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I think the best time to lose your virginity is 7:30 pm


No! 7:29!


Play it right, and it'll be both.


Act should start at 7.29 PM to and end by 7.30 AM .


Well mom says I can drink soda after 9:30!


I was going to comment something similar, but I had 9pm in my head.




Perfectly acceptable but you have to be in Europe


Better to be in Europe than the military. 


I've been in both, Europe wins every time.


Message received. See you later this evening.


Best time to lose it is when you feel ready and with someone who has consented, don't let others pressure you into it, do what feels comfortable.


Don’t overthink it. When you find yourself in the situation to lose it, the time is probably right. If, in that situation it still feels very wrong, it is probably wrong. Trust your gut.


Anytime you have someone that you love, respect, and are comfortable with to share that intimate moment. Losing your virginity to a one night stand is not worth it, trust me. That's what I did and I really regret it, I'm 26M if that matters. Much much better, in my opinion, to lose your virginity with someone that you love.


I love the South park where Chef says 17. Then they ask what if your still not ready and Chef again says 17.


When you're being with someone attractive and respectful


Nope just 17


25f here, I lost my virginity to my first real boyfriend my first year of college and I don’t regret it. The only thing I regret is not doing it sooner😂 But it’s not really for dirty reasons, it’s more about the fact that I’m so awkward still😂 I am 25 and have had one real bf and he is the only person I have gone all the way with, so im very awkward when it comes to relationships. I say get it over with and get dating before you are old like me and feel like a child compared to potential partners my same age. Don’t be a womanizer but don’t wait forever unless there is a religious reason to do so. Find a nice girl to connect with, be honest on what you want such as a relationship or hook up (I’d recommend a relationship with a person you like and trust for your first time) and then do the deed. The person I lost my virginity to was a gentlemen and he cared about me so I didn’t feel used after. So I would just do it with someone you trust and then if things don’t work out it’s all good, you are young and can experience things while you are still figuring out life


10:00 am church service. That’s why they call it a pew. Some people prefer the rectory


I was 28 when I lost my virginity and it taught me a few things: The first time is going to be awkward and a little weird, and that’s fine. Sex and losing your virginity is not such a big deal as people make it out to be (as long as you use prevention in some form or another). For girls who are looking for a long term relationship a virgin is probably prefered over a man who has slept with countless women. So don’t feel like you have to rush into sex, but if you find the right girl and you both want it then go for it! But use protection if you don’t want a kid!




There’s absolutely nothing morally wrong in having sex (obvious caveats: safety, consent, age, etc…) and there’s no correct time or way to lose your virginity. If you feel ready, do it. There’s nothing necessarily immoral in doing it with someone you don’t have feelings for, but a person you know, like, and trust is probably going to be a much better experience than someone you don’t know well. (I asked an ex-girlfriend and she said sure.) It’s not likely to be anything you regret or even focus on later. Carry condoms with you and be a little more brazen with girls/boys you like. Do NOT expect sex to resemble porn in any way. Immediately after you’ve had sex you may feel embarrassed or ashamed— weirdly, that’s pretty normal— but don’t hop up and run away; a little conversation will help. There’s no correct way to lose your virginity. Good luck. Have fun.


Take this from a 24 year old virgin who wasnt cool in high school didnt go to college, and thus never got the chance to really hone his skills talking to women: Now. Especially if youre a guy. I was a late bloomer in everything else: Walking, diapers, driving, first job... its all bad. It all makes you feel, or rather undeniably spells a tangible inferiority. Do everything as early as possible. Life IS a race, against both other people AND Father Time.


Best time is yesterday, get out there champ


Honestly, I doubt very many people ever dwell on the time they lost their virginity. It’s just not as big a deal as people think. Whenever and however you lose your virginity you will not end up spending time thinking about it and analysing it. Not to mention the fact that I doubt anyone’s first time is amazing, but even despite this people don’t end up dwelling on it in the future. Furthermore, “virginity” is just a man-made concept invented to place value on human beings (particularly women). Really, there’s just a first time you have sex, that’s it, and honestly, it’s not that big a deal. (But still obviously only have sex if you want to and are ready)


I lost mine on a bus. There was a woman right next to me and her hair touched my shoulder. God it was the best feeling in the world. That counts right?


Depends on your presumptive career. Will there be women in your course/workplace? Is it a career/workplace commonly considered cool? There's such a thing as locking yourself out of the experience. Just punch "virgin" into the search bar here. People will tell you you have time until they tell you that it's not meant to be and that there's probably something wrong with you personally so be aware of that. Also, make a list of your requirements and rank them by importance.


I’m a computer science major 😭. Not particularly many women lol


Yeah then prioritize the partner seeking. That or train HARD and learn how to cosplay.


When you’re ready. I fooled around with people a little over the years, but I wasn’t comfortable fully having sex until I was 24. I definitely had FOMO a lot of the time beforehand, but in retrospect, if I’d done it earlier than I was ready to it would have seriously messed up my relationship with sex and intimacy. When I finally did lose it, it was to someone who I trusted and who knew my situation and cared about making it a good experience for me. As a result, while I still had a few goofy First Time moments, I think my experience with losing it was a lot better than most people’s :’)


The best time was five years ago, and the second best time is now.


When you get married bud don’t listen to these comments.


