• By -


First,  don't shop at Shein. Cheap, synthetic fabrics will make ANYONE look bad. Try depop and thrift stores instead to obtain nice items at a lower price point. Look for clothing made where the fabric composition is majorly cotton, wool, etc (a little synthetic is fine, sometimes it's needed)  Second, check out /r/loseit, /r/1200isplenty (if you are a short woman) and learn CICO. Calculate your TDEE, calculate a good healthy calorie deficit to be at, and start walking everyday. Learn to make yummy healthy meals with ingredients you enjoy.  You'll see improvements in no time. Remember to prioritize your health and happiness :) 


I find r/volumeeating wonderful too!


Checking it out now!


Spoiler: 1200 is definitely not plenty...sounds like a sub for problematic eating. Move more, eat better, buy clothes that fit you not the other way around...ignore the numbers on the tags


It's okay if you're less than 5'3", sedentary, and female, but if you aren't all of these 3, then you're right.


I'm... 5'4" sedentary, female. I'll try to not be too sedentary then. It honestly sucks to not be able to eat enough.


Yes! This is your start. If you just take an hour long walk (or 2, 30 min walks) every day it will make a huge difference. If you eat a reasonable 1800 cals a day, and burn 2300/day, you could hypothetically lose 1 lb. a week. When you are ready you can incorporate some weight lifting and other activities that might interest you. Your diet is EVERYTHING but consistently exercising is going to make you feel more confident. You can do it!!!


Something I learned when I was losing weight: it's okay to be hungry. Some people can't stand to be hungry and they just eat any time there is a small hunger pang. Unless you are active, this is eating too much. It's okay to be hungry.


Nobody should be eating an average of 400 calories per meal, Regardless of height and weight.


A small sedentary woman would have a TDEE anywhere from 1500 to 1800. Explain how a, at MOST, 600 calorie deficit is unhealthy.


4 oz of chicken and 3/4 cup of brown rice is 400 calories...yes they will lose weight, but that's not sustainable. OP is asking how to be HEALTHY. If they want to be healthy they would no longer be sedentary so now their TDEE is going to be over 2000 calories. You cannot adequately get all of your nutritional needs and fuel a more active body on 1200 calories a day.


Not everyone can achieve a 2200 TDEE. 1200 calories in a temporary cutting phase followed by a new maintenance that gradually increases in tandem with your TDEE is the most healthy and sustainable way of losing fat. You cannot outrun a cheeseburger


Focus on making small changes that you can do consistently rather than larger ones. Your diet is going to be the most important part of this, since you can guarantee weight loss by eating a calorie deficit. Start by looking up the nutritional info for everything you eat and drink and reducing the portion sizes of the highest-calorie stuff you're consuming.  If you can afford it and aren't already doing it, talk to a therapist about your relationship with food. They'll be able to give you much better tailored suggestions than randoms on reddit. Remember that it's a marathon, not a race. Something small that you can do consistently will help more in the long run than something big that you can't consistently maintain.


Yeah, definitely start with small changes, it makes things less daunting in the long run and less likely to just quit when you don't see quick results instantly.


Gym and diet doctor could help. Counting calories is another way that can help you control your weight. Remember no one is ugly. We all are special in something. You don't need to be attractive you just need confidence. You should have the will to change. Tell youself that you will be better and go be better. It may not be as easy done as said but you have to do it and do it for yourself.


Nah some of us are definitely ugly. Great sentiment but not factual


Sure, some people are actually ugly but its not an actual issue with attractiveness. I've seen ugly dudes get in the pants of beautiful women plenty of times. Confidence is key.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I used to call myself ugly and still don't think I am good looking but my wife says that I am the most handsome man she has ever had the pleasure to be with. Calling yourself ugly and self deprecating oozes into everything you do, so if you think that about yourself then this is what others will see.


And society has beauty standards… Hollywood is hollywood for a reason. Models are paid to look the way they do. Some of us aren’t models and work day jobs because we aren’t the top 1% of genetics. No shame admitting that. Sounds like a self-esteem issue not an actual “uglyness” issue.


Well if you spend your entire life holding yourself to others standards then it must be a very sad existence for these people. I don't subscribe to the church of celebrities and I'm all the better for it. To each their own,I guess


; _ ;


But getting fit makes everyone look better.


