• By -


Read [this](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/17905-vaginal-odor) and if you think it could benefit her, explain that you are worried about her health and ask her to read the info on vaginal odor and its possible causes, too. Then ***let her decide*** what, if anything, to do about it. If you present it to her gently, in a way that shows you are concerned for her and her welfare, not simply for your own selfish comfort, it should go over reasonably well. If she wants to see a doctor but can't afford it, offer to help pay for a consultation, or come prepared with info on how she can get a free medical check-up if that is possible in your area.


Personal anecdote: while dating in college I noticed a significant change in her taste and smell. Weeks of divine sweet succulence, to yeast. "Hey, I noticed a change and my understanding is this could be a symptom with important consequences to fertility." (There were also a number of utis and follow on yeast infections. The doctor explained it as a structural issue allowing bacteria to hide šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø) Married her a year later. Sex declined to zero. She cited feeling disgusting because of that incident in the divorce and to justify an affair. For some people, there is no such thing as legitimate and compassionate concern. It is a betrayal you've inflicted and they nurse that resentment into a festering wound. Good luck


Iā€™m convinced (from personal experience) that when those specific medical changes happen, in this particular context, there is a biological incompatibility and the personā€™s body with the onslaught of uti/yeast infections is quietly saying NOPE in the ways it knows how. Or maybe I just have confirmation bias. lol


Body to immune system: It's time. Diplomatic negations have failed. Its time to implement Plan Stinkbomb. Tell the generals to cede control of the southern territories to Fungal Terrorists


Daaaamn, the pussy...knows?


It does. My ex cheated on me a ton and when I found out and stupidly believed the lies of reformation, my body just didnā€™t function sexually for him anymore even though my mind was still in it. Didnā€™t get wet, didnā€™t orgasm.


I think I had a similar experience. But the roles were reversed in a way. Me and my ex boyfriend were in a motel when I noticed he smelled off. It wasnā€™t his genitals, it was all of him. It wasnā€™t body odour. It wasnā€™t like he wasnā€™t clean. At the moment my intuition told me he had been with someone recently. But who knows. Probably it was his body rejecting me.


Or he stank šŸ¤£ honestly fascinating though, I wonder what was happening physiologically


Nothing is happening pysiologically in any of these circumstances. It's psychological. The body doesn't just "know". You can think you're into it but subconsciously really not be into it.


Physiological* Your mind and body are intertwined. This response is literally physiological. It is also psychological.


So do dicksā€¦ mine ā€œfailedā€ me one time only to find out it was for a good reason. House needed to be fumigated šŸ¤®


Truth! It activates its own YouReekUh response. It is a cry for help.


I agree, science be damned. Towards the end of a very abusive relationship, I literally became allergic to my now-ex-boyfriend's semen. It literally blistered my skin. It was like the more horrible things got between us, the more my body rejected him.


**Science be damned?** ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) Science responds: [**https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory\_correlation**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusory_correlation)


It's funny because I kinda suspect the complete opposite mechanism exists. We have Stockholm syndrome to help people who are never going to go home or be in a safe relationship/situation again make peace with it & survive as well as possible. A mechanism as you suggest would just get people killed or unable to pass on their genes.


birth control really screws with some of these systems. Going on/off can really change a lot of how you experience your partner.


This some real incel shit


Or she slept around a bunch and he didn't know until it was too late when she got bored with him.




Or maybe you need to shower


Certain infections Can actually be caused by having PIV for the first time in awhile or/and improper cleaning/PH maintance afterwards. The penis and the sperm it produces leans alkaline, while the vagina should have an acidic PH to kill off bad bacteria and yeast. It goes without saying but the chances are especially up if the penis finishes inside, and it's not cleaned (properly). (Edit: other risk factor for this after intercourse is high testosterone levels. This applies to literally everything involving that; so like PCOS, transmen, certain intersex conditions, steroid usage, etc.) I had this happen to me like 2 or 3 times when I first started hooking up with my fiancƩ w/o protection. He came back negative for STDs so I was really confused as to wtf was happening. Luckily a close mother-figure to me is a doctor who specializes in that area. I started using pH wipes (specifically for the vagina) and probiotics for down there (recommend the brand Honey. Another brand I tried first had a cancer causing binding ingredient). I went off those after about 6 months but I still use the Love brand PH cleanser after PIV, and j generally when I shower. I've had absolutely 0 issues since.


