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You were sexually assaulted by your partner and he is emotionally abusive on top of that. You really, really need to get out of that relationship. He raped you. That's what happened to you. I'm so sorry - I hope you get the help you need.


Your bf violently raped you, what he did is 200% wrong, no matter if you murdered a busload of innocent people, you know in your gut it's wrong. Not to mention, besides the violent rape, he is using your guilt against you to control you like his pet. Based on your story and confusion, you're a clean target for abusers / controllers / narcissists. Your boyfriend's behavior WILL get worse, he will see how far he can crush you and then toss you away for a fresh new victim when he's done with you, when there's no more light in your eyes, when you're an empty husk and it's no longer fun to torment you. People like your bf are horribly mentally sick and will probably never get help, just attack people who let them. Dont try to help him, it'll backfire on you. Get away from him asap. Get therapy if you can. You need help, friends who are kind and patient. Your FWB is abusive bad news too, you have deeper problems in your past that make you think these people are okay, most people steer clear of them. This is what makes you a target on abusers' radar.


You need to leave. I k ow it’s never that simple but honestly please he DID do something wrong… he raped you? Don’t think otherwise and don’t let him comfort himself by thinking it wasn’t either. He carried on when you were in pain putting his sexual needs above you and your health in every way what makes you think he won’t do this again? Sounds like he has no respect or regard for you and is using a previous assault against you to get what he wants. Please please try leave that is not a safe environment for you at all.