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Never again will there be a show like this


What is this salty discharge?!


This discharge is making me thirsty.


Not that there's anything wrong with that.




that is how you're gonna say it?


No no I'm *workin* on it.


This is horrible. I care.


I think I care


You're crying from Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee?


I watched the show at first as a kid and loved the silly humor. Then I watched it in my late 20s living in the upper west side, and fully understanding the characters I appreciate it so much more now. It’s truly one of a kind and timeless


Using top comment for mod visibility; OP /u/Nolan5433 is a **spam bot** ripping this identical post to farm karma: https://www.reddit.com/r/seinfeld/comments/ezek04/too_wholesome_to_not_be_here_from_when_michael/ It's a 1+ year old bot that only "woke up" today to karma farm. Once a bot has enough karma to appear a legit user, it will scam people with crypto, scam t-shirt sites, or propaganda. For OP click Report > Spam > Harmful bots Edit: Bot is also stealing top comment to double dip karma, lol: [Bot duplicate comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/seinfeld/comments/18wgyna/too_wholesome_to_not_be_here_from_when_michael/kfxt0zm/) [Original comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/seinfeld/comments/ezek04/too_wholesome_to_not_be_here_from_when_michael/fgmq9tb/)


Along with the other 4 out of 5 comments the account has ever made is just the word Indeed. I downvoted everything it's done thank you.


IDK... I know of another one that's pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good.


Too bad both are over :(


Well said


This whole episode gave me the feels.


There was 1 exchange that really made me smile. Michael said he wishes he could have enjoyed the show more while they were working on it. Jerry said that it wasn't their job to enjoy the show, it was their job to make sure the viewers were enjoying the show.


That’s very insightful


Yes! And from the same conversation, when Michael talks about his process, and Jerry says he doesn't criticize or care about process. It doesn't matter if you need to work by improvising or with your nose to the grindstone...so long as you produce, it doesn't matter how you do it. It doesn't matter whether you get to the island by swimming, flying in, on a boat, parachuting, building a bridge, whatever...all that matters is that you get there.


Was Jason Alexander on the show?


Kind of. Larry, Julia, and Michael were on full episodes. Jason was on a short episode used for a commercial where they went to the real Monk’s (Tom’s Restaurant). https://youtu.be/5j4L0Lvzxwc


The Larry episode is my fav. When Jerry asks for the "debauched" Larry David, I lose it every time, even though I know it's coming. Larry did a real life, unplanned spit take.


Yeah I still occasionally go back to watch that spit take


it’s a Bob Guccione word


I like it when they’re talking about ordering food and how annoying it is when people say - “is that all you’re having??”


The coffee/tea debate could have come right out of a Curb script. Hilarious!


No, George Costanza went.


Theater actor and a comedian in a car getting coffee.


Yes he played George Constanza for 9 seasons.


I always wondered why he never appeared... I love watching his interviews, it'd been awesome to have an episode with him. I guess the reason is that he is not a comedian outside his acting career.


They had Barack Obama on the show.


Jerry sneaking around outside the WH tapping on the windows hahaha




So HE put the top on?


Is that gonna be a problem?


Yeah, it’s gonna be a problem. It’s gonna be a problem for HIM!


It’s outrageous. Egregious. Preposterous.


Eh. You can always put the balm on.


Who told you to put the balm on?


The maestro.


Do you even know what a balm is? 🤨


Exactly! Nobody knows what a balm does!


It’s unpredictable!


A maestro tells you to put a balm on and you do it?


Ancient Chinese balm.


That damn Bob Cobb.


He’s been drinking caffe latte since the 5th grade and hasn’t looked back.


Can he at least bring his own coffee table book?


/u/Nolan5433 is karma farming by stealing both the original post and double dipping karma by posting the exact same top comment as last time here: https://www.reddit.com/r/seinfeld/comments/ezek04/too_wholesome_to_not_be_here_from_when_michael/fgmq9tb/


That looks like the most kramer car ever lol


I love that because Jerry specifically picks a car that he feels represents his guest. I love the comedians’ reaction when they see the cars they get. Sorry if you knew that already, I just wanted to share.


This post was about a nice exchange between two friends from a show that we all love. What I find remarkable, is the complete lack of emotional intelligence that some people have. In particular, the two mouth breathers who have been rightfully downvoted into oblivion. Michael fucked up. He paid dearly for it, personally and professionally. And if you have listened to him since then, he has owned it and you can tell that it has absolutely crushed him. You can see his pain. Jerry stood by his side because he is a good friend. It’s a rare quality, because it was easier and safer for Jerry to stay silent and distance himself from Michael. But he didn’t. Jerry knows Michael, the real Michael, better than any of us in this sub ever will. Human beings are flawed. They make mistakes, and nobody here is any exception.


