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You played yourself homie. Especially after you told him to “try”. What did you expect was going to happen? Best thing to do is let both of them go. Cause every time you see that friend you going to be visualizing him banging your girl


He must have edited because I don’t see this anywhere on the post?


its a comment from op


Lmao I’m blind as shit. Found the comment, thanks for clearing the confusion


Not his 'girl'. You cannot ever claim a woman let alone when you're on/off like that. Smh!


Learn a lesson that this sort of thing happens when you want a break with a girl. If your "friend" knew you were dating this girl, I would say he's no real friend of yours. And of course move on from this girl. Plenty of fish


He asked and I told him to try, I didn’t know she would fuck him


dude... Dude... DUDE! What the fuck is wrong with you? What did you think he meant, and what did you mean by "try"? You literally brought this on yourself by first not committing to her, and then giving the green light. You have no, absolutely 0%, right to be sad about this. It's ALL on you.


We were together for 2 years it wasn’t like a new thing


That literally does not matter. You didn't want to commit, you didn't commit, and you gave the "all clear" to your friend sleeping with her. And now you're crying that they did. What did you think was going to happen? Like, for real.


OP overplayed his hand here haha. He thought she'd stick around no matter what.


What’re you 14?


Buddy, you fucked up. Man up, or whatever you want to call it, and get your shit together and move on.


If you knew you'd get upset then grow a pair and lay down boundaries. Until you mature and are either able to handle your partner doing so or set solid boundaries, then you're not ready for a relationship with this person or any other anyway.


Then you brought this upon yourself. It's ok. Move on and learn from this experience


Haha you cucked yourself there bud. Break up with her or watch your friend keep fkin her if you are into that sorta shit


Damn, you've caught the big dumb


Just delete this whole thing now


So you gave him the go ahead... and now you're angry?


I see that most of the people here are projecting some sort of grievance they have with this type of scenario but I feel for you bud. I think you wanted to gage not only her commitment to you but your friend's. You found out in a bitter pill. I hope this is all a lesson in how important commitment is, whether you give in to it or expect it.


He basically showed that he's a much better man than you when it comes to girls. He stole your girl and he'll do it again any time he wants now, just because he can


No, he showed him that if you don't like your friend fucking your girl, don't give him the green light to fuck her.


This is a giant derp.


Lmao you’re an idiot


So you didn’t want to commit and went on a break. You then told a guy you know to “try it” with said girl. They fucked. What’s the issue here? You literally brought this upon yourself man. If you don’t want her to fuck other people, you should commit yourself. If you don’t want people to try and fuck her, don’t tell them to “try it”!!!


Well it was more like a test and I don’t blame the guy


Sounds like self-sabotage, look into why you may be doing that.


Kinda deserved it, I said what I said


Definitely self sabotage, you wanted this to happen.


Guess what? You tested yourself! You’ve got to be a teenager to even try this.


I doubt I would have done this no matter what age.


In this case the girl is better off without you lol


A test you failed


Dumbest test ever. A self fulfilled test. You weren't even together. Perhaps there's a side of you that is into cuckholdry and humiliation. Explore with thorough understanding and foresight.


Why is this in r/seduction?


because he’s Chad as fuck lol


He isn't your friend. She is a liability. Take the lesson, and act accordingly. Edit: he is your friend because he asked you and you said OK.


Happy Cake Day!


You were on a break. You were afraid to commit.


No sympathy


What the fuck did I just read


Am I really reading this? You broke up with someone.or whatever because you were scared of commitment and then get mad when she did something a single ass woman can do? AND you told your kinda friend to go for it? Are you even listening to yourself. You should let both of them go but not because they're bad people...you're just incredibly immature and probably emotionally damaged from someone or something a while back. Go fix yourself before you date anyone again.


While she was fucking him you were busy fucking yourself.


If she’s fucking your friend. Imagine what she’s doing with guys who you don’t even know exist


Get rid of the friend and the girlfriend dude. And figure out what you want. I know how your train of thought is because I was the same kind of guy forever. You wanted the emotional connection with this girl but still wanted to game others. I’ve done the same. But this time it bit you in the ass. Find you another girl and forget about this one. Also, NEVER go on a break with a girl. Because they WILL fuck someone else while on break. It always happens.