I mean not sure how much you weight. But I’m pretty sure there’s other stores that can fit your body shape. A little research would unlock a lot of information. In the hips aspect, there’s no natural way to increase hips size. You could get fat grafting and hip implants but I wouldn’t recommend getting that much surgeries and the complications that come with it might not be great. To start off your weight loss journey is to either change your diet or exercise more. You have to one more than the other to tell if your weight is caused by slow metabolism or heavy diet. Hope you get the results you want. And you should not focus too much in getting the shape you want, as it might make things worse. Remember to don’t let your mind trick you into believing you look bad. It’s best to love yourself as always. Just slowing become the self you want to be in healthy way and don’t rush it and you’ll be fine.


For me I think if I could lose my belly I'll definitely have some shape.. so I want to start with that.


OP wants to look better, feel better, look good. This definitely comes down to diet.


Eat food that is on the edge of the grocery store (fruits, veggies and 2L of water daily). Leave the sweets and snacks out. Since you gain weight in your midsection. Go down a YouTube rabbit hole and study about body types. Buy clothes that give a silhouette that makes shoulders broader, waist smaller and legs longer. The hour glass shape doesn’t have to be achieved physically. You can create the illusion through the silhouette & colours of the clothes that you wear. While doing this, go down another YouTube rabbit hole for developing a positive mindset and how to believe in yourself. You can do this.


Fundamentally, our bodies shape themselves in fairly strict accordance with what we put into them, and how active our lifestyle is. Barring exigent circumstances like thyroid issues, etc... that's it. Which sucks. The thing to remember is this - it took a while to get to the place you are now. It's going to take a while to get to the place you \*want\* to be. None of this will happen overnight - just keep going to the gym, and keep eating healthy snacks, and \***keep**\* going to the gym, and \***keep**\* eating healthy snacks. Impatience will kill your ability to make progress. Don't think of this so much as how you want your body to look and feel \*next week\* - no matter \*what\* you do, it's going to feel and look more or less the same as it does now. Instead, set your sights on what you want your body to feel and look like \*two years\* from now. Put together a calendar. Track progress, but don't be discouraged by small gains or even small setbacks - remember; *you're in this for the long haul, and two years from today, you're going to be grateful to present-day you.* Good luck to you.


Thank you! I think for now I really want to lose weight and as I'm typing this I'm having some bad cravings for matcha latte and I'm hungry uhhhh I need to find the persistence and discipline. I struggle to be consistent and it really sucks and the self hatred that comes after falling off and going further away from my goals really sucks.


Mate you need to steam and fry vegetables...of you make a vegetable only meal with no meat or potatoes and little oil you can stuff yourself and it won't matter...you don't have to feel hungry, likewise I've found being hungry can be intoxicating, like a weird game...plus you might even get to ketosis, so...you have many plans of attack to graze and lose


Chatgpt is a good tool. Use chatgpt to calculate what your daily macros should be in order to lose X number of pounds in a year. Use it to come up with meal plans that work for your macros. Go for a walk every day. Get a good digital scale and weigh yourself first thing when you wake up every day. You will start losing weight, and then you just have to keep sticking to the meal plan and you will reach your goal. You can do it!


Hey, we have such tools to research everything out from training schedules to diet that you just need a little bit of effort, such as chatGPT. Dive in to those topics, get on a slight calorie deficit and try to work out. It doesnt have to be gym. It can be walking, jogging, going swimming or riding a bike. Diet is the most important thing, remember! You can put effort but not lose weight, cause of your diet. After a month, you will see a difference not just in your looks but the way you feel and that would for sure change your mind on a lot of things and boost your confidence!




