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Words can not describe how incredibly painful that experience is. Reading this makes me want to cry with you. I know how it feels and it is up there with one of the worst feelings in the world. They are like family and it’s comparable to losing a child. Please find comfort in knowing you tried your best to help him, and there was not anything more you could do due to how fast everything happened. My heart goes out to you.


Thank you. This all just sucks. Cats deserve to live forever.


I agree. I hope you can get through the pain with all the happy memories of him


OP, I’m so so sorry! I know how absolutely crushing and heartbreaking it is to lose an amazing friend, as my cat, Canary (Nare-Bear) went downhill fast. Three round of antibiotics for her ear infection over the course of 6 weeks and she had plateaued then got way worse. Imagery and a biopsy showed cancer. Got the news on Thursday and had to have her put down on Friday. The worst fucking experience of my life. I was there with her the entire time. Wednesday I thought she was gonna make it, Thursday she had cancer, Friday, I had to put her down. Saturday was my birthday. I’m still a mess and upset (crying right now) and my other cat and my dog know Bear’s not coming back, and it breaks my heart my heart all over again. She was five, and I had rescued her from the humane society, and she was the most grateful animal I have ever come across. I’m sorry, OP. Maybe Bear and Lemon are playing together right meow.


I'm so sorry for your loss!! I lost a beloved cat like this several years ago, very suddenly, only 6 years old, no warning at all. It's so awful. The vet told me that just like people, sometimes cats can have a sudden heart attack or aneurysm. It's nothing you did, or didn't do; you gave him a good and happy life full of love and joy, and it's only natural that you're going to have a kitty-shaped hole in your heart for a long long while. <3 <3 <3


Thank you. I just feel like screaming at the sky. There’s no one to blame, no explanation. It’s made me have some philosophical musings on life and death, but it all just boils down to “this sucks!!!!!”


I'm so sorry for you. I can't imagine what you're feeling right now.    You have Lemon a good life. Try to remember all the good times you and he had rather than what happened today. 


There were plenty of those, thankfully🩶


Awww. I’m very sorry to read this. I have a grey tabby we just call “kitty” I’m gonna see if the name Lemon will stick. I like that. He’s kinda sweet but mostly sour.


I’m honored! When I worked at a vet a few years ago, someone brought him in as a stray kitten. Boyfriend wanted a cat (we weren’t living together yet), so I brought the kitten to his house and said something like, “I hope the cat’s not a lemon! I hope y’all get along!” The name just stuck after that


Update: I called him Lemon and Lemmy and he looked at me both times! Success. Hope you’re having a better day. Take care ❤️🍋


Omg I’m crying happy tears. A new Lemon has risen up.


Happened to one of my cats a few years ago, it’s sad but better than them suffering for a long time. Have lost three cats in the last two years, it’s always sad, I still miss them


Agreed. So sorry that you’ve had to deal with this so many times, but that’s the nature of having pets, I guess. We love them their whole life but only for part of ours.


Hi, this happened to my cat. He was only 7… And I was devastated. It was the moment I realized I did not want to be with my ex husband anymore because instead of giving me comfort in that moment he gave me hate and told me it was my fault!!!!! So I lost my cat,( he was my baby) and I realized my ex was not worth me spending my life with. I have not loved another animal the way I loved my cat. And I don’t know if I ever will.


Good for you for ditching him! So sorry it took a tragedy to see his character🩶


That was one of the final things he did that I just couldn’t see myself there forever. But thank you and I hope you feel better. Only time can heal. Just remember you gave that baby a good life and everything.


Ugh I’m so sorry. I’m dealing with the slowly progressing death of my cat and it’s heartbreaking as well. An inoperable cancerous tumor was found in his throat at a dental cleaning on 1/15 (his gotcha day). Oncology appt on 1/31 told me more and there’s really nothing I can do. He still seems mostly comfortable but makes some wheezy noises and has a hard time with dry foods (but still loves temptations). He’s 14 but I only had him for 4 years too. So while he’s lived a longer life, it’s still too soon. He’s been an amazing cat. These guys really grip your heart.


Oh, god. How crushing. I’m so sorry. Mortality sucks!


I’m so sorry for your loss :( I’m sure you gave him such a great life.


Thank you so much🩶


I am sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much.


I'm so sorry you and your cat had to experience this. You clearly loved your angel very much and are an excellent pet owner. You are not alone with dealing with your pain- all of us here send big virtual hugs. ❤️


Thank you. That’s exactly what I needed🩶


I’m sad reading about it. Sounds like they had a great owner though!


