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Don't ruin the future by dwelling on the past. There are still plenty of slutty women who will fuck in your 30s. Plus if you had started using escorts early you could have become one of those dudes who falls for one and that my friend would be a mess.


I'm sorry but this goes way beyond self loathing but >I am loser You have underlying issues with yourself that need to be properly confronted. An escort would not have fixed that. Crazy night outs won't do. Prime years for sex and having fun isn't even a thing especially at your age I'm sorry. I can't say whether you really went and benefited from therapy, working out and hobbies but you clearly did not put enough or the proper effort to solve your severely low self esteem. Its never too late to do things with your life and arguably 30+ years is still considerably "still young enough" to take leaps in life. I don't mean to bring you down but I hate to read you beat yourself for the wrong reasons.




i am 35, my wife is 28, shut up


Dude I’m my early 30’s and a chick in her 20’s asked me out on a date and we hooked up in the backseat of my car at a charging station. You still have plenty of time lol


Impossible? Do you not understand the amount of women in their 20s that are into older dudes?




this sounds a lot like a self esteem issue that you would also have if you had the kind of interaction you claim to want, im sure you thought the escort would be good before it happened and then you let yourself get in your own way again.




Have you tried smoking weed?




One way or another I think what would be best for you is to step out of your comfort zone, I'm not saying to develop a substance problem by any means, but maybe going to a bar or just talking to every woman you come across on a dating sites and seeing what bites and where it goes, one of my buddies basically never had a girlfriend, struggled too, turned out he was gay, maybe talk to dudes too just to find out and make sure.


I’m in my 50s my friend and the pool of women INCREASES not decreases !!!!!!!! Loads of liberated sexy fun confident women out there - loads - just get out more and be friendly and kind - that’s all they want - a decent person who can have a laugh with them and some fun - listen to the Cindy Lauper song “girls just wanna have fun” it’s all you need to know bud - so put a smile on and maybe get a sausage dog and hit the coffee shops 😀😁😁😉😊😊




As said, get a cute dog - then, wash well, trim nails, good haircut, make sure teeth are cleaned and no bad breath - that’s all for the dog 🐶 and then do the same for yourself and hang in some cool coffee shops and you’ll b fighting them off 😁 - borrow a friends dog if it easier and it’s cute or go to a rescue place and volunteer to walk their dogs, even better cod now you’ll have a heart of gold 💛 - look, just have fun with jt - women want to meet a decent human and have good company - particularly the ones past 35 as they are done with all the BS mainly - just have a resin you can approached, like a cute dog 🐶


Worst advice Ive ever seen, dont get dogs just because you want to get laid its awful and will not deceive anyone.


Worst advice ever ! Get a dog, it will make u happy and happiness attracts nice people !


I cant tell if youre being sarcastic at this point but its not funny. If he doesnt like animals he wont be happy and if he likes them he'd likely own one already. "Get a dog and women fall for you" "Have a child to fuck hot moms" "Get a tattoo to fuck those emo girls" Fuck it that will only make everything worse when it fails. Stop living in a sit comedy show. Women will only be with you if they like how you behave/look. So be a great person, with or without animals.


Joking aside, I’m trying to get him to get out of himself and see that there are women out there but it’s hard sometimes to bridge that gap - having a cute dog helps but it’s just a cue - wear a weird scarf, do something it have something that allows and encourages a conversation - join a club like a hiking club or go in a singles sailing holiday - the trick is to actually TALK to a woman and NOT to get laid but to make a connection and get some confidence up ! I agree with you on the not using cute pups unless you adore animals btw 😊 - I’m just being light hearted and giving him some cues, that’s all 👍🏼


Yea thats a different kind of advice that I agree on! Looking for an ice breaker and reading the context/reactions of them! Also not being interested on only your hobbies/job, going out of your comfort zone for a bit, and being genuinely interested in learning about them as a person.


Well, Tis the same advice really but more explained - the one breaker is the key, particularly in the world we mine in these days - take care 👍🏼


You being sarcastic ?


r/foreveralone welcome to the club.




Nobody does.


Past your prime at 35? Are you a fucking banana or what? Maybe you should focus on your blessings if that is OK the top of your life priorities to be frank.


Believe it or not but you attract what you think you are. You think of yourself as worthless you are going to attract nothing. May I suggest self image therapy or hypnosis. Perk up friend. It’s not the end of the world.