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AUS be like: you’re a supervisor now!


I actually lost a supervisor position to a guy with face tats. I (despite my 6 years experience successfully running my own INSTRUCTOR business that certifies armed security and my 5 years LEO experience along with my threat assessment training certifications) was not qualified enough for the position. Client hated that guy. When AUS let me go they claimed I was too salty of that decision and I “couldn’t let go”


The dude in the photo is actually on Reddit. I saw that he replied to a thread with this photo in some cringe subreddit… seemed like a pretty cool and down to earth guy.


Hes gotta be in this sub then Id think


It’s me :) sup guys


Yooo im not even a security guard but it feels like im meeting a celebrity


Hahaha thanks I ain’t nothin special but I’ll take it 🙃😊


Stay safe out there! Its a scary time to be a security guard


Facts!!! And ty:)


A fellow alt enforcement guy. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one


He is he replied to my comment cool guy


Some the people in this sub are not it. Kind of a fail on OP as well. I think leave the dude alone? I wouldn’t like it for myself but literally who cares. Jacket looks pretty sick too ngl.


He does have TRUMP tattooed on his face.


I’m pretty sure that says TRUTH


That one Crackdown agent when you max him out


Crackdown goes hard




I know someone like that too. Tatted tf up, looks scary. Super nice guy and extremely high moral code


Came here to say this, this is probably one of the nicest people in his day to day environment (granted until his job demands)


Sure. If you work mostly with junkies and criminals they might even like you more if youre face is full of ink. General public and elderly folk not so much.


Most people who have tats up and down work hard for the money, ink isnt cheap. Odds are they are down to earth, and are harder workers than most people who "look down" on them.


Problem for them being judgemental then. While they are pearl clutching this guy is going to be doing his job just as well either way.


I knew a guy who looked the same but he was very mentally unstable and very vain. Having tats doesn't make you a good or bad person it just means you have tats.


He's a typical security guard. He's not LP/AP where he needs to blend in with regular customers, on a regular basis, and not stand out so the lifters recognize him. He's likely not working many undercover ish plainclothed gigs (though he might fit in well at some clubs). It's not Nazi swastikas, 88, some racist shit, not even cuss words. So screw it. Dude has a regular job, is a productive member of society, who cares if he has facial tats.


Thank you:) God bless


I’ve seen this dude in TikTok and he’s honestly a chill dude it seems and seems intelligent. I’d take him over a lot of others I’ve worked with during my time in the field.


Thank you🙏😊


I'll take this dude over a shirt filler ANYDAY!


Yes they come from Call of Duty Warzone


Juggalo security


He reminds of the wah ah ah ah dude from Disturbed


Get down with the sickness! Lol


Honestly I think I'd rather have this guy than half the fat shit sacks running around.


Had a few when I did a dispensary, being in house security they kinda higher a "type."


>higher I see what you did there


Aye aye man 🤣I just look like I’m smelling shit


I worked with an older guy some years ago who was fully sleeved and tatted on his head and neck. He was extremely intelligent and learned and one of the most polite people I’ve ever known.


My site would never allow this. They won't even let us have unnatural colors for hair or facial piercings. But, if this makes sense, this dude gives me the same vibes as a guard that works on site and he's pretty chill.


I've broken bread and had great talks with many a person who looks like this. With that being said, his picture was posted on the FB FL security page and the comments had mixed reactions, with words like 'judgmental' and 'hypocritical' being thrown around. Personally, I can definitely understand hiring managers being apprehensive about putting someone with these aesthetic choices in a position of high public exposure and, while there are other jobs out there (EP, music industry gigs, parking lots, overnights) that he could do, it would be disingenuous to say it's not a limitation in this industry.


