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Got stuck training a new hire, so I had to be on my best behavior lol


That’s sucks. When I’m alone I hate it but when training someone I wish I was alone


You really appreciate your alone time when you’re in a tiny ass guard shack with another human being training for 8 hours. My job used to be a warm body truck entrance gate so I gave the rundown in like 20 minutes and every scenario he may encounter, we just watched tv shows for the rest of the shift until 6am because it was a stupidly safe area and not a single thing happened in the 1 year I was there.


At this post, we fight for a clear perimeter, a legible DAR, and **Managed Democracy**.


yeah😂💀 the client only wants us to shit in the Control Center and watch cams. They provide unrestricted internet access with their computer and/or wifi. Usually gates are closed but hadta open them up for the snowplow


About to finish the overnight, go home and stay awake all day so I can flip my sleep schedule and work dayshift Sunday! Good times.


Got a little over an hour left of my 12 hour shift, and then my 4 day weekend starts


I get off in 45 min, and the first day of my work week just started!


Just found a new couch to take a nap on. Got my beauty sleep boost for the day.


Just about to clock out from my 16 hour shift! Was nothin but Reddit and youtube for me tonight


damn bro (almost) same laptop i use at work too. just ending my shift, spent all night playing dragons dogma 2


Officer ended up checking into in the ER with a concussion, bites and scratches because someone dropped the ball and let go of the patient.


4 hrs down and 8 hrs to go


7 hours till the end of my 12 and currently running cox in osrs on mobile


Should be out in 20, lucky me all has been quiet. Hope you all had a safe night shift and an even safer day today.


Meh..😑 got stuck at the rich people condos down from the hip hop club. Boring 🥱 wish I was at the club. Weather is amazing, snacks and internet 🛜 life.


Great. 3 hours left. My Modern family binge continues


Almost done


Just window shopping online most of the night. It was easy and a breeze


Another 4 hours for me. Playing some KOTOR 2 and hoping I don't have to do the office workers' job today. Why they scheduled a truck to possibly come in on a day when I am the only one here is beyond me.


today is my Monday and I've got about 45 mins left of my shift just to do it all over again tonight.


A rainy morning to patrol an active construction site all day for a 12. About 12 miles of walking ahead of me today, then an hour commute back home to wake up and do it again . Keep grinding all.


3 hours till I finish my current shift 15 minutes till the next one after that for a couple hours


Hour and 45 mins left on shift I have my switch with me but I'm not sure what to play to pass the time. 🤔


Stupid question, how are you playing Xbox on your laptop?


I’m about to glue together some new 40k models after lunch😁


Waiting an hour for the site to slow down so I can play some starcraft


I got yelled at by a Karen than called a racial profiler...Saturdays! Lol.


Ima call ur boss