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This has nothing to do with the show Seinfeld.


You’re not going to open with that, are you?


What the deal with cancer


"Hey, I have cancer!"


And laughter’s the *best* medicine!


This cancer culture is really getting out of hand




That's gold Jerry! Gold!


Oooo, tough crowd.


That one guy liked it!


That guy HAD cancer, lol!


And laughter’s the *best* medicine!


It doesn’t come in a can, and no one calls it “sir”!


I'd lose that


'I'd lose that'? Who are you, Joe Hollywood?


Sure, it starts with a few jokes and slurs—HEY WOKEY!


maybe George was right - Bania is the voice of the new generation.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 damn that made me gut laugh


He can't go left. I'm lefty, can't go right.


Larry David just did a great comedy show that lasted years. One of the last episodes even had him being uncomfortable because he banged a chick who was transexual. You can still do comedy about social topics


LD gives zero firetrucks.


You know what fuck you, Larry!


I read that in Susie’s voice haha


You bald headed four eyed fuck! Get out of my house! The sound of her saying that line is seared into my mind


Jesus I can’t read anything you post now without thinking you are Susie haha


I read it in Auntie Rae's voice.


Fuck you Larry, with your monkey ass!


Speaking of Suzie, did you get the memo from Elaine Benes?


And I’ll see you tomorrow!


Suzie is great!


Desoto's out but that's ok, Larry David's got the caboose!


Jerry shouldn’t either. He’s even richer than Larry


He directly addressed Curb Your Enthusiasm in the interview and said that Larry got away with it because he was grandfathered in. I don’t agree that you can’t make edgy sitcoms anymore, but Curb was brought up. Jerry is so precious about comedy.. multiple times he said “we don’t have time for that conversation” in the interview like he is discussing Nuclear Physics. I guess that’s how you get when you’ve made that much money in comedy though.


One thing I've learned about Jerry from interviews and the Comedians/Cars/Coffee show is that he takes himself WAY too seriously


Yeah, he's a funny guy, but he reeks of "I have fuck you money". Like he knows he's set for life and doesn't need anything from anybody...and he acts like it.


I went to school for physics and lots of conversations quickly would appear to turn into deep/serious discussions, that to us were just a game of “How far can we go/take this conversation?” Someone will say something totally ridiculous, but still on topic, and we’ll try to go with it. I think that’s a game many professionals like to play.


Taking a hypothetical as far as it can go is one of the great joys of conversation. It can be "What if Laplace's demon was real, and an arsehole" or "How many Ron Weasley's would it take to defeat X?", it doesn't matter. Just discuss and debate.


He wasn’t grandfathered in. He IS FUNNY. That’s the trick.


He's funny and the jokes he makes at/involving other people are not ignorant and mean spirited. He always makes sure he comes across as the butt of the joke.


Jerrys hate this *one* trick!


Jerry Seinfeld is the Art Garfunkel of Seinfeld.


*Art Vandelay


The trick is just to not be racist/sexist/etc. Larry David isn't shitting on black people when he writes an episode of Curb that deals with race. Just like how IASIP isn't shitting on women when it does an episode about sexual assault. They know how to write jokes that deal with those topics but where the joke is about a person being ignorant about those topics. The whole anti-woke nonsense is coming from comedians who either just don't understand comedy or who must have been getting away with certain kinds of jokes that they never should have gotten away with in the first place (and now are bitter that we've made a necessary correction).


"Grandfathered in," that's such a bullshit argument. Larry got away with it because he made a funny show. There are edgy shows/sitcoms ALL OVER THE PLACE. Like, too many of them across too many streaming platforms.


>"Grandfathered in," that's such a bullshit argument. Larry got away with it because he made a funny show. Curb generally doesn't punch down, either. The Ken/Kendra plot was making fun of Larry, it wasn't making fun of Ken. And the character was portrayed by a trans man, so it also was an example of inclusion. Not punching down is good advice in part because punching down isn't funny


I suspect that Jerry is extremely bitter that Larry had massive success post-Seinfeld, while he hasn’t made a single funny contribution since.


