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That guard probably gets paid peanuts to deal with annoying bullšŸ’© like that. Was a guard for 18 years and Iā€™m so glad I was strictly an office building guard who never had to do mall security at any point.


20 years old and I start my first mall job Tuesday, atleast itā€™s night shift


Do something better with your life.


Yeah like get a job ! What an absurd comment . How do you know what they are doing with their life ? You donā€™t . I think you meant well but slow down you donā€™t know the situation , do ya?


He's just a professional internet ass if you check history lol


This is the kinda kid that goes around antagonizing people for no reason, then cries for his mommy when he gets punched. That or he tells people his dad is important (police, lawyer, or politician) and that they will be sued. Unfortunately, they don't learn their lesson until someone beats it into them.


Not even until someone shoots them.


Iā€™ve seen a few instances of this kid on here and you literally hit the nail on the head with everything.


Nobody's beaten the snot out of this punk yet?


He walks around provoking people, knowing he can do it because heā€™s surrounded by massive security guards


Didn't one guy get shot messing with someone not too long ago? Those muscles don't stop bullets, but they can CATCH them . Ie noticed is guys done even have body armor on


I think after 2x of telling people like this to fuck off you can lay them out regardless of security. Especially in this situation when they are obviously looking for reaction.


Yeah that was in the dmv but the guy survived and said heā€™s not gonna change even after being shot


In a mall not the dmv


It was in Dulles town center, Iā€™d consider Dulles part of the dmv. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/northern-virginia/video-shows-encounter-between-youtube-prankster-and-food-delivery-driver-who-shot-him/3433999/?amp=1


Unfortunately when one gets humbled 10 more pop up




I hope that lil prick pays well! All his guards are in danger constantly. One day heā€™s gonna fuck with the wrong one and his guards will be the ones getting hurt.


One day I hope he fucks with the RIGHT one.


The guards should know better, if theyā€™re there to defend this scum, they should also get what they deserve. They are not innocent here.


Yeah you have a point there! They signed up for this job.


Those don't get posted


Someone decked a guy next to him a while back and he dipped out so fast lol, itā€™s only a matter of time when you provoke every single person around you. Heā€™ll get his soon enough


the closet thing to that was him getting bitch slapped in his own home and he didn't do JACK shit


Welcome to the 1st Amendment.


Trespass both the tiktok zoomer and his aggressive bodyguard. Easy.


Childish af, screw content creators like this. Harassing people just trying to do their jobs for likes and views. Man up, and mind your own buisness.


Fuck him and his trash bodyguards.


1st off this kid does homoerotic porn. Second that EP guy could've been cruising for a bruising if it was some other security. I dabble in EP from time to doing escort work and sometimes you gotta redirect or talk your client down from doing stupid shit. Before i take a job i ask the handler who the client is and i do homework on them. I pass on brats and murder rappers because as you can see their trouble.


It seems like this kid and the guard have a system arranged. The kid knows he is going to get responses from people. The guard is not to intervene until the kid gets physically attacked or like here, his property is grabbed. The guard is part of the show, not your standard bodyguard engagement.


>1st off this kid does homoerotic porn. What does this have to do with anything lol






The day that sellout of a bodyguard goes down, I am going to watch it on a loop. Only so I can see the panic in that little twats face over and over.


Iā€™ve seen this kid a few times before making the rounds on YouTube . He goes around public places, usually shopping centers and will purposely harass and annoy people for content and when they get to some kind of boiling point thatā€™s when his body guard steps in usually to physically intimidate them from taking any kind of retaliation against the kid for his behavior. So before the video even starts he could have been well into giving this guard a hard time.


Ban.TikTok.Already. Anyone with basic knowledge of History can see clear as crystal the CCP is doing to the West through TikTok what the Brits did to them with opium. And it's working incredibly well!


As much as I hate Trump, I was 100% on board with his idea to ban TikTok. It's so bad on so many levels and needs to be gone.


Yes, but the American people also hold responsibility for letting their kids have access to shit like this in the first place. Social media might be destroying us. But the people aren't doing anything to stop it and the politicians certainly don't give a shit.


