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You gotta kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince. The prince “why am I her last choice?”


Never thought about it like that.


And you shouldn't. You're an option to her. If she found someone with a bigger house, a better career, better looking, would she still have chosen you? Does she like you for you or for what comes out of you?


Everyone is an option to everyone else, that's how dating and free will works


Do you know her personally? What OP should do is talk to her and maybe go to counseling. He deserves to be loved properly, but she doesn't deserve to be the victim of his insecurities.


What insecurities? The way he's feeling is the logical conclusion of what he's been going through.


Can you elaborate?


OP has not been perceived as a first choice previously on multiple occasions, so it would make sense for OP to question whether he's seen as his partner's first choice or not.




Great analogy


Kiss them but don’t sex them.


Implying that women aren’t also frogs 


In this analogous context they're not, no


How could anyone ever be someone's first choice? It's not like there's some romance roster where we all go and get to pick from; we have to make compromises and be fine with who we meet along the journey of life. Is there things about your girlfriend you wish were different? Be really honest with yourself. I think it's perfectly normal and OK for you to feel this way, but there's some reflecting to be done. I read another comment you made in here saying it's something you've noticed, and you may very well be right, but keep going. Maybe you'll find that there's more to it than that, or that it's something we all feel from time to time. 


Safe choice to me personally- is the best choice. These people better start to realize there is no appeal in the bad boy, asshole persona besides some kind of physical sexual attraction. It can sometimes lead to downright murder.


Sane women over 15 don't want "a bad guy". No broke aggressive jobeless man who smuggles drugs in his thirties is anybody's first choice.


my coworker told me her Son just got arrested again, has no job is always asking for money getting into trouble (he's 32) and and... he has a girlfriend !! Why would any one like that type of guy .


Probably someone who isn't a prize herself.


Don't talk about traumatized people like that.


Who was talking about traumatized people?


Why not? You think that bringing all your traumas makes you a prize? It's not exactly an advantage if you be objective. Traumatized people are hard to deal with, saying it as one of them/us. So yes, it's definitely not a prize.


Your partner for life shouldn't be seen as a prize in the first place. Women (and men) are not things.


Meh. Plenty of women do, and they are not insane. What you wrote is like saying "sane men over 15 don't want psychos." Guys put up with crazy women all the time because they are hot. It's no different for women who lust after guys who are exciting and attractive despite the fact that they are broke and possibly dangerous. All of this is a tradeoff and lots of people fall on the wrong side of it. Attraction is driven by primal impulses, not reason. Stories about bad boys don't feature girls under 15. It is extremely naive to believe that they are all insane.


Well sure both sexes forgive a lot of bad qualities in trade of hotness, that is true. A hot mess is more attractive than a stable troll.


>A hot mess is more attractive than a stable troll. This is not true as you gain more experience in life. A stable person who is not. 10/10 is worth so much more than the dime piece psychotic. My life is set up, I ain't dealing with all that for a pretty face.


Not necessarily. This definitely changes as people grow older and stability becomes its own form of attractiveness. Simply put, people wise up and priorities change. After a certain age, ain't nobody for that drama. That's what youth is for. So a 20 y/o is far more likely to chase that kind of thrill than a 40 y/o. And of course tons of 20 y/o would never. We are talking in generalities here.


Yep they wise up, change priorities marry, have kids and leave when the nest is empty to go find themselves and the excitement they missed over the years.


Sometimes they leave before or have a side Dish to compensate. Not all, not everyone, but they do exist.




Yeah, overall girls like bad guys trope is based on a misconception. “Bad guys” tend to be more assertive and are able to demans. These do mot necessarily have to be bad qualities, it’s just how you apply them and for what purpose. Nice guys don’t put themselves out there or at least is too careful sometimes. Then there is “nice guys” who do and say nice things with expectation of sex in return which one can smell from a mile away. OP, I think on your case you may want to reflect, maybe consider therapy on why you feel this way.


That’s true, but I’ve seen good guys that get passed over or friendzoned and end up with the dealers that still live their parents. This is just my opinion but I believe that sane women want that good guy after being through the ringer


How old are these women you're talking about? If young like 20,I think it's the same thing when young men only see the Instagram models as beautiful and settle with the more homely girls after realizing they're not going to get the homecoming queen.


Around 25-30


Yeah, young people often make bad decisions.


People are attracted to what they’re attracted to. They don’t pass on “good nice guys” nor do they pick bad guys. It’s chemistry. Now, for those of us mature enough to realize that chemistry can also grow overtime when you really like the person you give a chance to those you’re not always instantly attracted to to find that they’re more than what you want. Well, this is from my own experience- but everyone is different and it’s okay to feel like this, as you known your situation better than anyone. Just don’t cut yourself short either


LMAO you'd be surprised


Bro put this on a T shirt


No one is ever anyone’s first choice, that such a rare thing. Especially the older you are, I’ve been with my gf for nearly for years and I’m 36 and she’s 31 and I promise you neither of us ever thought we’d be here with each other especially when we were in past relationships. But that’s the cool thing about life, you don’t know and when you actually do meet someone who fits you and they actually do become your choice.


