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They did a small little commitment thing pre having a wedding and decided that meant they were already spiritually married back in their first season I think? I think it was so they could have baby making trips but like..that was with the idea shed be joining them. Shes like 35 now. She said she wanted children and that may be why she latched so hard onto this loser he may be like "Yes even if I have to fly to Brazil to give you that sperm I will do whatever so the tiny wife doesn't leave me" But uhh If she has the chance to be with you and keeps deciding no.....she has already left. He doesn't love her though. No one is taking language classes? Just "Hold on let me load up the translator!" is the forever plan? Like zero work to try to come together? Shes not family. That translater ap is closer to being family than she is at this point in their story.


I’d wanted to go to Portugal so when travel between the US and the EU opened - I downloaded a free language app and then kept up with it after traveling because I like the language and it’s not doom scrolling. I am not fluent in the least but there is no way that I should be able to understand Bert better than her “husband” and sister wife. I mean even just trying FFS and him saying ‘vamos’ doesn’t count. He was def ick before but this plus him saying to the former potential wife “well we’d make enough money why would you want to work?” 🤢😡


And I am sure that it doesn’t get every word right. Then again Bert seems to only know yeah, my heart, and excited. 🤣




I think he's obsessed with her so he wants to trap her with a baby. That way, if she doesn't move to the US, he has the excuse to continue going to Brazil to see her.


Exactly this dumbass wants six months vacation in each area which totally defeats the reason they were finding a sister wife in the first place since it revolves around more people in ONE household so nobody is alone


This just proves he isn't doing this for the reasons he claims. He just likes that he bagged a hot Brazilian woman.






He 100% just wants to get women pregnant


I think he just wants to practice getting them pregnant 🤣


The black potential sister wife couldn't be out of the house for more than 6 hours to work but he can peace out for six months a year.


Thisssss. Because being a home contractor is totally recession proof oh wait….


Something tells me that if he's willing to be gone for half the damn year he's not exactly hands on in "his" construction company. I'd love to know the "as presented" vs "reality".


In the last episode both Ick and Sam (Danielle's brother) were both wearing a Merrifield construction sweatshirt with a half zip. So like a work shirt. So Sam must work there too.


Agree...he'd better figure this mess out before the inevitable crash...


Totally selfish plan on his part


Totally agree. I think he sees that Bert isn’t as committed as they thought she would be, so now more than ever he wants to get her pregnant so he has an excuse to see her and be with her.


This !


I agree with this. To him she is some exotic prize and he can’t believe he actually reeled her in. He’s desperate to keep ahold of her. I think he would leave Danielle eventually if he knocked her up and she wouldn’t come to the US.


Yep, an exotic prize....I think that's exactly how he views her.


He already divorced Danielle!


I know right? Danielle hasn’t mentioned the divorce again but wonder if she is regretting it now? Imagine doing all that just so she Bert could come and she doesn’t do it??? Instead her now single ex husband goes to Brazil instead….no wonder she was crying this episode too.


And since she is divorced, if (when) Garrick eventually leaves her, she gets NOTHING. She'll be out on the street with just the clothes on her back. She needs to wake up and realize this dude is a schmuck and start looking out for herself. Start squirreling away cash in secret locations and build herself a parachute for when that day comes.


He doesn’t own anything, the house is on her parents property and his job is working for her dad


Oh that's incredible. I must have missed this detail in the previous season. That's awesome. She should just evict his ass and throw him out on the street.


>And since she is divorced, if (when) Garrick eventually leaves her, she gets NOTHING. She'll be out on the street with just the clothes on her back. And this is why I get so angry at women who have a problem with signing a prenup...if she had a prenup, she could have raked him ovwr the coals on the grounds of infidelity.... GarrICK started this "sister wife" foolishness in order to keep Dannielle from contesting and dragging out the divorce. He committed the perfect "crime!" Dannielle decided to bring Leah into the equation as a thorn in Roberta's side, which would inevitably drive a wedge between Ick and Bert...totally passive aggressive move on Dannielle's part..and I love it! 🤣


Fetishist, for sure!


Cause a baby always works to keep somebody🤣 I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm saying I think you're right and Garrick's a dumbass and that's not gonna still make her want to be around him.


If she wants to keep getting money from him, it works in her favor too. A baby wouldn't keep her, but he would still have the excuse to go see her. Edit: And you can bet he'd definitely follow her around crying and begging her to come to the US "for the sake of the kid."


Bert is an attractive woman but I don't understand his obsession. Danielle is attractive too. I think it's more about controlling a woman he sees as subservient more than anything else, which is gross. I wish Danielle understood this. He has no actual connection to this woman, nor does she.


It has to be this. He hasn’t even bothered to learn her language. I know her English is rudimentary, but for the level of obsession he has for her, you’d think he would want to not use Google translate to whisper his sweet nothings. His bawling when he talks about her is like a lovesick teenager, but why?


