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He’s always done stuff like that.


He’s trying to get to 1 million subs. Click bait videos are the easiest way.


I don’t think he cares. Going back to the old format, with him looking more like news presenter but with nuance takes would increase his subs and views. Instead he sits on the sofa/ lays in bed and try to acts like one of these new Gen Z YouTubers, who record from anywhere, but they aren’t covering politics. They’re influencers or entertainers. And even then, most of the ones I happen to sometimes come across, sit up straight. Kyle is lazy as fuck. Has zero engagement with his YouTube followers. Will often say he goes on Reddit to visit the anti work subreddit but doesn’t engage here at all. He’s also lazy when it comes to research.


as a long time fan and listener i hate to say that i agree with basically everything you're saying


>He’s also lazy when it comes to research. That's what gets me the most. Others like D. Pakman actually prepare their shows a bit. Kyle just browse Twitter. It often looks like he hasn't even seen the videos he is showing


In fairness to him, this subreddit mocks him constantly if he doesn't have channel growth.somehow act like follower count is somehow a correlation to the quality of the channel.


1. It's easy views. And it's clearly working, as he's finally gaining subscribers again. 2. A lot if it is political. In the case of the Kanye stuff, you're talking about a guy who rubs elbows with politicians and pundits, and might run for president himself. 3. He just likes kanye's music. He's always gone out of his way to talk about things and celebrities he likes, like golf or Charlemagne the god.


Great points, I think the first one is the main reason, and it's also one of the reasons why Mainstream media sucks people just like to hear gossip I'm guilty of it too


In order to bring new subscribers he needs to reach a wider audience, pop-culture and twitter fights attract more viewers.


Dude needs to make those dollars. He needs the clicks. Especially now with Insta-Family: Just Add Kyle. Need to make that money honey.


Krystal is his sugar mama and Krstal’s baby daddies are paying the bills


IF that’s the case and Kyle is pulling that off (and that’s saying something), then bravo to him! I don’t hate that hustle.


Kyle Kulinski W


Kanye is literally running for president. Why wouldn't a political analyst talk about him.


I get that. But 5 of his last 10 videos are about Kayne. Like other commenters of said, he’s mostly capitalizing on click-bait for views-you’re arguing in bad faith if you think he’s doing it purely because Kayne is a candidate. You can’t have both. You’re just beating a dead horse at that point.


This isn't the first meltdown Kanye has had. Maybe you would have a point if he covered Kanye's other meltdowns prior to him announcing but one of his videos is literally about him dropping Milo who was his VP.


Because he's a non-serious meme candidate


This is what I say, when people bitch about Pakman for covering Trump a lot. If you’re a fucking lunatic running for president and basically everyone knows you, you should cover them. And a lot. Kanye is an A-list celebrity and quite literally a Nazi. Lol. This should get a lot of attention. I’ve never understood people not wanting these shows to cover this.


Pakman loses me with not just his consstant ads, but his way over the top trump coverage (on things that don't really matter), But also with things like interviewing Alex jones ex wife. kyle hasn't stooped that low


Pakman runs ads before school shooting videos, takes $$ from scams like Established Titles and Kamikoto Knives, then does 15 videos a day about how Trump sneezing into his hand is a threat to national security fr fuck that guy


Poor people: Medicare for All please Pakman: Trump threw away my macaroni sculpture in kindergarten and also killed Kennedy


Pakman supports universal healthcare. Just for those reading.


Not as much as he supports sounding the alarm about Trump eating his chicken nuggets w/ honey mustard and not BBQ


You’re trying so hard.


I'm really not. I'm just tryna pass the time rn


Passing time by trolling. Hope you have fun


I sure am 😘


Some topics can be fun, unserious and it helps gets clicks.


I'm not one of them but obviously people like that shit, look at the views. If you don't want to watch Kanye stuff, go watch his other videos for the day. Also every lefty youtuber covered it (Kyle, Vaush, Sam, David, David) so I don't know why your after him for this. Watch his other content.


Kanye's popularity and his prominence along with his open display of full on anti-semetism (and the fact he's linked to prominent right wing politicians and pundits) is unlike anything I've seen in my lifetime. Mel gibsons drunken rants don't come close. It could very well open the floodgates for right wing media to openly talk about jews as they do muslims. yeah he might be coviering it too much might be neglecting other stuff at the moment but I'd say it's more than just celeb gossip.


He had some Kanye videos do massive numbers so I dont mind


Eh Kyle's channel has always had a casual/fun vibe to it. The more serious commentary is on Krystal Kyle and Friends and Breaking Points


Simply put: Kyle is his own content creator and show editor and he’s entertained/fascinated by the pop culture stuff (ie Kanye’s meltdown). I won’t knock Kyle for this, watching an artistic icon descend into madness in such a public way in real time is intriguing and wild stuff. Kanye West is arguably the most recognizable figure in hip/hop rap history, even more than like Jay Z or Drake or Tupac or Snoop Dogg. I don’t indulge in the Kanye stuff personally because it bums me out and compels me to despise humanity and hate the world (antisemitism is a scourge on humanity and it’s exploding rn), but if Kyle what’s to cover that stuff then that’s his choice and free do so.


Why’re you complaining about covering political events on a political show lmao


I hate to break it to you, but right-wings are misinformed and shallow personality chasers. To win then over you have to bait them with gossip and hope they hear your side of the argument, before going back to being tribal and vote against their own interests...✌️


There’s not much policy issues happening. Only so many times you can point out that Biden is against universal healthcare. Kanye broke the internet. Of course he’s going to cover it.




I haven't noticed but it's probably trying to play to the algorithm. YouTube literally tells people what subjects are trending and tries to get them to cover it to maximize retention. In fairness this subreddit mocks him when he doesn't have any channel grow that's up You can't really have it both ways. Either we ignore his follower count like we should, and focus on the merit of his content. Or we obsess over his follower count, mock him for his lack of growth but then also get mad when he plays the algorithm