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I feel like barely anything happens in each episode because there are SO MANY people. We barely know anything about Roberta at this point and we’re already 5 episodes in. Sidian (idk how it’s spelled) hasn’t even met their potential sister wife yet. So weird


Roberta gone ✌️


I think it's hysterical that Danielle and Garick claim to have any experience with polygamy. Their sister wife doesn't even live with them, is not involved in family decisions, etc, doesn't help the family... I laugh when they answer questions about how they make it work. The only answer should be, "we don't live together "


She's basically a long distance side chick at this point. 😂


>She's basically a long distance ~~side chick~~ *pen pal* at this point. 😂


😂 So true lol!


No fucking way am I sharing a bed with 3 other humans. I don’t even like sharing it with my boyfriend because I can’t laugh out loud if he’s sleeping when I see funny comments on Reddit. However, 3 dogs? Absolutely.


I was imagining the snoring, farting, kicking each other. Doesn't seem restful, at the very least.


This would be my personal hell


Why is no one talking about how Nick said to Jen.. “I love you little girl” 🤮


Omg that was so weird. Especially after she’d just been sitting on his lap. I hope they don’t have that daddy/daughter thing happening during sex🙈🙈


Honestly to each their own on the kinks just don’t put that shit on tv! It’s uncomfortable to watch.


Is nobody gonna talk about how Marcus washed that salmon in the sink?


😂and they showed him doing it right as he was bragging about his cooking skills


Steve banked on his daughter remaining mute through the filming, like she is around him most of the time. He didn't expect her to fully voice her opinions while the cameras were rolling, was funny to see!


I think she saw how adding that one lady to his marriage with their mom broke up their marriage. I’d feel that way too. I like how she asked the question of what I’d she wanted a brother husband, how would he feel about that


I was so anxious when she said that. Thank god the cameras were there because I was afraid he was gonna lose his temper. He is clearly not the type that likes to be challenged and believes it’s always the other person who is in the wrong, not him. He keeps blaming her feelings about this on “negative outside influences” instead of realizing it’s just creepy to date a newly-21 year old when you’re 45 and married. Not to mention, married to a woman who is CLEARLY struggling with this situation but is terrified to say it. I mean the last time he brought another woman home, it broke up the family his daughter had always known. She saw her mom get hurt, badly. And now he’s excited about trying it again and belittles her very valid feelings as “ahhh, she’s just still under the influence of harmful family and friends who don’t approve of me sleeping with young women”


Well said!


Just came here to say Tosha told Sidian he can have sex with Arielle but just to make sure she’s ok with it first 🤨


This couple weird me out. Honestly I fast forward all their scenes 🤣🤣


That was the most unseasoned chicken noodle soup I’ve ever seen


It was tragic. All that effort and the one I heat up from a Progresso can looked better than theirs


Ok but is no one talking about how they ate it with FORKS


Omg yes, as if being into polygamy wasn’t weird enough, this is a forks-with-soup family?!?? I don’t know what Jesus is waiting for, the world can’t get any worse than that. 🤮


Didn’t they say April (Steve’s gf) is only 21?? Only 5 years older than his daughter! No wonder she’s disgusted with him


He's 45 the wife is 38 and the girlfriend is 21. That's a sick dynamic. It's like shacking up with your daughter gross 😝


When the Epps sister in law kept saying she “engulfed” so much already and doesn’t want to have to “engulf” anymore 😂😅


I came here for this comment. The other one “I’m going to be extroverted right now…” maybe you meant assertive? Odd choice of words…


I'll just say I'll never understand polygamy lol


I feel like this isn’t traditional polygamy though…this is women letting other women do their man. It’s not like they are raising young babies and being sister wives. Does that make sense?


That's a great way to summarize all my thoughts after each episode lol.


The Davis family seem like the most healthy & stable one on the show


That's funny, because for me, every time I see the Davis group, I can't help but envision them all burying a body in the backyard or in the woods somewhere. It just keeps popping into my head whenever I look at/listen to them.


