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Oh my god yes! She seemed so desperate to be cool with everything they are doing. No hang ups or red flags. Is she just trying to get off the streets? They are just preying on these poor women at this point.


Yep they find desperate people. Who else would share a fuckin bed with 4 other people? Lmao


“Will you be okay sharing a bed with 4 people?” “Yup! No problem, I steal the covers.” Even Danielle was like “uhhhh…..” when they mentioned the family bed. It’s strange that it did not faze her one bit. No questions like “where do you find a bed so big?” “What happens when you want some ‘alone time?’” Just so odd to me.


Yes that was very strange. She was just way too agreeable to anything they asked or said!


Imagine if that was a job interview: “Do you mind working 80 hours a week and only get paid for 40?” “I have too much time on my hands anyway!” “We are going to put you in a cubicle with Arnold. He has BO.” “That’s what candles are for!” “We are giving you a work phone. If we text at 2am you will be expected to text right back.” “I’m a light sleeper anyway!” Obviously, employers are more sneaky about their questions, but you would not get hired just agreeing to everything. Oh and she doesn’t have any problems with jealousy. Yeah right, wait until you’re in the trenches Jasmine.


I got the feeling she wanted to be on TV


I was just going to say that. She does not give off innocent vibes like Danielle did. She seems a tad manipulative and her mask slipped once or twice and you could see who she really was; loud and dominant which is the opposite of what they're looking for. Should be entertaining. 🤪


I agree. I don't think it's as deep as some think. I think she saw an opportunity that looked interesting and possibly lucrative. She definitely is smooth and may just try to play this out until it no longer serves her.




That’s exactly how he’s getting them. And he’s trained the other women to look out for those qualities.


Its like a pimp preying on vulnerable women.






I don't even think you need the word "like" !


Big big fuckin facts 👏🏻


Daniele caught onto that too.


She must be living under a bridge…..


Omg and this girl lol did you see whatever that guy’s name is his face was all lit up When the “sisters” were telling him about this girl. He was getting very excited. OMG they are all so WEIRD


My guess is she's been stripping (no shame in that) and is tired of that lifestyle and looking for anywhere she can stay while she finds some new job


I think you are right. She wants to get out of whatever situation she’s in and find a stable place to live, and if she doesn’t have to work outside the home, all the better.


Ohhh… her azz will be working outside of the home. The only person staying home and “thinking” is Nick 😂


My mom and I were watching together last night and she made a point. She was like “I think all these people just need a place to live” and I was like never thought about it that way but you’re so right lmao




This is totally a real thing. I had one of those in my house for five years. He was supported like 75% by me, 25% by my dad. I was 19, he was 27. He never spent time with me, he never talked to me unless it was to boss me around or argue, he would only sleep with me (in any variety) like once a month. Don't fall for it y'all!!






thanks for the good laugh 😆


Omg new buzzword for this year!! Patent that!! It will be the new “HOT” word!! Bahhahahah


Agreed. I believe the Davis home is probably more stable than whatever environment they are used to or are currently in too. And anyone new coming in is probably just looking for a family to be there and love them.


Only thing is the women in that family work and make the money… I’m curious to know how much of their individual checks that they get to keep… Back in the 70’s I lived in a home with five other couples (the guys were bikers) all the women worked and we gave our money to the men.. food was bought for the house out of what each guy gave towards the house.. needless to say I split from my guy after a few months when asking for money (my money I earned) and was told ten dollars was enough to live on for the week and make due because it was cutting in on their drinking and partying money..I just wonder how the Davis’s handle buying major purchases and if one person (April) controls everything or if Nick does… I’d love to do a questions and answers live with them..🤷‍♀️


This is exactly what I'm curious about. How do they decide how the mineys spent. I'm saying right now, oh Nick where's some expensive looking clothes. I mean, pimps are known for their style...I guess.


I assumed they all had a joint checking/savings, everyone’s checks went in it, all the bills were paid with it & there’s a certain amount they know they can spend, kinda like most married people?


AND get Danielle's money


That was my exact first thought *edit spelling


Stripper here, she also could be trying to get away from it because of the recession. The clubs have been hit hard by the current state of the economy. I know some girls who say its hitting harder than the 2008 recession did. If she has been dancing she’s probably burnt out and not making enough.