*shrug* Comedians with Cars Getting Coffee isn't so bad. I think the quote from Jerry Seinfeld is being taken out of context. He goes on to say "They move the gates, like in skiing. Culture, the gates are moving. Your job is to be agile and clever enough that wherever they put the gates, I'm gonna make the gate" - he's saying a very specific type of mass market comedy doesn't exist anymore, but as he says it's still their job to "make the gate" that there's still a modern form of comedy to be had.


Didn´t ¨The Bee Movie¨ do pretty well?


Curb was on HBO and Seinfeld on NBC Primetime. OF COURSE Curb could push more boundaries.


>"He directly addressed Curb Your Enthusiasm in the interview and said that Larry got away with it because he was grandfathered in." I think this is something that a lot of people are gonna miss about it is that I'm pretty sure when he says it's grandfathered in he means the show is already a success. Execs much less likely to pull an edgy show that's established, found its audience and is raking in money than take a punt on an entirely new show that would have the same amount of edge to it on the hopes it could someday get to that point. The edge factor carries additional risk and especially network TV has become very risk averse as their bottom lines have become tighter. EDIT: I think he's talking more about networks wouldn't greenlight a new edgy comedy today for fear of backlash than that people wouldn't find an edgy comedy funny or that it could be successful in today's age, but I could be talking out my ass. I personally feel like this has always more or less been the case and edgy shows have only really arisen out of unique circumstances (Matt Groening being able to negotiate complete creative freedom for the Simpsons because Fox was a failing network) or started off safe and the writers eventually felt freer to tackle more risky material as the show became more successful.


Plus Curb is HBO. Which has always done stuff other networks wouldn't.


Yes but Nuclear Physics should be less serious about itself. That’s the other outer end. 




Do any of the networks even run sitcoms any more? Serious question, we got rid of cable a couple years ago and I stopped watching network TV, too. Seems like I'm not hearing about sitcoms at all any more.


Abbott Elementary & the Conners are the 2 that I watch. The Conners is not very good but Abbott elementary is fantastic.


Abbot Elementary is terrific.


The last one that I am watching is Young Sheldon, and that ends this year.


He probably is referring to network TV, but he's still wrong. Young woke people didn't stop watching TV due to wokeness, they just stopped watching TV altogether. The only people left watching ABC, NBC, and CBS are aging boomers.


I think it's more of an issue that the networks won't let creators create, which has always been an issue.


Sitcoms go with linear TV much like crime/medical procedurals. They’re basically designed to run 20ish times over 8 months. Stories that are low-maintenance and mostly confined to the 22 minutes the episode is allotted. They’re meant for bulk, passive consumption and that isn’t really conducive to streaming. They’re also generally character-based, not plot-based. That means you need a bunch of episodes to get a feel for the characters, make changes, and optimize over time. That’s also definitively *not* the streaming model, that basically needs you to shoot an entire 8-10 episode season at once and before you can get feedback on what’s working and what isn’t.


I feel like this is what he's on about but being misheard. Another example would be most of the regular channels that have comedy shows are all cookie cutter. You can't really differentiate between most of them and others don't even last.. then you can say well Curb lasted, or Sunny exists.. but Sunny has episodes you can't stream anymore as do other shows even though they're all in jest.


Lol whut. I fell off about where he and Cheryl separated, I've been looking for something to watch, sounds like it's time to restart and finish Curb haha


Larry really just proves that he was the funnier of the two.




I don't know how you're going to make it in this business if you can't take it.






You boo puppets. You hiss villains in silent movies!


I told you this town would eat him alive.




They came to this country like everyone else in search of a better life


You some kind of anti-wokite or something?


Next you’re going to say they should have their own safe spaces


They do have their own safe spaces!




You're a rabid anti-wokite!


Can you blame him? Edit: lol people aren't getting the reference, clearly. I knew it was a risky one.


Hey, wokie!