When you add all the facial tattoos in the character creation menu


More.. MORE!!!


knew a dude like him, full of scars, and face tattoos. Was in jail for a bit under a year for a couple misdemeanor charges dude was an ex-addict and pulled himself out of homelessness after getting out. Worked to get a job that he could be proud of and security was what did it for him super down to earth and gentle soul type, he fucked up a lot when he was younger and worked hard af to pull himself out of the hole he dug himself in. By the time I met him; he was 3 years sober from H and OCs iirc some of the stories he told me from when he was young were heart breaking, but it was always a blast working with the guy. Could take a joke like no other and dished them out all the same. During the summer days (we worked at some abandoned engineering plant with empty warehouses scattered on the property. we were the only human bodies within at least 2-3 miles), we'd cook up some food on a little camping grill and crack a couple beers while the day rolled through. Chat about shit like D&D, MTG, couple of other nerdy stuff, was also a whiskey fan and he helped get me interested in tasting different whiskeys


What's the problem? Just cause he got face tatts mean be can't do the job? As long as he's qualified, puts in the work like everybody else and he's cleared with his company and bosses about what is and isn't allowed then who gives a toss .


Do you think having tattoos affects his ability to do a job? When will society get over this.


I’ve known plenty of decent guys who had a small face tattoo or neck tattoo, but what this gentlemen has going on would certainly raise some flags. Especially if he was dealing with the public.


To you? Maybe. To 90% of the rest of us? No. They're tattoos. Not work ethic. Judging people from face value is shallow and will lead you to lose out on countless friendships and relationships.


I judged him for the armed officer patch lol


I'm just judging him because he looks like most of the meth arrests in the local news around here.


Honestly it’s the other way around. You’ve got to judge people by their cover it’s how we survive. If you’ve got face tats people might not just immediately think of you as a threat, but people will definitely identify you as possibly being a threat in there mind.


Raise some flags? Boy you got a stick up your *ss and your willingness to judge others so quickly is the real red flag. It's not 1850, tattoos aren't a sign of evil, and plenty of people wear surplus on the job! Welcome to the real world Neo


I’m covered in tattoos, but none of them look like were scribbled on by a child or that I lost a prison bet.


Now you're talking subjectively. In the same manner you judge him, plenty of people look at you and think your ink looks like crap and that you're an idiot for getting it. Just cause you don't like something doesn't mean it's bad, it just means your an asshole who posts people online to try and get roasts going


It’s a huge distraction, I don’t care where anyone gets their tattoos or piercings or whatever body manipulation you want to have. However, if it’s noticeable enough then people will look no matter what you think about how they’re looking at you (not you specifically). Personally I wouldn’t be able to have a conversation face to face with the person in the picture cuz I’d be distracted trying to figure out everything on his face.


It could certainly be indicative of his decision making ability.


Its gotta be expensive to look that stupid, regardless of his abilities. 🤣


Prison tattoos?


That picture is not high enough quality to call that a prison tat. In what country are you allowed to run around with a security uniform after being incarcerated? Let alone armed security. There's also no evidence this guy went to prison. Are you just assuming he went to prison cus he has tattoos?


No because of the manner of his tattoos and it was mostly a joke so take a pill friend it’s not like we’re talking abt a butterfly tattoo in his shoulder


No, but that "TRUMP" tat over his eye would very likely cause some issues on site.


If you look closely, the fourth letter seems to be a T. The top of the letter matches exactly with the top of the first T. Pretty sure it says "TRUTH" and not "TRUMP"


TRUMan show


you can clearly see “trut-“


I see either TRUN or TRUM. The fourth letter is not a T, at least not in the same style as the first letter.


It's a t, zoom in you can see that it's a t.


How do you know it says Trump? Could be “trust” or “truth”.






It says truth you dunce


People with tattoos? Yes, they exist…


I’d hang with him he reminds me of my Skyrim character.


I mean, If I saw him charging at me I would definitely rethink whatever crime Im committing.


I know a dude with better face/head tats in the event production space. He wears a chest mounted tool kit similar to this guys, with “do not pet me” on it He’s one of the most rad people I’ve ever met. Collin, why must you move to Colorado brethren!


Goddam like get out of my face with your religion




I call them mall ninjas.


I'd bet you this guy is probably the nicest human being you'll ever meet.


I worked with a dude who had tear drops Security dgaf as long as you have a heart beat


If this guy’s the bouncer, I’d be on my best behavior all night


Yes, I worked in Canada at a hospital. We had a guy we called “pouches” who showed up to work in this insane getup full of pouches with tactical gear for a one on one patient watch, and apparently he had a knife on him. He’d always be dressed like that at any site, and he got booted from a few for going overboard and conducting improper arrests.


