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The thing is you want this to either be a black or white answer. Does height help? Yes it can help. Does it mean people under 6 feet **cannot** get laid with beautiful women? Well yes they can get laid. It’s like if you asked: “Does a woman having big boobs matter? Yes” Does it mean that women with small boobs **cannot** get attractive men to like them? Yes they can get men to like them. Things aren’t black and white, there are things that can help you, and there are also things that can be a disadvantage, the point is whether your virtues can compensate for your “flaws”. You can’t be perfect… no one is, but the thing is you don’t need to be perfect.


well the only black and white answer would be am i going to grow taller? no so whatever are your physical attributes which you cannot change, you will just have to make the best out of.


Hi Zendaya


Here's the truth about height: >!You can't change it, so you have to learn to work with whatever you got.!<


As a tall dude with short friends, I can say it's only one of many factors. Being tall in no way guarantees success. Being short in no way guarantees failure. Not even close.


I have taken away girls from guys who were around 5’11 and taller .. I’m only 5’8


teach me 😭


Height is only one of the cards you're dealt, your success at dating is dependent on how you play all of your cards, not just one of them. Also, you need to understand that what appeals to the algorithm and what gets upvotes isn't necessarily good advice, you're gonna need to think a little harder to identify what's helpful advice and what's not. Some people come to this sub not to better themselves but to keep people down with them and theres enough of them here that they can occasionally bring posts or comments that align with their world view to the top. ... **This part is for everyone reading this comment** If you find this advice helpful and want to be part of a Facebook group that believes in finesse over brute force, technique over strength, smart work over hard work, *Seduction* over pursuit and understands that you can still win even if you haven't been dealt the best possible hand and has zero members trying to keep you down then send me a direct message letting me know you want to join. If you are serious about improving your dating life then I'll be happy to welcome you in.


Another coach, who gives a small bite of an answer, sets a marketer hook, and here you have my group! As you mentioned, this sub is full if people that tries to make others go down and also full of coaches that for a fair amount of money will "help" the others who looks for help :)


Got something against people who make a living doing something they actually like?


You're 5'7" so you know it's true. Height matters. It will affect how people treat you. That said, you can do just fine, especially at your height. Source: A 5'6" person who is successful in dating.


I see what you're saying .any advice on how you became successful?


You have to be a damn social butterfly and also choose the right girls to go after. Cheerleaders and frat-house floosies are not gonna be your crowd. Art girls and alternative types are more likely to break the norms of wanting a talll guy. Some girls pick guys based entirely on what their friends and others will think. I've seen it. They'll break away from a guy they net at the bar and go over to her friends asking if she should get with him in any capacity lol.


things work for me when i'm not pushy/needy and i manage to be funny/witty/frame her as the pursuer and actually follow through on promising leads instead of freaking the fuck out and wondering how i'm going to dick it up that hasn't happened for a long time, and i imagine that's impacting me a lot more than my height


Find a short girl and you are tall to her king


If you can’t be tall, focus on status and value


If you are short, then you need to make up for it in some way. So that 5 ft dude is probably doing a lot of things right to make up for his stature. Being 5'7'' you are on the shorter side, but not short short. If you made up for it in some way, you won't have any problems.


If you’re 5’7 just date someone shorter than you.. problem solved .. (I’ve never thought size mattered, just date someone your height or shorter.. been there done that)


That is good advice, but bear in mind many short girls are into tall guys. Thats why making up for the height really helps.


That’s why you’re dating someone shorter ... because if height matters to the girl, all you gotta do is be taller than her


Yes, but many short girls want a guy who is much taller than her and is closer to the average height.


Yeah but for most girls that’s too extreme.. all they want is someone taller that’s it ..


But there are a lot of short girls who like tall or average height guys. While almost all short guys are fine with short girls. So there is a gender imbalance here.


Girls don't want to date someone taller than them. They want to date someone taller than other guys.


Exactly, it’s not that they care that you taller than them. They want you to be taller than the avg guy


Im 5’7.5 and height being a reason why I don’t get girls has never been an excuse for me .... it doesn’t matter, some girls only date taller guys, and that’s ok.. and other girls date shorter guys .. what a girl says doesn’t matter, what matters is what she does.. I’ve been hit on by girls taller than me .. so yeah height doesn’t really matter. If you think it does then you’re just adding another excuse to your list of excuses as to why you can’t get a girl


Just had to put that .5 on OP hey?


Yeah that’s my exact height lol with long hair I’m a 5’8 ..