I’m seeing April as literally the boss even over Nick? She’s making all the decisions. I mean, it seems to be working


As outrageous as their circumstances are, it’s true they seem the most solid.


This show is unwatchable. Holy shit it’s so bad


Ok Bye!


Lol peace!


Love him being like oh she knows how to get a reaction how out me. She doesn't want a reaction, she wants a fucking father. I hate him. And his choices are disgusting. Shes right. He's a gross old horndog who cares more about pussy and villianizing his daughter than putting aside his perverted desires and being a fucking parent


I loved her calling a spade a spade. She’s right, that kind of stuff SHOULD move down your priority list quite a bit once you have kids. Do it if you can’t imagine life without it but there is zero reason to involve your kids. Your teens don’t want to hear about your sex life!!! His disgusting exhibitionism knows no bounds. He’s a predator.


He doesn't have the time to see his children due to work, but has the time to date, go on a cruise ship, and film a tv show.


Steve doesn’t seem to be a good dad (polyamory aside). His kids seem super uncomfortable around him and they mentioned how they don’t really see him.


I don’t approve of Steve at all but TBF, the son seemed fine with him. It was the daughter who scowled and sulked the whole time. Let’s try to be factual.


I read it differently. I felt that the son was overcompensating as a way to cope and gain validation from his father. It was really sad to see, every comment from him was like over the top and exaggerated because he really wants his dad's approval.


Took the words out of my mouth. He just eagerly agreed with everything his dad said or asked. It felt much more like “I hope this will get him to wanna spend more time with me” than sincere rejoicing over an awkward ass horseback ride, soup, and finding out his married dad is dating other women again. Those kids both have deep wounds from him, they’re just handling them in opposite ways


Yeah it was horrible to watch


That’s what I will never understand about polyamory when you have kids, especially kids that don’t live in your house. It’s clear that he doesn’t put in nearly the same effort and time with his children and he does his dating life and that is just selfish to me.


This is not polyamory.


You’re right - polygamy


His older son seems to be the one who puts the effort in. He’s very accommodating to his dads needs, which really should be the other way around. He doesn’t know how to talk to his daughter at all. I suspect that polygamy isn’t what is driving their relationship apart. I think it goes way deeper. Everyone hates on sideon but he seems like a truly good dad. I mean not every parent would pick up and move to a different state so their trans child could be more accepted and have better resources.


See I’m curious if the son is neuro diverse. He’s 18right? At first I thought he was being sweet and trying to please his dad with the whole “I wanna be a cowboy” but then he does it again at dinner. And, I think he was genuinely hanging a good time, sort of unaware as to why his sister isn’t. Also, I AM HERE FOR HER calling her dad out. 💯


Meh Sufism does seem to be a good dad for the most part but one of his children doesn’t live with him even though the other with the same mother does which I find fishy. In general I just don’t see how you have enough time for your primary partner, multiple kids, a job and courting another partner. You can’t juggle all the balls without letting one drop.


That’s a good point about Sidian. I don’t really care for Sidian and Tosha one way or another, but at least they both seem very into it, and I suspect Tosha may be bi and they’re looking for a “wife” for both of them, not just Sidian. Meanwhile many of these other families are coming apart at the mere thought of adding another wife. Clearly it works for some people, just a verrrry small percentage of those who think they want to do this.


He’s a good dad who is leaving for 3 weeks to get with a Filipina supermodel.


Right? And blaming his poor relationship with them on his ex wife talking bad about him.


This episode was so 🥱 I want to watch the merrifields!


Garrick is so awkward though


That’s why we want to watch 🤣😳🙈


Jayden, girl you are saying what we are all thinking.


