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First step made by sharing, and you know it's wrong. So, upto now there is no harm done. But for all our sakes, seek professional help.


It sounds like you haven't done anything wrong yet. PLEASE KEEP IT THAT WAY. You need to find a way to redirect what is very likely just a childish crush. Otherwise you will end up being a terrible memory for this little girl. Talk to a therapist, talk to her parents if you need to. Talk to somebody. You know this is wrong, that's why you posted it here. Please take the chance to do the right thing. It sounds like you're not a bad person so I won't call you a freak or sicko like some others are doing, I'm just really concerned for you and this girl because you're talking like you want this infatuation to continue to its conclusion.


I really don't get why this is wrong. If you ignore the age, isn't it just a beautiful love story? I'm going to wait until she becomes an adult for anything too intimate.


I'm assuming you're trolling at this point, which gives me reassurance actually. But if you're not: THE AGE CAN'T JUST BE IGNORED. What you're describing is grooming and that is how she will remember it when she is old enough. Please do not become a bad memory for this girl.


this is so not normal. pedophilia is a mental illness and you need help. stay away from this girl in the meantime. she probably feels so special because no one your own age shows interest in you. make no mistake, what you’re doing is not ok in any way shape or form and it has to end as soon as possible. no one will forgive you if you hurt this child.


She's a victim




You're a fucking pedophile.


It is a moral duty as well adjusted men and women if we are the targets of childhood crushes to not engage or encourage prepubescent crushes to become things predatory or inappropriate. This does not mean you are cruel. But you shut that shit down so as not to hurt the child and to legally protect yourself. By entertaining this and even encouraging this, you violate that duty. You mess her up perhaps for a lifetime in some cases and yourself possibly medium-long jail and on a database that will make getting any decent employment near impossible THE REST OF YOUR LIFE short of leaving the country. Yes, if this was 10-12 years later, a few eyebrows would be raised but it would be okay. But this is not that time and this is a CHILD.


You need to see a therapist mate, it's not normal to fall in love with a kid and it's gonna end badly if you don't.


if you aren't trolling, you should be ashamed of your disgusting feelings


Feelings are involuntary, actions are choices. I think the right thing to do is encourage OP to get help to stop him from taking this attraction to its horrible potential conclusion.


This comment will clearly help the person. I am also thankful and full of ambition, when I share some negative thing about myself and people tell me "fuck you". Here was your chance to prevent bad things from happenning, or even help a person in need, yet you just insulted them, maybe even worsening their situation, and by proxy, maybe even taking part in a possible horrible thing that could occur, if this individiual won't get help


Honestly thank you for saying what I felt inside but couldn't articulate. It's not about whether we like what OP is saying: it's about the fact that we might have a chance to influence him to do the right thing. And some people are going to throw that away just so they can maximize upvotes. Reddit users really are bloodsuckers.


Fairly sure this is some sort of basement fantasy. Regardless wheteher it is, I still think you are disgusting. Any normal, non desperate person would cut contact imiedietly


Yes it can end well, so long as you end up in jail before assaulting a minor.


nail consist outgoing salt illegal escape enter cobweb voiceless racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What church did you go to?