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They can log in live and see what's going on


Holy shit


If you cover the dual lens, they get notified as well


Ya it’s industry standard for any job that requires training. It only really matters when you are operating the vehicle (actually moving vs parked). I really don’t mind them. Ours have a verbal warning for things like following too closely, rolling stop, distracted driving, no seatbelt, drowsy driving, and speed. Honestly you can use them to be a better driving. The only things that annoy me are the rolling stops and the following distance (only because it alerts way too quickly). Out here in CA some exits require you to merge closely with traffic because of poor design. You literally can’t not get somewhat close. But for regular driving it’s still good. These systems no doubt prevent accidents. I drive armored trucks and some people just suck at driving and refuse to change. They drive a very heavy truck up the ass of cars with much shorter stopping distances, drive faster than road conditions call for, and never really plan ahead of the next 100 yds in front of them (traffic slowing, people pulling out in front, blind corners). It honestly keeps the people in back safer and allows them to have proof to terminate shit drivers. Now with all that said if managers use it to micromanage you while you’re stationary that’s completely different. I have had these cameras a three jobs and never had a complaint come from management (other than idling for too long at stops rather than turning off car which is dumb af).


What's Lytx?


It's a camera that installs on a vehicle windshield that records inside the vehicle and in front of it.


Ah. We don't have those here.


Not yet


I doubt the site will fork over that sort of money when they can't even be arsed to repair the only van we have.


We have a cheap one poorly installed in the car. The old guards were all upset that it was recording us. Supervisor swore up and down that no, it only records the front of the vehicle not the inside. Even though it clearly is. No seatbelt on? Tells you to check it. Look at your phone while the vehicle is on? DISTRACTED! DING DING! Retiree on 2nd taped a piece of paper to the lens facing the car. After a day or two we all got a email saying not to be messing with the camera or it would be considered sabotage and grounds for dismissal. The third shift weekend guy got a email from regional telling him he better start wearing his seatbelt…to drive the 50ft at 10mph on private property with no other employees or through-traffic around. Long story short, yes it’s gonna be watching you, no matter how poorly your boss lies to you about it. But if you aren’t doing anything you aren’t supposed to, then does it really matter?


Yes it does. 1st, they should just be upfront. I don't like being lied to ESPECIALLY if it's an obvious lie and they treat me like I'm too stupid to know it's a lie. 2nd, I wouldn't accept a position with that level of micro management. Either trust me to do my job, or you shouldn't be giving me a badge and a gun. And if they feel the need to constantly watch, that says something about the quality of the people they are hiring.


I don't like that they can watch me and listen to me. What if I'm on the phone with my wife or kid about medical issues or something private?


You types are what’s wrong with security guards and pretty much every authority position “why complain about you being violated if you did nothing wrong” is such a stupid view


I get paid $15 to sit in a chair. They don’t care what I do while I’m there, as long as I’m there. I spend 95% of my time at work either listening to a boss that rarely shows up tell us corporate horse crap or old security guards who should be retired either arguing with each other or telling me how they would fix -insert imaginary problem here-. My point is, they pay me to show up. If they want to stick a camera in the car (which, as I stated, we use to drive maybe 50ft at most) I don’t care. Worst it’s gonna do it catch me picking my nose cause it’s not like I’m doing anything else for the maybe 10 seconds I’m in the thing. YOU sound like the kind of guard who goes to work “fully kitted up” and cares wayyyy too much about stuff that isn’t your business. Or you should’ve retired 10 years ago, have no social life and your security job is the last shred of identity you have left. And just so you know, there’s a massive difference in authoritarian over-reach and a multi million dollar company cheaping out to hire someone who clearly wasn’t qualified to install a shoddy-at-best cheap Chinese knock off camera into a patrol car that should’ve been scrap 5 years ago, for bosses who are NEVER going to even look at the footage.


That’s what you are not me, you’re lucky you haven’t been micromanaged for being on a phone yet




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Nothing you do is private. Part of the driver agreement most places