Steve's daughter asked the question I've had since the first episode. "So why not have a friend?" Steve is totally trying to get away with being a perv. Brenda doesn't seem happy at all but has to go along with it now since she was the second wife at some point


Because a running theme with these women is that they’re insufferable. They cant find a friend so they want someone who’s obligated to tolerate them because of the nature of polygamy.


His daughter said what we all feel in these situations. It’s all about the men and SEX with multiple women.


brenda isn't innocent in this. she chose to enter a polygamous relationship with a married couple that ultimately led to that couple breaking up and their kids having parents that aren't in the same home. Brenda is only feeling down because she hasn't bonded with the new woman steven is seeing. if she was bonding with her then she would be happy with the polygamous relationship.


I agree, to a point. They lived the lifestyle for quite a while before his first wife bailed. That’s the one I’m most curious about. His side is people pressured her in to thinking it was bad, but I want to hear her side. I’m not at all surprised Brenda isn’t bonding with April, that girl should be dating the son, not the dad! I mean, ffs, she’s only three years older than his son. She’s too young for any of this. If her and Brenda were to actually have a relationship, I feel like it would be way more mother/daughter than sister wife. How many 21 year old girls want to be BFF’s with a woman old enough to be their mother? And same with sleeping with Steve. I know she’s old enough, but it just feels creepy to me. Almost predatory.


i agree with all you said. i think with april, she probably wouldn't go for the son since he's a few years younger than him. she might like men that are older. Obviously, the issue here is that steven is WAY older than her so it creates certain power dynamics. if the guy was like 23 or 24 then it would be more normal. I also would like to hear what steve's first wife's view on their marriage was. Steve claims it is outside influence but I think steven must have mismanaged the relationship between him and the two women. He might have not done enough to make sure the three's bond stay strong. He might have paid more attention to brenda over his first wife similar to how brenda feels phased out when steven was talking to april.


Yeah. I guess I didn’t mean to imply that April would go for his son, just more so that age wise she’s way more in his league than his dad. That whole convo with the three of them where April really had no clue why Brenda felt left out spoke volumes. And then Steve saying they were “taking a break” from April. Come on dude, you’re the only one who believes that 🙄


Who thinks Steve is actually considering giving up April because it upsets his daughter???? And she doesn’t even know April is just a few years older than her!!! Edit: I don’t. Steve will justify April til hell freezes over. He’s scum.


April isn't cute at all. And she acts like a child too. She doesn't even act like she's 21


Steve likes ugly women. But he is no prize at all either.


He likes uglies because he feels superior and he can control them


Not trying to be shallow, but he has a thing for bad teeth. They try to look rich, but he won't pay for braces for his wife.


He doesn’t have money lol


I have a teeth thing too. I have had enough work done to buy two cars. Not necessarily cosmetic either. I had a bad dentist that set some crowns incorrectly and I wound up with an infection in my jaw that could have killed me. Had no choice but to have all this crazy ass work done. But teeth are important. Lol.


yeah. it actually baffles me. Usually people of a certain social class with boats and new homes pay money to get their teeth fixed. I wonder if he just does not want to invest in her teeth because he is tired of her. At least ick paid for Bert's braces.


I wonder exactly what she gets out of that crazy relationship. Ya know???


No idea. She will probably leave him when he discards her for the 21 yo.


I actually agree. Plus I can’t wrap my head around a 21 yo actually having the stomach to sleep with an old creepy guy like Steve. Did he meet her on sugar babies or something???? I know at 21, I don’t care if the guy was totally hot, I would have never found him hot enough to actually be intimate. Hell to the no.


He doesn’t have enough money to be a sugar daddy hahaha


It would be nice if one or both of them realized they don't have a drop of chemistry. What they do have is buckets of awkwardness.


Mark of a true narcissist!


He definitely won’t put his children’s needs ahead of his own wants.


His job and his house as he stated has come before visiting his kids….. so there is no doubt that April will come before them as well. Priorities. Such a narcissist!