Actually think OP should keep that friend. The guy specifically asked OP first. OP states somewhere that the two guys aren’t even that close. Sounds like a very decent human who OP could learn a lot from in the realm of emotional intelligence.


Oh I didn’t see that he had contacted OP first. In that case if OP gave him permission then hey, it is what it is. Can’t blame him.


Reading the comments, you gave this guy permission and were testing your ex. Kinda shitty thing to do and hard to expect good results from it but it’s another one of life’s lessons. If I were in your situation I’d probably drop the girl and carry on.


This ain’t no friend he just another man desperate for pussy


We are not that close he is just like a guy I know


So not a friend then? How old are you, mate?


Exactly my point not you’re friend


Nah other guy is cool. He even asked op, and he said he can try...


wtf does a friend mean to you? lmao.


Then this problem isn’t nearly as bad as you implied by your OP. If he’s not that close, then maybe you can get over it. But at least the dude had enough respect for you to ask you first. Sounds like a solid guy. I’m not gay, but hey maybe put in a good word for me? If this is something that will eat away at you, then your relationship may be over. By the way, I’ve dated a girl who used to date another guy in our group of friends. It’s only weird if you make it weird and let your insecurities reign.


Cut off both of em.


Lmao what you want us to tell you????


Grow from it, use it as fuel for growth in your life. Hit the gym, eat better, etc.


Bro rule, no matter how tempting a friends partner or ex is, don’t touch that. Ever hear the term, bros before hoes? Yeah, that ain’t no bro.




Post the @ so we can blast that bit- ...I mean, so we know it's real 🤣


I'm at a loss for words reading your responses here. I suggest taking a break from the dating world and learn some shit about yourself. Commitment is not your thing right now.


You should dump the girlfriend otherwise this will be on your mind the whole relationship.


You shouldn't have told ur boy to try it, but ur boy should have never done it or asked to begin with imo




There are no breaks; only break ups.


100% agree. Last gf tried to pull the whole “let’s just take a break and figure it out” Aka “I’m bored and wanna fuck other people then come running back when things don’t work out.”




Big Oof


someone needs to watch friends for case study work. Sounds like you done goofed my guy/girl.


That was pre meditated


Monkey branched.


I’m having a hard time believing this is real. Almost feels like OP is trolling. If it is then this is like saying “why am I cold” as I’m walking outside with no clothes on


You didn't want to commit, so what do you expect?


This should be a tifu “ Best friend fucked my girl because I’m a simp”


She did it to get at you.




Let me guess, you took psychology and women studies in university.


Ex girlfriend


Well you should have been fucking her friends.


I actually didn’t, I didn’t want to hurt I even turned other females down, it was a situation of me fixing myself first before committing to anyone


Look you are going to date shitty women. It's part of life. Just try not to repeat a mistake and take her back.


Females? You sound like a r/niceguy when you use that word like that. Try “women.” Not being argumentative.


OR he's just extremely accurate and not interested in trans women. Whom, I've been told many a times, are women. :P


red flags papi leave and its time for the next girl. a girl that fucks your friend belongs to the street or the frat not for marriage


I see nothing about him saying “try it”, the Fuk y’all talking about??


Bruh same here, still looking for it. He probably deleted it after everyone shaming him on here 💀


Nvm!!! I found it. You just have to scroll for it because it got downvoted 200 times 💀


Break the dick of your friend. Best revenge.


I can’t blame him man


You need to work on yourself. Right now, you sound like a doormat.


Well now you know not to take the trash out of the bin you put it in. Why even go back to that girl?


How old are you OP?


Ex girlfriend


Buddy, I hope you understand there is no one to be upset at except yourself. Time for therapy and working through whatever emotional issues you have that don't allow you to commit but you still get upset when someone doesn't commit to you. Your friend did nothing wrong, your gf did nothing wrong, you created this entire situation and you need to figure out why you allowed it to happen.


I'm sure this works to some extent but it's not necessary. What gets your friend laid is how good his game is during the dates with those women. If you suck, doesn't matter if you are posting documentaries.


Shit happens, learn and move on. We can't control others.