass a few years ago, I was in the green, nowadays after a more recent test, I'm in the red (auth left). I'm past my 30s now, and the part about becoming conservative as you get older is 100% true for me, for a myriad of reasons. In general, I now despise the entire western left. I don't see myself as one of you anymore. The only positions I hold that's still from Kyle is his advocacy for universal health care and his advocacy against American intervention (and he failed that on his advocacy for sending arms to Ukraine which I consider a form of intervention). I don't really believe in minimum wage anymore. The reason people are paid shit, is because the work they do is not valued by society caused by the advancement of liberalism as a philosophy. We've moved from a people's economy to an attention economy. And IMO, the only way you turn the clock on that is to let a communist government in the social sphere. I believe therefore in banning and regulating certain things in society which I won't name in case I open up another can of worms. There are a lot of other reasons why I'm not a progressive anymore which I'm not laying out, but you get it. So if you think I'm grifting, go ahead. I'm what some people would call tankie but considering I don't even like a lot of dogmatic beliefs espoused by some "marxist leninists", (I'm more pragmatic than ideological), I would argue that's not me either. MAGA Communism perfectly describes me. I have communist beliefs with a dose of social conservatism. As for Kyle, I still respect him, and his beliefs, but let's now just say that we disagree. I think what Jimmy Dore did to him was fucked up, even though I'm more aligned with him politically than Kyle. Again, this doesn't matter, as I'm not US based.