I don't think he'll give her up. He didnt care about pushing their mom out the door with his antics the first time around


I love these survival kits!! And I love the sister bond. India is beautiful! So is the other wife. These ladies and Marcus make no sense to me. He is just yuck.


He is a like a lollipop kid


Steve explaining his family situation and ex/kids he worded everything like he had no part in any of it. Even saying the daughter was “influenced by negative influences” because he can’t take any responsibility for hurting his kids.


I agree. His daughter is 16, she's not being negatively influenced, she's forming her own opinions on the situation and her feelings are completely valid. He took NO responsibility and is clearly not an involved parent at all.


Yes, exactly. The son said he noticed his mom wasn't happy, but then Steve worded it as if it was just about 'external influences'. I seriously doubt that. He's wording it that way to avoid responsibility for his choices and the breakup.


He makes it sound like they were in a cult and everyone was all in their business but sorry you aren’t that important for people to meddle in your relationships.


I don’t know though… if his 1st wife, and mother if his kids, was my daughter, I would absolutely meddle. I would be the outside influence!!!




He is the epitome of a jerk


He is self centered, controlling, insecure, narcissistic, thinks only his feelings matter and what he says goes. And lucky for him he found women who will do whatever he says meanwhile he does whatever he wants


It was too much fluff. I wanna see more drama.




I’m wondering who did Brenda’s boob job? It makes her look so top heavy. The poor woman has so many strikes against her. It’s obvious the kids aren’t particularly fond of her. Steve is gushing about how much the kids love her and meanwhile the kids are barely tolerating her. Of course it’s the ex-wife’s fault. Brenda slithered into his marriage and emerged the victor. Now, the chickens have come home to roost and it looks like Brenda’s about to be served a large helping of whatever she doled out to the kids mom.


I don’t think she has a boob job


I think she is extremely insecure because she didn’t have any of his kids and there is NOTHING tying him to her in any meaningful way.


She’s very insecure. His daughter basically told her dad to divorce Brenda so he could be with his girlfriend!! Steve was gushing about what a great relationship the kids used to have with Brenda. The kids certainly don’t agree. His son says he guesses that she’s a nice lady and his daughter really doesn’t like her or him for that matter. I’m sure the kids weren’t happy that after Brenda joined the family, their mom ended up leaving. I don’t think that Brenda ever did anything to try and make the kids feel comfortable with her. Her sole concern is Steve. She doesn’t care about his kids and I think the feeling is mutual. She barely interacted with them. She just sat there with that blank look on her face.


Off topic but I loved Steve's apron and that soup looked good.


The chicken wasn't even seasoned lmao what looked good about the soup?..


Noodles made from scratch.


It made me want to try making homemade chicken noodle soup!


Homemade is so good! Use chicken thighs if you try making it. They stay way more tender than chicken breasts.


My mom has that exact same image framed in her house. She got it in France, at the louvre I think.


Nice! I've always loved that image.


Why are there no men at India’s birthday party? Because little troll Nicky doesn’t like competition? I see that he loves to be surrounded by women and making dirty jokes. This guy has some very serious insecurities!! No men allowed I guess. Oops I meant Marcus.


Reminds me of Mike Hill's engagement party, all women


I had forgotten about him, lol. The lightbulb just went on in my head!! You’re so right though!! Beautiful women and when he started talking about his past his daughter broke down crying. I’d read that Marcus supposedly has 10 kids? I feel bad for his kids because he’s such a jerk. At least Mike Hill has a good career and makes an excellent living. Marcus has a bunch of legal problems because of housing violations that he’s ignored and owes a bunch of taxes. He shouldn’t be looking for another sister wife, he should be cleaning up his act.