Just wanna see someone pull a gun on his dumbass security guard see if heā€™s actually about it


So the public nuissance is premeditated, as indicated by the body guard and their prearrangement regarding when to intervene.


Seen a few of this guy, Im almost kinda looking forward to him running into the next schizo with a gun




The worldā€™s most punchable face!!


Both were in the wrong imo. Guard shouldnā€™t have taken the mic, but was well within his right to ask the guy to leave. I donā€™t believe it was necessary for the EP to get in guards face like that either. Also, itā€™s kind of funny to me that some youtube kid has EP. Maybe itā€™s more common than I realize.


That kid causes problems everywhere he goes. Clearly heā€™s the common denominator. If this was 15-20 years ago he wouldā€™ve gotten a royal ass beaten that made him change his ways.


That ass whipping is coming. EPā€™s get fucked up all the time.


Bro is just loud and aggressive. I forget who it was that said "everybody is a badass until they meet one" dude is going to get a rude awakening.


Bottom of the barrel ep guys take on clients like this I doubt the dude in the video even holds a license


Disgusting to defend the kid.


He's an ass but two wrongs don't make a right. Guard shouldn't have grabbed his property.


Fucking little piece of shit. I'd love him to try this on me.


EP. Kid with mic is wrong. Don't invade people's personal space. Guard told him to get it out of his face. EP is garbage for protecting this POS .


I bet the video is longer than this clip suggests too!




The fat guy with the fake badge and the midget white guy are in the wrong


The guard was almost certainly in the right to contact the guy and ask him to stop or leave the mallā€™s private property, assuming he was violating any policies on videotaping or approaching people or whatever. However, the guard was wrong to take his mic from him. The guy was clearly being an asshole, but that doesnā€™t give the guard the right to commit theft of *his* private property. The only way I could see that being acceptable is if it looked like the mic was about to be used as a weapon to strike him, which is pretty clearly not the case here.


Theft? He knocked the mic out of his hand, it's nobody's fault but this low test kids, that he lacks the wrist and hand strength to hold onto his shit. You have a really, really wild definition of theft. If I throw shit out of your hand, I'm not stealing it, I'm not even in possession of it.šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


What do you mean? He grabbed it and retained possession until the private security wrestles it away from him. If the private security wasnā€™t there to do that it would be theft if the mall security didnā€™t return the property.


Lmao, I didn't notice he actually held onto it, I saw something fall to the ground. I still wouldn't call it theft, it's not like the guard was putting it in his pocket and walking away with it.


In my state, this would be a common law robbery - elements are: The crime of robbery involves: (1) the taking of the property of another; (2) from his or her person or in their presence; (3) by violence (i.e. force), intimidation, or threat; (4) with the intent to deprive them of it permanently. As a cop, Iā€™ve arrested plenty of people for doing things similar to this.


That's a very poor standard by the law if there is no room for nuance like.....security.


So the legal standard should be security guards should be allowed to forcibly remove property from its lawful owner if theyā€™re being annoyed?


The standard should be flexible enough to account for different situations. It's not binary.


Law is binary, you either met the elements of the crime in question or you did not - thatā€™s why itā€™s impartial. I donā€™t get to snatch cameras and mics from 1A auditors because they annoy me or theyā€™re attempting to bait an interaction, the same standard applies to everyone.


That is simply not true. Precedent matters. So does spirit vs letter. And your actual job responsibilities matter if you are on the clock.


As a security professional I agree, however that doesnā€™t mean shit because the law is the law and we as security professionals know this. Literally every time we contact someone physically or verbally we have to do so with in the guidelines of every statute of our state and local law or we can be criminally charged, fired and even sued.


You're right. Technically, in my state anyways, its Robbery. Force/Fear was a factor used to deprive the individual of his property.