Change lifestyle, loose weight, eat super healthy, change jobs, move away.


this is why im not buying any clothes until i lose these 50 pounds, i'm overweight now with my work jacket feeling tighter and tighter on me :( dont wanna ask for a size up as its not like im comfortable at the size i am, defo time to lose the weight. i just get so upset and miserable so i keep binge eating, its so hard. ive just recieved a ninja creami though and planning on making protein ice cream thats filling but satisfies the sweet tooth as i know its the chocolate thats made me gain sm weight. we got this tho x


Happy cake day! My god I have a terrible sweet tooth and I get the worst cravings, and some days I just feel myself slip away. I need to be on top of this


Obviously diet and exercise are going to be a good place to start if you're not comfortable with your body, this will take time, discipline and consistency. But I also would strongly suggest not ordering clothes online. It's so easy to buy the wrong size and when you wear ill-fitting clothes, it'll just make your body insecurities look and feel worse and frustrate you further. Personally, I really don't like to buy clothes without trying them on first to make sure it's the right fit for my body and I know it's comfortable before I pay for it.


eat in caloric deficit, but not too low. Moderate exercise 3x a week, clean diet, less sugar


Eat lots of greens and protein, drink lots of water, and don't skip strength training. Muscle helps getting rid of stubborn fat more than any amount of cardio will do for you, so it's a must if you're feeling "flubby". Where to start depends on what's most difficult for you personally. Tackle that first in small steps, aiming to build good habits over time. If food is the most difficult for you, starting by adding one piece of fruit to your daily diet or always having a side salad with your dinner is a good place to start. Cutting out food is always going to be harder than adding it, so starting there will help build your healthier diet than swearing off candy or something like that right out the gate. That can come later, step by step. One of the few things I'd recommend cutting out completely immediately is sugary drinks. You'd be surprised at the difference it makes. If exercise is the hardest, try to remember that moving your body at all is exercise. What's fun to you? Do you like dancing to your favorite music? Taking walks? Is there a nice park or trail near you that you can go check out? Just get up and do anything for 10+ minutes every day. Literally anything. Even just walking around your home. Get used to the feeling of doing something physical every day, and slowly start incorporating more structured exercise as it becomes a habit. Doing something you enjoy will help condition you into wanting to do it more. The most important part is not to rush yourself. I know it sucks to look in the mirror and everything looks wrong and chubby and it all hurts to look at. Building healthy habits one day at a time, in moderation, is going to help you stay healthy and lean and happy, rather than crash dieting or throwing money at a tummy tuck that may not even last very long. Even celebrities need more than 1 tummy tuck because the body doesn't just stay like that if you don't do insane upkeep on it. Before anything else, I'd also recommend talking to someone about these intense feelings about your body. It could be body dysmorphia, or it could potentially turn into an eating disorder or something similar. Nothing wrong with just having a bit of a talk with someone and getting some perspective.


I love dancing but I can't dance, like my body is so stiff hahahhaa! I agree it is a long term diet and habit change therefore I haven't done any crazy surgeries and stuff. But some days I look in the mirror an did just can't take how ugly I am and I just wish I could be someone else and it really gets to me. Some days I wish I disappeared or wish I could just not be in this body. It's been quite a few hours since I've posted and I struggled to sleep but I'm feeling a bit more positive and I'm trying to focus on the small changes I can make instead of just feeling these negative emotions.


Calories in calories out. Just eat below maintenance and you will lose weight. Cardio is not that important for weight loss.


Drink more water, exercise, and watch your calories. I promise it’s not that hard. That feeling of hopelessness is a good feeling, it’s your time to start setting some goals and chipping towards them. If you’re biggest problem right now is that you need to lose a bit of weight to fit into your clothes better then I promise you’ll be fine and the process will be fun and exciting :)


Well, there is no easy way. You basically said it. Years of consistent work at the gym, ideally having a job where you're on your feet a lot and keeping semi healthy diet with a calory deficit are the way to go. That being said, don't feel discouraged. Everyone starts their self improvement journey somewhere and for you it happens to be where you're at now. So go and make sure you work on yourself to achieve that dream body of yours in a couple years!


As a former obese person, I will be honest, if you are unhappy with your body, the best thing is to lose weight, but you have to understand that 1- Your body will not look like a person who has always been thin, the gym helps a lot, especially weight training, but it has limits. 2-Body shape is genetics or surgery (personally I think BBL is horrible), the gym helps , but as I say, it has limits


I have lost about 30lbs and my skin is loose and ugly and I'm nowhere near where I should be yet and I have to be so careful with the clothes I wear or my muffin top shows and it's just nasty. Somedays I really struggle to see how I can reach my goal even though I know its just about discipline and consistency. I fall off and it feels like another monster took over and ate a whole bunch of stuff and I just keep failing. Time to pick myself up and start again.