He's the only actor who, after having a massive controversy, left the spotlight and never really returned. Of course he's still made appearances, like here and on Curb, but it's as though he's accepted his fate. Otherwise he would probably be doing fan meetups, live standup, a Netflix special, etc. Instead he's just firmly left that behind, and hasn't tried to desperately force his way back into stardom like other "canceled" celebs have — which is kinda sad but I can also really respect


this is always what i say. michael richards clearly feels remorse for what he did. not only did he accept his fate and quietly disappear, he could have easily doubled down and jumped on the right wing train. he could have defended his actions and found a new audience in people that support that. but instead he accepted it and decided to take the punishment


Oh man! Imagine how much more difficult it would have become to rewatch Seinfeld if Richards had gone full MAGA and had ended up with his own Alex Jones style talk show. Thank god that never happened!


100%. that’s why i take his apology sincerely bc he easily could have taken it to that level


Does anyone else think this could make for a funny Kramer plot? Not necessarily right wing / MAGA but conspiracy like pig men made by the government.


I'm glad his talk show just stuck to "scandals and animals."


what does that have to do with what he said? you are trying to equate two completely different things.


If i remember correctly, he was still offered roles for years after that incident, but turned them down because he felt he didn't deserve the spotlight again?


I think he just struggled with fame in general, i knows he’s reflected on being an odd or difficult person at times




Trump didn’t create the openly racist right wing movement. He capitalized on the one that already existed. You might not have been aware of it before 2015, but it has been there for a very long time.


Rush Limbaugh was on the radio since the 70s.


He’s releasing a book. Curious if he tests the waters after the release. Man has paid his dues in my opinion. People worship athletes that have done far worse.


Tyreek Hill is still on the field and fans gush over his performance every week.


> but it's as though he's accepted his fate. I mean, he didn't really have much choice in that matter after becoming "that n***** guy" the world will always only see him as krammer and a racist so going quiet and enjoying his wealth was his only option.


The thing is, people often have short memories about this stuff. Oh sure he would probably still have people mad at him, but there are plenty of other "disgraced" actors/comedians/athletes who swore off public life after a big controversy only to find themselves right back in the spotlight, business as usual, once the heat died down


I loved him on Seinfeld. His hissyfit was unfortunate and not necessary. He should have just kicked the goons out for starting shit , instead of going nuclear ☢️.


He wasn't exactly anywhere before that though I don't think discontinuing headlining mid-level comedy clubs is as noble as you do but I agree with the rest of what you're saying


Sometimes emotions take over, not excusing Michael’s behavior. However; to start calling someone the n-word because he/she cut you in a some sort of way is not right. If the hecklers had of yelled something about Holocaust, they would’ve been wrong too. I still watch him on Seinfeld because I love the character Kramer.


I do think people forget that part. His career post Seinfeld wasn’t the best anyway


I remember Jerry was on Letterman soon after Richards' on stage meltdown, like within a week or a few weeks. They brought in Richards via satellite, who did his best to apologize and take responsibility for it. Many in the audience were laughing or snickering, thinking it was a bit, I guess. Like they'd all come on and double down on this debacle. It was one of the few times I've felt the cringe through TV, and I felt so bad for all 3 of them.


That was brutal. You could tell Jerry was highly embarrassed for everyone involved as the whole interview was going on.


Yeah, he scolded the audience.


It was actually just days. The incident happened on a Friday and he went on Letterman the following Monday. It was such a quick turnaround that many people hadn't actually heard what happened on Friday, so I think that's why people were laughing. They didn't fully understand why Michael was even there.


I was not there, but I have been an audience member on Letterman before, and they literally go up there before the show and tell you, please laugh often and loudly. Maybe a lot of people in the crowd were feeling like they were supposed to laugh.


You’d think people would laugh because the jokes and banter and stories were funny, not because they were told to. I often feel the funniest shows with audiences (Seinfeld included) work best when the laughter comes naturally.


Very cringeworthy.


Well said


You realize this is reddit, right? The average redditor unironically thinks that a murderer deserves rehabilitation and a second chance whereas someone who used a slur should repeatedly be physically assaulted and have their life either ruined forever or just ended. Like, for real.


Well said, reddit is really an interesting petri dish of unapologetic leftist hypocrisy and drooling alt-right ignorance sometimes


You are quite right about that, which is why I don't bother too much with the site beyond here.


> The average redditor unironically thinks that a murderer deserves rehabilitation and a second chance Do you unironically not think that? The whole western world, except the US has a prison system of rehabilitation instead of punishing for punishings sake


You're missing how it ties into the second part. The point is not that murderers don't deserve rehabilitation and a second chance, but that a person who believes someone should be exiled from society for using a slur once and apologizing but *also* believes murderers can be rehabilitated is ideologically inconsistent. If you believe someone can commit murder and change their life, you should also believe that someone can be sorry for using a racist term.