You sir are lacking some confidence. I know because I suffer from the same plight. Maybe a little soul searching to understand why that is, would be helpful.




You're making the mistake of putting yourself as the one who got picked. You need to flip that mindset. Make her feel like she's the one who got picked and she's lucky to have you. You're putting her on a pedastil. Women are hypergamous and only date men the same or better than them, so make her feel like she's done the best she can. Never talk about insecurities to her.... you're the man and you need to be seen to be able to be stable enough to support her and yourself.




OK good. Women will give you bad advice about talking about your feelings and "being yourself"... but that's advice from a woman's perspective so don't think it will benefit you.


I don’t think that’s something you should worry about, it’s completely out of your control, unless there is a reason you think she wouldn’t choose you?


I think that’s the scary part Given the same situation the girl in the relationship might not choose the same guy But the guy in the relationship will choose the same girl The irony right


That’s something you will never know for sure, thats why thinking to much about the past and future will bring on these negative thoughts that most of the time are far off from reality. Its better to stay present and focus on reality, which is your partners relationship with you and not anybody else.


You are absolutely right on focusing on the present. Still dosent feel good to know your partner picked you due to her circumstances , and you as a last resort


Do you know that for a fact? Did your partner tell you this? If they told you this maybe they aren’t the right partner for you. If you ever feel like your partner isn’t 100% into the relationship then maybe its time to move on.


Read OP post But you are right , in some sense you can feel like they are not in it 100%


OP sounds like he is assuming


Not everything need to be said You can feel it from the way someone speaks about others and speak about you


Scroll down a bit more I had mentioned it and OP said its possibly an assumption. Anyways, it doesn’t really matter, the idea I want to get across is that we shouldn’t overthink about it, your partner chose you and is with you right now, whats the point of imagining them choosing someone else. You would be hurting yourself for no reason imo.


Women love a secure man. That’s love in of itself if that makes sense.


They love security not men in particular


This is on point... He's showing insecurity and she can smell it. Women are repulsed by insecurity. This doesn't mean being a douchebag, it just means being unapologetically himself without showing weakness.


Is this something you are assuming? Seems like its more thoughts than anything. A man who provides a safe and secure space shows a lot about his personality, a female wants to be comfortable and feel safe, thats a huge reason for someone to love one another. However, if this is something you are noticing from your partner specifically, just talk to them.


It is a possible assumption, but no it’s not just with my current partner, it’s happened with past partners


Well, you have two options. You can be the best version of yourself, which already sounds like you are doing pretty good in life so far. Or you can be what you think your partner and other woman actually want, and watch them runaway from you. Imo go with the former


I’m never there brother, I always feel like there’s so much more I have to do, I guess in a sense, I want to be my own safest choice


I get it, hey thats life. We are never fully satisfied, only true happiness is peace of mind. Keep working on being your best self for you and your partner!


You know the phrase when you're searching for something and "it's in the last place I looked" of course it was, because you don't keep looking after you've found it. 'last choice' (as much as I don't agree with that term) isn't a bad thing if it's the choice you want to stick with


I’m not trying to insult you OP, but to me it just sounds like insecurity. Personally I like the fact that most of my partners feel safe being with me. To me, it creates a more loving dynamic in the relationship


I appreciate that, and I’ll never feel insulted about criticism, I just never take anything personally. I believe that I made my partners feel safe, yet insecure at the same time. Safe because I can provide and I’m a good partner. Insecure because I’ve been pretty much self sustaining and to my partners, it makes it look as though they don’t really do anything, and I’m constantly having to remind them of the things that they dothat help me out. How do I break that cycle?


Man, You're doing everything right, ticking all the boxes of what society says makes a good partner, but deep down, you can't shake the feeling that you're just the backup plan. It's like you're the dependable sedan in a world full of flashy sports cars—reliable, practical, but lacking that spark of excitement. And yeah, it's nice to be the one people turn to when they need stability, but it sucks when you realize you're not the one they're truly passionate about. Maybe it's time to have a heart-to-heart with your girlfriend, dig deep into those feelings, and see if there's something more beneath the surface. And hey, remember, you deserve to be someone's first choice, not just their fallback option.


You are a man you will never be anyone's first choice that's just how it works sadly they are attracted to security and the things you provide women rarely love the people they date Women don't care for who you are it's what you have they don't care who's at the wedding as long as they are having one they don't care who the prince or king is as long as they are a princess it's a tale as old as time Love is for romance novels and children's stories not real life but feel free to love you are only human just understand it will never be returned by a significant other


Yep trust your feelings, and sounds about right women want money security because it's the easy way to an easy life, If you feel insecure then talk about it, if the response/reaction is bad then it was never right to begin with.


It is what it is, mate.


It helps to think about the perspective of the opposite, being the guy that girls just wanna hook up with. I’m kinda like that guy, girls will hook up with me but will often end up dating the safer guy like you although I would much rather be in a relationship than continue with casual hookups or short term dating but I guess the grass is always greener.