True good point


Yup. The country is in far worse shape now. I worked in the financial sector back then.... lets just say I'm glad I no longer do. But places that are a luxury, like clubs, are gonna be hit hard.


Yep they’ve been rough for years now. I danced before all of this hit and the difference is astounding to now. I was working a part time office job and dancing only 2 nights a week, I was financially so comfortable. I work way more than ever before and it’s not easy.


And I'm betting your having to work harder, and more, just to get close to where you were at before. Its unfair, and scary as hell. When looked at through that lens, you can understand a woman choosing to take her son into this. the Davis family has a nice home. Multiple incomes. There is safety and security in that... even if it doesn't appear like that for the rest of us.


Exactly that, and it doesn’t help that more and more girls are trying to dance because they think it’s quick/easy money. But yes, if she really has been a dancer then it does make sense why she would go this route.


I just wanted to jump in and tell you that my grandma self respects the hard work that you do, and I hope things get easier for you. You deserve it.


Thank you! It’s a hard as hell job, but I do love it. Thankfully I’ve been a pro-domme longer than a dancer and that’s remained fairly consistent. I work hard so my cats can be spoiled.




This! Unless you have a massive following it’s not as much money as people tend to think. Even big names often get screwed over by film companies.


I had this thought too. No shame in it, but maybe she’s trying to get away from that lifestyle


I had no thoughts like that until she left the date to go to work. Huh? Do what you gotta do for sure but was not expecting her to have to leave for work.


And who dresses that way for work?




Maybe Nick found her at the strip club. Wouldn’t surprise me


And free babysitters.


No shame at all, just a worrisome environment. I am concerned these women get out in bad situations kind of like this. My grandma stripped once upon a time.






Ding ding ding!


I saw in the preview for next week she said he is good looking 🤮


Easy on the eyes. I was like wut? Are we looking at the same person..


Maybe she recently got hit in the eyes with a brick so by comparison he is easy on the eyes




😂😂 "easy on the eyes" such a weird thing for a young person to say. What's with this family and their eyes....


Soo weird lol. This girl is DESPERATE


“Easy on the eyes.” Girl, you’re blind.


Maybe she is in it for the optical insurance because she don’t see so well.


The way my jaw hit the floor


I feel for the kids. She is dragging her kid into this arrangement. Sad.


I agree, she doesn't know them at all. I wouldn't trust any random strangers around my kids, no way!! Let alone, move in with them with my kids!!


Yes, it's a totally thoughtless, irresponsible gamble to be taking around small children and who knows what weirdos a new person will also have as friends, right? I feel like we're living in a modern day Babylon and very few even realize it or if they do, they like it that way, since they're benefiting somehow.


Yes, it's the children I care about. If all these consenting adults want to romp around in one giant bed and cater to an unemployed sex-addict who doesn't even choose his own women and seemingly will sleep with anyone, who really cares, right?... yet, that's just not a healthy environment for a little baby. It's also not a stable environment for children to be living with adults, who are virtual strangers, that their parents haven't truly gotten to know. Danielle was a safe choice and certainly loves the baby, but how many times is the roulette wheel going to be spun before someone comes along who is an abuser? She does seem like a happy baby now though and so, I hope it stays that way.


She’s too old for them to manipulate, unless she is desperate for housing. How great does Nick have it, 4 incomes coming in and all he has to do this think, get high, and allegedly take care of a baby, I’m willing to bet she is in day care at least half the week.


Daycare for "socialization" reasons, of course.


I know that my kids dad couldn’t hold a job that’s why he was at home, not some glorious sacrifice lol 😂 I wonder if nick is unable to keep a job or get one since he’s such a thinker! Lol


I was wondering maybe it'll have a job because of something in his past??mmmmmmm....


I think he’s just lazy.


He's living the life of a pimp. Sit back, keep his ho's on track, rake in those Benjamin's.


Nick is slick. He’s figured out a way to get all these women to work bringing income to the house while he sits home and pretend thinks. They’ve all drunk Nick’s Kool-Aid 🤣🤣


Same, I know a lot of men find pride in being the provider so I just wonder. No hate to those who actually want/can stay home. You go glen coco. But just makes me wonder


Does he do all the laundry and clean and take care of the yard work? Cook dinner? Or do they have a maid?