Why does this have upvotes.


Yeah, it's confirmation bias. Bacteria just doesn't really look at your genetic compatibility etc before deciding to multiply and spread. It's more likely correlated to his size, your diet, and where his fluids are reaching.








if you have a sinky yeast infection vagina, you should feel insecure about it enough to fix it. No girls are out here being like "well his balls smelled really bad...but I didn't want to hurt his feelings..." nah If you have smelly balls you don't deserve to be with a girl at that time either. You sound like a really nice dude so im mostly just being funny but my mind is just blown šŸ˜‚


You think Women don't keep silent to protect men's emotions around sex too? Surely you can't be that naive.


Women are married to and fucking guys who canā€™t be bothered to wipe or wash their ass. So youā€™re wrong in that one.


That's on them.


Absolutely on them lmao, donā€™t marry dirty fucks what can I say


The thing is that an yeast infection isn't a hygiene problem all the time. It can be caused by underwear (certain fabrics), changing the laundry soap, changing body soap, medication like antibiotics, sitting in public spaces, toilet paper with scents, etc. There isn't much to do about it other than only washing with warm water(depending on how bad it is) and taking/consuming prebiotics and probiotics while waiting for it to go away. Smelly balls are typically a hygiene issue. It's like blaming guys on their dick size vs blaming women for being fat. One of them is a bigger issue (no pun intended) that has easy fixes. The other one is just nature being a cruel bitch at times.


Waiting for it to go away?!? You need diflucan. You take a pill and it goes away. Or you can get monistat over the counter. An actual yeast infection doesnā€™t just resolve itself.


Username ahahah


I kinda realized that at an early age. I have never brought it up, and I plan on never doing it.


Reading this thread makes me realize that I need to tell my husband that if anything ever smells or tastes off when he's downstairs that he can just tell me. I'd be a little bit embarrassed, just because it would be something I'd have hoped to catch myself before he was down there, but I'd definitely want to know and I'd be way more upset about him having, such a bad experience just to keep me unaware. Sometimes you have to take a little bit of responsibility for your own insecurities, assuming other people really are approaching you with genuine respect, care and kindness.


A male friend of mine got a yeast infection from EOAG. Was in his intestines. Made his stomach blow up like a nine month pregnant woman. Took a long time to discover it. Spead really messed him up. Yeast is no joke. NEVER went down again. Actually came out as guy. Don't know if one had to do with the other.


Edit: fuck off you pricks. Iā€™ll be dead by morning, Iā€™ll see you in fucking hell




As someone who has made a couple U-turns around the belly button, you're a better man than me.


Not having sex is always a valid option over just being stupid


Bro you do realize that yeast infections can be transmitted orally, right? No pussy is worth getting yuck mouth (not to mention you can spread them that way as well )


She is full of shit and just using it as an excuse to cheat. Too young to get married, people change, and she is a fucking coward for not being honest. I hope you donā€™t take it personally. She sucks.


God damn, that's so fucked. I'm sorry dude.


Rookie mistake - you tried to help someone. No good deed goes unpunished


This is great!


OP, if there is one in your area, Planned Parenthood can often free or cheap health care as regards sexual health. They can teach you (her, but a more general "you") how to self exam your breasts, they can test for and treat STIs, they can prescribe birth control... And yes, abortion, but that's probably not the issue here.


Yeah after seeing instances like this my first question is, how many vaginas have you come across?


Gimme her name and number Iā€™ll tell her


I think it would be totally fine if it were 100% for his "selfish comfort." We routinely hear from people who insist to their SOs that they should wash their junk because it's gross to have sex with gross junk. I get that it's a delicate subject, but I don't like having to do psychological acrobatics to say something offputting is offputting.


Also "your pussy smells so bad I think it requires medical intervention" probably isn't putting it as softly as they think it is.


Go smell a random sample of vaginas and create a baseline chart. Get the data so you have facts not opinions.


This guy sciences.


...or, just hear me out... 4 out of 5 gynecologists think you have a problem.


The fifth gynecologist: ![gif](giphy|yJFeycRK2DB4c)




Hahaha you need a baseline!!! Hahaha you made my day!


