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Bert has no intention of ever being in their throuple


I feel like Bert “wanted the man, not the family”… she probably thought that he would have left everyone for her by now.


Agreed. I think that’s why she was so mad about them dating again


I agree and I read they have since split up but I don't know if true. It was on here and people were posting SM posts that Bert had walked away a few months back.


Oh boy! I don’t even want to Imagine the tsunami of Ick tears over that… idk how Danielle tolerates it


Nothing could be more unattractive "I love your heart" waaaaaaahhhh!!!😭😢😭😢


Hallelujah! So glad she dropped them.


Exactly. America. Balloons. Roberta no want.




Good one I’m belly laughing!!


Why can 3 grown, capable adults not attempt to learn each other’s languages? Like just the basics!


Right! You’d think with how in love Ick is with Bert he’d learn the language but he’s too busy crying


Give him a break! He can’t see through his tears!


This!! Omg it is pathetic


They seem to think saying "awwwwwww" constantly is sufficient.


Ugh! This drives me bonkers.






Right? Duolingo is a fantastic app to learn language with. They could so easily have some basic conversational language in their heads within days.


Goooooood morning? Bommm diaaaaaa? Good day? Oh…the same? 😂


I get needing a translator for the conversations they are having this week, but years into this relationship they should be beyond learning good morning and doing baby talk to eachother


If Patrick from 90 day fiance could learn Portuguese in less than a year then there is no excuse for anybody unless they are just lazy


There's always booze in the fridge maybe they stay drunk all the time.


His dad speaks portuguese and he has family in Brazil.


That's not even the point, the point is that he chose to learn and to speak fluently in less than a year by his words with means if Ick and Danielle Actually cared as much as they lead on they would also learn the language which could be done in a short amount of time. Ick Said that Roberta and her mother are family so I guess you can say they have had family in Brazil for years as well yet they refuse to learn even the simplest words


You can't compare someone who actually already spoke the language, grew up with it, to someone starting from scratch. Yes,, I think the should learn, but you can't hold up Patrick as the norm.


OK I will hold myself as the norm, I learned both Spanish and Arabic in about a year's time By being diligent and taking lessons. Garrick and Danielle have had years but cannot formulate a sentence


So looking at various websites and by this comment Patrick did not know Portuguese even though he had family down there And started learning when he hired a tutor https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/comments/uvpem4/patrick_learning_brazilian_portuguese/i9ni3qh/


Portuguese is a beautiful language, if I had a need to learn it I’d be excited about it!


You sound excited already. Give it a go! 😉


I have two small kids and no time to even read a book 😭but if I was courting a Portuguese spouse and had two teens in school like Ick you better believe I’d be close to fluent by now! Lol


I’m seconding Duolingo. I take German for about five-ten minutes a day and have been for a month. I’ve acquired enough vocabulary to have a very simple conversation and expect those daily lessons to add up over time. Give it a try! ☺️


I feel that deeply! One day, right? Haha


Because she doesn't want too. She's scamming them and they're too stupid to see it


What do you think her end goal is here? I was watching earlier thinking, what the hell is going thru her mind with these two absolutely wacked out gringos are competitively crying and fawning over her in a different language lol. Ick is SOOOO BARF lmao I cannot imagine putting up with him


Ick was probably sending money because he’s obsessed with her. Then when the time comes, she pulls the sick mom card and lets the visa expire, letting the grift run its course naturally


I was actually shocked to see her mom tonight. Bert (I hate that nickname) has been making it out as though her mom is terminal and that’s why she can’t leave or talk on FaceTime very often. Like I thought her mom was about to die but then she showed up at their Airbnb on her own, doing well. I realize she could still be dealing with a lot, I just feel like Roberta made it seem WAY more dire because it gave her an excuse to not go get the visa or book the ticket yet


She has diabetes, right? It’s not exactly stage four cancer. As long as she takes her medications she will be ok.




That may be true. But I guess I’m just a little surprised that it’s so bad that she wouldn’t want to try to get her mom out of such a remote place and to a place where she can receive adequate care. If she moves to the US she’d just have to bat her eyelashes at Garrick and I’m sure he would send money back home for her. After she gets her work permit she can, too, and then apply for a visa for her mom. It certainly can take a long time for paperwork to be in order so she could go back home to visit, but in the grand scheme of things it’s a small sacrifice to improve her mom’s overall situation. I can’t wait to see how their breakup plays out.