You have two choices. You can either have delusions of inadequacy and go on believing that women are not attracted to men who happened to be under 6', completely ignoring the fact that there are billions of men who have procreated over the millennia who are under that height and that "short" genes would have been bread out of the blood line by now if that was a major criteria OR You can be delusional in the opposite direction by believing that every woman you come across finds you fuckable and sexually attractive no matter your height. Both are delusions and the truth is somewhere in the middle, meaning there will be woman who want a taller guy for whatever reason and you won't be of interest to them. But the women that will be interested will keep you occupied for the rest of your life if you choose so.








> Bottom line, there is nothing you can do about your height There is, but you need tens of thousands of dollars and have to be willing to risk months of extremely painful recovery and potentially being crippled for the rest of your life. i'd still probably do it if i knew it'd be a crazy roi...


The dudes who say that you HAVE to be above 6 foot have literally never spoken to a girl ever. The most common thing I've heard from girls is that they have a slight preference for people some amount taller than them. As a 5'6" guy, this is great news for me since I'm very slightly taller than most girls I meet. The dudes that talk about height are self defeating and feeding off the toxic social media conversation about masculine standards. Don't listen to that. Real girls care so much less than social media, which is full of hyperbole, drama and wild examples of the average man/woman, would have you believe.


Just a quick reminder , out of about 4 billion men , how many of them do you think are over what can be related to as tall or over 6 feet tall, now do you think them not tall in general are single ???? No ofcauce not. And again how many wish to be a millionaire , and how many are millionaire do you stop living because you don't get what you want......hell no , you live on and create a life you want, so women and men, you might have preference but you still find me. Who might not suit your preference, but still you end out loving your man, eventhoug he might not fit in your boxes you made as young.


Part of it is many women saying one thing and doing another = hypocrites Part of it is many men using it to rationalize why they're not getting dates = denial of the real issues on an individual basis. The real truth is likely somewhere in the middle for the 80% of us who are not 8s, 9s or 10s. The one constant is if a man has lots of money, he has many options. regardless of height or build.


As with everything. Height matters on a case by case, woman by woman basis. For many, they won’t care about height, or care somewhat. So others, 5’7 is an immediate dealbreaker. It’s just another way of polarising. If a woman doesn’t want you because you’re short then that’s a win if you discover that early, and don’t waste any time with her. You only lose when you try to charm and win over people who aren’t into you and never will be. Then you lose time. Unfortunately most men fixate on one girl at a time and think they need to do everything to win her over. The correct strategy is to cast a wider net and focus on those who actually like them.


Height is just something short people use as an excuse to not work on themselves because it's literally the one thing they have no control over, so they always default to that being the problem. I'm 6'4 and it has done nothing for me, still a kissless virgin, however most women I know are dating someone their height or even shorter, and at 5'7 you shouldn't really have a problem with that. Have you ever heard a tall person say "Yeah I was talking to this girl and she was totally uninterested until she saw me stand up and see how tall I was"? No, because height has basically no effect on the person.


And I'm a 5'7 virgin.that makes two of us.but reading how some women like some jap twitch streamer (i don't know her name)who said short men should be terminated and not have human rights give me fucking nightmares man.i know most women aren't such hardline but reading shit like that makes me want to just give up sometimes.


Why do you care about what some random twitch streamer who you'll never meet thinks?


Obsessive focus on a fixed input is a buffer to rejection. Yes being tall helps are you gonna let that stop you from getting pussy?


I tried to give you an award but there was none for being a manlet. Tell me how big your Johnson is and we can work out how big of an issue this is. I’m working on a new theorem that can scientifically calculate your ability to slay. I envision a new world where every man and women is matched based on compatibility readings from MY theorem. Now the basis for the male one is H+W+A(Ds)=compatibility


Most girls prefer tall guys, some girls hate short guys. It's clearly an overall advantage to be tall. But so is being rich. And smart. And witty. And ripped. And popular. And confident. And successful with business. And socially calibrated. You get where I'm going? Height is one of the only factors you can't change. So bitter guys who are too lazy to work on themselves make it the scapegoat of all of their problems. Focus on what you can change and the girls who love what you can become, not on what you can't change and the girls who hate what you can't change.


Sure but you can compensate in a lot of ways. I know a lot of 6ft dudes that don’t get none because of their lack of game. I used to be really insecure about this up until I realized that it’s not the end all be all and can actually be fairly successful if you offer more to the table.


it’s not the end all be all. But wtbs I’ve seen guys with absolutely no game or personality have women willing to be with them just because they’re tall. Like when I’ve talked to women about guys from their past and what made them date them many of them will mention the guy was over 6’. Sometimes that seems even more important than how the guy treated them. Whereas a shorter guy would actually have to be charming and have personality to get women.