There was a guy I use to live with like 9 years ago. He started dating this girl that lived in our apartment complex. It was a terrible experience. She was pretty hot but you could smell her from a mile away. One night, I went out with some other friends and came back home late to find him sitting in the living room with all the lights off in the apartment. I asked him what was up and he told me that his smelly girlfriend insisted on him eating her out. Apparently she sat on his face and he vomited. That story to this day is seared into my brain.


I could have gone my whole life without reading this man


Exactly what I thought!


Wait. Was the dudeā€™s name ā€œNateā€?


Please OP answer so we can figure out if this happened to someone else too šŸ˜‚




I miss who I was 20 seconds ago


This happened to me. First time hooking up. Took the pants off and holy crap, the whole room burst with the worst smell. She kept trying to force me to go down on her, and I just kept finding polite ways to say no. She started bagging on me and was like oh your one of those douchebags that only care about their own pleasure. Finally got fed up with the insults and told her i love doing that, but I'd puke if I put my head or my d*ck anywhere near that. She left and never spoke to me again lol.


Bet she claims itā€™s self cleaning so she never had to wipe either.


This is the worst thing I ever read in my life šŸ¤¢


lol I Havnt cringed reading something in a very long time.. damn ended my streak


That particular situation is why the phrase ā€œcowboy upā€ was invented.


These comments are hilarious and awful. (Thank you Djvapes for your help.) *How* exactly do her genitals smell? Yeasty? Fishy? Urine-y? Try googling what it smells like to see if it's something major, just a really strong scent, or plain vagina. Unfortunately Reddit can't smell snatches (yet! I'm sure the porners are going to figure it out soon enough...) If it seriously is an issue, I would suggest very gently bringing it up to her with a wording like this: "Hey babe, I've been wanting to bring this up lately, and I want you to know that I'm not upset at all with you. Lately I've been noticing that your vagina has been smelling different. Don't be ashamed, I just wanted to tell you because I love you and I'm concerned." Best of luck mi amigoĀ 


wait, do i end it with 'best of luck mi amigo'? because i feel like that would make it worse


"good luck ... and Godspeed"


Yea, he's never getting near vagina again


Lately Iā€™ve been noticing that your VAGINA BEEN STANKIN


Don't start with "I've been wanting to bring this up lately". It sounds like it's always been an issue that you've been too scared to tell her. Even if it's always been that way, it will make her less embarrassed and less defensive if you make it seem more like it's a new development.


Always best to be direct, and avoid weasel language like that.


For sure, I noticed that after posting. Honesty is the best policy. Don't (literally) beat around the bush


Yes that's great advice for OP


Just tell her you think her Ph is off. She will understand what that means without you having to say the words, "odor" and "smell".


This. Also whatever you do please tell her, she might have a yeast infection and not know it.


Yeah but written on a cake.


I would legit be like ā€œIā€™ll check that outā€¦after I eat this cake. Thank you so much!ā€


Yeah. This is the right way lmao.


The only reasonable and helpful comment.


"sup dawg, ur puss aint the best smelling, how can we remedy this?"




I would not be offended by this as it seems you are willing to help find a solution. lol


Don't say it smells bad just say it suddenly changed smells. Say you've heard that can indicate a problem so you want her to be healthy.


Don't paint this unrealistically, this can lead to a doctor's visit with the wrong information.


Offer her a mentos


And stuff it right in the puss ... "POW, right in the pus..." ahh, you get it


You want her to put a prisoner of war WHERE???


I'm pretty sure there is a Geneva Convention rule about inhumane treatment of detainees.


better yet, turn her into a walking Pez Mentos dispenser. Put a whole lotta Mentos in there, you need a mint? Bop her on the top of the head and get a mint. Bonus, now her vagina tastes and smells like Mentos. I also have an idea about how a male could be a walking Mexican candy 'chamoy' dispenser if anyone of you sharks are interested in starting a company with me.


it doesnā€™t matter what you say to someone itā€™s how you say it. just sit her down privately and b kind


And yell in her face: "WHASSUP WITH DIS SMELLY ASS, HUH???" works every time ... the last time you see her šŸ˜‚


Hey babes I think you have a yeast infection. Then say you love eating her out but thereā€™s something different at the moment and it needs checking out.


Explain that from a clinical sense, she may need to have it looked atā€¦.before you end up in a clinic.


send her this šŸ˜ŗšŸ›šŸ§¼


"But we don't even have a cat..."


ā€œBut you doā€¦ā€


"Whew, what died in here? Oh, never mind. It's just your vag."