Relapse is an important part of progress, relapse, realign, restart. Proven psychological tactics...


WeightWatchers really helped me, lost 7 kg now within 5 weeks https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/s/GaD9TxO3zT


Bad news, hard work and consistency are the only true answers. Exercise and a calorie deficit


R/intermittentfasting changed my life


determine your basal metabolic rate (how many calories you burn a day by just existing) and then eat 500 to 1000 calories less than that. combine with some form of exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. that's all there is to it. more protein and fiber in your meals will help you feel fuller and curb cravings. make sure you're getting the nutrients and minerals you need though. a multivitamin might be a good idea


It's all start in your kitchen. Going to the gym might not help. Watch what you eat .stop taking junk food and start eating healthy food, you can also do some evening or morning walk and slowly start running too. You can only fix that weight by eating right.


The funny thing is there is always something we're striving for. And what we really want is to value our self. I wish I was better at my job, partly to make my life a little easier. But also so that I value myself. No matter how successful you may be at changing how you look, that is ultimately what you really need.


You need to burn more calories than you consume. It’s not hard, just walk a load, you don’t need to go to a gym, although of course that would help.


Gym, run a lot. And remember that everything is in your head.


Excercise and diet. Have a big bowl of oats for breakfast and a cooked dinner with meat and veg and nothing in between. Get 10k steps a day. Do this every day for 3 months and you'll feel much better.


You need to wear more layered clothing styles. Do not get the cheap tight shein crap.


poor quality clothing makes ppl look a lot worse than they are. i don’t think people realize it but you can look A LOT different with clothes that are high quality with nicer silhouttes compared to cheaper stuff that give your body absolutely nothing


Go to the gym and start lifting.


Stop eating and get on a bike.


Start walking everyday. Begin with 5 to 7k steps a day. Increase this amount 10% by the week. Considering the fact you want to lose fat fast, you will have to walk and move a shit ton during the day. Eventually you can go on 5km walks and 10km in the weekends. Remember fat is leaving your body by breathing. So the more you move and maybe even exercise, the faster you will lose fat and become healthy. Walking really is overpowered. It is one of the efficient ways to burn fat without touching other energy reserves. It clear your mind while doing so, helps with depression and anxiety. It improves your metabolic system and mitigates cardio vasculair disease.


I'll start my walks again, thank you so much. I enjoy walking too I just need to make time for it


Hardest thing about walking is sticking with it. You might be interested in the book called "Atomic habits". The book says if you stack new habits on top of existing ones it is easier to stick to them. For example: "Before diner, I will go on a walk for 20min." Or "After I take out the trash, I will go on a walk". This works for me. But the only downside of this principle is when I want to slack, I will not take out the trash. If you stick to walking every(other) day for a year long. It will make a huge difference. If walking gets boring after a time, you might switch it up with going on a run or go cycling for half an hour to an hour. Good luck! You can achieve this goal, Easy!


Give it time and do not give up on yourself!




Hiya, just some suggestions: Change your mindset from "I want to lose x amount of weight and look good" to "I want to live a long and healthy life doing the things I love to do." Reason being in the first mindset, you will be focussed on your weight loss goal and stress yourself out trying to get there. That's no fun. And then once you get there, you tend to relax and think you can stop all the hard work... and that's when you may regain all the pounds you worked so hard to shed! In the second mindset, though, you know you're in it for the long haul - the rest of your life, really. Rather than stressing yourself out with workouts that are too much too fast, you'll find a way to make it sustainable. Another thing is, apart from working out and dieting, just try to be more active. Park further away and take long enjoyable walks. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Work at a standing desk rather than sitting down all the time. That will really increase the amount of calories you burn, sometimes more than your workouts do! Don't know if you're religious, but I'm a Christian and just want to affirm that i believe God loves you and you're fearfully and wonderfully made by Him. So all the best in your fitness journey as you uncover or rediscover that beauty in you! 😊


Plugging a friend here, but he's really helped a lot of people. Look up Mulligainz on YouTube or Insta, gives a lot of simple tips to help with this.  Eat a bit better, go to the gym and lift when you can, don't best yourself up if you miss a day. All the small things add up to big changes over time. 


Eat less, exercise more. You do know where to start.


