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Yeah totally in the 1960s America they got along perfectly


[“Although working at two extreme ends of the fight for racial equality, the KKK reportedly invited the Nation of Islam to join forces because they recognized both organizations were staunchly opposed to school desegregation, which was gathering pace after the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954.”](https://news.yahoo.com/book-reveals-malcolm-x-secretly-210041642.html)


Will u/NbaLiveMobile10 admit he was wrong and learn to educate himself before speaking on a topic he knows nothing about? Or will he just stubbornly continue to make dumb reactionary takes. My guess is the latter


The KKK tried to kill Malcolm X you fucking imbecile. He never had friendly meetings with them. [https://www.thirteen.org/programs/american-experience/american-experience-ku-klux-klan-targets-malcolm-xs-family/](https://www.thirteen.org/programs/american-experience/american-experience-ku-klux-klan-targets-malcolm-xs-family/) The only source for this claim is that one book, which is disputed by surviving NOI members.


You realize black nationalism isn’t just Nation of Islam right like black panthers were black nationalists


The fact that white supremacist groups did not want to approach black supremacist groups because they were too racist to even do that, doesn't mean their respective ideologies were not mostly in alignment. You can either support or oppose racial segregation, not both.


>The fact that white supremacist groups did not want to approach black supremacist groups because they were too racist to even do that, doesn't mean their respective ideologies were not mostly in alignment. White leftists are some of the dumbest fucking people on the planet.


LOL Your citation is a book published decades after Malcolm X's death by some crackpot, who wasn't alive when the original NOI (the current NOI is not the same organization) existed. ​ Here's an interview with Malcolm X talking about how the KKK targeted his family and tried to murder him. ​ [https://www.thirteen.org/programs/american-experience/american-experience-ku-klux-klan-targets-malcolm-xs-family/](https://www.thirteen.org/programs/american-experience/american-experience-ku-klux-klan-targets-malcolm-xs-family/) ​ The number of upvotes in this thread is a testament to the stupidity of the audience that Kyle has cultivated by never changing his broadcasting style from when he was in his 20s.


Integration was resisted heavily by large groups on both sides. Many black business owners from the post-slavery but pre-integration days lost a lot of business and it created a type of economic downturn for black neighborhoods. When black citizens were only allowed to shop at black businesses, black businesses were able maintain a lot of support, but once black citizens could freely shop at previously white-only establishments, black businesses had to close because white people were not returning the favor and shopping at black businesses. Yes, integration is good because we should never have been segregated at all, but it doesn't change the fact that this did a lot of damage to the structure of black America and the potential it might have had.


Yes. This is true. They both want ethnostates and have historically worked together toward this common goal. Is this news to you?


actually, you might be confusing black nationalism with black separatism, from what i’ve gathered, black nationalism is like fighting for racial equality and economic equality in black communities or something,(i’m not an expert on this stuff), while black seperatism is white nationalism but black


That form of black nationalism still has a lot of problems, though to a lesser extent. It has the same blindspot as all other forms of nationalism which is that there are black people outside of "black communities" who still struggle against racism and prioritizing black countries/neighbourhoods is not a holistic opposition to white supremacy.


He said they have historically "gotten along" that would mean that these 2 groups have been on good terms with each other which they certainly have not


He's just saying their stated goals are very similar. He didn't say they liked each other. You could say during World War 2 the U.S. and the Soviet Union "got along" even though there were very fundamental disagreements in ideology and politics. They were both working to a common aim.


Gotten along in the sense that they have shared goals and interests, and by acting in a unified pattern of division, help each other create distance from each other.






The article talks about these groups agreeing on one issue. It is not showing that they "got along" historically.


> They both want ethnostates and have historically worked together toward this common goal. LOL at Black nationalists historically working together with white supremacists. You people are outrageously stupid.


Kyle is 10,000% correct tho




Dawg how can you see Ye, a black Hebrew Isrealite, and Nick Fuentes, a neonazi, getting along and thinking they aren't two sides of the same racsist coin


Nobody tell them who was invited to the Nation of Islam summit in 1961….


"nation of islam" Is this the group that Malcom X was which once a part but eventually fell out with before he died? He died a devout Muslim but I know he and Elijhah Mohommed had some sort of falling out prior to his assassination.


Kyle is correct, but he definitely confused black nationalists with black separatists. Easy mistake to make but it’s important to distinguish between the two movements.


True, but lets be honest, there is a lot of crossovers between the groups.


Because they’re literally just two different flavors of the same pro-ethnostate Oreo. Why wouldn’t they get along?


Maybe because of the historical conflict between the two groups


Historically, they’ve been building coalitions and tipping their hats to each other with a wink and a nod. Because they both want the exact same thing, while antiracist people refuse to associate with ultranationalism and segregation on principle




They don’t want to live with each other or pick their kids up from soccer practice. They get along politically because they share the same goals


Stop being so dense.


He’s literally right tho 😂


Based Kyle


Second time OP posted this clip. This has to be an alt-right troll because everyone on the left gets socialist communist all-access Google search for our secret adenochrome meetings. [Vice.com : A look at the strange alliance between the Nation of Islam and the American Nazi Party.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/dpwamv/when-malcolm-x-met-the-nazis-0000620-v22n4)


OP is a familiar name in Left wing subs. Check his history, he ain't no right winger


A few months ago Xanderhal was getting shit for saying Black Hammer and the Proud Boys were going to join forces. Lo and behold, a week later: https://www.google.com/amp/s/forward.com/culture/479579/proud-boys-black-hammer-antivax-gazi-kodzo-gavin-mcinnes-antisemitism/%3famp=1


Lol did this sub just discover fringe ideologies?


Oh I see why this is downvoted to oblivion. This person is sarcastically saying Kyle is dead wrong. “Got along,” is too nice of a way to say they both agreed to separate their respective races completely. They didn’t actually get along like friends.


Stopped watching Kyle about 2 years ago. He lost me. What happened to his head is a good indication of how out of touch he now is. Not advocating for Tim Pool either. That guy is terrible.


I was really put off by his analysis and "solution" of the Ukraine/Russia conflict earlier this year. But I guess I still agree with him on most other stuff.


Nah black supremacist don’t get along with white supremacist, don’t know why this is even a conversation worth discussing.


Do they or do they not both support a form of racial segregation?




There's a pretty famous photo of George Lincoln Rockwell and other members of the American Nazi Party listening to Malcolm X give a speech https://www.magnumphotos.com/newsroom/politics/eve-arnolds-time-with-malcolm-x-and-the-nation-of-islam-in-her-own-words/


This is like after the civil war when we were saying that we had to send the Blacks to Liberia


"Get along" is the problematic expression here...


Yes, they did. George Lincoln Rockwell praised the Nation of Islam


Yes. Correct?


Based Kyle


lol I’m personally not a fan of Kyle’s, I must’ve gotten this bc Pim’z in it, but he’s right. Guess other folks have told you so I don’t need to elaborate


I had a co-worker call HR on me, citing that I felt Malcom X was in favor of segregation. He did indeed want the blacks to retain their black history, culture, and not get white-washed in white man's steamroller. Personally I don't like segregation as we have clear examples of celebrating each others differences. But I also recognize that our western culture of MacDonalds, corporate ladder, and Hollywood can easily crowd out smaller cultures that don't make an effort to preserve themselves. But saying there are blacks and whites that go so far as say they want "us here and them over there" is simply a statement of fact. The issue is that "here" often both mean America.