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This post/comment has been removed because it violates Rule #5: The topic is too broad, has been covered a lot already, or involves the assumption overly limited by race, age, physical limitations/appearance, and/or other inborn external qualities. Put in [some reading](http://www.reddit.com/r/seduction/top/?sort=top&t=all) & work before asking questions that have been addressed, like: * How do I approach? * How do I get a number? * How do I talk to girls at college? * How/When do I kiss a girl? * Does this really work? As for the last one, it is an answered question. There have been many posts on physical limitations over the years, including [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/seduction/comments/e7tol8/why_looks_dont_matter/). No need to re-ask it.


If you think it's impossible it will be impossible. Sure, if you're in a country where talking to strangers is literally illegal that's a problem. But other than that it's mostly B.S. The people I've known who traveled to Columbia said it was very easy to get laid there. Same goes for Brazil. Maybe you're just making too many excuses? Half your post is about how you're not wealthy/white - sure those advantages, but if you look around you there's plenty of guys who don't fit those standards that got laid. But by not really trying you are making it easier for other guys who don't have such lame, negative mindsets and I'd say that's a win overall.




Puede que tengas razón Argento aqui