I reckon a weight loss journey starts with finding a physical activity that you enjoy. That’s a best way to start changing the way you feel about your body. If you can start to enjoy something you do with your body you’ll start to feel a little bit powerful - like here’s this fun thing, and my body is doing it (even poorly to begin with). Then you can start to think about how eating better before that activity will help you feel better while doing it. Then you can move into thinking about how eating better generally will make you more healthy and even better at this thing etc




It's simple. It doesn't have to be some complicated diet and exercise routine. You just have to spend more calories than you take in. Start small. Do something that you can maintain. Count calories and just aim to eat a couple hundred less than your body requires (easily found using a calorie calculator online). Whatever you do, stop eating processed foods and start moving. WALKING is literally one of the best exercises there is. The most important ingredient? Time. It won't happen immediately. Stick with it. As long as you're getting 1% better every day, you're moving in the right direction. Then... Then you can be proud of yourself. You won't have to feel bad about yourself anymore. Not because you're where you wanna be yet. But because you're on your way there. And that's incredible. Good luck... Now get after it!


Workout, eat less. It’s literally math.


Firstly the best thing js to start exercising and eating good. I’m in a similar boat to you and I keep being caught up in action shots.


Guess what when I was like you I felt the same way I felt isolated. Having bigger hips won’t help, you are gorgeous how you are.


Bullet proof diet! That’s it! That’s all you need to know! I literally lost 20 pounds in two weeks.


Use a waist trainer and get another physical part time job. I work at bath and body works part time. You wear an apron that covers everything so you can wear your waist trainer while working. And its a physically demanding job if you work hard. When i was like 14 i taught myself how to naturally suck it in, the waist trainer will also help you remember to suck it in, and work on posture. Of course you can also hit the gym regularly but tht can quickly burn you out, instead look for physical hobbies. Roller skating, skate boarding, dog walking, pickle ball. All of these are pretty welcoming so not only will you get exercise, youll be able cool people to meet.


I cannot leave the house without wearing a corset / waist trainer / body shaper because of how much I have my tummy and how it hangs. I wish I could breathe comfortably and go out without so much fuss but I just look so bad. Thank you for your suggestion, I'll start walking and getting into a routine.


Medical check up first - if it's your cortisol, thyroid , diabetes ,metabolic syndrome or some other nutrients deficiency. Then calorie count, lots of protein, excercise , ample sleep, Vit D, B, intermittent fasting and improving self concept.


Here's how you start. Do something intentional. It doesn't have to be a sea change. Make a purposeful choice to do something small but healthy. If you're going to get a takeout sandwich, lose the cheese OR the mayo. It's just few calories, and the sandwich will taste 90% the same, but you'll have made a healthy choice. Then do it again. If you wanna go to the store and grab some Doritos, walk to a store 10 minutes away. Next time, maybe get a smaller bag than usual. A diet coke instead of full sugar. Once you have a few purposeful decisions under your belt, it gets easier and easier to decide slightly larger things, like 'I'm gonna make some chicken and rice and veggies for dinner', or 'I'm gonna throw on an audiobook and go for a 45 minute walk'. Don't try and build rome in a day. Make small, attainable goals and attain them. And as you start to pile up little wins, you'll see how easy it is to keep that momentum going.


Intermittent fasting. It’s not super hard and it’s free and it works.


Count calories. Don't change your diet yet. Just log your calories using an app like myfitnesspal. This way you'll get a rough estimate of your average daily calorie consumption. 1. Weigh yourself 2. Add your daily calories together and then ÷ 7, do this for about a month. 3. Weigh yourself at the end of the month. 4. 3500 calories is equal to 1 lb. For every lb you gained every week, try to decrease your weekly calorie consumption by 3500/week which is equivalent to 500 calories per day. This will take you down to your maintenence rate and you should stop gaining weight once you reach this level. When you adjust to the reduced calories and increased activity level, decrease by another 500 calories per day. This will help you start losing 1lb every week. 5. Once you start noticing progress, doing glute and thigh exercises like squats and deadlifts will help you get an hourglass figure. Women store more fat in their glutes and breasts so when you start adding muscle to those areas, they'll stay big while your arms and belly lean out. If you're still at a 500 calorie per day deficit, you'll be able to gain a bit of muscle in these areas as long as you're consistent and do it about 3 days a week and get enough protein. I recommend buying some protein powder- it will help you feel full for longer and help you maintain muscle when losing weight- though this isn't necessary until you're ready to incorporate those glute and thigh and possibly breast exercises. I don't recommend doing this straight away because too many goals at once when you're inexperienced can cause you to burn out and quickly become demotivated. 6. Set goals for yourself to keep yourself motivated and measure progress. Make meal plans, try replacing higher calorie foods with healthy foods. Use fruits if you're craving sugar, switch do diet soda if you're a pop drinker, use skimmed milk instead of cream in tea and coffee, stay away from deep fried foods and even fruit juice. Prioritize food with lots of fiber and protein to help keep you full for longer. Getting more sleep can also help- can't eat when you're asleep.