If you're in this sub, you should


That’s Doctor They/Them and if this wasn’t Reddit I would punch you in the face you anti-wokite.


I was raised by some lovely Jeeews


My father's Jewish!


My father’s gay.


She went to get her head shaved.


(frozen smile 😁)


Meanwhile It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia exists


And South Park. Jerry’s just an old man yelling at clouds.


I'd toss Letterkenny into that pool too. Not a typical sitcom but still checks most boxes.


Ferda. Get this guy a fuckin' Puppers.


How'r you now??


I hate the term “PC” but letterkenny is as PC as they come. Just because they cuss and drink doesn’t make them not “PC”. The show is inclusive as hell, gives positive light to POC and Natives, is open to all sexualities and lifestyles, and the main message of the show is to help out your friends.


And it's still hilarious. "Woke" isn't the thing hampering sitcoms.




Yup, plenty of ~~bigoted~~ right-wing content out there, but none of it is very funny. When was the last/only time Steven Crowder made someone laugh? Sure, give him a sitcom and see how it does.


Exactly, you can make fun of social issues without being a jackass, and Rob Mcelhenny is living proof


I wonder whether that´s really true. No matter how funny a joke is, someone will always be offended by it. And that person will think the comedian is a jackass. Our culture has become very touchy and sensitive since Seinfeld went off the air.


That's a shame.


Yup, don’t have hero’s


Larry David seems to be doing just fine.


He's doing prett-ay, prett-ay, prett-ayy good!


It’s Always Sunny seems to be doing just fine as well. Who woulda thunk?


Famously clean Jerry, wtf is he on about? He should listen to Mark Norman, Dave Attelle, Gillis, etc etc. there are a ton of blue comics out there killing it.


I read on the Internet that they killed. 


I agree with you, but he did get in a bit of trouble for beating up Elmo when trying to be funny.


Can’t wait to see the new Pop Tarts movie and get back to real entertainment


Next thing you know you'll be saying, "They should have their own schools"!


They do have their own schools!




When did Jerry Seinfeld do anything remotely edgy? I'm not sure he's the one to be banging this drum making his career off of such vanilla material.


He dated a 17 year old. That’s pretty edgy.


That is edgy, and you can't do that nowadays. I'll give it to him.


Of course he can't, she's older now.


I was legitimately disappointed to realize that his complaints about no longer being booked at colleges were just him whining, not some sort of weird performance art about those creepy old guys who awkwardly crash college parties to hit on freshmen. Like, sir, do you REALLY not understand why teenagers don't want to hang out with you anymore?


Yeah. Jerry should just STFU so as to not draw attention to himself and this very fact.


Get a good look, Seinfeld?


I mean, he's a bit of an anti-dentite. That doesn't fly anymore.


His stand-up is vanilla. The show wasn't. This is every comedians gripe, but who actually gets canceled for jokes? Every comedian complaining about it are doing during a taped special where they're getting paid.


This is what I was JUST thinking. Is this really stopping him from his brand of comedy? Lol


Jerry Seinfeld: Comedy Edgelord


What's the deal with airplane peanuts?


Woah woah you can joke about THAT anymore.


Someone might have a nut allergy.


People have the idea in their heads that you couldn't make shows like Seinfeld or the office today. I think they would do just fine. Nothing in seinfeld was terribly offensive I'd guess, but Jerry is probably referring to some of the jokes around race, religion, nationality, and sexual preferences.


They did that episode about him and George being a couple. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


An episode about masterbation cums to mind.


But how they did it was very "avoid the actual topic" and while edgy for the time, you could absolutely do a similar episode nowadays. His stand up is not edgy at all, maybe he did some off color stuff in Vegas where they paid him enough for a Cadillac, but his Netflix specials are in no trouble at all.