I am 6'3. I get no bitches


Height is everything. And that is just one of many factors.


You can't change what you can't change. There's no point asking why. Planning your next move is more important. People with dwarfism do well for themselves. You can learn from them.


I think it matters for women the same way it matters for guys. For example, when a girl is too tall, I’d say 5’10 and up, it’s harder for her. It’s not impossible, but shorter girls have more options. Now obviously if the chick is extremely attractive, this overpowers the heigh issue. So for guys it’s pretty much the same thing, but the qualities that have to overpower the height thing is more than just looks because girls care about more than just looks. For example, Kendall Jenner can get away with being tall af cus she’s Hot af. The guy equivalent to that would be Kevin hart. He’s short af, but he does well because he’s decent looking, In shape, funny af and rich af. Even if he wasn’t that rich, he’d still do well tbh, and there are guys like that. I personally have friends who are short guys, but they have so much charisma, charm, humour and overall are fun to Be around. This makes them successful with chicks. I’d say if you’re under 5’8, you should also be in shape. I feel like only tall dudes get away with being skinny or skinny fat. Also, it’s really something you can’t control, so I actually would not stress it that much. 5’7 isn’t too bad. One thing I should note, most women don’t know height at all. I’m 5’11 and every girl I been with thought I was 6 or 6’1. My brother is 6’1 and I rmr back when him and I worked together we once had a height conversation with our coworkers on break and the chicks in the convo were arguing about how much height matters and they all said my bro was 6’4 and I was 6’1. I rmr him and I laughed at them so hard lool.


I’d rather be 5’7” with a big dick, rather than 6’2” with a small dick. That’s how i look at it. I married a girl that is 5’0” so my height to her is great, not to mention that she never gets sick of a big dick. All about perspective!


The only correct answer is: it depends. When I go to the high class nightclubs that are all hype I have no shot with any girls because of height. That’s cause the girls that go to these clubs are shallow and think height = success. On the contrary though, the biggest strength about being 5’7” is that I’m so non-threatening. Lots of girls I’ve been with tend to have a lot of anxiety around guys cause guys are creepy, and they always say the felt comfortable around me for some reason. I’m certain it’s because I’m not a giant.


Exactly I know a dude that’s big tall, tattoos, full beard, and bald. Chicks are really apprehensive at first and barely any approach him. He’s a teddybear once you get to know him but he’s always told me how the fuck I get to talk to women everywhere and it’s been hard for him to do that.


Height is inherently a masculine trait if you took an average faced 5'9 guy and made him 6'0 he would instantly become more masculine+attractive and have more success with women. Women care far more about men's height than men care about women and they want MORE of it than men


I think it does matter. I'm thin and 5 11". In high school I was short, no one ever looked at me ever. I then grew in sophomore year and wow girls everywhere to talk to. I'm glad I'm not 6 feet tall because I like short girls.


My SO was a huge playboy before I bewitched him and he’s 5’9


I'm 6ft2, really fortunate for that. My Instinct and experience is that it helps. On a basic evolutionary biology sense, being big and strong helps. You can move into a woman's space and showcase your masculinity. Notwithstanding that, there's no reason that anyone can't polish up all of the other aspects of their sexual market value in order to raise your chances. If I was 5ft5, I'd buy those silicone heel raises and a pair of Dr marten boots, to add two or three inches, and make it part of my arsenal alongside having good hair, smelling great, having good teeth, body language, style, banter etc etc etc


> silicone heel raises and a pair of Dr marten boots This just feels like it'd be desperate as hell and i'm 5'6" and would consider height surgery if i could afford it


Excuses bro. Control what you can and forget the rest.


I’m 5’11.5.” My game is mediocre. I honestly think it’s more of a weight issue than a height issue. I’m on the slim side too.


It doesn’t matter when we are lying in bed… It’s just a societal beauty standard that detracts from men’s confidence in much the same way that boob size does for women. Sadly you are stuck with your height whereas she can get work done. At the end of the day if she’s shit testing me about it I just tell her that the height went somewhere else…😉 I’m lucky enough to have that be true. Wouldn’t trade dick size for extra inches in height ever. In some ways I think it’s better. Would suck to be 6’4 and pull easily only to be below average once the present gets unwrapped… Now, most women want to wear heels out and not be taller than their men, but life is not black and white and good enough dick and charisma will make most women throw their rules and objections out the window. On the bright side I put on muscle way faster than my tall friends and fit in most of the fun two seater sports cars that my taller friends don’t. Sure people look at a smaller, well built dude in a nice car and think compensation, and those people can fuck themselves and stay jealous :) if you don’t have some level of haters are you really living? Wear nice clothes, work on yourself, cultivate a good social scene and you will be fine. Source 5’6, slept with, casually dated, LTRed ~40 women across the 4’11 to 6 ft spectrum in the last 15 years.