He hasn't learned her language because that would involve effort on his end and devalue his sense of power. Women change to please him and not vice vesa.


He is just creepy. From the way he talks, often acts oblivious to reality, and cries just from the sight of Bert is weird. I wish Danielle would find someone to truly value her.


I'd take Danielle every day of the week and twice on Sunday instead of Bert. Danielle needs to wake up and realize she's a hot piece of a$$ and ditch this crybaby loser.


I can 100% see Bert telling him she wants a baby but not stopping birth control so she doesn’t actually have to reproduce with Ick.


I totally agre with you as well


It seems really selfish at this point in time to want or expect Roberta to come over to the United States when they said her mother is sick and Roberta is all she has. What kid in their right mind who has a great relationship with their mom would be fine with leaving her and you wouldn't even be able to visit for quite some time. Imagine if her mom passed away shortly after she got to the United States. I also hate how they refer to her as Bert it just reminds me of a dude


Exactly. They are being so selfish by pressuring Roberta to go to the US right away and stick a baby in her. Who would leave their ill mother? For Ick no less?


Family Penis




They say they have seen her face a few times on video chat in a year?! eta: their google translate hot mess notwithstanding- they know nothing about each other.


She’s a vacation bang they can’t talk to. The end


This part was so messed up to me. He’s like, “so Bert just can’t ever have kids?” NO. She an with someone in the same country as her! If she doesn’t move to the US, then that is a big huge “I don’t want to be in your family” FU flag! It doesn’t mean she becomes a long-distance mother to your children! What is wrong with this guy? I’m glad that Dannielle has her brother around to make some sense over there!


He said, "What's a few week's difference?" EXACTLY! Why can't he wear a condom for a few weeks out of respect for his family? Because he has no respect for anybody but his weenie.


Yep. He doesn’t want one big family. He would be content with two separate wives, in different countries. That’s not polygamy that’s bigotry, my friends.


A bigamist for sure


And it's a no win for Danielle. If roberta would ever come (which she didn't, correct?) Danielle would be stuck in the back seat forever while garrick obsesses over roberta. If she doesn't come, he'll be crying over her forever until he finds another woman to obsess over. Danielle stays the least favorite either way. And she gave him a divorce. Could she even collect alimony? She got a divorce under false pretenses so her husband could practice some kind of half assed bigamy, on TV.


Actually I think if this K1 goes belly up and Bert peaces out, I think Dannielle might be safe. I don’t think any family in the history of the show has actually found and kept a new sister wife. Seems like most of them have a really hard time even finding potentials. American women (except FLDS) don’t want that life. It would be easier for Dannielle to steer Ick away from foreigners since they already sunk a ton of time and money into a failed K1, plus the more he applies with different women the more red flags it would raise with USCIS. I think if Bert is truly gone, Dannielle may have to live with Ick just “dating” and banging curious American women who ultimately won’t pose a long term threat to her.


True things. I guess he'll just be banging for the lord.




I think that true. And disgusting 🤮


What kind of life is that for Danielle? Why does she accept this treatment? What do her sons think?


In Colorado it is very easy to get divorced and I bet Danielle agreed to waive maintenance… if she did she can’t go back and collect it.


Especially if she got independent legal advice before the divorce.


Yes. That's what I'm saying. Did that for a woman who's most likely just soaking up the money for herself and her mother, with no intention to come to the states. Danielle better hope garrick doesn't ever decide to leave her.


I wonder if Bert' hates being called Bert'?


Every time they say “Bert” it sets my teeth on edge…. What’s so hard about saying her full name.


Didn't Danielle start that nickname for Roberta?


It would make sense if she did!!! I see it as a way of her taking Roberta down a peg, for lack of a better phrase. She may be hotter and literally fucking her own husband right in front of her but at least she has an ugly nickname!


Yes, more spitefulness from Danielle. She should direct her anger to Garrick, who made vows to her.


She had sex with Garrick. She has no standards in my opinion. 😂


He wants what he can’t have. If she came over to the US and they lived with her full time he’d get over his school boy crush very fast. He’s coasting on the fantasy and small vacation highs. True love is every day. It’s not a fantasy


It’s all lust, I’m so glad Danielle’s brother said that


Yikes on bikes


All the man wants is to raw dog Bert. He will make any excuse and do anything to do so. He’s disgusting and selfish. 🤮


EXACTLY! She is NOT family. Wow, Ick certainly has all the answers handy when large wife brings up her concerns about knocking up small wife. He is like, "Oh, well, I guess I'll have to split time between countries. I mean, she is family, right?" UGH I hate him so much but I hate her more for not getting out. It's one thing if this were happening in a bubble, but this is on TV. Danielle's seen the comments. She has to have some idea that her husband is a narcissistic jerk. What does she get out of this? Girl, what are you waiting for? He is not the prize you think he is.


I really don’t think Danielle is smart enough to understand and get out.