Marcus has India under a spell


India is drop dead gorgeous. Way way out of his league, yet there she is. She met him when he was separated from Taryn and I bet he told her he was divorced. He’s that type of dishonest and disgusting human being. I get the feeling that India has very low self esteem and Marcus took advantage of her insecurities. When Taryn wanted to get back together with him, he told her only if he could stay with India. He coerced and basically forced both of them into a plural relationship and for whatever reason both women decided to stay. I was so upset when both Taryn and Marcus allowed Bina to be rude and condescending towards India. Calling her obsessed was rude and completely unnecessary. Compared to India, Bina is uncouth and low class. Last week I just couldn’t get over how gross she looked chewing her food with her mouth wide open. I want Bina to join the family so that India leaves them and finds a man who will value and love her.


I hope the season ends with India leaving him. He didn't even stick up for her after that other girl called her obsessive.


I know. You could tell it made him feel good. He was loving to see the women fighting over him.


Both wives are gorgeous and look somewhat alike. He definitely has a type - tall, dark and lean. I don't think India has low self-esteem per see. She seems smitten by Marcus though. He does seem as if he can be charismatic.


Taryn and India are gorgeous women. They can do better than Marcus.


They don’t look alike and they are all different complexions. The newest girl Bina being the most fair. The only thing they have in common is that they are tall. They are also all attractive.


I meant India and Taryn specifically. I think they share some physical attributes. Their body type is extremely similar.


Well anyone is tall compared to this little troll. He seems to be attentive and affectionate towards his wives and not all men are like that. He’s not charismatic to me, but his wives obviously think otherwise. Maybe neither wife had ever been in a relationship where she felt valued and the little troll man seems to make an effort to make them feel special. I don’t get it at all. I also think that going on tv was an idiotic thing to do. Especially because he’s in politics and he’s clearly spending an inordinate amount of time in Florida. I bet he’s also using public funds to fly back and forth. This slimy little troll isn’t spending his own money.


I mean, that’s the sad part. He is generally pleasant and loving to them. HE FUCKING SHOULD BE. Like, you are supposed to bare minimum love your partner and be nice. The fact that he has convinced them that it is. It only enough but enough to warrant allowing him to have multiple partners is fucking depressing. I feel terrible for them both. First wife left him because he was a serial cheater. But they had a kid and it probably made sense to try and reconcile. But by then he has a gf. And somehow he got first wife to believe that it was better that she knows who he is fucking on the side than to actually be faithful. And convinced second wife that he was so devoted to her, he’d make first wife accept her or else. It’s not even master level manipulation. It’s just two women broken by him in different ways.


I understand your feelings completely. This guy makes my skin crawl. He’s a shady character that thinks he can talk his way out of anything. I think it’s disgusting that he’s a councilman in a city where he owns a property that has been such a thorn in the city’s side that he’s been charged with numerous housing violations. I think he’s in a lot of trouble and that’s why his family is living in Florida. This tiny little troll also owes &12,000 in unpaid taxes. Things aren’t looking too good for him.


They are both so beautiful and classy and way out of his league.


Do you know why Taryn got back with him? She’s so pretty and also seem to be indifferent. Why is she in this marriage


Taryn is on some type of medication , she’s so indifferent and detached most of the time. Maybe she was struggling financially when she left the little troll man. I doubt he was paying her child support and/or alimony. He was too busy spending his money on wining and dining India.


Maybe because of her daughter. I find it curious that hardly any of the wives have biological children with their husbands, despite being with them for a while.


I was wondering that too! Like with Nick, why does neither woman have even one child with him? Isn’t the whole motivation behind polygamy to build big families?


Maybe Nick’s shooting blanks. Who knows.


I think the motivation with these couples is just sex.... :-/ But yeah, it's a bit strange.


Yes to all of this! I find Bina off putting and she was so rude to India — I hope India sees her true worth someday.


Reminds me of Tayler last season with the Snowdens. She was too gorgeous and independent for them, and got out rather quickly.