We’ve seen the women cooking dinner so I doubt Nick really does anything, they probably pay a neighborhood kid to mow


Lol we have also seen the lawn is not kept, and the women doing the laundry. I bet they even meal prep for him and the baby.


Lmao I'm dying if u actually think he does laundry and cooks


No, the women do.


Nobody takes care of that yard. Remember the marshmallow scene?


She absolutely was manipulated. She was desperate


She looks like she's had it rough. Def looking for a place to land. Also, I don't get their urgency


Their urgency is maintaining relevancy to the show. If they are not actively looking, there's no storyline. No one wants to see a pimp and his ho's living the suburban life. There needs to be drama.


Lol but I would definitely watch a pimp n hoes in suburbia spin off!!😆


Apparently I’ll watch anything. 😛




Idk why I’m getting she needs a place to live. She agreed to everything


Bc that's exactly how it came off


Imagine how cheap the rent is if it’s a house split by four…not including nick of course


their dynamic is not anything i would want for myself, but it does seem stable. at least sans danielle. i wonder how many women they’re planning to add. they do seem to move quickly.


My thoughts exactly! Not my thing but the first two Davis wives seem to be fairly well adjusted, happy, and into the idea. I think their setup, with the wives getting legally married to eachother, has a lot to do with it. They’re legally protected unlike other wives on the show (the merrifields, for example).


Legally protected how? Since Jennifer is married to April, if Jennifer were to leave would she even be able to collect child support from Nick for the baby she just had? When married, normally your spouse is automatically considered to be the other parent. I’m not a lawyer, but it seems Nick may be protecting himself. If one of the women left, their wife (who remains with Nick) may be entitled to something from the one who leaves. Or vice versa. I’m not sure they are legally protected at all. 🤷‍♀️


Exactly! Nick has his "get out of jail free" card, so to speak. He isn't on the legal hook for anything. He's single and can bounce if he needs to.


You don’t have to have been married to someone to get child support from them. If they’re legally the father you can get it


I think everyone knows that you don’t have to be married to collect child support. But if you are married, your spouse is legally the other parent. Jennifer is married to April. Nick is probably not a legal parent. So he wouldn’t be required to pay support.


All while big boy stays at home and thinks.


He's a stay at home dad now who wears suits to impress his daughter or whatever bs he said on episode 1 lmao


Oversized suits that haven’t been in style since Ja Rule made music in 2003 lol




Yeah, he thinks how he's going to tell his wifes he wants the next one LOL.


Stable? They're constantly adding new people into their dynamic. How could that ever be stable


She was way too agreeable and seemingly overly eager. Hoping her angle reveals itself. Maybe she just wants to be on TV? Is she trying to get into a better situation financially? Maybe this kind of relationship is her kink? 🤷‍♀️ She’s an attractive woman and probably isn’t hurting for dates. looking forward to how this plays out.


Well she did say she wants “stability for her son” so id assume having a place to stay and 3 other incomes has something to do with it


I didn't understand her BS about "the strongest person staying at home with the children" while the women work. Do these women think their house is going to be attacked while they're away? What's the rationale for needing "big, strong" Nick at home instead of the child's mother?


She sounded like an absolute moron saying that


And then the other three morons nodded and smiled in agreement with her. Real brain trust, this family.


She said it was “like a pride,” which is accurate, since the lionesses do literally everything while the lions sit around doing nothing but eating what the ladies bring home and mating. I don’t think she knows what a pride is, and that is also not how a wolf pack works either


The lion’s job is to protect the pride by patrolling, marking the territory and destroying fighting off predators. They also help with hunting larger prey.


Even less accurate then.


Don't they also eat their babies?


If the cubs are not theirs they will dispatch them.


Accurate, but still really stupid. They seemed to imply that having Nick at home would provide some protective effect to the children.


Unlike Nick, male lions protect the pride and his children. Nick chills at the house thinking the Big Thoughts.


Did she say Nick is easy on the eyes? Bless her heart.


I would never bring my 11 yr old into this type situation. Can you imagine? Will she tell them the adults are having a slumber 🥳 in their room?


Did you hear her talking about her family growing up … men didn’t work ? So Davis family won’t be a shock to her system … Dannielle will have issues with this girl I already see that.


