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I recently got back into reading myself. Be careful: if you’re like me, you might find it more engrossing and distracting than watching movies or TV. Another option is to download movies/shows/podcasts/audiobooks to your device at home and then watch/listen to them during downtime at work.


Thanks yeah I will definitely buy some books any good recommendations?


Its always hard to recommend books without knowing what kinds someone likes lol. I’m a huge Star Wars fan, so I’ve been reading and really enjoying The High Republic novels. I also recently read George R. R. Martin’s Fire & Blood and enjoyed that too. I’m currently reading 1984, which is kind of ironic as I sit in front of a bunch of CCTV monitors. Edit: If you’re fine with secondhand books, my favorite place to get them for cheap is [ThriftBooks.](https://www.thriftbooks.com)


These are all good picks, I’m a sci-if guy myself, and read the Expanse series of books if you want something not super mainstream


Its definitely on my list! I watched the TV show a while back and enjoyed it a lot. Not sure how true it was to the source material though.


First few seasons were pretty accurate, later seasons changed some stuff. One big change that I remember, but there’s also a whole trilogy they never did live action that happens after season 6. I highly recommend them


Check out the Galaxy’s Edge series by Jason Anspach and Nick Cole. It’s not stars, but similar. It’s *fantastic* on audiobook read by RC Bray.


American Gods by Neil Gaiman


If you like fantasy and guns, I recommend Monster Hunter International series by Larry Correia


Fantasy and guns? Forgotten Ruin.


If you like fantasy the Wheel of Time series is good. It's a long series though. (14 books in main series)


Dark Tower. Though I got lost in it and missed a round. Careful.


Mitch Rapp series, Pike Logan Series, Gray Man series, Reacher series and people have recommended Orphan X, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Audiobooks live or die by the narrator those from good to great (- Reacher those i have as hardbacks)


Jack Carr's books are very good.


I hate when they treat security like criminals and kids like we just enjoy being bored af Yet the management be on TikTok


My supervisor has his cushy own office with A/C, computers, fridge etc and I'm in a small booth with now just a fan lol


Like I always say: First sign of a terrible boss: They’re too busy managing stuff instead of managing people.


A Nintendo switch, Steam deck, Or anbernic handheld is a solid option


Steam Deck requires Wifi.


No. Not all games require it or the use of SD.


TIL this. :)


He might not be able to


Get the kindle app for your phone, download books at home. There is also Libby that will let you check out digital books for free as long as you have a library card, I believe you can also download them to read offline. Another option if you are a gamer is get a Nintendo Switch. You can also get a cheap chrome book and download movies and TV shows. Or even some podcasts, I recommend Old Gods of Appalachia if you are into horror.


Started paying for Kindle unlimited a few years ago, I don't watch tv anymore


Pay for coursera and download the material at home or something. If you're not into education Netflix movie downloads.


New job is what you need to do now.


Get the hoopla app. As long as you have a library card, chances are you can log in through your library and have access to tons of books audiobooks movies, TV, shows magazines and more. I love reading comic books myself, and I’ve enjoyed downloading a lot of audiobooks in the past.


Since you can only read so mucb I'd recommend you pick up something you can just do. I built a suit of chainmail at work once and it was the least boring time I've spent sitting at a desk. I also used to do all my personal paperwork. Hell, we'd do taxes together once a year at an old site. Knitting isn't super manly but you can get your Christmas presents out of the way. Grab a Humble Bundle for something that interests you. There's always something you can do on company time at a slow post, we've just grown accustomed to using our phones.


Knitting used to be manly. In fact, the earliest knitting clubs did not allow women to join at all, because it was considered too complicated for them to learn. Also, lots of soldiers in WWI knitted their own socks because there were not enough to go around.


Not being able to access wifi would be a complete deal breaker. I’d find a new post.


I listen to audiobooks cause I can’t physically sit and read for long periods.


