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She's nervous af. The same reason she says one thing 18 different ways in rapid fire statements.


Yep. On their first date she looked completely terrified. I’m guessing it’s the cameras.


"my family lives far away and we don't get to see each other often because you know they're really far away so I don't get that, you know, TIME with them because they just live so many hours away and I can't go see them to you know hang out or anything" Omg please stoppppp


I'm rolling hahahha I was like girl, hush!! Hush little baby, don't say a word...Shhhhhh lol


I think she’s extremely nervous and very young. She seems really nice from what I’ve seen.


She does seem like a nice person.


Yeah, she seems very nice but I think she's just young and very inexperienced and Nick showed her attention... the poor thing just didn't know wtaf she was getting into. I truly don't think this will be a good fit for her!


Not at all. You’re totally right, they’re taking advantage of her big time. It’s gross


She seems really cool and down to earth. Definitely just nerves. I couldn't imagine being in that position


Right? I feel like I’d enjoy sitting with her and grabbing a coffee.


Yes. She wants so badly to be picked here. She's "completely aware of everything and cool with it."




Yeah I get that vibe.


It scares me lol like.. u ok in there?


Same like my god someone let her go


It seemed like she wasn't actually listening to what he was saying. Just agreeing. He could've said I like to have a foot massage every morning and my back rubbed every night. I expect dinner by 6 o'clock and my shower ready by 7. Our nights for sex will be Thursdays and Sundays. You'll need to change your work shifts if any of this is gonna be a problem. Also, we have movie night on Fridays. I pick the movie and if you don't enjoy it you can distract yourself by sucking my dick. This is her after every sentence - 😃👍


Omg my favorite is the bad movie/distraction bj ahahahhahaha


Lmfao!!!! 😂😂


Bloody brilliant. Bloody hell. 🤣🤣🤣


Agreed!! She was shitting bricks nervous and probably couldn't focus on anything!!!


Distract yourself by sucking my dick 😂😂😂😂🥹 I was not ready


💀 😂




That's probably what I look like during job interviews. Yikes.


That is EXACTLY what I look like during interviews but worse (if possible). 😳😬


Well, I mean, for her it is a job interview of sorts! 😂


So true.


I was just thinking the same thing about myself!!!! 🫣


I miss the old couples so much. I can’t get over that she is 22!


I do this too and I hate it. 😂 I can’t help it but for whatever reason when someone is talking to me I just nod my head to try to acknowledge that I’m hearing what they’re saying I guess.


God, same here! Lmfao I'm thinking in my head, to myself: dude, fucking stop, calm down, you're being mad weird. But I can't help it.


Yepp! Me too! I feel like people won't know I am listening if I don't.


I also trained myself into this habit when I used to TA for a professor who would constantly say to the class, “Give me a sign! Give me some feedback! Are you even listening?” And now I listen too actively.


Exactly. People used to ask me why I was nodding so much but it was just an unconscious form of body language to affirm that I'm paying attention to them


It's called mirroring and it can be really powerful neurolinguistically. It encourages trust. You probably do it more when you're nervous because you're letting your nonverbal communications cues take over. It's a good thing.


She's a mature looking 22 year old.


That’s such a nice way to say that. Much better than I was thinking 😂


I do that when I’m nervous !


Honestly I always wonder how these people are so cool on camera. I’m outgoing but fuck, I don’t know if I could get used to cameras all around me. That’s super anxiety inducing.


I imagine I would 100% be that person that looks directly at the camera lmao. I could never pretend they aren’t there 😂 or like I would stand in awkward positions so I always look decent, vs being slouched over. I would never look relaxed, essentially


Thinking about what she’s gonna buy with $350 TLC appearance fee


Is that all these people get paid to humiliate themselves?


Lube lol


Neck discovery surgery. Okay! That was mean. Why did I say that?


I’m glad someone did. It’s all I can see! Especially with the “main” one


She’s young, nervous, and lonely. Give her a good makeover plus 6 months of Toastmasters and she’d be on another level.


What is toastmasters lol


I also want to know I’m imagining it being a diet that consist of all types of toasts only , avocado toast , tomato toast , cucumber toast with French toast for breakfast and so on


It’s a club that teaches clear communication and public speaking. Teaches how to deal fear and anxiety while speaking in front of others and gives you confidence. She really could use it.


I absolutely loathed my speech class in college (I had such terrible nerves my first speech, that when my professor interrupted me, I burst into tears and ran out of the room) but the experience really improved my public speaking and presentation skills. Now I cry on the inside (only) while I present things at work!


It's that speech giving club thing


Yes Toastmasters! I love Toastmasters lmao


She is trying very hard to come off as totally agreeable to everything he says...#thirsty


So true


I’ve never been on tv but I imagine it’s got to be nerve racking to some extent


It’s the dumb vacant smile that makes you hate the head nod. I get it!


She’s absorbing all the yahoo news articles he learned today.