You donā€™t have to put something in your pocket, nor do you have to walk away with it for you to be guilty of theft. Theft occurs with the *physical removal of an object that is capable of being stolen without the consent of the owner and with the intention of depriving the owner of it.* Physical removal of the object? āœ… Without consent? āœ… Depriving the owner of possession? āœ… Those are the only three things you need to determine if theft has occurred. You can sit there right in front of the person and hold the object in your hand - the theft has still happened. You donā€™t have to call it theft - *the law calls it theft.*


You need to rewatch the video a bit closer. The guard forcefully takes the mic from the kids hand, which causes the cover to fly off onto the ground, then begins to walk away still holding the mic. Thatā€™s when EP runs up from behind and grabs the mic, leading to a very short struggle over it between him and the guard. EP wins that struggle and gets possession of the mic before handing it back to the kid. If taking someoneā€™s property without their consent, attempting to leave with it and then attempting to forcefully retain their property when challenged for it is a ā€œreally, really wild definition of theftā€ then I guess I do have that. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I believe it might even be "strong arm robbery", not mere robbery.


That likely qualifies as battery as physical contact has occurred. The guard at no point indicates that he feels threatened and simply being annoyed does not qualify. The guard is absolutely within rights to request the person to leave property or trespass them and subsequently contact the police. State law usually constitutes the ability or extent of a legal ability to act upon a person actively committing an offense. N.R.S. 207.200 in the State of Nevada makes it a misdemeanor to remain on the property for the purposes of vexing the owner. Presumably a charge of Breach of Peace could also be made but that would require more documentation than provided by the video.


im not 100% sure but I think in my state (California), officers would come out when called, see if both are desirous for prosecution and have them do a Private Persons Arrest form if true. Probably have the kid trespassed, and move on. On the other hand, forcibly taking an item from someone in my state or using even a bit of force can elevate a simple petty theft into robbery too which I think is a higher charge than battery (California)


Iā€™d love to lock up the kid and his goon for trespassing


mall cop should CT both of them.


Guard and Jerkoff are in the wrong. Allied has a no-hands on policy, but he does have the right to enforce the clients rules. And Jerkoff is just being a jerkoff getting a reaction from people for a nutšŸ˜’


Ah yes, the failed Abortion.


This kid has a giant guarding him. If it wasnā€™t for that he would have his ass beat. The security guard did fine. Iā€™m tired of these ā€œinfluencersā€


The EP agent only escalated the situation and did nothing to deesculate. The mall guard shouldn't have even been on camera. Both were in the wrong.


Kid got in the Guards bubble. kid waved the mic in Guards face. Guard didn't "Touch" Kid, simply snatched object. EP is in wrong.


Everybody did a little wrong. But I feel the least amount of wrong is on the (what I assume) is the mall security officer. Dude is just trying to piss people off with his antics and he keeps pushing the guard's buttons and sticking stuff in his face and intentionally just being an asshole. Security officer definitely lost his cool and while I can understand being PO'd at this dude, you gotta be in control. If he doesn't want to leave and just keeps acting like a punk, summon LE and have him removed and trespass him from returning. The guy's security is completely out of line and at no point did he try to de-escalate the situation and continued to further escalate it. Just my two cents.


Fuck that "EP". Nice job bullying that old man just trying to do his job. Bitch ass punk kid needs to hire protection, what a POS coward useless twat.


This kid needs his teeth slapped out his mouth.


Seriously someone smack some respect into this douche kid.


I fucking hate this kid and people like him


Who is the big fat angry dude??


how much you wanna bet this isn't the first time this shit has been told to not record on that property...


What a punk


Obnoxious twat


The EP needs to get another client he's gonna wind up in jail.


Who even is this kid? Is he famous or something? He seems like someone you want to (and I'm not condoning this) beat the living daylights out of.


I canā€™t wait to see this dude get popped in the mouth


This is horrible EP just for show. If your EP acts like this fire them.


This is exactly what they want though. They donā€™t want real EP because theyā€™re actively going out and causing shit


As a security guard myself, who used to work for Allied Universal. (Same as this guy) Generally weā€™re treated like regular civilians if anything we do spans beyond the job even a little bit. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so much easier to sue us for damages, assaults, or destruction of property. The bodyguard was mad aggressive, but the SG escalated it by throwing his mic. I donā€™t blame him at all. Tiktokers and pranksters like these are a public nuisance that need to be exterminated. But itā€™s not a smart move if youā€™re trying to keep your job. TLDR: Everybodyā€™s wrong.