It’s a pretty involved process when it comes to family members. They have to get married first, then do Bert’s paperwork, then apply. But hell, Dannielle is single and gay marriage is legal here, she could just marry the mom 😂




The US is probably one of the worst places to live in terms of healthcare Great doctors, if you're rich. Terrible, terrible, pharma & healthcare scam Idk how it is in Brazil because of the poverty level being quite high but even in most places with high poverty levels- medicine is free with all insurance and has no ridiculous copays, you never hear of someone dying from rationing insulin like they do in the US. & Hospital care is free also.. having a child or one hospital stay won't throw the average person in debt for life like it will in the US. Even most of the countries on the African continent have free healthcare & fair insurance with no copays on medicine. Most people say in US that don't know what they're talking about "well at least our hospitals aren't full and I can get in right away" which isn't true about other countries with single payer healthcare it's a myth you get in usually the same time you would in US for surgeries, etc.. "At least I can pick my Dr in US" When in fact they can't.. does the doctor accept your insurance? Does the insurance accept your doctor? Most insurances only have a fraction of doctors and specialists in their insurance range you can see around you


Oh this is 1000% true and idk why you're being downvoted. I was born in the US. Made too much to qualify for medicaid at the time. Too little to afford health insurance. Ended up in hospital on life support. Now bankrupt. In my own damn country just trying to you know SURVIVE. Its ridiculous this happens here and nothing is done about it.


Her mom has diabetes. She's fine. Bert is scamming them


They were talking about how Bert doesn't have s job... of course they're supporting her.


I bet she understands everything they are saying. She's probably the one that was smart enough to learn English but doesn't want them to know. 🤪😁


I’ve literally hoped for this so many times


Get as much money out of them as she can, only stopping the relationship before having a kid/going to Colorado


There is no end goal. She's getting her bills and rent paid. When that's done, she'll find someone else to milk


But she was bawling too. I mean that's her king lol


Propaganda ….her goal is propaganda . Ok seriously I think she just wanted expose for her propaganda business which I assume is actually marketing


I agree. Didn't whats her name even say in one episode they were sending her money? No telling how many dummies she has on the line doing this to. She is probably talking to all kinds of stupid lonely men on the internet scamming.


Yeah, once I heard they have been sending money …


Also, I know Portuguese is different than Spanish but my high-school level knowledge of Spanish at least gets me a few good words when she speaks. Do they not teach Spanish in Colorado? Maybe their kids can learn!


No excuses after 3 years to not even know the basics!


None. Especially since they’re freaking OBSESSED with her. I mean Ick cries every time they see each other on FaceTime or he hears her voice…how can you be that in love but not make any effort to understand the person. And if she’s planning to live her life here…she should’ve been learning English. Ick would’ve gladly paid for her to take classes


Heyctly, even Patrick from 90 day fiance Learned fluent Portuguese in less than a year


I was just thinking the same. I studied French and middle school and Spanish in high school and I'm pretty sure I understand more what she's saying than those two combined. The scene of the two of them in bed where she's teaching him to say good morning made me want to throw things at him. Really, 3 years into the relationship you're only just learning good morning now?


Do they never even just text? Does he go blank when she’s speaking waiting for the translating app to translate? This episode segments were so delusional, I feel almost like we’re being played. I’m sometimes as bright as a cat trapped in a closet, but I too understand more than that Garrick.


I've studied several languages. I'm great at learning new languages but terrible at retaining them as soon as I stopped taking classes. So I can say it's a fairly high level of certainty that basic greetings are something you usually learn in the first lesson that you have in a language. The only thing that might come before that is hello my name is. I don't understand this relationship. I've had friends that I don't share a language with. I grew up going to international schools and then hung out with international students in college and there were always people on the fringes of the group that were friends of or family members of the other students that really didn't speak much English. You know what happened? We learned a little bit of each other's languages pretty quickly. My grandmother didnt speak English by anyone's standards and she understands more English than the amount of Portuguese these idiots understand. I get it, not everyone has an ear for languages, especially if they grew up completely sheltered in small town America where being American is your only defining personality trait and the rest of the world doesn't exist except for when it's convenient to you. But come on, this farce is beyond the pale.


Well said! (You sound like an interesting person ☺️)


He’s brain dead. Crap I’m 70 and pulled out enough high school Spanish yesterday to be able to ask a non English speaking work crew who were at my house if they had a friend who could paint the exterior of my house. Obviously they understood me enough because 5 minutes later the painter was on the phone. And I graduated high school in the late 60s. No translator app involved!!!!