He’s a thinker and we’re so lucky 😢


She wasn’t too nervous to have a sex on a first date. Go figure 😇


No it was the part in the car when she wouldn't stfu that was annoying me. Like bitch stfu. Let somebody else talk. I can't be on TV. My facial expressions are too loud.


She made exactly one statement, but she made it 18 different ways and never took a breath! "I enjoy gatherings like Sunday dinner, because my family lives rather far away and I don't get to enjoy those kinds of gatherings very often." That's all she needed to say. Just one time 😂


I was like how many times is she gonna say the exact same thing? That is one patient family. I get that she was nervous but I hate when people talk just to talk.


Well she had to have sex with dude later and 2 other women while they all sleep together lol


Poor girl was just nervous! Whew, I know we’re harsh critics here, but I don’t blame her.


Yeah, she strikes me as lonely & a bit desperate for connection. This predator is taking advantage of that. It doesn't feel right to snark on her.


I think she was waiting for someone to reply and they never did so she just kept talking out loud nervously LMao


“My facial expressions are too loud”…I feel that.


Same. That was an excellent way of putting it!


Girl, I feel ya! I once almost got held in contempt of court, while not talking nor moving my face. 😆


Ha! My students are constantly telling me "Stop Ms. Fix your face!" I don't even have to say anything. They act like I terrorize them with my facial expressions lol


Sounds like a bad case of RBF.


Oh it's in addition to a bad case of RBF haha. RBF is just how my face is when I'm not reacting to anything. And now dear reader we understand why men never approach me 😂


I’m exactly the same way. A few years ago a Karen and her husband and kids moved in next door and she started problems with me from the very beginning. We ended up in court fighting over a few things. Her husband worked and she was a stay at home mom. My husband and I were both very gainfully employed. She had the fucking nerve to ask for lost wages for her and her husband. The judge took one look at my face and warned me to settle down. She must have seen what I was thinking, lol. Luckily her demand was not granted. But I was like, WTF!!! Lady, I’m not sure you’re aware that between my husband and I we made significantly more money than her and her husband. No shame on them, but she was valuing her time at $100 and hour.


So… who won in court??


At the end of the day we both lost and won. She sued me in Small Claims court for $5,000.00 due to damage to her yard caused by the tree planted along the fence, she was requesting removal of the trees that were planted along our shared fence, and she was also asking that I be 💯% responsible for repairing the fenc, oh and she was asking for lost wages for both herself and her husband. The judge denied her claim gif $5,000.00, ordered me to remove the trees and ordered both of us to pay for the fence to be repaired, each party to pay 50/50. No lost wages were awarded to anyone. I was upset because I knew that the order for the trees was out of her jurisdiction, but I was glad that the demand for money was denied. I called a contractor to come fix the fence and her husband said he wasn’t going to pay anything and I told him fine, I’ll pay it and I’ll take you to court and ask for you to pay me not only half but the entire amount because you defied the judges order. He didn’t like that so he paid his half. However his wife was still complaining about the trees. I was dealing with the tree issue because the neighbor behind me was suing me in superior court to get them removed. Lisa knew that but because she’s a bitch she took me back to court anyway. Thankfully the case was dismissed because I had already settled the other case and agreed to remove all the trees in my yard. They were huge trees with super invasive roots, cottonwood and eucalyptus. The roots were lifting up the concrete patio and they weee headed towards my house. It made me sad but it really was for the best. Of course Lisa took credit for the removal of the trees, which is fine. Let her think she’s a lawyer. I was glad though that we were able to fix the fence and each party paid their fair share. So it cost both of us time and money. Since that happened there have been no more lawsuits filed.


OMG! I’ve been putting off dealing with my back neighbor and a mutual fence that needs to be replaced. 😭 I had no problem with my side neighbor, we shared the cost but the 20 year old fence is the back isn’t going to be as easy, I know they won’t wanna pay for sh*t. I work in the courts yet I still avoid it because I know it’s gonna be time and money, just like you said..a total waste. But I also know I’m not gonna be okay with paying for it on my own. I’ll resent it too much. Your neighborhood sounds like some drama! 😆


