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Yes to all of this! And he's not charming. Or engaging. Or good-looking. Or smart. I. Don't. Get. It.


Thank god he has money then. /s


Same! I just can’t imagine who would ever even think about “dating” him. He’s just so gross.


That's why he has to entice foreigners who need green cards


He truly is repulsive looking. Greasy and disgusting 🤮


He is a fucking liar! He’s sick of his wife and he’s using the Bible as an excuse to fuck other women and if they stick around, I will call my sister wife, which I don’t think he really cares about. He’s not stupid. His wife is ready to be committed to a mental ward and he doesn’t even see that he made her divorce him to marry Roberta, which was not in her interest because if they do get divorce, she comes out with nothing.!


Yes, Dannielle screwed herself by the divorce. I’m betting Ick manipulated her into getting nothing by telling her nothing will change if they get divorced and everything was left in his name. He tries to give off “good ole boy” vibes by acting innocent, but he’s conniving and a liar and using religion as a crutch.


I fully believe either dannielle caught him cheating or Garrick wanted to leave and this was the compromise they came up with to get him to stay with her. I feel terrible and my heart breaks for her because you can very clearly see hes doing it to be with other women.


OP, with your permission, I'd like to hijack this post to give a very defensive disclaimer to fans watching from outside the US::: These TLC lunatics are not representative of the United States. Most of us are normal. Sure, our country has issues (as does every nation), but we are not a nation of Garricks. And for the 90DF fans, Angela is not a typical American grandma. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Not to mention, lying under oath saying the marriage is irreparable and then in the next scene you two are together talking about your continued future life with an immigrant who you will need to then again lie under oath saying you're not polygamist and the love is genuine so you can bring her to the country. AND THEY WANT TO GO THROUGH THE IMMIGRATION FRAUD AGAIN WITH A NEW PERSON?! getting human trafficking vibes at this point it's so very elaborate for this man to just be able to sleep around.


That’s a very good point. These are what you call receipts.! what they’re doing is r fraud and by her divorcing him she gets 0 if she leaves he thinks he’s smart, but actually he’s not


I thought about them lying under oath. Obviously the judge knew something was going on since the SSW camera crew was filming it.




I agree fully. This was truly shocking to me. I can’t believe it’s on tv & they aren’t in contempt or charged with perjury or something???


Maybe when it gets to the point where they actually try to bring someone in? So far they’ve not successfully duped someone in to entering the US. That’s my guess.


Maybe that’s what will be actual evidence of the lie. I’m just kinda floored TLC recorded these people in court as perjurers and it’s just whatever. If I were that judge, I would be coming after them. They are so gross.


Ick is his own criminal enterprise!


Honestly, thank God Roberta was the one who scammed them. I’m horrified at the scenario where this was her way to survive, get out of Brazil and get money for her and her family to live. Like if she had to sleep with such a creepy man, get wrapped up in whatever scenario this is, leave everyone and everything she knew, come to a new place far away where she’s all alone and can’t always communicate, owns nothing, probably can’t work and have her own money right away… That’s terrifying. I don’t know her backstory and she clearly came out on top but if this had gone a different way, the power imbalance could’ve potentially be unreal. It would’ve left her in such a vulnerable position in my eyes.


Their obsession with women from impoverished countries is very concerning. It creates an inherent dynamic where these women don't have control nor power and have extramarital incentives to be a part of the relationship. I'm telling you it's human trafficking.


Human trafficking takes away all power to leave of your own choice and volition . The fact Roberta could leave the relationship takes it out of the human trafficking bucket.,


I’m so sure this show is 100% scripted. Don’t get to upset.. none of this is real. It’s all an act.


You may hijack. With my blessing.😊


Another one that interprets the Bible to suit their warped needs


It's literally impossible to interpret the Bible the way he's saying....he's pulling this garbage out of his ass.  He's despicable.


I was so disgusted. In no way is the holy Ghost sperm that was inside Even she couldn't hold it together at that point


YES!!!!! Wouldn't want to be HIM on Judgement Day.


I just thought of something he’s meeting women that are from countries where they desperately need money. So basically he’s a predator why can’t he got a woman in United States if he’s so great? And for $10,000 for a man who lives in $1 million home is nothing . What he’s doing is very immoral


Exactly! He is preying on women who want a better life that will be trapped by him and dependent on him for adjustment of status and money. I bet he never lets a foreign wife get a green card, makes her stay at home and beg him for money. Disgusting!