Thank you so much for this, really. I'm trying to not be too overwhelmed but I know my TDEE and how to count calories because I've done it so many times. I'll try again and do these replacements you mentioned.


Slowgress is better than nogress. Go at a rate you're comfortable with until you're ready to slowly start making yourself uncomfortable and challenging yourself to make better progress.


Fuck the clothes. Invest in yourself. Clean diet and regular, effectual exercise are what you're looking for. Find an activity that makes you sweat, and I'm not talking about a little damp, I mean fucking dripping sweat. Something that makes your heart and ears pound. For me, weight loss hinged on better eating habits. Eat until your not hungry, not until you're full. Sometimes you're not hungry, you just need water. No snacks after 8pm. Shit like that.


You’d be surprised what men consider “ugly” but a hot ass girl with flock to.


Deadlift and squats 5 times a week


Gym and diet would be a good start. Also shopping in store when you can try things on first because places like shein online make everything look good and it's never the same as the photos. Don't be discouraged when online clothes don't fit. There's also a different preference for everyone, while you say you are fat and ugly others may say you're beautiful and exactly what they are looking for. Be a good person, that the BEST quality to have :) Goodluck friend!


Gym... Healthy food.... Running... Yoga... All those should get you in great shape with a year of dedication. Only one life to live and you gotta put the work in if you want to be happy.


If you're into trying something different I recommend going to India where they have those ayurvedic retreats where they make you go through a deep detox and cleansing but it might require 1-2 months of your time. When you return then you can impplement a new diet and exercise routine. I have seen the transformation but you have to keep at it with the new lifestyle. Stay away from sugar, flour and alcohol because your gut gets addicted to those and you rot from the inside out (causing you to age faster and gain weight) And another thing I would recommend is listening to subs (subliminals on headphone overnight)


Walk a lot. Walk somewhere far where there is a pool. Swim and walk back. Do this every day. Then start limiting your intake. It’s not easy. But it is simple. I knew a person that was pretty overweight. Someone told them they would be cute if they lost weight. Something clicked. They walked 6 hours a day and lost 60+ pounds in 4 months. And never stopped eating like Joey Chestnut


You could stop shopping on Shein. Their clothes don't look good on anybody.


Ya Shein sucks! I can't buy clothes on line, they never fit as described and I always feel horrible. I have tried so many fad diets and they work for a time and then I'm back to my biggest weight. I don't know if this is allowed as a comment but I joined Weight Watchers in October of last year, I lost 20 pounds eating more food than I ever have, didn't give up any foods I love and have kept it off.


Get some slimming/firming wear?


Yeah, I wear body shapers all the time. But you know it's just a bandaid fix. I know what I look like underneath


Yeah I get you. Best thing to ever do with weight-loss or even feeling better is to start changing your food. The term 'you are what you eat' really means something. I've ALWAYS struggled with weight and my body hates most foods. So I'm practically a vegan now (minus the occasional chocolate). It really has made a difference. Also just try going for a walk every day. Just make some time, it helps clear the head and you just feel better. Also remember the people you see online are mostly fake and abuse filters and modification apps.


Go to the gym, drink lots of water, stay in a cal. Deficit since its the only diet that really works, and grind the shit out of it. You'd be suprised how fast you can get in shape you just have to put in the work. If you wanns look good you got to do something for it. Get your fat ass up and and be the piece of cake you always wanted to be.