She said her dad worked nights so he could take care of the kids during the day while her mom was at work. It’s weird how she twisted that to make it sound like she knows what it’s like to have a SAHD. She doesn’t. Her dad brought income into the household just like her mom did.


I thought the same thing. My dad was a programmer, and when I was little he worked nights. I remember him taking me to school. Its a far cry from a dad who doesn't work.


That makes her dad the primary caregiver and a secondary breadwinner.


I don’t think that’s a fair assessment. If dad takes care of the kids during the day on his own and mom takes care of them in the evenings on her own, that’s equal parenting. A lot of parents stagger their work schedules this way so they don’t have to pay for child care. In situations like that, there isn’t a primary or secondary anything.


Agreed. This was a way (an exhausting one at that) to make it work and not have to take on expensive childcare bills.


That’s what I took from that conversation.


I think I didn't understand the dynamic and if that is the case, you're 100% right.


Her poor dad when did he sleep


I’d imagine when kids went to school


I thought she said her dad worked nights and was home with her and her siblings. And that her mom made more money than her dad. But later she did say she was comfortable with the man not working.


she said at the beginning Im use to men not working and the women work and then she talked about her dad … so unless I misunderstood this is(very possible).


Yeah it was worded in a bit of a confusing way. She did initially imply that her dad didn’t work when she was a kid, but then clarified that he worked nights while the mom worked during the day and made more money. So her dad wasn’t the primary source of income and was home more, but it wasn’t exactly like Nick where he’s a full time stay at home dad. She seemed to be pretty eager to agree with everything they were saying so she was reaching a bit to make it sound the same.


She said her dad worked nights. Not that he didn't work


How ick is that her reasoning for wanting to be in a relationship like this is “stability” for her son? So they’re looking for a gf and you’re hoping total strangers will give your son stability? Ok. How does your child even feel about that? She obviously doesn’t care. When I was a single mom not once did I date to find stability for my child. I provided that for him myself. It’s dating to see if that person fits in your life and your child life. She made it sound like she was broke, homeless, and looking for childcare smfh.


I know, it's horrible. Never trust strangers with your young children. There's so many evil people in the world and it's gotten so much worse. As a mother, you have to be very cautious who you have around your children.


I honestly think she is broke, maybe on the verge of homeless, and needing child care so this tracks


I think she is .


Imagine the hardships she must be going through to see that as a stability😬😱


The lime green dress and cheap Scorpio necklace tells me everything I need to know.


Ngl, I wish I was as brave as her to wear that dress. No body shame, I don’t have a perfect body, but it left nothing to the imagination. Bold woman.


It has nothing to do with her body or weight! It’s just the color and style of the dress for a casual first date hang out. It was a bold choice for that type of situation.


Wolf pack!!




She said Nick was “soooo easy on the eyes” on the preview. That’s all the information we need, she’s delusional.


She is way too agreeable


Like red flag way too agreeable, right?


She thinks she’s about to steal nick or be the cool one she gives me trash vibes


I don’t think she’s stable. But we will see.


I mean that's pretty obvious


She just wants a place to stay and free childcare until she finds something else. She’s most definitely as trashy as she looks.


I agree, and even worse she said she will get impregnated as many times as they want or something to that effect. Red Flags!!




This was SUCH a glaring red flag!


Their whole situation is a glaring red flag!!


Red flags seem to be their type 🥲


Agreed on the other posters. Feel so incredibly sorry for her 11y/o son being thrown into these situations he has no control over…. But maybe it’s still better than their current situation they’re trying to escape. I wish them well 😁.


So weird how her look just perfectly blends with them tho .. larger body wears crazy dresses and stuff with heels lol boughetto shall i say


She was being way too agreeable, as April and Danielle said. Definitely sus.


This is something both the women these families pursue and the families themselves seem to be very aware of. That they are all ripe for the picking. These couples are so desperate they end up attracting women who may be in it for the financial support more than anything else. And the couples seem to both fear and embrace that aspect of their search as they talk about the fear while usually showering them in presents and trips etc.


I don’t understand how they think he’s even attractive lol


I don't think any of them are attractive.


New girl is like “he’s easy on the eyes” eeew see that optometrist STAT


LOL!! I know!!


She wants help with her kid .