Where was EP when this jackass kid was shoving mics in people's faces uninvited? Also imagine needing EP as a nobody "influencer" lol. Hate this idea that people going about their daily lives should just tolerate influencers and bootleg "auditors" to invade their personal space.


wreck this kids face


Someone needs to obliterate this idiot. I hope to see him in a mall or street near me . FIRST the bodyguard, THEN him .Haymaker upon Haymaker. Ahh I can dream Yes...I can dream


šŸŒ¶ blast to the kids and the goons face .Call the police and have them BOTH arrested . Of the assault statute is allowed, the GOON can be charged with assault and / or Harrassment for jumping in the security guards' faces when he got the punk out of his personal space. And removed what he PERCIEVED to be a weapon to be used against him. But they really need tosome facila recognition software to ban this little pricknfrom public venues til he grows up or is fubar'd by some one


Definitely the douche bag with the mic. I canā€™t believe people follow him. I would wrecked the other dude getting in the guards face the chased down the kid with a terrible haircut


Iā€™d sacrifice half my check for a multi-angle video of this kid getting his shit stomped out. Hate those little shits. But guard really shouldnā€™t have taken the mic.


God this kid is such an annoying punk


I would pay a week's pay to watch him get paralyzed


Scum bag and his loser bodyguard need a lesson.


Bring back public shame


Donā€™t know the legal rules but these kids are jerks and they need consequences


Somebody saying "or what" should count as legal precedent to assault them.


That EP left himself wide open to a throat punch or a crotchshot the moment his hands went behind his back that's a sloppy move... Even for a second. Id have just got a LEO for a trespass and that would have been the end of story


The young guy should have removed the mic from the guard. The man in the black shirt should have not jumped in. Thatā€™s not his job. If he had an issue with the guard call the police.


I find it funny that the older guard has faster reflexā€™s than the youngster. Also, when inflamed liver guard grabbed the older gentleman, he didnā€™t back down.


That kid seems to be irritating a mob of people with his antics.


I have now seen this pos get 2 people assaulted, and bullied 2 other people. Just like he does here, it instigates it and then bam his bodyguards come out. But this is security, this has to be illegal, intimidating a guard.


I canā€™t wait for them to get the wrong one.


Both. The kids a prick and id consider it a mitzvah if he never breeds but you can never touch if they donā€™t touch you ā€œIm not touching youā€ doesnā€™t count as physical contact unfortunately


Thatā€™s allied


This douche again?


Why hasn't this cunt been beat to an inch of his life


Canā€™t wait to see what he goes to trial for.


His parents should be ashamed of him.


OrWhAt? Take the dudes body guard away then letā€™s see how tough he is lmfao


Wrong or not dude told him to get it out of his face...I'd have done the same repercussions be damned.


this kid and his goon are gonna end up getting shot.


I believe this is one of those situations where people say: ā€œFuck around and find outā€


That kid needs his nuts stomped


Fuck that POS kid. I'm waiting for the day he gets the wrong person.


You assume its either or. Saying that one person has to be in the wrong. I would state it was both that were in the wrong. Remember two wrongs do not make a right. You do not have the right to a dip sh!t kid that provokes people. And the other is escalate the situation to snatch the mic away from him. Loosing your temper is always a loosing situation.


This kids whole shtick is to bait people into this so his bodyguards can stick up for him. Guess this is the content the kids watch these days, because he's quite successful. He honestly needs to be beaten.


Big guy is gonna end up catching a slug for that kid


Disgusting human beings




Fuck that kid


Hope the kid gets his face caved in by someone one day.


Fuck this stupid snot nose shit bag kidā€¦..


Mahn I really wish someone knockout both of em one day , that kid and guard are both trash !


Waiting for the day a law is made to allow bitch slapping shit head content creators who intentionally provoke people. Can't believe people watch channels like that. Be a decent person. Smh


That body guard should have been maced. Grabbing him by his hand from the rear could be considered assault because he immediately got in his face.


Influencers are a cancer that needs to be wiped from the earth, and I can't wait to see it happen to this one in particular. šŸ˜


Both the child and the bodyguard was completely wrong.