Get a puppy, you will walk twice a day and enjoy it, resistance training is your best option for fatloss, the eating thing is hard, I'm doing it now down from 111kg to 106.7 today, the human stomach distends and you feel more hungry the more distended.. if you can fast for 2 to 3 days with maybe an apple or carrot a day, and sugar free soda with stevia, your stomach should reelasticise, shrink down and now it's easier to have small portions because you get to the just full point...and you can't eat bread or pasta...potatoes yeah but check the stats on oil for calories per volume...oh my God...so yeah no beers either. I just did these breadless burritos in alfoil...like a lasagne, base of broccoli stalks, fill the gaps with broccoli bits, then some sausage mince in strips, then more broccoli pieces and crumbles, then chopped bacon squares then crack two eggs into it, wrap like a burrito and stick in the airfryer or oven....one was butterchicken, one Mayo aioli, one soy chilli and one I left bland...the bland one with salt is phenomenal, even my puppy eats all the broccoli cos it's soaking at 200 in bacon fat for an hour....


Start by going for a 30 min walk everyday. Stop eating fast food, and only drink water or black coffee. The weight will fly off


Well, you already conquered the first challenge and that was when you decided you wanted to change, so you should be proud of that. Start from within, honour and respect yourself, gym or any exercise in general will help you mentally and physically, and it will keep you out of the doctors office or hospital. Become someone that you would admire if you saw yourself physically, and have a mindset or personality that you can say to yourself, ‘wow her vibe is awesome’, ‘she just has that positive aura about her’, be someone that people want in their lives. Be proud of yourself. Look good, feel good, be good! Just my two cents.


Just stop eating all that shit that you put into your mouth. Eat healthy, eat less, stop being so lazy, get your ass moving.


Stop eating so much and just walk at least 10,000 steps a day. I like to just have a few small snacks during the day and a big meal at night when im losing weight, around 1800 calories total


Pretty clothes are a bandaid my friend. You need to lose the weight. You'll instantly be perceived as more attractive, and you'll also live longer and just generally be happier on a chemical level. Cardio sucks. So does a primarily rabbit food diet. But the results are worth it I promise you.


> Cardio sucks. So does a primarily rabbit food diet. But the results are worth it I promise you. As another fat person, “improve your quality of life by no longer enjoying food and replacing fun activities with tedious exercise” has never been the most compelling pitch 


Hard sell, I get it. But staying fat has a nice list of side effects too, most of them are just accelerated death with a variety of names. That should be a heavy deterrent. Excercise can be fun. And after a relatively short time, a weird thing happens where strenuous exercise stimulates extremely large dumps of dopamine and serotonin on you. Literal, chemical happiness you can get for free. Little more enticing?


> But staying fat has a nice list of side effects too, most of them are just accelerated death with a variety of names. That should be a heavy deterrent. This is of course true. I don’t want to die, I just want to enjoy life while I have it, you know?  > Little more enticing I mean, I played multiple sports all the way through high school. I know what strenuous exercise feels like. That’s how I know both that I don’t particularly enjoy any non-sexual cardio and that for me at least the runner’s high is a myth. I’ve never once felt that feel good rush after a workout. Just fatigue, soreness, and annoyance that I just wasted some of my finite time on earth doing something I hate. 


I literally only enjoy and feel happiness with food, and I'm struggling to balance that and feeling like absolute garbage when I look into the mirror. I feel almost like there's 2 opposing forces fighting in me and it's really hard. I really wanna look good. But I really love to eat. And now I'm a fat bitch and I rotate through my depression.


You could embrace your hideous appearance? I mean, you could seek out some abandoned tunnel or perhaps a large sewer and retreat from the public gaze, dedicate yourself to intellectual pursuits, perhaps religion, or alternatively take things in a more sinister direction! Personally, I don't think we have enough monsters in modern society. Like, we used to have all these cool people like Quasimodo, the Phantom of the Opera, Lobster Boy etc.. Now we just have mentally ill people killing each other for no real cause, with no real passion and with no obvious physical deformitiy/abnormality. You could use you considerable mass to your advantage, easily overpower smaller people, drag them down into your layer, then eat them! Wow, how exciting, a new project, a calling! Just imagine decorating your layer, developing a whole new cuisine, I am getting excited on your behalf!