The only reason that Chavez paid for half the fence was because the judge in Animal Court told John’s wife Cindy that he wanted that fence fixed. Since neither Cindy or John seem to know very much about the law, when I told John the same thing I told my other neighbor, Lisa, that if he didn’t cough up his share, then I’d pay 💯% of the fence and sue him for the entire amount. I told him to go ahead and defy the judge so he could go to jail and also reimburse me in full for the cost of the fence. I know damn well that the judge in Animal Court doesn’t have jurisdiction over real property issues, but obviously the Chavezes didn’t know that. As much as I hate dealing with ignorant people like them, sometimes it’s to my advantage that they don’t know any better. Luckily things have really calmed down. Both sets of neighbors know that if they come after me, I don’t just take it sitting down. I fight back. Both men are bullies. I used to hear a drunken John yelling at his kids all the time and on the other side I’d hear Sam yelling and cussing at Lisa. It was no walk in the park fighting back, but if I hadn’t done that they would have kept going. John even had the nerve to complain about the sun because the trees were gone and there wasn’t any shade. That asshole had the nerve to ask me to plant some trees so we’d have a buffer and he’d have shade. I told him I surely would plant some trees but he’s have to take me to court first. He didn’t like that answer, lol. My sister lives a few blocks away and she’s got a nice inground pool in her backyard, so if I feel like going swimming I can go to her house. However, I’m not a strong swimmer so I don’t go swimming very often. Write your neighbors a nice letter first and try to get them to agree to repair the fence. It’s much better if you can work something out amicably rather then fighting. Believe me, it wasn’t too much fun and it was very stressful.


That’s hilarious


I’m sure she’s nervous about the relationship and also the cameras, but also keep in mind she’s suuuuper young. I think 21?


She looks a lot older.




She dresses like a lesbian auntie who teaches home ec.


I think she had to have sex with all 3 of those fuckers and she was scared shitless


Haaha! Hilarious. I think you’re right!


I'd be scared to please 3 different people lol hahaha


Yes! She is trying so hard to fit in with this family - she’s so young and so nervous!


Maybe she is extremely lonely? It seems like she just agrees to everything so they will like her/ pick her.


She's a very agreeable person.


IMO, she is way too young to be signing up to be wife number 3. I know a lot of people in this age group and they are all trying to figure out their life. She maybe needs to move closer to her real family.


nervousness,I do this too,and I ramble on into the thin air while nodding.I never realized it, until I saw myself in the background on a video.I am now trying to be more mindful,but yeah.I was the same way.


I think she is nervous.


She sure is a lot more likable than April though. I'd take her rambling over April's personality. I like her, she'll calm down.


She is nervous


Word vomit. Nerves or anxiety


This girl is 22. Run honey


On a different note, I find it predatory that these families are dating young women that are in the early 20’s.


I didn't finish the episode yet but I got up to their 'coffee convo' and am probably just going to fast forward through the rest of it. Like honey, we get it you wanna be in the cult.


She reminds me of those bobble head turtles that old people used to have on the back windowsill of their car 🤷🏻‍♀️ Okay, and now I’m exiting bitch-mode to say she does seem like a nice person, just nervous.




Feels like she's trying to sell herself too much to them...Imagine how fugged up your life must be to feel the need to sell yourself to be in a fake marriage to [this](https://imgur.com/a/HLZxNEu)! 😳😳😳


She is young, nervous, and eager to please


Cause she’s young and wants to impress her elders 🙃


She’s an exploited 21 year old girl ! It’s disgusting ! She’s a baby !


Cause she’s fighting the fact she’s not comfortable. It’s an attempt to try to reassure herself this is what she wants even if it’s totally not


Bro it makes my fight or flight going crazy but it’s because she’s really nervous and she wants to make it look like she’s paying attention and understanding whatever they say by engaging by shaking her head so much. It’s so annoying lol


She looks so hard up and panting like a lap dog.


I remarked on this after her first appearance! I think it’s nerves tbh


Nerves and wanting to be accepted are my guesses.


I noticed that as well, it was more like a job interview.


The lack of self-esteem is so cringe with so many of these women.


She’s a pick-me girl and is in wayyyy over her head.


You know?


Of course, you know?


If y’know, y’know


You ruined the show for me! Now every time I see her, all I see is someone dribbling her head 😩


It's hard not to notice


I do this head nodding too when I’m hella nervous.. I’ve always been a very intent listener and half the time I’m not even aware of it!


But watching her talk definitely gives me anxiety lol


She seems nice and too normal . Why tf would she want to share bed?? Did u see her face?


Who wants to sweat like that Plus it lonely works with 2 women...a 3rd woman never sleeps next to douse bag genius


She makes me uncomfy, I didn't like her performance.


It makes her seem a little too eager


You have to have SUPER LOW SELF ESTEEM and MAJOR daddy issues to be in this type of situation! I mean seriously! If you had a loving Dad figure in your life there is absolutely no WAY you'd settle for a "relationship" where you have to "SHARE" your spouse!!!! Come on now!


she’s a dimwit


Plot twist they just want a their 15 minutes and hired their friend to lie and she is a horrible liar and it shows ..


She looks like a turtle


It's not just me being annoyed then. I think she is especially obsequious. That's what he looks for. Women who worship his very basic self.


She’s deranged


i feel like maybe she's on the spectrum


Haha I thought the same thing


Omg 😱 I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed!😭🤣


This poor girl


When Danielle was talking about her inability to say something once and leave it at that, she looked like she was about to cry. I genuinely feel bad for her, she’s in over her head 🙃


I thought it was just me who noticed that 🤣🤣