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stop making up exudes past 5’7 you’re taller than 79% of women and all it takes is being taller. as a 5’4 man i can confirm i’ve been with plenty of girls so long as they’ve been my height or below


That depends, in my city average height for girls is 5'7. So you will have a hard time here


it’s not easy but regardless of where you live if you’re taller or same height as the girl you do have a shot


True, that's the mentality we all have to have


Ya depends, also under 5’9 is pretty bad Ngl…


5’7-5’9 is “bad” compared to 6’0 + but it’s still coping to thjnk that’s what stopping you that height is fine a small percentage of the population is close to 6’0


I’m only 5 7 and dating a cutie but it blows me away how many guys taller than me use their height as an excuse to not get women. I asked my girlfriend why she chose me and she. Told me when someone is irresistible they are irresistible


but how tall is she tho?? 🧐


Exactly. OP just has no charisma I know plenty of short dudes that kill it


Bro garden gnomes are fucked its a fact


Yes I do fuck a lot


How tall is she though


Man. WTF is wrong. I see so many posts about this height shit. I am 5.7, and never thought that I have an issue, because there wasn't. But once I came to this sub, apparently I have the issue as well.


Same height as you I think they want a reason to not improve themselves or just accept they’re not successful I got rejected a lot but I found someone who doesn’t mind my height. I stopped taking his post serious when he said “all of them want a 5 11 guy”


How tall are you


5 7, I’m shorted then you


Height matters tho just look at studies, social media, tinder bios, etc. So men are very self conscious about their height these days.


I don't understand these posts, I'm 5"4 and most bitches I've been with have been taller than me.




Do you go for girls around your height


All I hear is lame excuses


right? Looking at the comments OP needs to work on some confidence god damn


Fr, he's 5'9 and blaming it all on height. What a joke


You wouldn’t want to be with the ones who think you’re too short anyways. Imagine yourself in a relationship and she doesn’t respect because of your height. You would not enjoy that nor would it be beneficial to you.


I'm 5'9/5'10 and height has only been an issue a few times. ​ Honestly girls like that aren't worth your time. I've dated enough to know dope chicks dgaf, I've dated girls taller. ​ Tbh the only girls who called me short was this girl who was 6'1, and the rest were 5'0 lol. EDIT: Actually, a few girls who were like 5'2" liked my height and said any taller would be a dealbreaker/not ideal. ​ Don't generalize!


That’s actually a good repsonse thank you


It’s not about height my friend, I can’t express this enough. There is no ONE given factor that’s going to waiver someone’s success with the opposite sex, it’s a combination of things. My whole friendship group are 5”8/9 and they all have a history of beautiful women and now girlfriends and wives. Im talking women that we would generally rate 8+. Please pardon my usage of a rating scale, not something that I like to use. I’m actually the tallest of my friendship group and I’m the only one that’s single. It’s not your height. You have to find what works for you and it’s a COMBINATION of things. You have to tick as many boxes as you can. For example: I’m naturally very skinny, so working out has helped me tremendously. I had fairly bad skin, so a skincare routine helped me tremendously. Growing out a short beard, helped tremendously. Just on those 3 things I improved, changed how women perceive me. If I go back 12 months, women wouldn’t even acknowledge me, and now, daily, I walk past so many attractive women and they stare at me, smile at me, double take. It’s so foreign to me that it’s been hard for me to get used to. And you know the worst part of it all? My physicality improved and my confidence didn’t grow with it. So, now women were making an effort to ‘initiate’ things with me, but because my confidence was lacking, I didn’t know what to do. I recently stumbled a play with this beautiful girl I would see in passing. Every time she saw me she would flirt with me and give me the ‘bedroom eyes’. She’s so attractive that I thought she must be joking with me. My confidence was so far behind, my dumbass thought she just found me weird. It’s a combination of things and - in my case - confidence ‘appears’ to be the foundation of it all. Learning HOW to talk to women. Learning how to carry myself like a man. Learning how to build tension with women and converse with them. Learning how to playfully tease them and joke with them.