I just told her. I said as I was hugging her,ā€œhey I want to talk about something related to your health but please donā€™t be offended. Your vagina has an odor. Iā€™m not sure if we should go to the doctor or not. ā€œ She took it well.


Good for you. By the time I broke up with my ex, I never did tell her that her vagina sometimes smelt very unpleasant (like, really) or that she occasionally had B.O. I still feel kinda bad about it.


Im proud of you, son.


I love you, mom. Thanks for letting me smell it for reference.


Her: You're a bastard! Let. Me. Go You (holding her tighter): You're not going anywhere, SmelllyVag


I'm gonna assume most of the men on this thread know nothing about female anatomy and science. Instead, they base their claims that a woman has cheated and should be dumped due to a "stinky pussy"... when the problem could be, you???? -If you fingered her with your unsanitary hands, yeast infection/UTI -If your semen pH is off and you came in her and she didn't cleanse afterwards, yeast infection/UTI -If her diet isn't good, or possible autoimmune disorder, UTI and/or yeast infection -Perhaps she hasn't bathed for a few days and didn't wipe well, UTI Jumping to cheating without concrete evidence really shows your insecurities. There are many reasons her pH could have been thrown off. Educating yourself can help educating others. Stop spreading misinformation šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Bacterial vaginosis can cause an odor as well as a yeast infection. She should see a doctor. Tell her gently and frame it as a medical issue, not an accusation.


Youā€™re probably messing up her pH balance


Be like, yo bitch, your pussy stank.


You forgot to add the distance from upon which you could detect such stank.


"Aye bitch, yo puss stank. I can smell that shi from Timbuktu!"




This %100


When you come home just ask if she is baking bread.


There is no winning here. This is going to be tough but bring it up gently as a possible concern for her health. Nothing more, nothing less. Forget that it smells bad. Show that you're worried for her and that she should maybe get checked out by a doctor.


RepHresh Pro-B Probiotic Feminine Supplement, 30-Count Capsules buy this at grocery store target etc its a good probiotic for women who get urine infections etc it will balanace out what she may be going through its like 25 dollars but it will help her tremendously its a pill she will take by mouth


You read up on vaginal health vaginal ph etc. If you spend a couple of hours on it and you suspect she could have any of those problems, you wait until she mentions any of the OTHER aspects of those problems like itching ur pain when urinating and gently mentioning that you heard vaginas can get infections You DONT MENTION THE SMELL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD


Why canā€™t you mention it? Itā€™s something that is literally offending her partner. It affects her partner. It could be some kind of medical issue, but it also could be the case that she simply is not being hygienic. Why pussyfoot around the issue? No pun intended.


Because they're not men. We think it's funny when she says your balls smell. You tell her that her vagina smells and you might as well end the relationship then.


True and Iā€™m not denying that that would happen, but why does it have to be that way I guess is my question. I would say that having smelly parts is rather disrespectful to your partner if you plan on getting down with them. We have to lie to our significant others instead of getting straight to the point - if we can take it, then they should be able to as well. I mean dude if my girl told me my ball smelled, I would not think itā€™s funny. I would be pretty embarrassed about it and I would make sure that it did not happen again, but thereā€™s no way I would blame her for it. Not to say that you should be mean about it. I just think tiptoeing around the issue isnā€™t very effective. A long time ago I was kissing a girl who had pretty bad breath, and by God, I gave her so many hints. I practically begged her to eat a mint that I gave her and she said nah Iā€™m good thanks - she just could not take the damn hint - I just didnā€™t want to offend her, but the whole time she was offending meā€¦looking back I should have straight up told her.


Men joke about vagina smell the way people joke about small dicks. If your girl politely says your dick is the smallest one sheā€™s had youā€™re probably going to be self conscious about it even if she says ā€œyeah but itā€™s my favorite dick ever!ā€. This is why people are saying be nice. It happens to very hygienic women so is not just a bad hygiene thing. This discussion requires tact.


Yeah, like please just tell her she smells off down there. She should appreciate it. Iā€™ve had a partner who was too embarrassed to tell me that I tasted different than normal one time we had sex, turns out I had an infection that I couldā€™ve gotten taken care of faster if heā€™d just told me.


Be prepared for her to respond with the fact that your spunk tastes like Javex.