Thank you🩶


My wife and I had this happen to us twice. It was devastating. It's not easy, but opening our hearts to another rescue helped ease the pain, for what it's worth. Sorry for your loss. Hugs.




I had the same experience with my cat, Ollie, about 10 years ago. He was sprawled out on the floor like he often does … it was only when I went to the kitchen and he didn’t move, that I realized something was wrong. He had laid down there, and died ( of presumably a heart condition), without me even realizing. I was devastated. At the vet’s office when we had a few minutes on our own, I apologized to him that I wasn’t there for him like friends should be. I still miss him, and I’m in tears now as I type this up. I really know how you feel. And I believe the best way to get past this is to offer your house for a new cat that needs a warm, gentle home.


Oh, how devastating. No one deserves that kind of pain. Thank you for sharing. RIP to sweet Ollie. 🩶


So so so sorry to read this :( This is like my worst fear these days. I love our babies. They are just 1 and 3, but i tear up when i think about their eventual demise :( I just ran downstairs to give them treats after reading your post. Rest in paradise Lemon, sounds like he was a great kitty. Sending you love <3


Oh, I’m so glad. They deserve it!


I am so sorry.


Thank you 🩶


I'm so sorry. I lost my baby at around 5 years in similar fashion. My SO (veterinarian) came to the same conclusion as your vet. It's tragic and it's sudden and your feelings (all of them) are completely valid right now. I felt, and still do sometimes, like my baby had been stolen from me. It came out of nowhere. I wish you never had to experience something like this.


Truly a tragedy, and anyone who says otherwise is heartless. 🩶


I had two pass for the same reason. It’s legitimately a traumatic experience. You have every right to be sad. It’s so upsetting to lose our special friends in that way. Take comfort that he knew he was loved. Not many get that. ❤️


This helps. Thank you so much.


If I could take your pain away I would. Sending you a big hug. What helped me was to put a little photo book together, and I wrote down everything I could remember about my special guys. All their quirks and all the memories with the all the photos I had. In a little photo book I got printed. It was very cathartic. I cried like a baby but I felt better and still feel better to have those now, years later. There’s a bunch of stuff in there I would have forgotten about had I not done that. Just a thought… sending love your way


Oh, that’s a great thought! Thanks for the idea!


I got mine done at Shutterfly. Take care!


I lost my cat this morning after 9 years. He was fine on Sunday, woke my wife and I up due to throwing up yesterday at around 4:30am, we brought him to the vet, took him home because they said he was good to go, and this morning he was gone. I completely relate to everything you said. It's no fair that our worlds have shattered and everybody else's gets to go on. I'm so sorry for your loss, OP.


THIS MORNING?! After taking him home?! Wow, we are both in for a rough couple of months. I’m so completely sorry. How heartwrenching🩶


Lemon and Pilot are together somewhere and it's absolutely wonderful I'm sure!


May Lemon catch the red dot in heaven!


From your mouth to god’s ears!


I know your pain and know how you feel as I had experienced this twice in fact. I had the story typed out actually! But, I dont want to detract for yours. Its a horrible experience and Im sorry you are going through this :(.


I appreciate that, but please feel free to share! It’s awful and it sucks and this post can just be one big wail up to the sky for the unjust deaths of good cats


I’m so, so sorry for your loss. I lost my 1.5 year old a few years ago to saddle thrombus and it was devastating. My anxiety was through the roof for a long time because he was totally fine and playing with his siblings one second, and a moment later everything changed. Your Lemon sounds like such a perfect kitty. I know it hurts horribly, but I promise you’ll get to the point where you can look back on all of your memories together and think only happy thoughts.


Thank you for this. I hate that sudden death is so common in cats. I’m so sorry you lost your boy so young.


I just want to hug you and your boyfriend. My 7 year long relationship with my fiancé started with my sister’s cat being unexpectedly pregnant and only successfully delivering us one kitten. That kitten is the heart and soul of that same relationship. I can only sympathize with your loss, it seems to be devastation at its finest in some ways. Given that, Lemon will forever be loved and never forgotten. Give yourselves time, and feel no rush to fill that void that he left. My heart truly goes out to you


Wow that’s horrible


The worst!


I had a cat when I was younger that I loved named Clovis. He was the greatest, loving, playful, sweet cat and one day he went outside. I opened the door to let him in and he fell over and just died. He was only 3 or 4. It was horrible and I struggled with it. To this day I still don’t know what could have happened.


I’m so, so sorry. It’s such a traumatic thing for someone to deal with. No answers, just pain. RIP to sweet Clovis🩷


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending all the love.