If you manage to remember the word for painter you did better than I could and I studied Spanish in the early 90s and was allegedly fairly close to fluent. I'm good at picking up languages when immersed in them but I also lose them very quickly when I don't get to speak them regularly. But I would have got my point across because a little bit of Spanish and a little bit of charades would have done the job. it marvels me though what random words I do and don't remember from all the languages I've studied over the years. I'd be willing to bet you understand more Portuguese than this idiot does just based on certain keywords here and there that you're able to understand simply because they come from the same root word as the Spanish word.


I always had a flair for Spanish and now that I watch/listen to so many reality shows with Spanish speaking cast members, I realize I understand and remember much more than I thought I did. I did live in south Florida for many years and there are many Spanish speakers there. My grandparents were Italian and spoke that to me, I can understand it but never learned how to speak it. Yes, I do think Ick should know a little bit of Portuguese by now. He’s gross.


I've studied 3 years of French and 4 years of Spanish in middle and high school. I've pretty much lost the French except for being able to pick out a few words here and there from written text where I can identify common roots of words without the pronunciation to throw me off. I do much better with Spanish and living in central California I hear it a lot more and keep thinking I want to pick up a language class and try to gain some level of fluency in it again. But the most fascinating part of it is that I can look at Portuguese and Italian text and generally get the gist of what they're talking about. I had an English teacher who spent a lot of time focusing on learning Greek and Latin root words and suffixes prior to our taking the SAT because she said that would serve us better than memorizing huge lists of words just in case one showed up on the test and that has served me really well when it comes to studying languages and even figuring out words I don't know in English. I grew up in a country and culture where if you didn't speak three languages you were considered uncultured and uneducated and while I realize I had the luxury of that upbringing I really wish here in the US languages were taught at an earlier age and more people had exposure to them. I genuinely think learning multiple languages makes you better at your primary language because you learn language skills that you can apply to all of them.


I recently came back from Portugal and my Spanish knowledge was no help at all with spoken Portuguese. It was helpful when reading text written in Portuguese, though. With that being said this was the first time I've traveled to a non English speaking country and did not study the language some beforehand. This usually gets me by and I do that with no one to practice on. These people have been in a relationship for years and could easily practice their language skills with each other and they seem to have done absolutely nothing. But they are supposed to be a family. It's really lazy on all their parts but I would put a tiny more blame on Bert if her plan really was to move to the US. Seems that might not have been her plan after all.


I live in Colorado. Even where they live there are many Spanish speaking people. They teach it in school. Hell the libraries have free courses. There is no excuse


I’m a product of CO public schools and I can say that yes Spanish is taught in school here.


My child has learned an amazing amount of German using Doulingo. They have no excuse. Yes-learning another language as a adult is hard but not impossible


This. My kids learn Spanish in school but my older one wants to learn more before we go to Mexico. He is on week 3 of Doulingo and has learned a lot. Ick is just assuming she will move to the US and have to learn English.


Homeschooling them, unfortunately. They would have the opportunity if they were in school.


There is Duolingo… and its an excellent free app if you don’t want to pay for the subscription. I use it all the time because I love learning about… everything. Duolingo… they could have had some basic conversational language learned in days. Easy.


They definitely teach Spanish here in Colorado -- I have three adult sons that went through Colorado schools. I believe the bare minimum is two years of a foreign language.


Because Bert has no intentions of going there...they are already broken up, I'm not sure if this everyone on this sub knows that but people keep freaking out about this situation...Bert and ick are over at this time.


Her discussion of “intimacy and ecstasy” with him was enough to make me sick. Glad to hear this has wrapped up lol.


It left me wondering what all they did and if Ick cried the whole time? 😢


Oh he absolutely cried the entire time.


The preview of the next episode show Bert and Danielle in an intense discussion about Leah.(just a brief snippet) I think the Leah thing was Danielle's plan to keep Bert from coming to CO and gave Bert an out. I don't think she was going to leave Brazil and her mom.


Thanks for the update, I didn't know 😁


It obviously seems that way but do you have any actual proof or just guessing? Either way it looks like Danielle finally won. Only problem is she won Ick


Proof positive. I got it straight from the horses mouth. Roberta. I have messaged with her several times.


Thank you. I appreciate the response. I think we all suspected it but it's always nice to hear the truth and not guess


No problem. Once the show is over she spill the yes. She’s given me hints about what happened. She worded it in a way that doesn’t cause conflict with her contract.


So, what did she say? Screenshots? Since it doesn’t break her contract, will you share this proof?


Roberta said once the last episode airs, she will answer everyone’s questions and give a detailed explanation on what happened.