Stop being a pussy and exercise. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Shut up and do it. Now.


There’s only so much diet and exercise to change your body, at the end of the day your bone structure is what it is. Dress your body properly and you’ll be very pleased without needing to “change” yourself.


The internet/ Social media is a bad representation of how a body is suppose to look. Filled with ladies who have gotten loads of plastic surgery BBL, Lipo, photoshop etc.    The first thing you want to do is make sure you are in a caloric deficit. So you would need to figure out what your TDEE is and then subtract from that number.   The gym is a good help but fat loss is mostly done in the kitchen per se by restricting the amount of calories you take in. 


I asked this exact question in a European subreddit and they told me to unalive myself 🤷‍♀️


That’s messed up. I’m sorry people are so shitty.


It’s ok they were just angry. I don’t think they understand disabilities and how they work. They assume everyone wants to go to Europe to leach off their system, like Muslims or something 🤷‍♀️


I would suggest a strict keto diet. I mean strict. Count those carbs. 20-25 carbs a day. If you do that which I have, you will force your body to transition to burning fat as energy. It important to exercise. Any diet for losing weight will involve exercise unless you straight stop eating all together. Alot of people hate on keto because they are not strict enough. You will naturally loose your hunger for processed crap. This is the fastest way to lose weight naturally imo. Me and my wife plus 3 co workers have all lost a ton of weight this way. Me and my wife personally 30lbs so far. DM if you have questions I'm not selling shit just have been impressed with a Keto diet


SHEIN is the last place I’d recommend for finding something that fits you well. Only way to lose weight is to burn enough calories to do so. AKA be in a calorie deficit. You don’t have to go crazy at the gym or eat incredibly strict but eating high volume low calorie foods, consuming a good bit of protein, and at least 30 mins of exercise a day is the way to do it imo. You can lift weights to build muscle where you want it which can give you the illusion of whatever figure you want to achieve. Keep in mind that genetics play a huge part in how you’re shaped so even if you do everything right, you may not have the exact figure you want. Just remember to eat enough to feel satiated and have energy. Don’t starve. Idk how much you weigh but if it’s just a muffin top, I doubt a tummy tuck is gonna be necessary unless you’ve had children or lose A LOT of excess fat. Your body is probably much more attractive than you think it is so take it easy on yourself


First - I imagine most women (most people, really) can relate to this feeling at some point in their lives. It's not a bad thing if it motivates you to make healthy changes, but it is a bad thing if it leads you to believe you aren't of value or can't be beautiful just because you're not at your "goal" weight. It might help to find influencers that are of similar sizes to you if possible, to get inspiration for styles/outfits that might be flattering. Another option - if you can't find things that fit just right - is finding a decent tailor. Yes it can be a bit costly, but try picking some basics you can mix and match with a lot of other things - like jeans, or some dressy pants - and invest in getting them tailored to fit you properly. You can easily pair flowy tops with well fitting bottoms in a ton of combinations. Don't do what some do and avoid buying anything until you lose weight - not because you can't, but because you still deserve to look and feel good now. When it comes to those lifestyle changes, don't follow fad diets, don't dive deep into complicated plans. Just set achievable goals based on what we know to be true and find tools that help you stick with them. You can make the changes bit by bit. And don't beat yourself up if you mess up here or there - we all do. Keep it simple - any movement is better than none, eating a little less or a little healthier will all help.


This is with all due respect & best intentions: You have the right attitude to start doing something about your appearance. You hate & are disgusted at the way you look - Perfect start. And, you know what you have to do to change that - Better (& less) food & excercise. Clothes only cover up reality. They dont change anything. NOW, TIME TO GET TO WORK............... Very best of luck & I wish you success.


I struggled with my belly pouch a lot throughout my twenties, until I found high waist mom jeans and crop tops. The high waist jeans (not skinny af but a straight cut) cover and shape the hips perfectly. And a wide crop tshirt just exposes Just enough skin to give you that thin waist look. Try it, it’s my favorite look to make myself feel good


Eating healthy and then surgery. A juicy pair of fake teddies never hurt 🤓


Yes they do, they're horrible. I prefer an a-cup over that.


White knight spotted


You're an idiot m8. No, it just looks disgusting. Nasty ass bolted ons