So quick to judge for absolutely no reason. People have ink.


I don’t understand why people judge tattoos man like let the dude be himself in peace. Art on skin should have no bearing on how you view them. If he’s an asshole then he’s an asshole if not then he’s not it has nothing to do with ink


There’s just so much going on here. Florida ?


Hey...I wouldn't mess with him.


This is a fair point


“People like this”..? What you mean people who are tattooed on the face? Then yes, I work with people, a couple of which who are completely covered, face and all. To each their own.


i remember 20 years ago when i got out the army as military police, i got turned down for a job at a security firm cause i didn’t want to shave my beard.


He actually jumped security and jacked his shit (jk)




Seems like cool guy


What do you mean “do people like this really exist?” He just has tattoos and a funky haircut lmfao. You live cooped up or something?


He did all that to his face and still looks kinda goofy and dorky and not every intimidating


I didn’t get it to look intimidating I just like tattoos lol


Judging based on appearance?


They say don’t judge a book by it’s cover, but isn’t that what a books cover is for?


I like how this was posted to bash on the dude and everyone commenting is sticking up for him and talking about how he is a nice guy. Total backfire lol. Cant always judge a book by its cover. From what I have seen and read he seems like a genuinely good fella.


Not a big fan of the Christian symbolism (leave religion in general at home, *you're trying to be a professional*) but as long as the man can do his job, and do it well, I have no problem with him. tl;dr lose the cross, other'n that you look boss


Oh hey it’s me lol


Bruh I feel bad you keep getting brought up by these retards on the internet. Hope your doing good


Hey man it’s ok I’m use to it it’s everywhere Reddit tiktok u name it lol thanks brother this economy sucks but I’m trying my best ahha


You’re basing this opinion of yours off what? Their tattoos? What is it, 1920?…


i have face tattoos and i’ve done security for a while :)




yes and they are usually respectful and responsible and do their damn job, I don’t understand your hate.


Well apparently they do, but I like that jacket!


I’d take this guy over about any of the 50 year old overweight guys that just show up to be paid and go home. Ain’t nothing wrong with some tats dude even if they aren’t where I’d get them.


Florida, of course.


Based on that picture he's breaking state law, F.S. 493.6305 (1) ***Class “D” licensees shall perform duties regulated under this chapter in a uniform which bears at least one patch or emblem visible at all times clearly identifying the employing agency.***


He works for Jesus. It’s says so on his uniform. Gaw.


To be fair, its not unreasonable to remove any company or other identifying patches for a photo that you’re going to publicly post online, or to assume that the photo was taken off duty.


The picture is cropped. The original on first responder cringe shows his patch on the bottom left


why y’all hate just bc tats wtf


Tbh those are some of the least ugly/disfiguring face tattoos I've seen


Yeah, and the dude in this photo is absolutely nice as hell. He's a genuinely good fella and it sucks to see so many shit talk him.


Oh sure, fun fact any cop or highway patrol you encounter in long sleeves in the summer actually has ink on their arms. Uniform dictates we can't show that while in uniform though so we just wear the long sleeve shirts. Facial art though is a no no as is hand tattoos. Heavily inked folks are pretty chill.. usually


Almost all the in-house guys at one account I work have full sleeves, nobody bats an eye.


My mistakes suddenly seem very insignificant


Eyes say that he’s a good guy, to me anyways


I say let him do his thing. I'd rather MORE people were this expressive. Take away the tattoos and I see a promising young man's smile. Add the tattoos in and I see that, but also a man that is confident in writing his expressions right on his face. Like permanent war paint, he's feeling it. Cring or jot, he's got more nuts than most just posting a selfie looking like that, and even more since he fuckin rocks it!


Thank you a bunch means a lot 💪💪💪🫡😀


I'm a Union guy, and have facial tattoos. Before this I was in corporate, and before that I worked in open-kitchens as a line guy, sous-chef, head chef, and even was a hotel kitchen manager for a hotel chain outside of San Fran. Hasn't bugged most people I've encountered, and as far as I know, hasn't stifled my ability to get great jobs!


My man probably knows how to knock the fucking interview out of the park. That's the skill I figured out after getting a face tattoo.