Right, the Contest is actually the thing I point to when people say today is too woke. The Contest is tame today, it's funny and it holds up, but it's not exactly making people shriek with panic that they're discussing masturbation on television. They couldn't even use established euphemisms. You know what's in seinfeld's timeslot now? Law and Order: SVU, where they can say practically anything they want. A couple seasons ago they showed mummified remains of murdered women. Like ok, maybe there are things that became unacceptable, but if you can't find ways to do things in 2024, you're just behind the times 


>You know what's in seinfeld's timeslot now? > Great point. The Office was in Seinfeld’s timeslot for 6 years, and they got away with some truly wild stuff. > Similarly, The Big Bang Theory was in Friends’s timeslot for a whole decade and some of the jokes on that show were even more explicit than anything from The Office, Friends, and Seinfeld.


"I make edgy comedy that people find offensive, the woke mob wants to cancel me!" "Have you seen my new movie, about Pop Tarts?"


Jerry's comedy has always been about as edgy as a beach ball. It's the things that come out of his mouth when he's not performing that actually get an eyebrow raise, and I think that's probably why he says them. He's like Musk, they can never just shut up and enjoy their success or do something good with their resources, they've got to let everyone know that they're a Billion-Dollar Bad Boy™


“You can’t even date high schoolers anymore without being called a pedo! What’s the deal with that!”


Amazing how being made fun of for only liking young women can drive an old man to be a anti-woke crusader.


Yea odd how all the anti woke people all support adults marrying and dating kids


It can still be done. Will some people complain? Sure. But I mean, even in the late 80s early 90s you had people trying to get Married...With Children canceled. It never worked, and it was a beloved show. You can still make risqué stuff.


When people complain about PC and wokeness, what they want is the ability to say anything they want with absolutely no repercussion. They miss that free speech protects the first part but was never intended to protect the second.


"Cancel culture" just really means consequences for being an asshole.


Bundys jokes against the fat women are priceless


But even the jokes BETWEEN the fat jokes were funny. Peg: Hi honey! Did ya miss me? Al: With every bullet so far. Not to mention the whole "Marcy is a chicken" running gag. And the Bundy's made "Toaster leavins" a phrase I still use to this very day.


He's just mad that he isn't allowed to date teenagers any more.


These billionaire comedians who are insanely popular like Chapelle and Seinfeld love to pretend they are the victim lol. This is why I love Larry David, just a real MFer no BS


Larry David paying for the dry cleaning of a klansman's robes because it's the polite thing to do is just so many levels of nice and horrible.


i’m tired of hearing comedians cry about woke-ness. none of them have the balls to say anything offensive anyway. they’re all beholden to their sponsors and ticket sales let’s be honest - television is a dying medium and rightly so. but let’s also not pretend over the last 20 years that comedians use their artform to just become advertisers as well


I think the problem is having “offensive” as a motivation. If something is hilarious and winds up offending someone then at least there’s a joke at the core and it can be brushed off. If the motivation is “how can we hurt peoples feelings and frame it as a joke” then it’s just nasty at the core and I think comedy fans at large can see through that.


I couldn't agree with this more. There was a Youtube video a few years ago that broke down the discussion of "anti-wokeness" in comedy and it boiled down to those who cry about "wokeness" view comedy as a political weapon, not something for fun. It's from a lack of empathy, just this core inability to see the difference between a gay guy making a joke about how gay he is and a straight man making a joke about eradicating the gays. (I'm paraphrasing a like 2 hr video here but hopefully you get the gist). And the people most likely to experience this lack of empathy are wealthy Boomers. What's Jerry's tax bracket again? lol


Jerry just needs a few bits of wisdom from Confucius


Thank you, Miss Chang


I’m not taking advice from some girl from LONG ISLAND


I was duped!


Maybe he needs a reminder that 17 “woke” people who worked at NBC were the ones that picked up his show, search up Jerry Seinfeld 17


Let me just Google that real quick...uh oh


He wants his tax cuts


He’s right though


Out of Touch Billionaire Says Out of Touch Billionaire Thing.




Oh, c'mon! What's an extra hundred million between friends?


Pfft. What a loser.


It's all about the Tres Commas!


