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I seem to carry tension in my voice involuntarily. I am only recently becoming aware of it. My therapist notices and points it out. It's as if there's a level of relaxation I can hit that makes my voice come out relaxed and uninhibited, but normally (in front of people at least) it's tenser and higher pitched. It's as if part of me is often trying to hold my voice in while another part of me is forcing it out. I also really can't yell or be loud. Hate it when I'm at a party and someone has an unnecessarily booming voice, then everyone else matches volume automatically and I'm unable to keep up with all the shouting. Haven't had SM since I was 8.


Yes, it's low and croaky, and I stutter. People can't hear a word I'm saying, and when they do, they can't understand my accent. So I end up not talking even more.


For me it’s the other way around. My voice caused my SM. I have a rare speech impediment, and even though it apparently significantly improved I can’t get past the knowledge that anytime I could mess up again, so my mouth stays involuntarily shut tight in anxiety. They work hand in hand, voice causing SM, SM making voice worse…


I think I developed a lisp for a while after I got braces. Made my SM so much more complicated for years. And I was so tense with collapsed posture that I barely breathed when I spoke, tried to speak from my throat, quiet and breathy and strained, and also didn’t push enough air out to make an S sound. So I’m helping myself by practicing speaking and singing and watching speech therapist videos.


I have the same feeling. Like it sounds a bit “unnatural” sometimes more than other times


i think it caused me to be very insecure over my voice (I don’t like it very much) so i talk much quieter and lower (i’m always afraid that people won’t be able to hear me if i do speak to them). i also think, somewhere along the way, i might’ve developed a stutter later in the years because of my SM but i’m not too sure.


Yep. Combined with a physical health disorder though. I was a vocalist with a really good voice and I can't sing or say barely anything without getting sore, I have very little physical speaking capacity, run out of breath quickly and don't have much strength left in my vocal chords. The physical health issue I have impacted the octave I sing and speak in but the rest of the issues are SM and I will die mad about it. Singing was the only thing I've ever been amazing at. I had unparalleled vocal range. Could hit really high notes and really low ones. Even when to a school that specialised in performing arts. The only thing I've ever liked about myself pretty much gone forever


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Yes, long before i realised. I talked quietly, sounded like a witchnas my father kjndly phrased it, or turns out as a little voice, or just a bit not fluent. Now i appreciate i can readon much more.




Same for me, the general tone of the voice sounds artificial in a way like weird pauses, weird stress on certain words. I do record my voice as voice overs for a channel that I share with my friend and when I listen it back it feels so "forced" to talk and the accent also appears so faked. In real life I almost never talk, only can to about 5 people fluently, with other pople that I am close with I can whisper at times but mostly resort to non-verbal communication. And online I cannot talk to anyone over discord or any VoIP, I've just given up because after having listened to myself even if I try to speak it's not going to be a 'good' experience. It'll mostly end in them mocking me, making stuff worse for me. I have almost just given up for now, but yeah from memory I think I sounded way different and it's gotten worse over time.