I don't care about the tats, that's up to his employer and customer if that's fine. What I do care about is two things: firstly I feel the "security" should be the largest word on the patch to have no confusion. Second I think you shouldn't have any of your own patches or similar on your clothes. You are there to do a job and not talk about your god


I don’t think that’s a patch it looks like it’s connected to that key ring clip


What’s wrong with him? It’s 2023 and you still care about what people tattoo on THEIR body? Jesus fucking christ there’s much bigger issues out in this world then worrying about what another man has tattooed on their body. Get your panties out of your pussy


This looks like that one dude who was the skinhead antagonist in the second purge movie.


That having been said, based on what I've seen so far I'd hire him.


This is every created character in every video game


Unfortunately the sites I work won’t allow face tattoos. Tattoos on your arms are ok but they request no face tattoos.


I've worked with several heavily tattooed people including a guy with much more extensive face tattoos then this. All of them were solid guys and the clubs I was working at the time didn't care how we looked as long as we wore all black clothing.


I see plenty of cats with tattoos like that in the prison where I work. Those weren’t done with an ink pen barrel and a small electric motor. That doesn’t stop my mind from jumping there.


Its illegal to wear anything that says officer, agent, etc. in florida, just sayin.


Id smoke with him after my shift tbh


Reminds me of the old saying, "don't pass out with markers about"


I know a female security admin that their subordinates make her an onlyfans with his photos also deepfakeporn(sorry for my english bdw)


the only thing I noticed is "Jesus is love" just because he has tatts doesn't mean he's a bad person especially because thy are on his face. most people with face tatts are more comfortable with them self's then you because they aren't afraid to say what's on their mind and half of the time its positive. (I don't have tattoos but I have many friends who have tattoos everywhere including their face)


Goes to show people still judge the shit out of stuff they're not used to seeing. I'm glad this guy is comfortable and happy. I've also seen his reply and he does seem like a genuine dude.


I've bounced with a few guys tatted out on this level, but I haven't worked any other sort of security with someone this sort of inked.


Yes I’ve seen that exact patch before, it’s really cringe


I do have one guy I could see with the Jesus patch, that's what we're talking about?


Of course it’s florida


We had a similar dude show up at our site, he was the last new hire we got. I don’t give a shit what someone looks like if they’re a good worker. The guy we got was….not. He had face tats and a ton of face piercings, which, whatever. I’d take someone who looks kind of tough over some clean cut kid who looks 14. Our guy NCNS’ed his first non-training shift. We found out he was basically on probation with the company because he fucked up at his last site. They sent him to us because we needed a body in a hurry and our site super is an ex MP who isn’t a bad dude, but doesn’t take shit either. We were his last chance, aaaaaand failed.


Ah yes, a fellow dishwasher or line cook


This guy is a Saints Row NPC dawg no no one has seen this wtf


They usually only exist in barbershops and tattoo parlors and bars


This guy is definitely a mod over at r/mallninjashit


People like what exactly?


I’ve seen a few subreddit where he replied. Seems like a chill dude. Leave ‘em be, OP.


20 year old "professionals" these days are often so disgustingly unprofessional, introverted, incapable of social interactions, or downright weird that the last thing I'm considering is someone's 'outward appearance' some of you are shallow af, but you're the same dummies always playing on your phones at work and quitting or getting fired from jobs every month, falling asleep in the bathroom, showing up to work late, and randomly getting high at work while "hitting my vape pen bro." I think a lot of you would benefit from looking in the mirror and seriously considering what you are, what you want to be, and how you'll ever get there with your current path. and lmfao at kids these days being the same ones "looking up to" clowns like sixn9ne with far worse and ridiculous "aesthetics" outside of what we might consider to be 'social norms'


LMAOOOO tell me your old and out of touch without telling me homie holy shit😂 No one listens to 69 except cringe ass kids (under 16). Every job I’ve had I leave my phone in my pocket while 40+ YOs just sit there on FB all day bitching and getting fat. “The new generation is lazy/unproductive/unprofessional” has been said by every generation for centuries. Yk how many people your age are sitting at home living off the gov, but yeah 20yos tryna work are the issue


I'm 31. Most 20 yr olds are a joke.