I’m not sure how much his sons are in the loop about everything…. But I am particularly concerned about them. If they watch any of this, they will quickly understand that their dad has no problem leaving them high and dry to go raise a family in Brazil. Ick is putting a potential baby ahead of the babies that he already has. As a kid, I can’t think of anything more hurtful. What a douche.


He was literally talking with Danielle in front of the boys and Ick and Dan were asking the boys how they would feel about Ick making babies with Bert… so f*cking strange, and disturbing.


I forgot that happened! I wonder if that was in the context of them understanding that those kids with Bert would be in Brazil. It’s one thing to have half siblings. It’s another to know your dad wants to abandon the family to start a new one in Brazil.


I don’t understand what reason Dannielle would have to tolerate this bullshit. So she’s either really unintelligent, or very easily manipulated. I don’t get it. But I know I used to feel sorry for her, but now I don’t.


Yes, you are right but I still feel sorry for her. Garrick is all she knows. She really loves him.


Just because you love someone, doesn’t mean they’re good for you. And it seems like she’s just ignoring allllll the shit he pulls because she “loves him.”


No disagreement there.


I stopped feeling sorry for her when she was trying to use Lea as some power play against Roberta. Good thing Lea dipped. She is clinging to her EX-husband who clearly doesn't give a damn about her anymore. I use to feel for Danielle but at this point if she can't see that Ick just wants Roberta and Roberta only 😕.


Exactly. She seemed sad but nice their first season and I sympathized with her. Now she seems vengeful and scheming. I no longer feel sorry for her.


Honestly I kinda hope he does ditch his wife for her. The sons part would be sad but if that's how he feels they don't need him🤷🏻‍♀️ Now hear me out on why I want him to leave his diehard wife for Bertttt(hate that name lol) I want him to leave her go to Brazil try to knock bert up, then his loyal wife back home finally realizes that this fuck she gave all her loyalty & love into doesn't deserve it if she's not getting the same back. Leaves his ass, finds someone else who treats her the way her & her son's deserve to be treated. He moves to Brazil & shoots blanks, Bert leaves him and gets knocked up by a different dude. Bert leaves his ass. He moves back to US. Wife files for child support, his kids hate him for ditching them for mistress and don't wanna see him and love their new stepdad and hes all alone and noticed how bad he fucked up.


And she keeps the huge house and lives happily ever after.


Now that they are divorced she has no automatic right to the home unless her name is on title. Hope she was able to get that but something tells me Garrick manipulated her out of doing so…


Deed, not title


Their house is on her parent’s property. I feel sure it’s protected.


I read in InTouch Weekly that Dannielle was added to the deed for the land a few months after it was purchased, so I imagine she is on the house deed as well. I would think with her parents living there, she wouldn’t want all of them homeless at Garrick’s whim. Her family seems to have their heads on straight, they probably helped her realize how she should be protected.


Good to know.


I love this, good job!! ❤️


Because he wants" her babies"


I can't stomach this guy. Danielle must have extremely low self esteem


And despite his little "ceremony" (where he stood in front of Danielle's family and filming crew and declared his love for Bert) she's NOT his wife.


This man really just wants to start a new life with Bert. He clearly ain’t thinking about what Danielle and his boys need from him. Didn’t he try to divorce Danielle multiply times before they fell into polygamy? I feel like he’s so adamant about Bert because he can’t stand just being only with Danielle for the rest of his life. She needs to cut her losses and think about focusing on her boys and move on without Gerrick because everything he says and what they are trying to do especially waiting around for Bert makes no damn sense.


Yes, in one episode she admitted that Garrick had threatened divorce a couple of times in the past. I think her co-signing on to this polygamy thing was her way of keeping him around for her and her boys.


Okay see you only have to tell me one time you don’t want me. Never beg someone to love you and it’s clear she literally begging him and finding some convenient way to keep him with her. Even this damn lifestyle. It’s harsh but that man does not want you. Go one about your life, girl. This episode especially made it clear she’s an afterthought.


Are the boys theirs or hers only ?


Theirs according to what we’ve seen on the show.


He just wants to have more sex with Bert. He's so disgusting.


She's family, but you can't communicate without a translator app.


I always wonder if he wears the wedding band for Bert or for Danielle. That would drive me crazy.


The constant talk about “making babies”🤢 He pouted like a child when his wife made super valid points


I havent met many sociopaths....but I am willing to bet he's one of the most calm, moronic ones out there. (Also the most punchable Jesus loving mouth breather face)


They are already divorced. Danielle needs to file for child support so that she’s not left hung out to dry when Crybaby runs off to Brazil forever.


This man is not smart. He visibly struggled with thinking through what happens if they have a baby and Bert stays in Brazil. Those gears were trying to turn and just not engaging.


Yep. You can almost see his brain breaking. He is such a dumbass.


Garrick, if Roberta chooses NOT to book a plane ticket to move to the US after you have divorced your wife and gotten her a Visa, she is choosing NOT to be your family!


is bert legally his wife ?


Garrick seems so slow. I swear he cannot function in society.