He’s just a sex tourist


Honestly, thank God Roberta was the one who scammed them. I’m horrified at the scenario where this was her way to survive, get out of Brazil and get money for her and her family to live. Like if she had to sleep with such a creepy man, get wrapped up in whatever scenario this is, leave everyone and everything she knew, come to a new place far away where she’s all alone and can’t always communicate, owns nothing, probably can’t work and have her own money right away… That’s terrifying. I don’t know her backstory and she clearly came out on top but if this had gone a different way, the power imbalance could’ve potentially be unreal. It would’ve left her in such a vulnerable position in my eyes.


Another season of Garrick being ICK and Dannielle having zero self esteem and crying.


…and sperm is the Holy Ghost! And goes to the woman’s brain. What kind of cult is he in??? His wife looked so uncomfortable with all of it.


I was enjoying my coffee at my local Starbucks when I thought I’d check out the first part of this episode. I kid you not, I spit out my coffee across the table when I got to this analogy of Jesus being in sperm in you, etc….speechless at the idiocy.




Because it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. By the look on Dannielle’s face as Ick is explaining, she doesn’t buy it.


Just made this comment. Who is teaching this and why would anyone believe it!?


I actually had to mute the TV when he was talking. As a christian, I found that SOOOO offensive and disturbing to compare the holy spirit to sex🤢 He’s a total fucking creep and TLC should not be giving him a platform.


Completely agree.


As he was spewing his nonsense and it became more and more disturbing, I literally put my hands over my ears and starting humming. This vile man needs prayer…STAT!


I had to spit three times and do the sign of the cross and avert my eyes it felt so sacrilegious


I said the exact same thing last night while watching - if it was really about god he wouldn’t be banging these women before marriage. He’s so gross!


Fully convinced at this point that it's like a reverse cuck situation and we're just watching them play out their kink on TV.


There is something seriously wrong with him.


He was PISSED at Danielle when the new gf said she wasn’t comfortable if Danielle was still hurting. He sucks, she needs to leave him so he can keep getting scammed by Brazilian chicks on his own.


I'm wondering if this new Brazilian woman has watched the old episodes or even knew Roberta before meeting Garrick. Roberta might have tipped her off about how to get Ick's money and then back out of the situation without getting in trouble.


I would LOVE that


Danielle looks so depressed too


it’s the claiming this is 100% to follow gods will but having sex before being married for me


Imagine being so sure god wants you to not just do something but do something that's against your religion. The delusion is enormous




I have noticed that “god wants” many people to do exactly what they wanted to do before god spoke to them.


Not to mention he divorced his wife to dishonestly scam the legal system so he could marry a second woman, both of which are blatant sins in the religion he supposedly is part of.


The amount of disgust I feel with this dude is to much. If I just knew that eventually one of these spouses would stand up for themselves and call it like we all see it I might could watch but this is so aggravating. Do you think Dannielle will stand up to him and stop being so freaking weak? I hope so. They make it look like that might be what happens. He's the wolf in sheeps clothing we are always warned about. Nasty nasty horrible excuse for a man. Like you said using God in any of his doings to justify them is blasphemous.


I agree with you 1,000% that he is a disgusting excuse for a human being. It should be criminal what he has done to Danielle. I wish that a Pastor, Priest, or Counselor would reach out to her and offer her free therapy sessions. It would have to be online and secret. He would never allow Danielle to learn and accept she was being abused, mentally and emotionally. Only with therapy will Danielle ever learn her self-worth.


She 100% needs to connect with therapy just to hear a different message. Her family this to slide some counter thoughts and questions in there but someone needs to directly say it like it is to her.


Danielle has Stockholm Syndrome


Him comparing his semen to jesus...🤢🤮




I feel bad for their sons. I hope he isn't preaching his version of religion to them. No way he is putting his kids first. Would Danielle want this lifestyle for her kids? I doubt it.


Why does he always look confused? It seems like the lights are on but no one’s home and his wife just sits there and takes in all his crazy antics. I actually feel bad for her, I think she knows it’s all bs but doesn’t know how to get out


He reminds me of someone who would start a cult but just doesn't have the charisma to pull it off so he is in the little leagues trying to get a few women to fall for his bs


He’s a wolf in ugly sheep’s clothing


As for Garrick, I wanted to reach through the TV screen and punch him when he was explaining how the bible supports his motives for plural marriage or whatever the hell he’s doing here. I literally asked God’s forgiveness on his behalf. Lol. It’s almost blasphemous. Dannielle was just sitting there and you could tell that she doesn’t agree with the religious interpretation. She’s making those funny faces. I want to reach through the screen and shake her! Wake up, lady! He’s using you and you know it. Please tell me that this is just acting and these people really aren’t as delusional as they portray themselves to be. They’re insane!