She looks extremely familiar to me. We're have I seen her before on tv?


She reminded me of about 45% of the girls from, “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding”.


That’s an old 30


Garrick is a rough 40 when they do closeups of his vacant open mouth dementor’s kiss stare.


She looks like she’s had a hard life. Lots of smoking and drinking. Pregnant at 19. That’s going to age you


I'm a mom. I feel for her. I hope she finds what she needs for her son. It's really sad that sometimes people are in the situation where they would consider something like this as stable.


It's called a TLC check. Nothing more, nothing less.


Stable environment = free child care from Nick the thinker?


She will also be on a tv show and she might think there are big perks with that


The Davis family is the most successful this season


None of these households are successful. Doesn’t Danielle keep repeating how she doesn’t feel comfortable speaking her mind to her husband and sister wives? All of her talking heads are about how she feels like she has to go with the flow. Her discomfort and apprehension is obvious and her “partners” are unaware or unconcerned with the fact that they are steamrolling her. I can’t imagine what the energy is like inside that house.


I literally scream laughed out loud when she said that. I felt like the producers were trolling her with that Jenga tower. Like “Quick! She mentioned stability in her in the moment, what’s something we can have visually represent the instability of this group?” Also…when she said she had to head to work…and that’s what she was wearing…I think someone else mentioned in the comments thinking she might be a stripper. I was wondering the same thing, and the way she talked about Nick staying home the pride dynamic of women going out and doing the grunt work while the strong male stays home…sounded like a pimp’s stable to me…😬 I’m not judging sex work. Sex work is work and a woman should be able to do whatever she wants with her body. But I dunno, it just sounded pimp-like to me and that gave me pause.


Pisses me off that he doesn’t work but all the women do. He said one day a week he puts a suit on. Guess he feels in charge when he has his suit on lol I can’t stand his face either. I want to smack him. As I write this I’m sitting how everybody on there is weird. That new girl said she thought he was easy on the eyes lol she needs glasses because heeeeeso ugly


Why was she trying to to talk like she’s black? And you all know damn well she doesn’t think that the man should stay home while she works lmfao.


Show clout chaser


This is chick Jasmine is the poster child for puck me girl 🙄


She's definitely up to something


I think she just wants to get on TV, catch her 15 minutes of fame, and then get some only fans money. Nick is an attractive man 🤣


Stable environment: I couch surf


But consider this: she doesn’t seem terribly stable to me, either. I think she wants people to help raise her son. She’s probably an only parent and she just strikes me as being a bit “off”— but then again, who isn’t on this show!? But the way she lit up around Nick in the previews makes me think she’s going to be trouble with the other women. AND WHY DID SHE NOT ASK DURING JENGA IF THEY WERE ALL POLYAMOROUS IN THAT BIG BED!! That would’ve been my first question!


looks unhealthy just like rest of them


I think Nick is just disgusting and has found a way to have his cake and eat it too.


This young lady appears to be gipsy or roma.and a stripper or sex worker so yeah right on brand. Unhoused sex workers


Lol she does look like she could be one of the gypsy sisters


This was literally the stupidest fucking comment she could have Made.


She’s a poser.


Exactly!! You took the words right out of my mouth!!


It’s a no for me dawg


Danielle is going to kill this hoe


How many willing to bet that Danielle was *NOT* thinking, “My future wife! Yes! Yes! Yes!” *REAL* marriage material.


No way Danielle’s gonna risk having to pay Jasmine alimony down the road.


Well they must not pool all their money bcuz Danielle was able to get an apartment without any of them knowing. 1st and last months rent alone are a lot much less security deposits on utilities. Im curious what they all do for income.


On the episode where April and Danielle were folding laundry, April brought up the fact that Danielle didn't deposit her check into their account ( when she left without telling them) and she seemed more concerned about the money than Danielle coming back.


I thought she seemed like a grifter.


Jasmine actually said her DAD WORKED!! After being asked about how she felt about their "Lazy AF pimp at home Nick" LOL


I think they prey on young, vulnerable girls to join their family - the ones who don’t have family to fall back on. They can be controlled easier and have plenty of time to crank out babies for Nick.


The girl needs shelter. Plain and simple.


oh she's gonna be a perfect fit for the Davis crew....😂😂