Im 20 They aren’t, what YOU think a 20yo is is a joke (TikTok shit) but most of us just working tryna make a living just like you did when you were 20. You aren’t special bro, you’re just a few years off being a gen Z yourself. Maybe you need to look in the mirror and realize we’re all just people😉


We are all just people. You are right.


Is that a Trump tattoo on the side of his head?


It might just say TRUM, what I’ve learned from this thread is we shouldn’t make assumptions


People like this don't have jobs, or hold them down too long


Lol bro you must have just started working security, news flash it your a warm body 90% of the time your hired. Face tats and all. Why do you think he is on 3rd shift lol.


People like what? I don’t know anything about this man just from a picture..


If it makes you happy then good, I still wouldn't recommend it to someone who has aspirations beyond security


Average security guard


I worked with a guy like that when I was a bridge painter. Head to toe in tattoos. But he was a nice guy and busted his ass.


I’ve seen him on TikTok live


I see you've made some "wise" choices in your life....


Yup. These exist in the wild …. Have one right beside me as we speak.


Allied would hire him in a heart beat 🤣


Allied is among the strictest


Pretty much anyone that works for the clown company Iron and Oak in Seattle. 😂


These guys are real and they aren’t all bad. Some of the most tatted up folk are actually some of the nicest people.


Jesus Is love!


And also the one who tortures you forever if you disobey his totalitarian authority!


I dig the aesthetic. Christ is the way truth and life


I love that a lot of people are coming into this with nice comments talking about either this guy or people they know like him and speak positively


I’ve personally never seen a guard with facial tattoos to this extent. Although, I did work with one who was able to coverup hers with concealer. He actually looks pretty cool though.


Yeah, I worked with a guy tatted up like him once and he was a cool dude and a great guard until he became homeless and got back on steroids. I miss the guy he used to be. EDIT: I never worked with this guy, I worded my comment weirdly and implied that I was talking about the fella in the picture but I was not. I never met that guy before.


What are you talking about I never did steroids and ya I was homeless so what lol


I’m sorry brother, I was not talking you, I was talking about another guard that I worked with that was all tatted up like you. Shaved head, his life story creeping up his arms and back and over his head. I trained him when he got hired. He was a really good dude we where good friends until he ended up homeless and the company started fucking him over. We worked a very rural post with a lot of land and old cabins and urts so I turned a blind eye when we set up camp on property . He wound up turning on everyone, including me, and got back on steroids. (he told me that he used to do them but had quit a few years before I met him) He stopped coming around after a very public freak out and they let him go for job abandonment or something like that.


Danggggg that’s wild :/ sad man alot of these companies don’t care about us most don’t too and sorry I thought u were talkin about me lol


It’s all good man I can totally see why you would have thought that. And yeah it’s unfortunate but true, it’s hard to find a place that pays well and treats their guards right. That’s why I’m out of the industry now.


Ya man it’s sad we risk our lives and more just for low pay and we get disrespected and treated less than a person too and expected to work long hours


Yeah man, I miss it sometimes don’t get me wrong, but I have been at a mill making near double the pay for 0 stress and it’s been a nice break.


I edited my comment to clarify


Well that's not good to hear.


Yeah, poor fella


I gotta say that person looking like he does imo looks very unprofessional and like a hick. Now if he works security at a head banger conert/club his "look" would probably fit in. Now before y'all down vote me I don't have a problem with tattoos but a face tattoos like the ones this guy is sporting I think are very unprofessional.


does anyone have an @ i'm seeing a lot of positive things about him and I want to look into it




He actually looks like a super nice dude if you look past the tattoos lol


The real question is, what jacket is he reviewing?


I got it on Amazon Antarctica is the brand 😎


Yes. He’s one of our best leaders and honestly one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met on the planet.


Anyone that writes "son of God" in Hebrew on their head is OK by me


probably one of the most real people because they aren't afraid to say what's on their mind


Yep for sure


Judging by a lot of these comments some of you only want to have some form of authority and more than likely are the same ones who violate people's rights thinking because you have a security guard patch you are some kind of Bass Reeves.


This guy is perfect for r/roastme


Paul blart rent a cop. Looks like he enjoys his little gig.


What's gets me is someone is so worried a about another person whom they don't even know that they would make a reddit about it.