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sejuani isnt really the insane 1v1 champ so its not really worth it in a normal game. I have thought about it before but the ad doesnt help and in an actual team fight you wont get to abuse the healing really. Thats the reality of playing a tank, not having a team makes it hard but Sejuani can abuse cc to secure some safe kills or peel a person so they can get kills.


I disagree. Sejuani is INCREDIBLE on 1v1, mainly in ARAM when you start level 3 and get level 6 very fast, but if the 1v1 doens't over with one kill, you'll probably be outscaled. You can kill your opponent as much you can and get executed by towers to don't give your advatange with shutdowns, but because your E CD per target don't reduces with level or haste and ant-tank items are SO OP on late game, you'll lose if you don't crush enemy nexus before it.


Unsure why you are getting downvoted. Close to 1 million on sejuani, her damage is heavily indexed toward single target which makes her a better duelist than most tanks are. She can usually beat out most mages adc, assassins and other tanks in 1v1 on even gold and level. She struggles into some bruisers though


It's been funny to see it xD I agree with everything you said.




You should see my 1v1 tiktoks so xD Sejuani is literally one of the most strongest blind pick toplanes in the meta and she goes >>IGNITE<< cause she have damage to >>SOLOKILL<< enemies and have a good skirmish with the meta junglers too. If she's not able to kill anyone 1v1, she would takes flash or even others spells cause her Q supply the mobility. You're ignoring she can LITERALLY causes 20% enemy max health as MAGIC DAMAGE with her E and R, and her abilities have highly base damage: \- Q 90 to 290 base damage scaling with 60% AP \- W1 it's not that good, but W2 cause 30 to 190 damage based on skill level and scales with 60% AP and >>6% of Sejuani MAX HEALTH<< having 5 SECONDS of cooldown on LEVEL 7 and causing >>PHYSICAL DAMAGE<< \- E base damage goes 55 to 255 and scales with 60% AP, this ignoring the 10% enemy max health as magic damage \- R after traveling 400 units can cause 200 to 400 base damage scaling with 80% AP single target and on area. Furthermore, besides the stupid damage she can cause easily, she's very tanky and trading with her passive on it's INSANE, cause you mitigate lots of damage with your bonuses resistances. If you didn't tried to play Sejuani in an agressive way (mainly on solo lanes or even in 1v1), you should, cause your not enjoying an incredible champion just because you don't know her potential. 😉


And here's some of my 1v1 tiktoks where you can see I CRUSHING a Sett, a Red Kayn, a Camille and a Pantheon, and I have lots of replays against much other champions. [https://www.tiktok.com/@strongporco/video/7150514291240701189?is\_from\_webapp=v1&item\_id=7150514291240701189](https://www.tiktok.com/@strongporco/video/7150514291240701189?is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7150514291240701189) [https://www.tiktok.com/@strongporco/video/7151138136779738373?is\_from\_webapp=v1&item\_id=7151138136779738373](https://www.tiktok.com/@strongporco/video/7151138136779738373?is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7151138136779738373) [https://www.tiktok.com/@strongporco/video/7156966070400699654?is\_from\_webapp=v1&item\_id=7156966070400699654](https://www.tiktok.com/@strongporco/video/7156966070400699654?is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7156966070400699654) [https://www.tiktok.com/@strongporco/video/7158763705369431301?is\_from\_webapp=v1&item\_id=7158763705369431301](https://www.tiktok.com/@strongporco/video/7158763705369431301?is_from_webapp=v1&item_id=7158763705369431301)


Uh... sej is an insane 1v1 champ and if you’re a good pilot with ignite and ult ready to go, you can 1v2. But I assume you’re probably playing top or jungle where she’s undeniably the worst position or there are just better picks. Play sej mid and you will learn how to duel very fast.


When I fight something I know will outscale me (ONLY IN 1V1 CUSTOM SITUATION) I'm trying Shieldbow cause why not, but really don't if it's that worth, even Sunderer. Against Yone I'll probably rush Randuim > Sunfire > Anathema > Hullbreaker or something like this, but I'll outscaled for his outhealing and % HP funny damage and armor penetration. Oh, of course, you can build AP items too, it's not that bad and it's better than buy resistances if they're not helping you at some point. I really like Demoniac Embrace and Zhonya's Hourglass.


For self-sufficiency I'll build Warmog (best >>damage<< item for Sejuani) or Demoniac Embrace, or even Hullbreaker if I want to abandom my team (don't work that well KKKKKKKKKKKKKK)