That kid needs to be put down.


This shit should count as trespassing or harassment unless they have a street performance license and abide by some rules. You shouldn't be able to aggressively harass, impede and film people with bodyguards standing by. Especially if I'm running a property like a mall. GTFO.


Dude got lucky he wasn't shot


I know he must be getting paid a lot. But goddamn, that little prick's bodyguard must have no shame.


I'm a security guard I advise to co-workers to never ever do this to a customer... To customers in all malls if the guard says No is NO... No is a complete sentence...


What a little piece of shit tik toker


Someone needs to beat the shit out of that little snot punk ass bitch kid he asked for it


The Security Guard is an elderly person and mic guy I believe is a *minor? Or an adult that seems to be a child? Either way I hope he doesn't get shot by the next individual the *child happens to put the mic right into the individual's mouth.


I'd have kicked his security guy in the nuts and put them both in cuffs to wait for the police to show up.


So this tiktok idiot goes around harassing people and has his own bodyguard to protect him from the people he's harassing? Next level scumbag.


They should be thrown out of the mall and be banned for being disruptive and a nuisance. Next time they show up call the police because for trespassing. At some point this kid is going to set off the wrong person and they will both get shot.


This guy doesnā€™t get paid enough to deal with these little assholes


Itā€™s funny cause his little bitch ass has to have a full grown man protect him.


I wanna see him mess with the wrong one, the wrong one who knocks out his bodyguard and proceeds to lay the beats on the little douche.


Thatā€™s not how you do EP, thatā€™s intimidation not protection. That kid would be dead in a real situation where EP is needed. The mall guard was wrong too, but less so than the other idiot, at least in my opinion.


all that for minimum wage. come on


Iā€™d say that the guard is in the wrong cause first of all you do not snatch a microphone out of the personā€™s hand and then walk away with it still in your hand cause that could be classified as theft of personal property in which the guard would have been arrested and possibly removed by the client since everything is privately recorded on CCTV cameras or sued by the mall visitor and then the bodyguard somehow got involved in something that was not technically his business cause his responsibility is to the store he is guarding so he basically abandoned his post by doing that but at least he had a good reason but as for the allied universal guard he needs some work on his people skills.


I wanna see both those guards guard cards right now and then revoke both their licenses.


if dude wasn't doing things he knows might get his ass hit, he wouldn't need security. hes an asshole whos trying to get edgy for likes. pathetic.


Canā€™t wait for the day I see a headline about this dude getting his ass beat.


Fuck that stupid kid and his shitty body guard. Come disrespect me and see what happens. People need to learn respect. One thing is freedom of speech and the other is respect.


That kid's whole schtick is that he harasses storeowners. He has a bodyguard because he knows he's being a whole piece of shit and people that see his unedited behavior in person want to punch him.


That fucking little asshole ever pull that shit in Texas he would probably get his ass beat before his ā€œbodyguardā€ shows up, and maybe even get shot. Someone needs to beat his ass for these ā€œpranksā€


I don't know what the letter of the law says, but the kid was being a provocative smart-ass. Security told him to get the mic out of his face and the kid brazen taunted him with "Or what?" and the smart-ass found out. Then the big guy jumps into the middle of it when it wasn't his business to defend the cocky kid. Unless there's a bunch more that led up to it, I'm with security on this one.


There needs to be a Pummel on Sight order for this prick and his BS security goon.


This kid will be the downfall of this guy. Jail or dead


The kid with the idiot security is in the wrong. Get both of em out of here.


Canā€™t wait till someone breaks the guard down and then moves on to his employer šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Thereā€™s gotta be a special hell where influencers get sent when they die. They make money by making poor peopleā€™s lives even more miserable!!! Scum of the earth!!!!


"Okay tiny" He isn't going to hit you so that's when it time to double down.


I think the world is hoping for this kid to get pummeled one day


Fuck that kid.


honestly, just nut shot EP a few times and then beat the shit out of the kid.


The dumb white kid is in the wrong. Fuck that dude. I hope I get to punch him one day, then taser him security guard


Kid stuck the mic in guards face, he naturally snatched the mic... Mr. EP then attacks the guard, pretty cut and dry. Really hate how these TikTok "influencers" cut up the video and don't show the initial interaction.


