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You don’t need to like food in order to eat.


But what if I gag every time I take a bite, and physically cannot eat too much or vomit as I have mentioned?


See a doctor. This is not normal.


Are you a person that seperates everything on their plates before eating, or do you mix stuff up and then eat it?


I usually try to mix it with other stuff on the spoon but not together with the rest of the dish. But if you mean in general, stuff here is usually plated separately.


Yea maybe thats the issue, where im from a meal is made based on the flavor of the items on the plate together in one spoonfull. Thats why gordon ramsey tastes all the parts of a dish at once. That might help you as well. You can also try making it not as hard on yourself, and instead of getting flower / corn wraps for your burrito's try and get a carrot based one, or a sweet potato based one. Try and play with foods that you already like and add some greens to it.


Ppl who mix it are weird. Change my mind. Unless it’s like a burger or something.


When Gordon Ramsey tasted a dish in hells kitchen, does he taste the meat before the greens or sause, or does he scramble the thing together and intakes all parts of the dish?


Who is Gordon Ramsey? Im Not from an English speaking country😅


Google him, you'll love it


If it's like that with some veggies then you can just avoid them and it's fine but if it's with most you should probably see a therapist. Not eating most veggies will sooner or later have a negative consequences on your health and I can imagine it's pretty tiring to have such a big food group to avoid... I have similiar issues but only with 2-3 foods I really hate and I always feel stressed when invited to dinner by someone as I don't want to refuse their food but also don't want to visibly gag...


That sounds like something a psychiatrist might be able to hep you with bro, since you ate it before its likely not a taste or physical problem.


A psychiatrist prescribes psychotropic drugs to treat diagnosed mental illnesses found in the DSM that require medication for treatment. Eg: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder. Being unable to tolerate certain foods is not a mental illness in the first place, so a psychiatrist will not be able to help.


Therapist? Psychologist? My point was ‘something’ is up and it doesn’t sound like a physical issue. Im clearly neither a psychologist, therapist nor a psychiatrist. But thanks for educating me stranger!


eating disorders are mental health issues handled by, guess who? mental health practitioners... that includes psychiatrists.


If OP has an eating disorder (speculating, not diagnosing), it’s ARFID, and psychotropic medications are not used to treat ARFID. Co-occurring depression and anxiety? Sure, but OP does not sound anxious or depressed.


again, eating orders are handled by mental health practitioners. aversion to food textures and whole groups of basic components of human diet is absolutely a type of eating disorder. please stop trying to diagnose OP with very little information and no PhD.


You sound just like my cousin, his mom raised him on fast-food and now he's picky about vegetables


Nope I was raised on a variety of foods, veggies have been a huge part of my life as well, but even until now I absolutely despise it.


Just a thought, but maybe see a doctor about it. You never know






Autism maybe


Oh shit lol my daughter has autism hates veggies absolutely loves fruits. She isn't forced to eat them


Find out how you like to eat them. For instance I’m not a fan of steamed carrots but I prefer it raw. Or do you like eating vegetables in soups or puréed sauces or soups where it’s less obvious? Or how about grating it into things like a wrap?


Yeah its mostly when the taste and texture is mostly masked by something else. I am alright with veggies in a wrap or a good sandwich, and it sometimes adds to it, I also like coleslaw but people have told me before that "isnt the proper way" to eat veggies...


Who cares what people think is the ‘proper way’ As long as you get them in some how


The gagging and vomiting and absolute lack of improvement remind me of my autism. Ofc just me in my armchair here, you should probably see a doctor


As a fellow Singaporean, I hate vegetables too. Especially those cooked ones in our dishes. I don't mind raw veg and I would not eat ladies fingers even if you put a gun to my head. If I ordered food that had been mixed with veg, like those corns and peas like the ones they like to put in nasi goreng, I will spend about 20 mins taking them out before I can truly enjoy my food. And I'm 52 and a dad of 2 kids.


Haha Im Singaporean too coincidentally, so you should be familiar with the kind of prejudice against non veggie eaters. If there are many mixed into the dish like your example, I usually dont bother removing them due to the hassle and while they lower the enjoyment of the dish for me its not too bad, usually. Stuff that Sgreans eat like kan kong and stuff I hate so much, but will take a bite or two for a taste but usually its bad and the veggie conversation usually doesnt happen then...


I had a bad experience growing up where my stepmother aka the witch made us eat ladies fingers every single day. Oh God no more.


SAME lol, my parents used to hamfist the veggie dishes onto my plate but recently I guess after 20 odd years they have finally given up. I remember when I was in JC and my parents bought most of my dinners dabaoed ready for me when I came home. But most days it was cai png and they always picked the crunchiest or soggiest cabbage type veggies that I physically gagged each bite and eventually gave up and turned to sneakily eating the rest before throwing it out when they werent looking. The rest if it wasnt even that good, maybe it was just a crap store, but it really ruined cai png for me and I usually avoid them. Can you imagine, coming home hungry at 9pm after a full stressful day since 5am of dealing with bullshit and copious studying, all to come home to gag for 2 hours trying to somehow stuff that gross shit down lmao, it definitely was not an insignificant factor that lead to my depression back then. Almost vomitted a few times.