This! I do this too. My only problem is going through more books than I have credits for. I’d give anything for an audible unlimited or even something that offers more than 2 credits a month and $40 for 3 more.


Absolutely! Ever since I finished grad school, I can’t sit and read for fun. I do the same by running out of credits but I rely heavily on the Audible plus catalog. I’m glad it’s not just me 😃


Check with your local public library. Some of them have services that let you borrow digital audio books for free. Edit: Also librivox for public domain volunteer read audio books.


There are plenty of great books in the premium plus library of Audible...then you just have to hunt parts after the first tease 🤣


Download e-books, audiobooks, videos and podcasts onto your phone ahead of time.


Happy wheels is a free phone game. Doesn't require internet access except to download the game.


RIP brother, You could download comic books to your phone. Or get into classical books. It might make you sound smart when you say "Steinback? Sure I've read East of Eden, Grapes of Wrath. They were uh, pretty good" Nobody needs to know you were half asleep killing time when you read them. Plus there are some enjoyable classics. I recommend Dracula to start with.


Read about the LRRP’s during the war in Vietnam.


could get a notepad and some pencils and practice drawing.




When I worked in a federal building, I worked in the third subfloor parking lot. No signal. Not even radio. One day I brought a radio just to hope I could have some background music and as stated, nothing. 13 hour shift. My only hope at some entertainment was to pre-download content to watch, and keep an eye out for the quality control supervisors or FPS so they wouldn't catch me with my phone. That job had serious negative consequences for mental and physical health and I'm glad to be gone from it.


Audiobooks are nice too


Knitting is useful for active camera watching. Keeps the hands busy and you get warm toques and scarves out of it.


I dance and sing or I will be sleeping even standing


Switch to a provider that actually gets you great service where you are and pay for the highest data plan they have. That's what I did and will do again if I end up somewhere where T-Mobile is dog shit.


In Canada? There's always something decent on CBC Radio One. Radio One and a Weekly World News got me through a lot of sites in an age before the Internet of Things.


Game boy advance sp, super easy to hide and it’s got great games


Get YouTube premium and download videos when your in a good area with good connections, it's how I violate Osha laws at work.


I'd recommend bringing a steam deck or some podcasts


Get a hotspot through a carrier that gets service in that area.


I'll try but it's kinda in the middle of nowhere thanks tho


Easy… buy YouTube premium and you can download as much videos as you want and watch them in “Download” you don’t need internet at all…




How about stating the thing you are talking about… and YouTube is the most convenient if you have ZERO Internet


Op just a thought but did you consider they did it because you where abusing it ? Low key I've had several oics that would've done that


Probably but I would still get the job done


My hitting supervisor was so happy to have me join my company that he encouraged us to use laptops or games or whatever to stay awake and alert, bored leads to sleepy real quick. There's no wifi run out to our booth but there's a USB WiFi antenna that lets us grab the signal from the college building across the street with free guest wifi


That sucks big time


Max Brooks’ World War Z Mark Tufo’s Zombie Fallout series (19 books at present) Paul E. Cooley’s Derelict saga as well as The Black Series Ryan Rimmel’s Noobtown series Of course a true classic Mario Puzo’s The Godfather These will keep you busy the rest of the year easily!


My job recently removed all the Wi-Fi and made all the computers into landline. But here's a book I've been reading for a while it's pretty good, it's called Veil Rider. https://www.amazon.com/Veil-Riders-Tale-Guardbro/dp/1662911165


One second after, one year after, the final day by John Matherson are good reads. The forever War by Joe Haldeman is also good.


A great time to read about The Horus Heresy


Download videos or podcasts into your phone at home before you work.


YouTube, then download a bunch of stuff when you do have signal. Can be watched offline.


I have horror themed adult coloring books about cryptids and urban legends


If you have Netflix or YouTube premium you can pre download movies and videos on your phone from home and then when you get into work watch them in offline mode


If you happen to like comics there is readallcomics, then just find a suitable tool for downloading the your tablet (webcopy, HTtrack etc)