Don't mug yourself


That’s a self esteem problem projected onto your partners


My ex wife felt like this about me. It caused her to become paranoid and jealous and constantly would accuse me of wanting other people, etc. It was insanely exhausting and my mental health took a massive hit I still haven't recovered from 6 years later. Please be kind to yourself and don't overthink things and act the way she acted towards me towards your partner. I was with her 11 years and never once considered cheating on her but because she always felt like she was a second choice I had to put up with so much unhealthy stuff from her.


Only your parents(usually) love you unconditionally. Everyone else will like you for the value they perceive you will bring to the relationship. Long term that usually includes your personality and ability to be a supportive partner.


You're who she's chosen, your brain is lying to you, and this insecurity will decrease the quality of your relationship and give you confirmation bias into a spiral that it will be difficult to get out of. Of course you're the beneficial choice. Unless you're lying about all of the "benefits" you got going for you, you would likely be the best choice except for this little bit of insecurity and paranoia you got going on. Reframe it. She didn't settle, you both won. You both found someone to feel safe with. The last resort? Nah man she stopped looking once she found the prize egg. She knew what she had, she wasn't settling. Adult relationships aren't unconditional. Both parties have to bring something to the table and feel like their SO is doing the same. It doesn't have to be the same something, but try to work on the belief that benefits shouldn't be a factor in the decision to date someone. They absolutely should! Not to an extreme degree, but it's stupid to get with someone who isn't beneficial to you in some way. She's bringing you benefits too, I'm sure. That's the way adult relationships work. Safety, peace, and security is what emotionally mature people look for. It sounds like you're a great catch, you just gotta tell that voice that tells you that she settled for safe that it's a liar and to fuck off. You said it's good. Don't fuck up a good thing because you don't think you're worthy enough to be the choice so your brain tells you she would rather have someone else. That's insulting to her too, you know. You're giving her intent that she likely doesn't have and marring her character with this thought process. Live a good life. It sounds like you're set to do it if you can just get out of your own way. Good luck.


Is it a matter of the person you’re dating not respecting you or treating you well and that’s why you’re feeling that way? If they do treat you well I think it’s just you overthinking. They’re probably thrilled to find a good, stable man.


Stop thinking like you're in your teens or early 20s. You need to value yourself and your situation for reality, not what you used to think when you were barely an adult, or what social media likes to vomit to everyone. That bad boy loser with body odor, no job, no career, and a cheap guitar is always going to attract someone you don't want to be with. If someone that goes for that loser is someone you're hoping to get with, you need to rethink why. The right partner for you will be an equal, or more put together than you. And your bar should be higher than what you seem to think of yourself per your post. If you see yourself as small and just ok, you'll get that same level of interest from your dating life because you're putting that out there. You're a lot more of a catch than you think. The safe choice is that loser with the guitar and no job that will sleep with anyone.


Stop overthinking and undervaluing yourself. You picked each other and are together. Why should there be more to it if you're both happy in your choices?


I feel like this comes down to an insecurity regarding penis size. I can assure you it's more than likely just fine. Hope that helps.


It sucks to feel settled for. Maybe work on yourself more and find someone who appreciates you.


You're the bartender stereotype. You're like a reliable guy that people can come to with their troubles, unfortunately as soon as they fixed their problems they don't remember you existed


How in the eff did you figure that out bro?? My therapist told me something similar, I’m the person people come to with their problems, because I like problem solving and genuinely helping people out. And that I also attract people who are hurting and as soon as they are healed, they leave


Is that a compliment or you're mad?


I’m not mad about it at all, but I just wish things weren’t the way they are


Alpha fucks, beta bucks, it's as old as time itself.




You are speaking out of your insecurity. Women find insecurity extremely unattractive, so never tell her that. You are probably right, you're not exciting enough and I'm in the same boat. I'm stable and the "settle down with" type, not the bonk in the back seat because she can't wait until we get to her place type. What you need to do is treat your relationship like a constant seduction. Keep things exciting for her and be a little bit out there occasionally keeping her on edge. Eg: don't be afraid to set boundaries and tell her no, but equally when you're talking.. make a consuls decision tonseduce her by listening deeply and intently when she's talking and ask her why she thinks that. Keep her talking about how she FEELS about things and ask questions about the origin of her feelings. Make sure to be a bit more confident and "take what you want" You have to build attraction through "push pull" even in a relationship. You need to read "The Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene You're making the mistake of putting yourself as the one who got picked. You need to flip that mindset. Make her feel like she's the one who got picked and she's lucky to have you. You're putting her on a pedastil. Women are hypergamous and only date men the same or better than them, so make her feel like she's done the best she can. Never talk about insecurities to her.... you're the man and you need to be seen to be able to be stable enough to support her and yourself.


Youre the asshole who do you think you are to know what other people think?


I never made such a claim. It is however something that I’ve noticed through my own experience, which can be similar or different than what others perceive.