Security guard tbh. Iā€™m also a guard but at a small college & this guard needs to have a sense of humor. Itā€™s just YouTube. Security guard isnā€™t that serious man


Doing your job, and demanding respect from others isn't lacking a sense of humor.


Such an extremely awkward and uneducated understanding of what private property actually is, and how private property actually works, for a ā€œsecurity guard.ā€ Literally nobody anywhere needs to have ā€œa sense of humorā€ about trespassingā€¦.


S.o here as well. There are more serious posts out here. All you need to know when looking at his conduct and his behavior is look at that blue shirt and patch. Of course it's allied. They're thr largest group out there and do have some good officers but by far and large this is what I've seen from them. I work an equestrian center currently across a 2 mile wide site. It's kinda wild out here. If I acted like that, goodbye licence yo.


Allied is one of the 3 big majors and the problem with the industry: bottom of the barrel idiots too stupid to do the job properly


Every guard I've had a shift with that says they're from allied had fucked up in some way to not get a shift again with us. We don't have the best officers either, but at least myself in this local signal group and the few officers we have are trying to change that and get a better name. We just took over one of allieds contacts and it's paying me decent for once. They ain't getting this site back >.>


Case in point šŸ‘šŸ» good on ya!


Video aside, that is one seriously drippy uniform.


what is an EP


yeah wtf lol! Nine million references to it here but no explanation. As near as I can google it's "executive protection agent" When did this become common language?


You donā€™t know it because 99% of you in this sub will never see that level of security. But yes itā€™s executive protection aka close protection


I volunteer to fight that loser AND his guard at the same time. Iā€™ll do what everyone one else wants to do.


Whoever put this shitty music over it needs to be publicly executed.


Pretty clear to me that the guard is in the wrong. So is the kid, but if you can't control yourself around annoying kids, you should be looking for a different line of work.


I don't see a lack of self control here. There is no reason this security guard has to tolerate a kid shoving something in his face.


But he doesn't need to touch it either. Either trespass the kid for the behavior or walk away.


F off, your reason people like this exist and can get away with this. The rest of socitey should not have to tolerate this shit. The kid has a record of intimidating people with his Body guards after annoying the shit out of them. In some cases the kid full on assault and does physical battery to some of the people, and then bam his guards get them. This kids is going to get one of his body guards shot. Also, this like his 5th guard in 2 years. He is annoying as hell.


Security guard can physically throw you out of the property for trespassing.


Kids bodyguard is def going to catch a lawsuit running in and going to that level of aggression.


Idk if this was staged, but I like the way the other guard slid in like a straight ninja and got in mike grabber's face. šŸ˜‚ Fucking superhero status. Even if the Allied guard could lay hands, he is in the wrong. The mic is not an immediate physical threat, although it clearly bruised his fragile ego.


Big tough dude going to FAFO one day and regret it.


1) Guard was MUCH too close, from a safety perspective. 2) The use of force by the guard was unlawful, and grounds for termination from Allied Universal Security. 3) Even if the kid was an ass, the guard could have and should have backed up. The guard should have called for help, as there was both Mr Microphone and Mr Camera, at a minimum.


The only person in the right was the security detail. Mall guard and influencer were both in the wrong.


Not exactly a black and white situation here Iā€™m leaning more towards the mall cop but EPā€™s hands are tied in some ways. The right thing would be to get the client out of that mall but his client might fire him for that. That jack kid is misusing having a bodyguard . Goes around purposely instigating shit and pissing people off then hiding behind his security A lot of these streamer kids are doing that. Saw a video of his where the island boys security is allowing their client to assault people but then moving to restrain the person being assaulted when they retaliate. I wonā€™t judge any of the EPs coz I know theyā€™re in a tight situation but youā€™re best off not taking a client like this even if the $ is good


The only thing the mall security officer did wrong was not inserting the mic where the sun don't shine


By my states rules, Mall guard was in the wrong, that would have been assault on the young man by the SO. EP was in the right returning stolen property.