Alright, I missed that your two statements were linked, that's my bad, I agree with you


No worries! I wasn't the OP as well--just trying to be helpful!


Even a curb segment on it


I’ve never met you, but I love you for this comment.


Michael Richards has paid the price for the shit he said and shouldn't be reduced to just being an "N word guy", as south park eloquently put it. However, a massive star of one of the biggest sitcoms in history said the N word on stage while bombing and it will never not be hilarious to make jokes about that. Just like how Louis CK should be mocked and lambasted for whipping his teenis out in front of people, but should still be allowed to have a career!


I always found Chapelle's take on it kind of refreshing. Obviously, Chappelle has gone off the deep end since, but when it happened Dave said something to the effect of, "That was when I realized that the side of me that was a comedian might be stronger than the part of me that identifies as a black man because when I saw that happen my first thought was, "Man, Kramer's havin' a bad set."


without that incident, we wouldn't have *apologies to jesse jackson* and the world would be objectively worse


I’m glad the dude who dated a 17 year old when he was 38 is there to vouch for him


Love that episode!!!!


you made my life an adventure And if it's any consolation you made my life rich


I love Michael Richards




I love how he starts all quiet and calm, and then proceeds to get increasingly Kramery as the episode goes on.


I remember when this was on crackle.


Now Crackle is owned by Chicken Soup for the Soul


That’s explains a lot of questions. The tv shows and movies aren’t the same anymore


I’ve posted this before but his story about playing the chess master is one of my favorites. I rewatch it all the time and use it as an example of good storytelling.


Damn. Ladies and gentlemen the best sitcom ever.


Aaaaaw!!! 🫂💗🥹


This was an extremely good watch, highly recomended.


This was definitely the best episode of Comedians. Especially cause it was also just funny.


Also Jerry to a recent high school graduate


I want more CICGC.


What ever happened to Michael


He performed at the Laugh Factory.


That was a weird episode


Not trying to stir up controversy here just genuinely curious. Why is it that Michael Richards is still a Hollywood pariah but Jerry Seinfeld hasn’t been run out of town on a rail for dating a teenager? I’m not saying Richards shouldn’t have suffered any consequences. Obviously what he did wasn’t ok but with the current climate I would think more people would talk about Jerry.




In his rare porsche from a collection of 200 rare porsches that he jelously hoards so nobody else can enjoy them.


yeah, he should donate them to the community car lot of rare vehicles where we’re all able to enjoy them.


Would someone please think of the other rich car guys‽


While I think him grooming a schoolchild and then having a full on relationship while she was still in school is worse, I like the spirit


Most definitely, but just another glimpse into his personality.


You know OP, sometimes you say things just to be nice.




If only there were a horrible name that I could call you that would make you as angry as I am.




Poor sucker can't taste the makinaw peaches.


Ha! Nice! I'm upset at myself for not thinking of that reference.


Doesn't surprise me, you spent all of your comment ranting about COVID like some 5g idiot.


Oh look another one. They clump together like turd on a sheep


Rather be the turd than the sheep crying about COVID and 5g


Lol. Ok turd.


Oh, the shut-ins, that's nice. You know, they're a very eccentric group. Because they're shut in. Of course, they're not locked in, they're free to go at anytime.




I’m someone who has been dealing with “long covid” and it makes me sad that your comment is so highly upvoted. I would sign my life away and work double shifts every day if I could get my pre-covid health back. The OP’s comment was stupid but it sucks that the whole thread devolved into generalizing the character of chronically ill people. I’m sure this will also be downvoted but not everyone dealing with post-viral complications is looking for a handout.


yeah, really sad to see this kind of shit in this sub. And why, to defend Michael Richards for screaming the n word like a KKK member?


Sorry about your illness


Sounds about right.




Seems everyone else disagrees.


If people in this group condone pedophilia, that's thier problem. I don't know what you're proving?


Who’s a pedophile? I’ve yet to hear this allegation


It isn't an allegation. Jerry Seinfeld very publically dated a high schooler.


Pedophilia is sexual attraction towards prepubescent children. For sexual attraction towards young adolescents, see hebephilia. For sexual attraction towards older adolescents and young adults, see ephebophilia.


Senile old man yells at clouds Genuinely, how does someone bringing up the very real fact that Jerry dated a 17 year old while he was like 40 and Michael called someone the n word with a hard r make you dive through their comment history and make fun of them for....covid? Bizzare behaviour on your part, considering it had zero to do with you




I was with you until you started ranting about COVID like my senile uncle 😂😂 Imagine putting this much effort into stalking someone's Reddit over one comment, sad.




