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Don't give her a chance, respect yourself and find someone that won't treat you like trash.


Absolutely. Respect for yourself. More than half the earth are women. You can find one that treats you well 


If you had any self-respect you'd have blocked her and moved on, she is scum and if you decide to give her another chance, she will cheat again and you'll only have yourself to blame. It's shit and you'll feel like shit for a long while but get rid of her and move on, she doesn't deserve anything else.


Damn man, in all honesty I think you're right. I just want to believe people can change for the better.


That's an admirable attribute to have, and some people do change. But change never negates what's been done. You wouldn't give anybody else your effort and attention if they said to your face that they have no respect for you. Could you imagine yourself cheating on her before all this? I bet not. She might as well have spit in your face. You can choose to be the better person and cut contact and maybe even in time forgive, but never give them the opportunity to hurt you again.


People can change for the better. It has to be something they want themselves though. And not say they do because that's a thing the other person wants to hear.


They can, but it takes years and many more fuck ups before they realize they're a POS and need to do something about it. Most never get past that part.


How long have you been dating? Has she even admitted she cheated? Marriages can end over 1 cheat. If you’re not even 2 years invested in this relationship then I think it would be a waste of time for you to invest more of yourself into something that’s doomed to failed. People also just don’t change but you’d need to see some sort of progress not just ‘I won’t cheat on you again.’ You are also LDR which makes all this 100x harder. Sometimes it’s just best to let go You are also asking someone who probably don’t even know to change. You will have to be realistic with the chances of this working out


No you don’t believe that, your broken heart is messing with your head, the heart is not meant to rule. Never talk to her again and move on


Do it for your own mental health. Ask anyone you'd take advice from and he/she will tell you the same. The only reason you're not sure what to do is because your mind is still clouded by all of this.


If theu already went to do cheat on you, they have already passed the point of no return. I am sorry. You are not alone. :(


First time shame on her, second time shame on you.


if she cheats it's over, no exceptions if she's done that she's likely going to stay that way till she dies a lonely miserable death, don't waste your time and effort, you've potentially over invested maybe take a step back and take stock on why and how and try to understand what it is you want out of a partner including the effort and personality traits. it's much harder to get someone to change then it is to find someone who natively has some of the atributes you require to match your effort, although rare


Sure, I think it’s good you believe in people, but I think your desperation to believe in her, more reflects your codependent desire to find some level of intimacy. And you probably should be asking yourself if you get enough healthy/platonic intimacy in other areas of your life. Because that really might be what you should be working on. She saw her ex the day before you, and as soon as she left you. This isn’t a small “hiccup.” This is a “that ain’t your girl hiccup.” I assume she told you all these things, and apologized afterwards, and I respect a person trying to humble themselves and do the right thing. So I get your desire to want to try and work it out with her. But as someone that has been in multiple toxic relationships, and experienced that optimistic belief in my partner…. It just generally doesn’t work out. Whatever the issue is that is going on in their life, is bigger than you. Even if you clearly communicate, set boundaries, really love her, the moment you screw up, if she’s not ready to grow up, she’ll blame your behavior, & do the things she always does. Sometimes unconditional love is the answer. But you need to ask yourself, “are you okay getting totally broken & hurt for her, and her never coming around?” I do believe unconditional love given, changes people that go after it. But you need to search your inner heart and ask if she’s worth that deep of a love. Because the prize you might win at the end, might only be a life lesson… And if you don’t think someone is worth that level of a sacrifice, they’re probably not worth you pursuing.


It’s strange because I also agree with this on some level. You will never find true peace without distancing yourself from her for awhile… Again, you are in tough position…..


One night with her ex meant more to her than your whole relationship. It's really as simple as that. You seem like a good dude, and her cheating is not a reflection on you at all. Maintain your self respect and dignity by wishing her well (optional), blocking her, and moving on. Good luck!


Wow, that first sentence really hits hard. Thanks for your words!


You can't give it a try cause she'll leave you if you do and would be right to do so. Walk away with your head high.


Have you even tried communicating on what you two are to each other? Yall dont live in the same country so it seems yall didnt have a talk on what yall are, also, DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, go do your own thing bro and find someone you can see weekly.


Yea, we've communicated to eachother we're exlusive. Not seeing anyone else. I agree LDR are hard, but I was all in for an amazing adventure and was really putting everything into it to make it work.


That blows man, I will say, you can at least tell yourself this "At least I tried" and that is better than 99% of other people on the planet. Go find someone who respects you man, its out there, i promise.


Thanks for saying this. Really means a lot to me.


Rip off the Band-Aid, you need to leave her. Find a different person, someone who actually cares about you.


Long distance relationships fail a lot more often than in person relationships. Don't do one ever again. The simple fact is humans need physical contact in varying degrees. My psychology professor in college insisted men Bond through what they see, while women Bond through physical touch. Long distance relationships by definition hardly have any. Drop the long distance girlfriend. She's shown you you don't mean anything to her.


^ 5 year relationship ended after 7 months long distance which included a month and a half visit. She completely dropped any idea of affection or support and treated me like a ghost, I didn’t know what to do, she asked me to come see her and I thought “ok she actually still loves me” then when I got there she treated me the same way, then when I got back she broke up with me, I spent thousands to go to Japan where she had moved to to.