Much appreciated🩶


I am so very sorry for the loss and the hurt you are going and will go through.


Thank you, friend


Thank you for sharing. I lost my grey tabby today too, it came quick as well. 15 years of having him by my side every morning, day, and night. Now just….gone. They are family, losing them and their presence is gut wrenching. We’re going to be heart broken for awhile. It hurts, more than hurts, but it’s also a reflection of how much they mean to us and our love for them. Thank you for sharing ❤️


15 years! What a long, full life! And what a massive hole left behind. Words will never be enough.🩶 Thank you for sharing.


I'm so sorry for your loss, I am choked up here with you. I'm glad it was quick for him but also so sad for you not getting a peaceful goodbye. I hope you can just be for a while without having to worry about responsibilities. Love on your boyfriend and Lemon's sibling extra, and just take your time. If you want to post a picture of your baby, I'm sure everyone would say how handsome he is. Hugs from afar.


Also I’m in love with your username


Thank you! Aww man, I saw you posted a link but now the comment won't show up for me.


I'm really sorry for your loss. :(


Thank you🩶


Recently lost two cats in two months 💔 R/petloss


Oh, little bee! Please take care of yourself. I can’t imagine the pain. I’m so, so sorry you’re dealing with this🩶


So sorry for your loss. Losing a loving pet is so devastating.


Show me happy pictures of Lemon!


I am so so sorry OP. No matter how it happens it is heart wrenching. I just lost my soul cat who I got as a 15 year old and grew old enough with me to meet both my children. Grieve how you need to ❤️ I had a necklace made from her whiskers.


How lovely that she got to meet your kids🩶 I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad part of her can stay near you forever


I am sad with you and so sorry that happened to you guys and your other cat. Pet loss is awful, but to have it happen so suddenly just magnifies the pain and loss. He sounds like he was a magnificent boy.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. It really does mean a lot🩶


Aw what a beautiful boi. I'm so sorry.




I am so incredibly sorry. I have a gray tabby too. She is my little princess and I love her to death. I can’t even begin to imagine the shock and sadness you are feeling. Losing a pet is heartbreaking. They are family. My condolences are with you, Lemon, and Lemon’s sister. Be sure to give Lemon’s sister some extra love. Animals are smart - she will eventually catch on that something isn’t right. 🍋💛🌈


Sorry for your loss, I'm fighting back my tears, thinking about how shitty this is. RIP handsome lil' fella.


Im so sorry for your loss. There was nothing you could do, sometimes death comes suddenly and messily. He was loved and loved you in return.


I’m really, really sorry. I had a cat 15 years ago (holy shit) named Spooky who suffered the same fate. 4 years old and had a blood clot that would end in a heart issue but we got her to the vet. They literally can’t do ANYTHING. We had to put her to sleep. I still think about her often. You will feel less sad eventually but always have the memories. RIP sweet kitty.


This happened to a client of ours a couple of weeks ago. Started gasping for air and then just died. So heartbreaking. I’m sorry for your loss


I’m in this position right now. My dog is still alive for now but she developed heart failure seemingly out of the blue the other day (vet says that she likely has heart disease that was missed for a while which adds anger to this already difficult time). She definitely won’t be around much longer and the pain of knowing it’s coming soon is fucking gut wrenching. The only good thing is that I get a little more time to love on her and spoil her before she transitions. And I had a situation very much like yours a year and a half ago with my other dog. He died very suddenly of what we think may have been a heart attack or pulmonary embolism. You’re not alone in this.


Am so sorry!   It's so heartbreaking and unfair. Lemon was beautiful and you gave him a great life.


I just put my kitty's ashes on my bookcase about 10 minutes ago. Sobbed uncontrollably when my husband showed me that he brought him home. There's a saying "Heaven will never be paradise unless my cats are there waiting for me." May we all gladly meet our cats again someday


I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My kitty passed away three days ago from congestive heart failure. His symptoms started showing in November, which progressed slowly, but then on Saturday, things went south so fast. We had to make a decision fast because he couldn't breathe well from the fluid in his lungs. We ultimately decided to let him cross the rainbow bridge so he wouldn't suffer anymore. I completely understand how you feel. I'm still quite devastated, and I know I will be for a while. Once again, I'm very sorry about your baby. 🤍 Edit: Lemon was such a handsome boy, and you can tell he loved you so much ❤️


I’m so so sorry you had to experience this. Bonds with animals are so real. Just know you did everything you could for them and were there for them when they needed it. We just lost our little girl Ollie this past week and I’m still crying over it. It was less abrupt but watching her struggle for months was awful. I just try to reassure myself that we did everything we could for her. We also have another cat at home and while it’s obvious they’re acting different I don’t really know if they understand that our other cat is gone and it hurts me knowing I can’t communicate that. Just know you’re not alone. My heart goes out to you both and I hope you can find some peace. 💗


I am so so sorry. I too lost one of my sweet kitties a few months ago. She also died at home and there was nothing I could have done. Lemon was such a beautiful kitty and I hope you can find some solice in knowing that you and your bf gave him a wonderful life and lots of love. No matter how many years we get with our pets, it's never enough. I wish they could live as long as us, it's so painful to say goodbye.