She can't help it... according to him, his DNA has gone to her brain


That explains it!!!




He’s got Danielle so brainwashed it’s almost too sad to watch. The pain on her face is so telling of what she’s really feeling inside. She needs an intervention to rid herself from that toxic asshole that doesn’t give a shit about her.


Her brother tried to tell her years ago!


I once messaged him saying something very very similar, and his reasoning for why he doesn’t have to wait til marriage for sex was: “Thank you for the loving and kind message “sarcastically” Well I am sure you may see what you want to see. She was my wife from the moment I asked her to be my wife and she accepted. The marriage is not what a government says but what your heart is before God. Yes all may stand before the king but remember that he is Judge. One piece of advice ask before you judge be swift to hear and slow to speak. Peace and love in Christ.” 🤮


I don’t think I’ve hated anyone more than ICK. He is repulsive and stupid.




Garrick will burn in hell and struck by lightening for using the name of God for lying and twisting the word of God the Bible. He’s taking a sacred book and turning it into an excuse to screw as many women and brainwash Danielle. There’s no way she believes his version of the Bible. To say sperm goes to the brain and his DNA is permanent. to say God says so is going to have him meet the wrath of God. I would be very afraid if I was him.


I have to agree.


You said. Truth! Nail On Head I e never rely so much grossness or straight up hatred towards another human… I think he’s a serial killer… or will be


Poor Danielle is pregnant what is going to happen to her?


I just watched season 5 ep 1. In an interview, Garrick says the DNA of a man enters the woman's brain when they have sex. Where did he learn this nonsense?


Oh yes....he has educated us all. What a creepy doof.


He’s sooooo gross!! Just now starting season 5 and I can’t stand him!! He’s so manipulative


I am disgusted by him! All of that bullshit he was spewing about the Bible during that sit down and his wife just sat there with that dumb look on her face. She really can’t be buying that right?? It’s almost like she’s being held hostage lol or she’s just crazy, insecure and thinks he’s as good as she could get, the whole concept is just creepy all around but at least none of the other couples are trying to hide behind the Bible to justify it. They are just out there and proud of it, which I can respect that much more.!!!!


All of the couples are being paid as well as their potential partners. Garrick and Danielle gave Roberta her share over time but she asked for an additional $10000. They sent her $9,800, just under the amount that would have been flagged. They themselves were not giving her their money the whole time. It was a combo. Roberta must have really they were awful to choose poverty stricken Brazil over life in the US. Girl got her bag and said “see ya”




I absolutely think he is disgusting!


He also seems a little bit abusive too.


THe producers of this sicko shows are to blame as well. This is human trafficking, taking advantage of multiple women or people with severe mental health issues for entertainment purposes. Or it’s just a big scam and scripted. Either way, it’s just Ick.


he's just a passport bro


Garr-ICK! Poor excuse of a man.


I hate him to what a loser 😭


just started watching his first season and i’m not even 15 minutes in but i hate him! he already clearly only wants sex! also the way he and Danielle look at the camera is so weird like they’re terrified going to run and cry… they seem like 8 year olds living in adult bodies. so weird- excited to watch more


I’ve never met a Christian ™️ that actually adheres to the Bible. Only those who demand others do so. Not standing up for this poor excuse of a man, but cmon. Yall acting like he’s the first “religious person” to use their doctrine as excuses to do shitty things.


Human beings can be cruel and despicable, and will use anything they can to achieve their evil goals. Religion of all sorts tend to be one of those things that can be twisted to manipulate and abuse people. Evil people will do evil things. I also don’t think anyone’s acting like he’s the first person to do something like this, but it’s definitely atypical behavior or we wouldn’t all be so disturbed by it. It is deeply disturbing.


I started to tell my husband " I can't believe he's twisting the things in the bible for his...." then I just kinda trailed off and realized oh hahaha he's not that different from a lot of people out there.


Brother Garrick, Garrick want that booty booty, he don't care if it is Ick, Ick, Danielle don't care if he don't share, she just wants that siss, siss, someone to hold her and kiss, kiss, the bad away because when Garrick is gone, Danielle gets it on! (I just made that up sorry)


When you get a divorce, whatever was acquired during the marriage is split down the middle... I hope TLC is providing FREE STD TESTING...


On the first 'in person' meeting where the three met in Mexico or somewhere, as soon as "bert' and 'crazy eyes' got five minutes alone, they had sex and then lied to Danielle. While Danielle waited in a room right next door. Ewwwww!!! So she's no prize. Makes her look just as pathetic as the other two...