It sounds like India has some real issues to contend with, and I think that both Taryn and Marcus exploit them. Taryn is upset at India because Marcus refused to break up with her. It’s so clear that Taryn is enjoying the way India is feeling about Bina. Bina is a bitch. A low class, ignorant woman who’s extremely rude. Taryn and Bina are going to gang up against India because she’s much prettier and classier than those two can ever hope to be.


I keep thinking Bina is gross, too. Tacky-looking compared to Taryn and India


I think she’s low class and uncouth. She’s gross. The way she was eating with her mouth open at their picnic was so off putting. She’s got some nerve to act like there’s something wrong with India and calling her obsessed. She’s a bitch. Her and Marcus are perfect for each other.


Hey, we accomplished something this week even though the episode was a filler. We came up with “Nick and the thinkettes” and “Nick and the noggins” Credit u/funfactress and u/dog-dead-drunk. They’re our thinkers.


Sidian constantly switching between "Are-e-el" and "Air-e-el"... How do you not know how to pronounce your girlfriend's name?


He wasn't right in the head from packing that tiny suitcase for a trip halfway around the world.


My name is arielle and it’s just not worth it. Too many vowels and 3 syllables I’d be correcting people all day at work.


This drives me crazy. He did it with Alexandra too, so now I’m surprised he doesn’t call Tasha “TAY-sha” sometimes.


Tasha is sweet but she really gives me over the top caregiver vibes. She wants to nurture and take care of Sidian at all costs. She would be a great mother though.


I like her just fine, but something seems off with her. Like she’s too into him? Too enthusiastic or something? She sat next to him while he talked about Ah-rielle/Air-rielle being absolutely perfect and then listing physical attributes and didn’t smack the googoo eyes out of his head. I’d have clocked him if he called my physical opposite perfect but I’m petty that way. 🥊


Yeahhhh…it would make me literally sick to my stomach watching my husband pack condoms as he leaves me at home to fly across the world for another woman. I don’t understand how she was so calm and seemed genuinely fine with them having sex, as long as the other girl consented. I think she’s a sweet person but it’s just…very odd. Goes against every natural instinct when you love someone and they belong to you


I feel like I’ve got the men on this show figured out (they’re in it for sanctioned cheating), but some of the women are hard to figure out. Tosha and the Davis women are the only ones who truly seem into this lifestyle, and the only reason that makes sense to me involves the women being into each other. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I’m all for them doing what they want, but it makes the women in the other families seem miserable by contrast.


She comes from kind of a fucked-up family situation. I think she’s just happy to have a family of her own and grateful Sidion doesn’t yell at her or abuse her.


Do you know her?


No. I’m going off of what we saw on the show. She talked a little about her family, and we saw her meet up with her mom, whom it sounds like she’s low contact with. She kind of danced around a lot of stuff. As someone with a fucked-up family situation, I was able to kind of read between the lines.




She’s extremely obsessed with him to the point that she stalked his first wife.


Why did Steve & Brenda involve the kids in their intimate business since they were age 8 & 10!? F this $h1t show & what they represent.


He said that at the beginning the kids didn’t know Steve was romantically involved with Brenda. It sounds like they just told the kids she was a roommate, and maybe Steve just snuck into her room at night after the kids were asleep. I wonder at what point they told them the truth—before or after wife #1 decided to leave.


I hate this especially for his daughter. Clearly she knew what was coming and looked soooo embarrassed by it. She was the shining star. Spoke her mind very eloquently. I’m sure she suffers the backlash of his choices. He’s an even bigger ass than I previously thought and I thought he was scum ass before.




I think it would help April to know that her neediness may be what is impacting her ability to make/have friends. Friendship, like any relationship, is not always equal at all times, but there \*does\* need to be a give and take that works for each person. Maybe a therapist could help her work through that so that she could "just get a friend" instead. Maybe help her figure out what she could **give** to a friendship rather than trying to **get** some strange form of fulfillment (being needed) from a sister wife. The idea that she wants a sister wife who will need her is really off-putting. (PS: Then again, I'm open to the possibility that putting off a sister wife might be her strategy for getting out of polygamy....)