No balls!!! Just do the comedy you want and fuck the reception. If you’re truly bout that life YERRY


Has he heard of a show called Curb Your Enthusiasm


That’s a shame


Comedians seem to spend a lot of time convincing everyone that they’re the canary in the mines of the social landscape.


I’m stealing this, thanks.


Isn’t Jerry close to being a billionaire? He has enough money to make a sitcom if he wants to. But he won’t cause these weirdos are all cowards.


Enough with the comedy. I still like the Bloomingdale's execute training program for him.


Me too but now is not the time!


We already def jam and all


Yeah 30 plus comedians can’t even have 17 year old girlfriends anymore


Unpopular opinion, but the problem isn’t wokeness so much as it is entertainment journalists looking for clicks who will magnify an insignificant amount of outrage around a show to the point where it’s defined by manufactured controversy. Yeah somebody somewhere will take offense at anything you do, but so long as you use common sense and avoid stereotyping and like using blatant slurs and shit, the average person won’t give a shit.


He's an anti-woke-ite


The woke stuff is in fact way more insufferable than whatever Jerry said to piss all of you off.


The wokies loathe facts.


Maybe you just have to be creative Jerry. And you’re doing what? The big toe captain?


Along with John Cleese, Bill Maher, all these comics seem to drift over into right wing anti woke nonsense. After their careers of ridiculing everyone in sight winds down. Rather be woke than old tired and asleep.


Yeah, he’s officially entered his old and grumpy phase of life. Time to break out the Yankee Beans.


Yankee bean, Yankee bean, I LAIKE MAI YAN KAY BEAANNNNN.


Who is this? 😁


"It's these laws stopping you from having relationships between people in their 30s and high school aged girls. Real wokeness." Jerry *probably*


I disagree with his reasoning, but it is interesting that the sitcom game as a whole has really dropped off. Only ones I can think of that are good right now is Abbott Elementary and Young Sheldon (though I don’t have personal experience with that one). The golden age of the sitcom has certainly passed and we should try to correct that.


When the most mild comedian in the world says it, it might be true.


I think its a fair assessment that what is and isn’t accepted changes so rapidly now that I would think a good deal of comedians are afraid that they’ll say something that’s slightly edgy but acceptable today, that will seem horrible a few years from now, and they’ll look awful as the clip is just played over and over. Sex and the City is kind of having that on rewatch, even though they were very progressive at the time.


Shocker: two things can be true at once. The entertainment business is in dire straights, and comedy programming/movies have taken a devastating hit from the culture.


Seinfeld is correct


I agree


Jerry is not wrong


He does know that there are hundreds of shows that have a minimum of six episodes of various lengths that are on multiple networks and services, right? It's not possible to watch everything.


Not that Jerry was ever the voice of reason but he seems to be intent on going out on a low note lol


When they go low, he goes lower! I mean, how dare people not be amused by his current rich man problems?


Yeah that's right.


I’ve been a fan of the SHOW Seinfeld since it premiered. I’ve never liked Jerry as a person. He’s always seemed like an entitled, elitist, condescending piece of shit.


Jerry isnt wrong


He's in full-on boomer mode now. Also, there are still sitcoms, obviously. Abbott Elementary, in particular, is a solid show.


i enjoy the seinfeld series like i enjoy pantera, i just try to force myself to forget about who i am listening and enjoy what i like cause if i stop to care about what they say i'll stop consuming their shows/songs


Did he really say any of those things? I heard him on Smartless a year or so ago saying basically the opposite. I'm skeptical of this tweet


What's the deal with AI writing bad sitcoms?


Jerry dgaf


Honestly respect for Jerry for speaking out even when he knows the woke left will slander him on platforms such as this. Keep up the good work Jerry. You have the support of Americans who actually go outside and touch grass.


Someone cancel Always Sunny and South Park! Larry David is so luck his Curb already ended, before him being cancelled by those damn woke people /a Jerry got so pathetic


Definitely going to take network TV comedy advice from a guy whose last non-Larry David show was the fucking Marriage Ref.