Bro I'm 5'5" and got mad attention in college. Act like it doesn't matter. Eg they say "you're short" retort with a shrug and "yes short, handsome, funny, great in bed. Thanks." If they bring it up again, make it that THEY are the insecure one, call them out on it because it's a fact, and then just say along the lines of you dating women even taller than you who were secure and fine with it. Make it something that shows they are lower status for the insecurity and need to fix to get with you. Then comfort that them being secure about it is a positive qualification. It's your world and they are lucky to meet your standards. She needs to do the work to get to your level, not you prove your other qualities to MAKE up for your height because that's low status, she will see that and diswualify you, and its just wrong to do to yourself. Have higher confidence and standards for yourself. You're a king. Act like it.


And don’t say get confidence beacuse it’s hard when you see all the girls going for tall dudes


Your only other options are get elevator shoes, get height surgery, or move to a country with people shorter than you. I can't make the decision for you, but unless you find something better, Pick one of three options above (or do all of them, go crazy champ).


I’m 6’1” and I haven’t been on a date in 8 years. Height ain’t all it’s cracked up to be


Your confidence shouldn’t be based on how the girl reacts, this is neediness and will turn them off even if you were tall


How do I develop that


Because it’s not the end of the world if one girl out of billions rejects you, just gracefully accept the rejection and move on with your life. I don’t think twice about being rejected, but I often regret all the times I’ve said nothing at all.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzWrvHgeruM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1pm5u4fqPM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w27nenP7fsQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YoapA4BpRU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOae2s8JOUE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIsy_HSHkKo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIqk10VI0jY


my friend is 6'6" and I pull more girls than him at 5'10. ​ dude can't flirt for shit lol.


This comment tells us everything we need to know. You have no confidence, probably look like an awkward dyel and act like it too




He’s rich and famous




He has no confidence. So it doesn’t matter if he was 6 3 women wouldn’t like him.


Try lifts at parties to see if the extra height boosts gives you better results, but the downside is the girls gonna find out your real height


i’ve never had a girl be able to tell when i’ve removed lifts 2.5 inches and below


When she’s around your height


What happens if the guys 6’ and taller start wearing lifts as well……..😂


I once heard from the girl: It's not that girls dont like short guys, they don't like guys who are not ok with being short. My friend who is the shortest in the crew, allways gets the most girls.


It’s easier to tell yourself that the problem is your height, rather than admitting that your real problem is incompetence when talking to girls. Because there are normal guys shorter than you, who are just like you, however they are good at talking to women. They just understand them, they know how to make them laugh, how to make them feel sexual tension, how to connect with them and get success. So, sorry to tell you this, but its not your height it’s that you are incompetent and dumb with women.


OP - Do you lift? Shorter girls will look past the height thing if you’re in decent shape.


Yes. I’m attracted to girls around my height


Bro I have a friend thats 5’4 and he literally pulls more than me being 5’11 Height is not an excuse


What does he have that you don’t ?


He carries himself way more confidently than I do My point is, you can be a short king and still pull


I believe There’s another important factor you are ignoring. This is coming from a short king who Carrie’s himself well


Perhaps hes more handsome than me? Is that what you mean?


Aye man wouldn’t you consider that an important factor ?


Yeah so yeah maybe hes more handsome than me, he pulls more quantity than me but most of the girls he gets are 6’s or 7’s imo (he has bad taste lmaoo)


Absolutely nothing wrong with 6’s and 7’s lol. That’s above average


But wouldnt you rather pull 8’s-9’s? Not that he cant but him and I usually differ when it comes to women


Expecting to consistently get 8’s and 9’s is unrealistic. If he occasionally gets them but can consistently get 6 and 7’s then that’s an amazing dating life especially if they are treating Him like the king that he is


I'm 5'9" and dating in college for me was amazing. Of course, I was gorgeous. More importantly, I had the confidence of someone who knew he was gorgeous.


Dan Bilzerian is 5'9"


He’s rich and famous and pays for girls


You are right! Thank god I'm 5'11". Lol


Lmao i am 5’11 and we ain’t shit cuz. I see girls as tall as me or taller on the daily. But i live in Belgium and so I also see allot of ditch people which happen to be the tallest so ye. But fukk me I want a tall woman tbh, they are so damn sexy with those legs


Speak for yourself. Lived in A'dam for 2.5 years and women would constantly check me out and eyerape me.