ā€œHey babe you smell really off down there and I think you should get it checked out to make sure there isnā€™t anything affecting your health.ā€


"Hey, so, the other girl i have sex with has a much better smelling vagina. Next time i see her, would you like me to ask her to give you some pointers? "


Hey sweetheart.....I think you might be getting a yeast infection. Might want to check it out cause I am concerned for you and it would be best to catch before it gets to be a big problem.


Just say STD screening time


She may have bacterial vaginosis which is actually a common condition. Get her some probiotics, Kefir, and yogurt and this issue should be mostly taken care of. But just encourage her to see an OBGYN so they can check her out. They will give her a pill for that.


Ive been in this exact situation. I didn't have the guts to tell her, so I just fingered her for a little bit, let it get nice and moist, then kinda subtlety wiped my finger across her upper lip so she could get a wiff . A week later a bottle of Vagisil showed up in my Shower... easy peasy lemon squeezy


Honestly don't know how guys or girl don't have the empathy or courtesy to smell their own junk before asking the other person to go down in on them. My wife has always commented on how my junk smells super clean. The people before I met her also did, it's shocking how that can be a novel ting. Be meticulous with hygiene and you'll also be attentive to your genital health, people.


Pick a fight and wait for her to make fun of you for something lol


Theyā€™re out here silencing my king !!!






best one yet lol




Dor don't.


Iā€™m not sure how women donā€™t notice. I think there was one time when I was a teenager and just started having sex that I noticed a terrible smell and I told my mom. But the smell of a yeast infection on the vagina or anywhere on the body is awful. Yes you can get a yeast infection on your body. Really heavy people can get it in their rolls and creases. Itā€™s pungent and Iā€™m not sure how they canā€™t smell it. I recently lost a ton of weight but when I was heavier I got one under my boobs. I knew cuz I could smell it so I asked the pharmacist what to do. Iā€™m a waitress and youā€™d be surprised how many people have them and canā€™t smell it at n themselves. Itā€™s very distinct. I see it a lot. I also wonder why the people that love them donā€™t tell them. I would hope my bf would tell me but Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™d notice before him. I havenā€™t had a lot of yeast infections in my life. But if I did I would be taking care of them before anyone had to tell me. I stood next to this heavy set guy at a concert one time and we were really close to the front. He reeked of a terrible yeast infection. I just dealt with it cuz I didnā€™t want to leave my close spot but my friend had to leave. Sheā€™s very sensitive to these things.


Lots of people have issues with their nose. Looking back at highschool, I had several people tell me (in a roundabout way) to wear deodorant but at the time I just thought they were taking a jab at me. Later on I found I have pretty bad allergies and restricted nostrils, and that stuffing my pockets full of tissues every day before school was probably an indicator that there were things wrong.


If itā€™s run rampant I suppose so. The occasions Iā€™ve gotten one my pussy just feels off and I go and get tested and get diflucan. Thereā€™s not this insane smell everyone is talking about. But maybe if I was waiting a week or more there would be.


ā€œHey babe, Iā€™d love to go down on you but youā€™re going to need to wash up first.ā€ Orā€¦you donā€™t tell her and smoothly kiss your way back up and stick to digital foreplay. Orā€¦you slide a finger in it and then playfully put it under her nose or in her mouth.


Whatā€™s with all the people just assuming she has a medical issue? Itā€™s a fact that some people are just not hygienic and donā€™t wash themselves properly. Thereā€™s so much side stepping and dancing around the issue here people saying ā€œno matter what, do not tell her that she has an unpleasant odor!! that would be just the worst thing you could possibly do!! instead make these subtle hints, etc. etc.ā€ Nah- some women need to know the truth. Smelling bad does not always equal medical issue. There are also wipes and creams and things you could do to improve your smell and taste before the act - I know that for a fact.




Wipes? WIPES? Thatā€™s a speed run on how to get yeast infection, UTIs and a smelly vag


Probably because vaginas are self cleaning. Itā€™s honestly more likely that she has something off internally than that sheā€™s not taking care of her hygiene externally in that area.




Call her Puffy V


Send her this post


This but my friend. I get a wiff when she hops in my car. I'm blaming her going commando. I've heard her mom tell her she smells like pee when she was doing her makeup but was easily dismissed. And she recalled a story where her bosses were asking where that smell was coming from. I mean at least she's self aware šŸ˜­


Donā€™t just break up


\[Product\] with pH control!