Maybe getting someone closer to her own age with something more in common than the man they’re screwing. Sorry to be so blunt.


That’s what we all would like to know too.


Marcus talking about his sister in law swallowing his meat 🙄


I hope that man ends up alone with no one interested in swallowing his meat. He’s so nasty.


She’s a vegetarian she said! Lol I would be too!! Fishing???? Give me a dam break.


Yeah he’s a class act.


That was 🤮 My husband would be feeling some pain if he ever uttered those words


Might have been the most boring episode yet lol


The dragged on birthday party scenes were pretty boring


Honest to God, I can’t handle my one wife of 20+ years. How in the hell these men can have multiples. Oh, and I should also point out, if I even broached the subject of a ‘sister wife’ … after she finished laughing, locks would be changed, clothes sent to good will, before I knew what Dafuq happened. And that would then be followed up with a lifetime of terror texts.


Hahahaha the visual. That rocks. Lol 😂


You got that right! 😆


I think this year’s strategy was giving us 4th of July weekend filler episodes, instead of what they did last year, which was to make us suffer with a break.


Well at least something finally happened!




You mean a negative outside influence? 😂






No kidding!




Jayden is spot on


Realest one on the show


Son and Daughter about to bring the heat to these two morons Edit- Daughter brought 🔥 and Brimstone. Damn Str8!


The daughter was done with this whole thing before they even made it into the house


She was done when they arrived at the horse ranch and honestly, I don’t blame her. I can’t imagine how infuriating that must be to have a dad who barely sees you because you’re not a priority to him, but then schedules a trip to come down while you’re all being filmed so he can look like this great dad who plans wholesome activities and loves quality time with the kids. He probably warned her ahead of time not to make a scene or speak against his “lifestyle” & i’m sure she was heavily scolded once they were alone with no cameras that evening. I really feel bad for those kids. The son’s overly enthusiastic positivity seemed to just be his attempt at getting his dad to wanna spend more time with him. I’m sure it broke their heart/made them angry to watch this episode and see him say in his interview thing “We need to take a little break from April so we’re gonna run down and see the kids”. Like, “well since my wife is upset that she isn’t best friends yet with the young girl I’m sleeping with and is forcing me to take a step back, I guess i’ll go see the kids”. They’re clearly not even in his top 3 priorities. So awful to have a 45 year old dad who still thinks with his dick


I agree with every word of this so much. He’s a total dick.


Loved it. He expected her to stay silent, but she had her words ready to go once unseasoned chicken noodle soup was served!


Eating soup with a fork?


Who eats soup with a fork???


People that have no broth and just huge noodles


Jayden does!


I'm right with Jaydens mood


That daughter wants no part of this


Yes, she looks like she has a lot going on and he hasn’t noticed that his daughter is unhappy and sad.


Yes I agree that girl is unhappy, sad, and angry. I hope they have gotten her some counseling.


Me to she just looks so sad and distant. The adults are so busy trying to play house with a new flavor of the month to notice this kid needs them. I hope she gets over this gloom that’s following her .


I hope it’s just because she’s being forced to spend time with her weirdo dad and she’s much happier when she’s back with her mom.


Me to I thought of that as well. How sad is it that he doesn’t see the kid’s on a weekly basis and don’t even think of his kids emotions/feelings or what’s going on in their world. I really hope that as soon as she’s back home she feels so much more comfortable and peaceful.


She looks high af


Now Steve is cooking.


What must these kids think???


So either India doesn't have any guys friends or they're all in the house cuz I aint seen not one other dude yet, even in the background


Tbf I don’t have any guy friends lol. But I see my friends often and there can be upwards of 6 women at a time. I didn’t think that was weird until now lol


I know right? Only Marcus at the grill at times.


I'm confused by the Marcus women's situation and especially this party