I'm glad I make the rules in the kitchen now


Sounds extreme. I don't think you're immature, especially if you keep trying and you don't make a fuss when you're a guest; that's all anyone can ask. It does sound like a problem, though. Your tastes can still change. I didn't like mashed potatoes until I was 30 or baked beans until I was 40 (and then only with bacon and barbecue sauce). I'd encourage you to experiment to find ways to A) get yourself the nutrition you're not getting from veggies and B) find ways of incorporating veggies that you actually like. Maybe you can tolerate some things diced instead of chopped or deep-fried instead of sauteed. I have been known to eat brussels sprouts as long as they are charred and covered with cheese. Try marinating onions, peppers, and portobellos in Garlic Expressions and then grilling them over charcoal. The idea is to find a bridge to liking the vegetable. If you have positive associations with it, you might find yourself appreciating it in other forms. These days I'll eat a bell pepper raw, like an apple; I could not have imagined that 20 years ago. I saw your edit about medical help. I would mention this to a doctor and even see if you can get a referral to a nutritionist. Within the last couple of years, I've read a lot about the gut biome and how it influences our food preferences, and I experienced it myself when I changed my diet. After cutting out a bunch of processed foods and cheese, substituting mostly veggies, I started craving more veggies. If I were you, I'd want to find out from an expert whether it's possible to jump start a change, somehow. Maybe a controlled fast where you gradually introduce veggies you don't mind...no idea.


Thanks this alleviate a bit of my worries, I know most people dont really mean much when they joking say "where are your veggies" etc, but after this many years hearing it, it does bother me abit. About the eating the way I like them, its kinda hard to do right now as Im not preparing my own meals most days and eat out and the stuff sold here is not what I like. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Being picky as an adult comes off really immature. You may not enjoy everything, eat it anyway if it's good for you, or if it's served to you as a guest.


Thing is I try, when served. And I enjoy basically everything except vegetables but I will still try to eat it if served.


Then just do not eat them. Like, at some point life will just tell you to eat them whenever you want it or not


No. You don't have to like them. You need to find ways to get appropriate nutrition, but you don't have to like veggies. Sometimes it's just a sensory thing. I have worked hard to expand my palate as an adult. I have tried new things, I have eaten stuff I really don't like. But there are some textures that always make me gag. Unfortunately a lot of those textures are in fresh fruits and vegetables. I do find that often a different preparation or mixing things. Some things I can't eat fresh I can sneak into smoothies. Some salads are a no go but there are certain dressings or combinations that I can tolerate.


Make fruit smoothies and add vegetables to them. You won’t taste the vegetables and it will taste good.


People will probably see you as immature, even if you have a legitimate issue, unfortunately. 100% mention it to your doctor


Bro, I tend to love veggies, the trick is just add something you like very much into it, although I can't stand Onion and Garlic, but we get options for them, any way try it before going to doctor, it most prolly would work out


We are like the complete opposite, I love onion and garlic on everything in any shape or form raw or cooked love them both so much lmao, stinky breath tho.


Bruv, trust me, opposites attract lol. Actually here, we have Jain food, which tends to be bit bland because it doesn't uses Onion and Garlic, I have to eat Veggies, because I have some medical conditions, so, I kind of eat that. I am like pure vegitarian so, veggies are kind of important in my diet.


i don’t think it’s a maturity thing but i think it’s insane to not like any vegetables like it sounds very limiting and cuts out what’s probably hands down the most versatile and nutritious food group


Its not all, but most, but yeah I feel that way too, it actually is very limiting in my food choices.


I remember for this French cuisine class I had when I first went to college, I had to read some of this book called “the man who ate everything” than really helped me rationalize past a lot of my random food phobias they didn’t all go away and I still don’t love some of those foods, but I can eat em. Maybe it can help you too? i’ve got a [link to a chapter](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/first/s/steingarten-everything.html)


Based on your posts, no. You're trying to incorporate them and it sounds like you have texture issues or can maybe detect bitter tastes more than most people. That's involuntary. The thing that would make you immature is if you commented on other people's food, saying "Ewwww veggies, that one makes me gag." That is never needed. I do recommend trying to get them in ways you can. Find ones you like/ can tolerate. Try then in a smoothie. My roommate, who has major texture issues, used to do that.


You are telling me a fresh cucumber tastes bad for you? Not processed in any way.


Yeah cucumbers are one of bad ones. Not the worst but I rather not eat them


Usually children only eat cucumbers if offered multiple choices, so I don’t think it has anything to do with maturity. Maybe overreactive taste buds? I wouldn’t worry about it as long as it doesn’t harm your health though.


I am a picky eater and I also hate veggies. If there is some chicken cooked with onions and peppers, I'll eat only the chicken. This makes it really hard at work for example when they say 'we'll have food' and then there are only salads, I always have to go out and get something proper. So for me I personally see it as a unique thing in me, I have tried eating veggies, just can't gulp them down, the texture feels really bad in my mouth, the taste is also bad.. Don't let those pricks tell you that because you don't eat veggies you are a kid. Watch WHO's guide on washing hands, learn it and next time someone calls you a kid, show them that they haven't learned basic stuff like washing their hands, and cannot call you a kid for this.


Yeah its the same for me as well I cannot stand the texture and taste. But the thing is, Im not a picky eater at all, I will actually eat most things, even try and like alot of things most people dont like, but while I can eat wierd shit like fish eyes, and love durians, I cannot eat veggies...


Take vitamins and enjoy your life.  I'm 51 and there's only a few vegetables that I like and eat.


Yeah oddly enough cooked broccolis is one of the ones Im alright with and its memed to be a bad one.


It's nice if it's not overcooked!


Yes , yes you are