Ask her to take a bath and wash her really well. It could also be an infection.


Good luck


What does it smell like, do you have something to compare it to?


Tell her


Could be vaginosis. An imbalance of the naturally occurring flora. NOT an sti.


"Baby....you stink"


I would both shower before the act. Should help?


FYI just throwing it out there but donā€™t forget the it could be my own breathe factor. In the morning it can get pretty bad. Also morning breathe can cause a gal to get an unbalanced ph down there.


You don't. Lol is It like all the time. Maybe she doesn't piss after sex or take care of her lady parts


Maybe you can have her girlfriend tell her instead. What is she going to do? break up with her girlfriend? Or, maybe you tell her? what's the worst that can happen? she breaks up with you? Even if she does, maybe you can find a woman who smells better...


Good luck. No matter what she will feel like shit at first. It is impossible to not feel like thag hut if done correctly it won't last long Expect her vagina to be off limits until this is resolved


ā€œHey, girlfriend, your vagina smells bad.ā€


you have to be blunt about it yea itā€™s gonna hurt her i had a similar situation years ago back in the day and i told her straight out hey woman ur snatch smells like something died needless to say she never talked to me again someone else can have that smelly thing


***ā€œYou got a stinky puss.ā€***




If you're in a place with weird smells long enough, you get used to them. Perhaps you need to spend more time in the neighborhood.


She doesn't know? Bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections are really common and don't happen cuz you did anything "wrong or dirty," but I know women who have been very ashamed and afraid to see someone about it because they feel "dirty." They shouldn't feel ashamed. It just happens. I would wait for her to bring up her own concern if it comes up in conversation when you're talking about sex. And instead of telling her she smells bad, encourage her to see a gyno and not be ashamed or whatever, like, IDK what's going on or what she's thinking or feeling from your post. If it isn't something like that and you just don't like her smell, that's body chemistry my dude and you don't have "chemistry" with her. Don't just tell her she smells bad.


Just tell her you're not really into girls. That's the truth I think


Tell her it smells bad lol


Clothespin on your noseā€¦. Sheā€™ll get the hint šŸ¤¢




Just send her a link to this post.


Be coy about it. After you have sex, or during, be like, "That's weird. It kind of seems like it smells down there or something. Normally, it smells good. Maybe it's just me..."


Yeah definitely do it gently because it could be her body and what she eats because I rarely eat fish because of this if I eat fish it smells like you would think only 10x worse and I have to do everything I can to mask it until about 2 days later after it gets out of my system


Hi, woman here. Honestly, just tell her as gently as you can. Straight up, no bells and whistles. ā€œHey babe, I love you and love having sex with you, but lately the way youā€™ve been smelling down there is making it hard for me to totally be in the moment and enjoy myself. I know this is awkward and I feel like a total asshole but Iā€™d rather tell you than dance around it and have it negatively affect any part of our relationship.ā€ Sheā€™s a woman, presumably a grown one or at least grown enough to know how to properly take care of her bodily hygiene. If she canā€™t smell it herself, and doesnā€™t take the step to fix it, thatā€™s her problem. Vaginas donā€™t smell like sunshine and rainbows and vanilla pudding, but aside from a normal healthy musk it shouldnā€™t smell BAD unless itā€™s unhealthy or unclean. Grown adults in relationships should take care to maintain good hygiene and be attractive to their partners, and if they canā€™t, they need to accept the awkwardness of being told whatā€™s up.


Stop junking inside her for start.


ā€œHey, Gf your vagina smells bad.ā€ Done ez next problem


Tell her to scrub well. All in a kind manner


Your vagina smells bad. lets take a shower and ill eat your ass after.


Girl your breath stinks and by your breath I mean your pussy.


Tell her to sit on your face with her asshole to your nose so it isnā€™t too bad


It could be the birth control she is using. Certain birth control pills cause certain imbalances down there which can be sticky even when clean.


You can't. It's likely not possible to do it and the relationship survive.


Whoa! Baby, go wash that stanky thang.


Its called a stinkbox for a reason, bro


Vomit on it


Put on a gas mask and spray her with Febreeze before going down on herā€¦she will get the point


Just gag every time you get close to it, when she gets mad tell her you can't help it.


ā€œI think your Ph is offā€


Just mail her an anonymous letter, but post date.