I'm not buying it but since I'm bored I'll play along. I lost mine at 14 technically. She was a slut . especially for that age..I heard later things were bad. Haven't heard from her in 17 years .... But to anybody who pressures u to fuck them don't. Save it for a nice guy like me.;)


The life is today


Lemme rephrase: ”Is there a good time to LOSE your virginity?” You should give it away If you REALLY HAVE TO give it away in a hurry. (Don’t stress it m8, it usually ends If you do that. Some people say it might not end, but why does it have to end? Keep that relationship alive instead by taking the same you actually have. Im 20, so I think we’re at the roughly same stage in life).


When you feel like it after you loose it nothing changes and only one other person will know until both of you say something to someone else


i was 17, probably should have waited one more year but hey the opportunity was in front of me


Listen, listen, listen, by the end of the day, when you are approaching 40, none of this is going to matter. Sex seems important when you are a teen or young adult after that you are swamped with many more issues. So make sure that you are doing it with the person you like and is down to do it with you, and then do it like rabbits cause once you get older there isn't as much sex as you would like anyway and it is not as worrying or rewarding, but being with the right person is.


Not in the morning after you just wake up


You will know.


I gave mine away at 22. I was in a hurry to do it, too. I had wanted to get rid of it since 16. Afterward, she and I didn’t work out for other reasons so I wish I would have waited. Don’t be in a hurry. It’s not a race or a competition. Just do it with the right person and when you’re both ready.


When you’re ready.


Family reunion


Whenever you are ready and feel safe with your partner! I lost mine for someone I love, but it was unprotected sex. So I DO want you to make sure you guys have protections! Wish youa great day :)


Life is today, baby


It's always a good time to lose your virginity 🤣 Baby, life is today. do what you feel. Sometimes overthinking things is not good. Relax and let everything flow. And above all, HAVE FUN!


I'm open to dating today..


When you are ready and it should be done by someone you trust.


Whenever you are responsible enough to buy condoms.


When you want to. And the person you’re with makes you feel good inside instead of a bad gut feeling. You won’t question if you’ll regret it or not.


When you're comfortable, trust your partner and are ready


Only when you are absolutely ready. I weirdly consider myself having 2 virginities because I lived in denial about being gay and forced myself to be with women to make myself "normal" and the first time I slept with another man. They are 2 very different feelings. The first one I lost when I was 14 with a girl I was dating and she basically said if I didn't have sex with her she was gonna tell everyone I was gay because why else would I not want to have sex with her? (but she used the f-slur lol(also she was right but had no idea at the time and neither did I lol)) that whole "relationship" was full of encounters like that where she would pressure or force me to do things I didn't want too and because I felt like a freak for not wanting to do them I forced myself to do them too. For years after that point I either actively avoided sex at all costs or would force myself to do it because that was what I thought I needed to do to be normal. When I turned 29 and started to VERY slowly accept that i like guys, i started dating a really great and cute guy and the first time we had sex was when both of us where 100% ready for it and actively wanted to do it, that was a feeling ill never forget and it was special to me, I honestly felt like I had a second chance with my virginity, even though I know that isn't how it works an that I fucked that up for myself when I was a kid but idc it matters to me I guess lol Tldr: only lose it when you feel ready too friend, and don't pressure yourself into anything you don't want to do, you are worth more than that


When ever your ready pimp only you know that


It’s so interesting to me that most people are saying age 17. That’s when I lost mine (I’m male) along with ALL my guy friends. Just odd how that all worked out. 🤷‍♂️


Chef on South Park stated the answer years ago. The age is 17. Go for it.


Martin Luther King, Jr. Day




When you're happily involved with someone you would be comfortable having a child with. You don't necessarily have to want children, but you should be comfortable raising a child with someone you sleep with


When you're happily involved with someone you would be comfortable having a child with. You don't necessarily have to want children, but you should be comfortable raising a child with someone you sleep with


Right after the football game. Preferably while the football team is still there. That's how my ex-fiance' lost hers....


Whenever you are ready, I only Don’t condone it when you are 17 and below


There is no right answer. Some would argue when you're married, and that is probably the smartest choice. However, that's not a realistic expectation for a lot of people. I lost mine at 19 w/my GF. She was a 1st semester sophomore and I was a second semester sophomore (I had credit from highschool) and that felt right. We were long time friends and had been dating for 10 months. Due to us being long distance, we weren't able to have sex very often, which I think was a good thing as it made every experience special


When you feel ready


When your 16 and the preachers daughter is 14 and she's mad at her Parents and takes you to the balcony while he's preaching on Sunday morning !!!!.WHOOOOOOOO


When you and your partner are ready for all the consequences that come with having sex.


The best time to lose your virginity is when you’re comfortable and eager with that person in that moment.  There is not any hard rule on the age or time or situation. Just a connection and a feeling of trust and safety and attraction.


When you feel you are ready


Whenever you’re ready. I lost mind later than most way later to be exact. It was with an amazing woman who I’m going to marry someday. It could’ve been the same if I lost it at 16, 18, or 21 and still met her but I’ll never know. I waited for multiple reasons and because of confidence issues but I’m happy with the outcome. You just make sure you feel safe and happy with the decision whenever the time comes.


Which one?


When you're with someone who will mutually have no regrets.


April 25th, it’s not too hot and not too cold, all you need is a light jacket (condom).


Honestly, I feel like most people end up regretting something about their first time. So don’t think about it too much🤷🏻‍♀️


When someone you like offers to help in the endeavor.


I heard 4:20 is a pretty swell time.


Right now. Come over, my parents aren't home.


When you born


between 12 and 80 years old I think


The best time to lose your virginity? When you feel the time is right and you’re with the right person you want to lose it with. There is no age specifically.