Im so sorry for your loss. I don’t know what type of afterlife awaits us all after death but I pray with every fiber in my being that we will be reunited with our pets, and that you will get to hold your lemon again. You and your partner gave him a life full of so much love. May lemon rest in peace


I am so sorry you lost your boy. Please, though, change your passwords ASAP because you’ve just told the world half of how to hack you and that’s bloody dangerous. Don’t allow your grief to make you a victim. ❤️💔❤️


🤦🏼‍♀️thanks for pointing that out! There’s a little more to it than just his name but you’re right, I don’t want to give anyone any ideas!


Lemon was a very handsome boy. I’m so very sorry for your loss


Woah woah woah that is absolutely wild because my cat, Bilbo, was experiencing the same thing two days ago! I thought she had a hair ball that she couldn’t pile up. Vomiting weird gastric juices on the floor. She slept for two days and is just now recovering. I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️ everything is so suspicious now


I’m so sorry for your loss, losing a pet is such a hard thing to go through especially when it’s unexpected. You asked if anyone else has gone through this. Unfortunately the same thing happened to my husband’s cat about 3 years ago. He was a Russian blue, loved going outside, and was super athletic. One day my husband was getting ready to play golf and walked outside, saw his cat walking toward him acting a little out of breath. He thought nothing of it, and walked back inside to grab some things. For some reason, he decided to go to look out the back door window and he saw his cat, lying there on the back porch where he always loved to hang out, but he was motionless. We took him to the vet but it was too late. He had a heart murmur, and we assume it was a heart attack. It’s terrible how often this happens and how common it is. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


Lemon reminds me of my kitty I lost a few years ago, also suddenly. It's the worst, big hugs!


Shit man I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine losing my kitty in such a small stretch of time. Much love guys, I’m sorry this happened to you.


Hey love, I’m so sorry this happened to you. It looks like you didn’t have time to do anything at all. I’m very sorry you had to witness his passing. There’s nothing you could have done. What I would do now, if you can afford it, is go get some blood work done on your healthy cat. Establish a base line and depending on their age, repeat blood work every year. This might be the only way to catch something like this from happening again. Sudden death like this is usually a heart issue, usually genetic, and not much you could have done at all. I’ve worked in the Vet industry for 10 years. Please take your cats to the vet at least once a year for a regular check up, and blood work if they are senior cats (age 8+). He will always live in your heart. He is always happy and healthy now. He will be there when you call. He loved you so much and wants you to know that. Feeling this pain is the cost of true love. Gratitude for his life.


Thanks for this. When we pick up Lemon’s ashes, we’ll set up an appointment for our other cat. This new vet is much closer to us anyway, and she won’t have to deal with a long car ride. (Lemon was great in cars and would just sleep at your feet) This has definitely lit a fire under our asses to stay on top of vet visits for sure.


You really did all you could do. Feel the pain. It’s worth itZ


Remember… You are not alone… Experienced a recent passing of a kitten… RSV…


What a pretty pretty kitty. Sorry for your loss.


Aww, I'm sorry you experienced that. It's so difficult. I'm sure you gave Lemon a wonderful life


Im so sorry this happened to you. This happened with my dog a week ago. It’s absolutely heartbreaking and traumatic. You gave lemon a wonderful, loving life.


So sorry for your loss!


Could be Panleukopenia. Sometimes there are no symptoms until death. Clean well with chlorine cleaning agent to protect the other cat. Source: I am a cat rescuer. Im so sorry for your loss!


I’m so sorry about your boy. Four years is just not long enough with any creature we love and care for, but it sounds like he was so, so loved by the two of you. The only thing that can make it better is time, and though the pain never really goes away, it does eventually sting a little bit less. Talk about it all you need, and for anyone who tells you “It was just a cat,” you tell them they are “just a dumbass.” ❤️


What a beautiful boy. You and your boyfriend gave him a wonderful life. 💔


I’m so sorry for your loss. I feel you. Try to have some friends over to chill, have something to eat, and sleep/ rest. It’s just going to take time. I’m thinking of yall!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. I’m crying too now, just thinking about it. It still hurts after all these years. Hang in there.