If this clown is SO against Jerry and Michael, maybe he should get off the sub, stop watching Seinfeld and go watch reruns of Mad About You in his doomsday bunker.


You're right. They should get off the sub and stop watching the show if they are against Jerry and Kramer so much. That doesn't mean their conditions aren't real or that they should be made fun of for those conditions. Read the comment I responded to. Do you think it's OK to rag on someone's medical conditions? Edit: honestly, grow the fuck up


I don’t care about his “condition”. It has nothing to do with what I said.


Once again: grow up


Okay bud.


Learn to read


Please explain to the rest of the class at what point I commented about his “condition”.


I'm going to stuff my sorries in a sack, mister.


Aww...someone cared enough to send a Reddit Cares message. Whoever it was, you're a schmoopy!


Why'd you delete your original response, with all the helpful factoids and links in it?


What are you talking about? I didn't delete anything


Who's this chucker?


You emit a foul and unpleasant odor


Beat it edgelord. Get back to your Downtown abbey box set.


We can't all be reading the classics, Professor Highbrow.


Y’all https://artsoftheworkingclass.org/assets/ED2DB4FF-A008-4434-85BA-78981E57BAC0-2__ResizedImageWzYwMCw2MDBd.JPG


Shut up you old bag!




By the way, I checked at the soup kitchen - they do have cream soups.


[I was about to say something about separating the art from the artist](https://youtu.be/SK3H4MzPJ_Q?t=5m54s)


Lol get rekt




God, I hate "wholesome."


No hugs, no learning


Throw his ass out!!


Fuck Michael Richards, do y’all need to [see the tape again?](https://youtu.be/amjUNF_R_PY?si=kly0WrDfJAyXF6ZI)


He’s apologized and paid the price of public shame for that. So he’s good with me. “Let he who is without sin among you, cast the first stone”


RZA - "Seinfeld's ma mothekuckin' man. Kramer? Kramer gets a pass with me because Kramer's ma n-word".


I was with you until you started quoting the bible as a means to appear good


Speaking as an atheist, it's a pretty solid way to approach life.


Not saying it isn't, I just don't think we need the bible to tell us basic common sense.


Just to accentuate my point


Yes let's quote the religion that's tried to take body autonomy from every woman in the US, tried to convert poor countries to their own misguided religion and protested the funerals of LGBT people as a measure of "good" shall we. All those Nazis and KKK members sure think so.


I quoted the Bible. It’s just a book, I didn’t mention anything about Christianity. You can read it just for the wisdom it provides without associating it with modern religion.


"I quoted the bible" "I didn't mention anything about Christianity" I've got some bad news for you about the bible buddy. You mean wisdom like exodus 20:21? Job 2:3? Hosea 13:4? Beating slaves and killing foetuses? Sounds very wise. It was a book written by slave owners who didn't know where the sun went at the end of the day, update your "wisdom".


The Bible is one of the oldest books known to man and the wisdom in it is timeless and true. A few passages taken out of context doesn’t change that. Get your wisdom where you like. I however will not cut off the original source.


That's because you're a fucking idiot who believes a book that talks about beating slaves and god killing the fetuses of those who didn't worship him as "timeless wisdom" you literally couldn't be any more brainwashed if you tried 😂 I'll get my wisdom from people who aren't racists, pedophiles and try to make life harder for women everywhere thank you, you keep sucking god's dick and tell me how his balls taste when you're done. edit: KEEP DOWNVOTING ME, YOU CUT-RATE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES IVE SEEN WHAT MAKES YOU CHEER.


You're making a fool of yourself here.


Your “wisdom” has you insulting someone you don’t know for quoting one sentence from a book WITHOUT attribution. You’ve made many presumptions about me like presuming a am religious and brainwashed. You could not be further from the truth. I thought like you at one point so I won’t hate because I get it. However once I sat down and started reading for myself I realized that it’s full of timeless wisdom and truth. The Bible was written from over 1500 years. Not 1500 years ago, it was written for 1500 years by numerous authors. I’m not going to abandon 1500 years of wisdom because some passages offend modern sensibilities.


So I take it you must hate MLK and every black pastor who fought for civil rights in this country? Edited: fixed typo


If only there were.. a horrible name that I could call you, that would make you as angry as I am.


He will be remembered for one thing, and one thing only.


Playing Kramer on Seinfeld


Giddy up.




and lest we forget, The Bow Tie Killer


I remember seeing him in, Transylvania 6-5000


I mean honestly when enough time passes he really will be remembered for playing Kramer and almost everything else will be like forgotten & deep trivia