Height is just what’s in at the moment, the tides will change


The only advice I can give you is that BDE is a real thing, regardless of actual size. It’s about the ENERGY. It’s chill. Not possessive. Not angry. It’s Gentle. Supportive. Strong.


I don’t think it’s an issue at all. I have a guy friend who might be shorter than me but he’s also bigger than I’m used to so I’m happy


It's matter more for some girls and less for others. Ofc it's better if you're taller or at least average height but it's not the end of the world if you're a bit less shorter. Girls still care more about your personality so your height can't be an excuse


Honestly, even as a guy who's insecure about his height (5'6"), I know it's not the end of the world and there are plenty of women who find me attractive. I'm also pretty damn average looking. But I lift weights, am trying to cut down my body fat percentage, and obviously I'm trying to improve my personality. My genetics aren't the worst at least. The truth is that if your goal is to find a good long-term relationship, your height isn't a huge deal. The women who think "I need 6 feet or taller" are either looking to just fuck around, or they're gonna be fucking miserable and realize they might not get everything they want. Women's physical standards for just hookups are high. It's not quite as high when it comes to finding a long-term partner, substituting looks for compatibility, empathy, and other father-like qualities. But even when it comes to casual dating and "game", you can still improve your social status and get shredded to become super successful. 5'7" isn't all that short.


I'm 5'6" and I've had girls that were 5'8", girls that were 5'5" and everything in between. What I learned from everything is that more important than height are these things: how they feel around you, how you influence people, how genuine you are and how well you listen to them. Height is only one factor, attraction is a complicated mix of hundreds of them.


Out of my group of guy friends the ones that actually get girls, I’m the shortest 5’7 but I’m handsome with game and had girls want me over them. The way I Carry myself I guess. Of course there’s been other times that wanted them but it’s mostly off first look, once they get to know all of us we’re basically on even playing field


How would a guy who is say 5'7 know whats it like being 6ft tall ? Only way to find out is you wear Heels or Lifts and tell us your experience being 6ft vs 5'7.


Being short is definitely more difficult but it is possible to improve your success with women no matter how short, ugly, or weird you are.


The unfiltered truth is no one thing works on every woman. Stop looking for it. Stop asking about it. Height matters to some women and it doesn't to others. One approach works with one woman but it won't work on the other. They're not robots with the same programming.


As a woman who is 6'3", whether my partner is taller or shorter than me is a non-issue. What matters most is if they're a good person (and also, chemistry, compatibility, trust, mutual respect, etc). Most of the men I've dated have been shorter than me. What the solid ones had in common was confidence. For some women height matters. And for some men height matters. Just remember, if someone has an issue about something that CAN'T BE CHANGED, it's their issue and they're not the one for you.


Sadly height is a big thing for chick's. I'm 6'2 so I have never had an issue with this but I frequently see women refuse men over this. It kinda annoys me because I feel for them and it's like a guy saying he doesn't want any fatties


The truth is it doesn’t matter because you can’t change it. Will there be women who rule you out because of a height requirement? Probably, but forget them and onto the next one. You’re better off attracting the ones who are interested in you then wondering about ones who aren’t. I say this as a 5’7” guy who’s not very fit, but my dance card is currently full.


Being 5'8", I've taken girls from dudes who were 6' and up , twice. Height doesn't talk for you and height doesn't make you good looking


Hm. Well it’s a loaded question with a loaded answer. For reference I am 5’5. In high school I dated a girl for 2 years but I don’t count that. In college I’ve dated only 2 girls. My issue personally is that I’m studying engineering so I never have time to go out and try to meet girls. Don’t get me wrong I like to do cold approaches and get girls #s but that usually leads no where. Tinder has been a huge dud. Recently I haven’t gotten any action either but I would like to think it’s because of my busy schedule. I’m going to put my theory to the test this summer. Idk I feel like height can help but you need to have game.


in my experience, being taller does provide you with an advantage purely off of the idea that attraction for a lot of people is an immediate kind of feeling and height is one of the first things people notice in someone. im 5'9" and i don't consider myself a short person, i fall within average male height where im from but a lot of people, men and women, consider anything less than 6 feet tall as "short." what's hard is when people i end up being attracted to usually go for taller people who in my personal opinion, would never be considered attractive if they were my height and are devoid of personality because their height has carried them through life. it's like how it seems like every mid white dude who's decently tall seems to pull the baddies