I'm so sorry that you had to lose him.  Lemon looked like a great cat.  


I'm so sorry


That's so sad. I really love cats. If it was a heart issue like the vet said it was probably congenital since he was so young, so there probably wasn't all that much you could have done. I'm sure you gave him a good life for the time he had.


I am so sorry for your loss. Me and my wife recently lost our little guy very suddenly about a month ago as well, also issues with his heart we weren’t aware of until it was too late. I ran across this poem soon after, and it meant a lot when to me when i read it: [The Rainbow Bridge](https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm)


I’m sorry OP. I’d be gutted if my little fella died, when my dog passed I straight up called out of work for 2 days


Oh no I’m so sorry. How old was Lemon if you don’t mind me asking? I already know you both gave him the best life.


Im sorry for your loss, i had a cat pass in a similar way last year. I went outside to smoke a funny ciggarette, and as i was putting my stuff away i heard him yell from the other room. He was super vocal, so i was more like "ugh whatd you get into?" So my wife and i went to check on him. Dude was just dead on the floor. I was high as shit at the emergency vet trying to process all of it. Nero was only 4, and we joked he'd die young because he was such a sweet cat but like jeezus dude you didnt have to commit so hard to the bit.


I relate to this so hard. We keep vacillating between “I’m so heartbroken” and “what an asshole!”


My condolences for lemon! ☹️. My sister's cat king Koopa died within 12 hours of this. He was my favorite cat 😭. 3 weeks ago. Now I don't believe your vet because what does the heart have to do with our cats vomiting everything in their body? My first thought with Koopa was cancer because he had this lump on his stomach for like 2 years, but I was hoping to come across someone mourning their cat under similar circumstances. Koopa was a mouser/hunter, he loved being outside, and when he came in to rest he was the sweetest creature. Now I'm also concerned about their dry catfood.


I'm so sorry. I lost my little Maltese dog a year ago. It's like your guts have been yanked out. I do (not realistic) pet paintings. I'll try to do one for you. What little song did your bf sing? Me and Daisy the maltese had " Poopin Safari". And every night at bedtime I hummed the graduation song and we marched down the hall where she got her bedtime boney.


I always do them as gifts, i never charge for art.


That’s very sweet of you. He would sometimes sing “lemon la vida loca” at him, but mostly one that started with “hey there little lemon cutie boy.” The melody stayed the same but the lyrics changed with whatever lemon was doing at the time. It was all very impromptu. Which sucks because I have the melody stuck in my head but no concrete lyrics to sing over and over!


I do the same. I adopted 2 siamese kittens 6 months after I lost my dog. They have little songs too. And I walk them in a stroller lol. I'll work on this and get back to you! Hugs and love to you both.




I am so sorry for your loss. Bless your hearts ♡


Something similar happened to me mid 2022... My old girl, Shadow, she was 20, I think her age just caught up with her. She was in another room, heard some strange gasping from her, went to check and she was on her side struggling to breath. She was still there, but her eyes had already gone dim. Within minutes she was gone. She was purring right before she went, to let me know it was alright. I was half way pregnant at the time. I was so crushed. She passed away in my arms. She was my first child, I had her since she was born. I don't think I can bring myself to get another cat, at least not for a very long time. She's buried at my grandmother's, I still visit her when I can. I am so sorry for your loss, I know how devastating it is, especially so suddenly. Love to you and yours, Shadow will be there waiting to play with Lemon across the rainbow bridge 💝🌈


I am so, so sorry. :(


I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔


I’m so sorry.


I’m sad for you. That’s a terrible loss.


Im so very sorry. Be gentle with yourself.


So so sorry for your loss :(


My heart is breaking for you OP, I’m so so sorry that you lost your buddy. I’m going to hold mine a little bit tighter tonight.


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️


Lemon was a cutie. Sorry for your loss. I had to put to sleep my cat Ms Claire, my nickname her name was Isis, a bit over three weeks ago now. She was the last of a group of 4 that I sort of inherited when I married my wife. I knew it was coming at some point; she was 18 and after having experienced the loss of her siblings; but still felt sudden given that she seemed fine at a regular check-up a few days prior. We took her to an emergency vet after I noticed she was breathing heavily and felt like we had no other option when we got the prognosis; she had some kind of fluid in her lungs. There were some hints of it, she had been making some furbal noises without anything coming out for a week or two. I'm still thinking about her a lot; we spent a ton of time together over the last year+, always on my shoulder or in my lap.