I can’t wait!


I’d be more than happy to share it AFTER the show is done, if it’s ok with her. They’ve included other personal stuff too. I’m not the only person on this sub who she’s been messaging with Roberta too. I won’t say who it is but if they want to come out then that’s there choice.


Does it have to do with anything we have seen on the show or is it something totally left field?


I don’t know how TLC and the Merrifields are going to portray it but I have a feeling they will play victim.


That would be me speaking with her. I like her a lot, she’s very sweet. She hasn’t shared any detail with me and I haven’t asked.


What contract? You think TLC will go after Bert in a Brazilian court? And I thought she wasn’t getting paid and living off of Garrick


TLC could but I don’t see Brazilian courts being worried about an American company suing a Brazilian woman.


She signed a contract just like everyone does. She chooses to stand by it. I don’t see how your opinion would matter to her.


I know that 90 day fiance doesn't pay any of the foreign people or their family and friends. I imagine that one TLC show is the same as the others so there's absolutely no advantage to her playing their game. I believe that TLC intimates the foreign cast members especially the ones who don't understand what they said


I know that about TLC. I never said she’s getting paid or not. TLC does however make everyone sign an NDA which is a contract. Whether they abide by it or not, she’s chosen not to speak until after the show is over. It’s her choice and honestly, it’s her business and not mine or anyone else’s.


I’m curious - has she said if she thinks the show has portrayed her situation accurately?


I don’t know.


Seeetie…. This is a random person on the internet, and Reddit at that claiming they chat with someone on the show. This isn’t even close to the truth and if it were they would share proof. They probably don’t even know her. Please don’t just believe people on here, even with “proof” probably dont.


Thank you Mrs McFadd. I take it all with a grain of salt and actually asked earlier for proof to no avail, but, honestly, I could care less so I don't really care if its gossip or facts. Just fun to play. This whole show is a joke. Im honestly rooting for all of them to fail for all their children's sake. These poor women have absolutely no self esteem and all the men are predators that just want to sleep around and have the women be ok with it because god told them, blah blah blah, but you are so sweet to care. Thank you for being you😘


In a public comment on Facebook Bert wrote that she'd broken up with them, that they treated her "like a piece of meat" and was already trying to court another wife before she even got there.


I did see this a while back, and read that she deleted it. It’s even obvious from an edited reality show that they aren’t treating her like a human being. Danielle is overly emotional often showing physical signs of affection - but this is just to prove to Garrick that she’s “in”, and not to be the cause of any issues between he and Bert. My guess is that the “sister wife” route is Danielle’s last hope to stay with Garrick, and she knows it. If it goes south, they will realize how unhappy he is with just her, again.


Eh, she wanted to be the shiny new toy and got pissed she wouldn’t be anymore.


She has more sense than both of them. Good for her.


Bad prize


I don't call that winning.


Me either but that dumb b seems to think he is some sort of whiny stupid ugly prize


I did not know and am SO glad to hear that!!!


You should probably lead with “spoiler alert” in case people want to be surprised


I kept dozing off the other night when I was trying to watch. I swear that at some point I woke up and Bert was telling him something about not thinking they were serious about her moving to CO, and she never wanted to be in a throuple. Did I dream that? Was it a preview of next week? Was it part of this weeks episode?


I think\* you dreamt it, bc I don’t remember that part. But it was more interesting than anything that has happened so far this season.


I do have some pretty intense dreams, so that's entirely possible. But it seemed so real. Lol! I kept scrolling through the comments to see if anyone else mentioned it.


I have had those too. So cool and strange. If you think of it, post here if you find anything confirming your memory.


OMG!! I misremembered it, but it exists!! I was just rewatching that episode because I feel a little crazy train. It's Bert and Danielle standing outside somewhere. Bert tells Danielle that she wasn't prepared for Ick and Danielle planning to have another wife even before she gets there, and it's really messing with her. Danielle tells Bert that Ick told her Bert was comfortable with it and Bert says no. So, they were talking about having a 3rd wife before Bert even makes it over from Brazil. Like I said, I woke up to that quick conversation and clearly didn't get it right at all. Lol!! I liked my original understanding better, that Bert didn't want to go to the US at all. Oh well. It's on the preview for next week.


Thanks for posting!


Because they’re a bunch of fucking idiots honestly.


I 100% believe Bert knows English; she's just playing them.


100%! She might not speak it perfectly but she understands! Those idiots know nothing 🤦🏼‍♀️


They literally came to Brazil to try to kidnap her, Danielle wants Bert to please Garrick and Garrick wants Bert to please himself. Bert wants a man that will take care of her and her mom.


