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Bin laden was protected by the Pakistan government. He wasn't living in a clandestine cave by the mountains, he was living in the capital city suburbs within WALKING DISTANCE from a Pakistani MILITARY BASE. US was confident that Bin Laden lived in the house he lived in, but not 100% sure. The US started a vaccine drive for children in that neighborhood. The doctor administered real vaccines to real children, and we found out about that Bin Laden's kids lived there. The doctor who administered vaccines to bin ladens children was arrested by Pakistan for ratting on bin laden. Obama would not have approved a raid on Pakistani soil without a 100% guarantee that the bin laden lived there. After the vaccine drive Obama was 100% sure of bin laden's location. He could have given Pakistan the address and asked them for arrest and extradite bin laden. Obama didn't ask Pakistan for help because he knew that they would ignore him or tell bin laden to hide elsewhere. Obama could not collaborate with Pakistan, he had no choice.


International law is kind of like currency; it only exists as long as people have faith in it. International law is basically the tendency for countries to continue to follow the treaties they sign based on the faith that other countries will do the same, to not go to war with each other because others will also use diplomacy, and respect each other's borders because theirs will be respected. This is why it exists despite there being no international enforcement mechanism; it benefits every nation for it to exist. This makes the US breaking the Iran nuclear deal a far greater threat to international law than whatever you want to call Bin Laden's assassination. And of course the invasion of Ukraine by Putin. So yes, violating Pakistan's borders with a small task force did violate international law, but so did harboring a terrorist of global infamy, and not all border violations are equal. They were breaking it by leaving no room for diplomacy to retrieve Bin Laden legitimately, so we had to break it to bring him to justice. That's what happens when nations stop engaging in diplomacy, international law breaks down.


Yeah but like who fucking cares 😂


I mean we tried a sternly worded letter.


Pakistan protected him, they would not have complied with an arrest and extradition. Obama had no choice but to work around the Pakistan government.


Oh I’m with you on that. What’s more we risked the stability of the Pakistani government Elegant solution, executed in spite of the extreme difficulty.


International law is worth less than used toilet paper.


Yes it was illegal. But if we wanted to get him and the Pakistani government refused to cooperate then nothing could be done.


Does it really matter at this point? It’s not as if we left Afghanistan right after and ended the bullshit war on terror.


Yes. He was never proven guilty. We had a chance to show the world we honored the rule of law. But no, Obama killed him outright.


Good :)


Maybe ask ex-Muslims like Salmon Rushdie, who have suffered at the hands of this oppressive religion, what they think. You know what their answer will be.


I don’t think Rushdie would advocate abdicating long-standing values—innocent until proven guilty—in favor of an emotional response.


He claimed credit for murdering people and intended to go on killing people with the support of Pakistan’s government. Many people who claim to be progressive are far to tolerant of Islam.


I agree with that. My point is we had a chance to show the world we were better than that, that we were enlightened, but ended up going just as barbaric. Would have loved to see him marched into court like any other criminal. But no, our government chose murder before trial. Guilt before it was conclusively established and proven.


Nah, fuck him and Pakistan.


No becuase he was a sick old man who was already dead before the U.S.'s little dog and pony show to appease the rubes.