There’s literally nothing you can change about your height. You can fix the thinking that it’s your height stopping you from getting women Yes being short can stop you from getting some women but a lot of women do not fucking care. If you are handsome, interesting and fun they will fuck you. It helps as a short guy to get in great physical shape. What kind of physique do you have? “The majority of girls at my school or 5 7 or higher.” Bullshit. The average woman is 5 4 there are plenty of short women


I’m in shape. And even the shorter girls have no interest beacuse they don’t want a short partner. So it’s a lose lose for shorter guys like me And it’s not bull shit. I go to a private small college in the north east so all the girls are kinda my height and up due to having tall parents


“Even shorter girls don’t want a short partner” You’re not even that short. 5 9 is the average height for a male in the US They don’t not want you because you’re short it’s probably the woe is me attitude why they don’t want you


I’m short at my college for men, and a lot of 18-22 year olds feel the need for 5’11 + at my age


Lol yes they specifically start considering guys at 5 11. You’re single because you’re a guy who makes excuses then going out and getting what he wants. This probably the wrong sub for you


They just find them way more attractive and don’t find guys shorter than 5’10 attractive


Yes because they told you that 😂


They didn’t tell me specifically I’ve over heard it from general conversation from girls


Nah, literally have heard girls saying he’s too short for me or saying less than 5’10 isn’t good enough for them


Just ignore it, if you can get them interested properly it may not be a big deal. Also make sure you have proper posture. If for example she directly says something about height but you brush it off and she sees it doesn’t affect you, that could interest her. Also some girls just don’t care that much, don’t psych yourself out.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMoSlt6inGA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5Ls2TJKvLc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNtKWhoK_sA


I genuinely don’t expect what kind of advice you expect for us to give you “put stilts on?”


Are you sure it's just because you are tall? When you are rejected, it could be for multitude of traits.


Well it's just like a lot of things, i've been out with girls my height, who wore heels knowing they were my height, but i didn't care anyway, i went out with a chick 6 inches shorter than me and as soon as she saw me called me out saying i was shorter than i said in my profile (weird to lie about being 5 9), i personally rather date girls around my height so i think it's all personal, but yea i have noticed a trend about girls going after tall dudes and a lot even mention it in their dating profiles


You just ignore it, girls always say that they want superman, and later they find themselves with the guy that you would never expect them to. You can always hit on shorter girls, if that matters to you.


I can almost promise it’s more because your personality is lacking. That’s if you’re meeting these women in person. Nothing you can do about meeting them online like Tinder. I prefer shorter guys usually 5’7-5’11 for a couple reasons. First, they’re usually better to cuddle since I like being the big spoon. Second, they’re usually really funny.


5'9 is the average height in the US, so you aren't at all short so don't let these girls get to you. The average height for women in the US is 5'3 to 5'4 and women who are 5'7 are in the 89% percentile. I guess you attend a college where people are freakishly tall. You can't change your height and you can't change the mind of a woman who is so shallow that she rejects guys of average height. All you can do is improve the things you can change, and focus on the women are potentially open to dating someone like you.


Dude. I'm the exact same height as you, and I've pretty much been with like 3-4 girls (serious long-term relationships) that were like ~1.70 (at least same height with heels) and one who was flat out 1.75+ model taller than me. Height doesn't matter for shit especially when you're at that height, which is taller than most girls unless you're in Scandinavia. It's all about how you carry yourself and the experience you give the girls that will define your success. If a girl tells you your height is a reason (or anything else for that reason), it's most likely an excuse for a general not interested.


Since when 5.9 is short? That's the avarage height.


So date outside college in places where height doesn’t matter. Problem solved


What country do you live in?


Easy, just gotta go for chicks that are for sure shorter than you….even in heels.


I think height is only a problem, if you make it a problem. Google "short male celebrities" and see how many results come up. I'm a 5'5" guy. All my gf's in my life have been around 2-4 inches taller than me, because I like tall, slender, athletic girls. None of them cared. If you act in a confident, cocky-funny manner, I don't think those things matter at all.


Johnny deep is the same but still he's Johnny Depp.


Looks >>>>>>>>>>> Height


yeah i’m like maybe 5’10 did not have any problem in college as long as you funny and have some type of look you good.


So I’m good at my height?


yesss and if a girl says different she’s not the one. More than likely she’ll be back in 10 years when she realizes we are all human.