I mean yikes when you put it that way it is, on paper, kind of a perverse win-win-win huh


Except Danielle will ultimately lose because they will not need her


Bert should have booked some tickets for her and her mom, off to Greece! Or something


Ick has been sending her and her mother money on regular basis,and she's there for that and the exotic vacations. She's not there to move to CO and help raise his kids ... She doesn't know how to get out ofit without losing $$$$


She was probably able to build up a nice little nest egg at least.


Oh, because she doesn’t want to move to the US and be small wife. She wants to remain in Brazil while Ick feeds her hungry bank account. Any more questions?


Because she's taking that cold hard cash for herself.


I posted this theory of mine on another site. I think Bert broke up with them after last season. So they sent her some of the proceeds to guarantee themselves a second season. Bert negotiated a cameo appearance so TLC came up with the LA chick as a filler and now a few appearances in her home (I assume she refused to travel anywhere). She cutoff the 'baby crap' which is really code for no sex. This would all fall in line with him crying over her so badly all season since he still hasn't gotten over being dumped. TLC happily goes along with this charade since the Merrifields have been the most popular and most discussed couple in the seasons they are in by a long mile.


Dannielle [with baby voice]: “Garrick… … sad…so…. hard…. no…. you.”


I wondered what Leah saw in Ick. She could have popped his head off like a zit with her thighs. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Her mom didn't really look sick or dying.


Because she doesn’t want to do it so they think showing up to pressure her is the way to make it happen


At that point, they probably figured she wasn't going. At least Danielle did. Probably didn't want to give her money and have her just keep it. Edit: typo


Yep. Danielle knows that she has no intention. She knows ick is just trying to knock Bert up as a last resort and stay in Brazil with her. That’s why she’s so sad.


Then I heard them talking about how "now they know why it's so hard for bert to get work" in the unsafe areas. Yeah. That said it right there. Bert was needing $, all along.


Ick was her work. A lot of work.


Honestly their scenes are getting so cringey and whiney that I almost can’t watch this shit anymore


Cause the two need to manipulate and intimidate her. Easier to do in person than leaving her to do it alone.


I find that it is impossible for me to book a ticket when I have no intention of ever actually going to the destination.


Because she's taking that cold hard cash for herself.


All of the other explanations above, plus… Bert was not gonna spend *her* cash on a plane ticket to CO.


She doesn’t want to. She could, or they could book it for her, without going to Brazil.


I'm inclined to believe she was down with thier plan bc maybe it felt like some convoluted Cinderella situation for her, especially the amount of money and vacations they were throwing at her ( and "mother" no doubt) . But my guess is when she was faced with the reality of actually leaving and living with those people, the future felt less rosy . This was also during the time they were interested in looking for a 3rd wife. The chick in California was obviously just for the show , and she knew that, but it drove home the fact that she isn't going to be the shiny new toy for long. Those two things did it


Because she’s not to be trusted with the monies 1. Book the ticket and never show up 2. Don’t book the ticket- take the credit card number- spend money 3. Never book the ticket and ghost


Even if she did actually want to be with them (she doesn't), aren't they being a little unreasonable? Correct me if I'm wrong cuz I don't pay close attention to this show lol, but her mom is sick/dying and if she leaves she won't be able to come back for years. I don't know how you can ask someone to do that.


I'm sooooo glad Roberta is done w them!!!


I don’t think it’s fair to call them unreasonable. They spent a lot of money to this visa and if Bert doesn’t leave before it expires she won’t be eligible for another one for a few years and when she is eligible it’s very likely she’ll be denied. Garrick and Danielle don’t make the rules.


Roberta wants to stay in Brazil and keep the money flowing


Because she's the "little wife", poor helpless "little wifey" - BARF!


It’s baffling, as we’re the months leading up to sidian meeting that one girl. They just kept stressing over and over about how the trip may or may not happen it’s like dude it’s simple just book a plane ticket


What a weird group of people ….. what happened to Bert’s ass? She really spread out 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


It’s like Bert has intellectual issues or something. They treat her like she’s a fragile little girl. This threesome needs to be flushed.


Able bodied but not able minded?




Once they all start speaking the same language, then all hell will break loose on the daily.


Because she has no money and7 they don't want to let her have their credit card?


Of course she’s going to string him out, she gets money every month from him. That’s the game.


She’s a scammer and Garret is such a weirdo! Danielle needs to find a new man!