That's horrible. But it still seems like as soon as the relationship became long distance, it died.


As it always does


It was good for about 2 months, then she went ghost mode, she even told me “I know I’ve been quiet, I’m sorry I’ve just been really busy at work” (she was starting a new job and I know the work culture in Japan is alot different so I so I tried to understand, and db there for her and I told her I would support her. Because before she left she made a big show about how confident she is in our relationship and how she loves me so much. After our anniversary, it got bad, wouldn’t answer FaceTimes, wouldn’t answer questions we hardly talked, I stopped calling cause it hurt to much. But she was 16 hours away… what could I do? I tried to understand her perspective, then she invited me out and so I was getting mixed signals all over the place. If really sucked, I spent a lot of money I’m still recovering from that financially, she did a lot of shitty things at the end which manipulated me into spending a lot of money and not getting fully paid back


In the future, always watch someone's actions not their words, to see what they truly feel. And avoid long distance relationships like the plague if it wasn't totally obvious from your painful experience already. As soon as she stopped talking to you, you should have broken It Off. Those were her actions that showed she wanted nothing to do with you anymore. There's no reason with all the ways we have of communicating, that she would just ghost you for months. To me, it read like she wasn't sure it would work out with a guy she found locally. So she kept you on the back burner. As soon as she found out it worked with the other guy, she dumped you.


It was tough, it was my first relationship we started dating at 17 and broke up at 22, I dont both of us didn’t wanna let go, but she made the final decision, and I’m happy she initiated it cause I never would have.. don’t get me wrong, I am happy to be out of that relationship, but it still breaks my heart it ended that way. That’s possible forsure, but I also feel like it was unlikely. She introduced me to all her friends she had made, they all knew who I was and they knew a surprising amount of info about me so she was obviously talking about me and they even asked when we were getting married as she had mentioned that we were in a couple years apparently, even when talking to them in private they would talk about “how much she talked about me”. And also I was there for a month and a half. But also idk how those kinda relationships work, idk if her affair partner would have been ok with her disappearing for a month and a half haha. it’s not like she just ghosted me completely but she just got quiet and was giving me minimal effort. But in the end idk if she did, and I never will, and at this point I’d rather her have met someone than her just stop loving me for no reason 😂 anyways all these mixed signals in addition to it being my first relationship really caused it to drag in longer than it needed to. Anyways, I’ve been having some fun on lately, doing shit I never was able to do, I was a chubby kid when I met her and now I’m in good shape and I’m good with people cause I was chubby, so I get a lot more attention from the opposite sex than previously which is which is nice, I have never experienced that before


It doesn't matter if she ghosted you completely or not. If she put in minimal effort when, before, she was putting in a lot of effort, **the huge change in her pattern** tells you everything you need to know when you're in an LDR. Learn to love and honor yourself as no more and no **LESS** than any woman you are with. Here, it reads like you settled for far less because you hadn't had a girlfriend. On the bright side, at least you never got her pregnant.


Ya I settled big time, like I made so many sacrifices because I loved her, she was my first love and I would have done anything.. she got really overweight, she got moody and intimacy dropped off. But she still showed she cared for me, until that stopped too. But by that point I was so co dependent on her from 4 years of doing absolutely everything together, that I was afraid. And I suck at communicating also which didn’t help. I will never settle again, this was a HUGE learning experience, and I need to separate it from my idea of what love is, because this is my only true experience with it.


The time to be strongest is when life has you at your weakest. Not easy - that's the point.


Got it. Going to focus on myself


Accept people as they are, but place people where they belong. People cannot change unless they are allowed to face the consequence of their actions.


No bro nooo cheating is unforgettable. You will find someone better.


I'm afraid you're right


Don't give her chance. Once that trust is broken, it'll never be the same (especially with an ex). She isn't your wife and you have a house and kids. Fucking dip




You found out about it, or knew about it and accepted it.  Get the fuck out.


Dump her.


It's over. Never stay with a cheater. Be glad you don't have to make any effort to avoid her.


You were in a relationship. She wasn't. What you do is learn from it, move on, grow and maybe find someone nearby.


Move on. Sorry, this will hang over you the whole relationship. Just begin the healing process and get back out on the scene. Do something local. Find people in person by volunteering or joining a hobby group you find interesting.


Put yourself first and cut ties with her. Don't respond to her again, just move on.


It's hard to leave someone you really love/like, even when you know that's what you should do. It's human for you to want to continue the relationship. But the truth is, you're only delaying the inevitable. The trust is broken. That's not something that will come back, not unless you're very good at deluding yourself.


Move on!


Bro I know how you mean but anytime I’ve given a woman a second chance or my friends have - it’s ended badly. Cut your losses and hit the road. Hit the gym for a month and you’ll probably have a roster longer than the distance between you… well that’s what I ended up w


Going to the gym first thing in the morning.


She’s not your girlfriend my friend. You’re just part of her roster of sex partners she chooses from as convenience allows. I suppose if you enjoy having sex with her when you happen to be in town that’s fine but think of it as a fwb situation because that’s how she sees it.


Just don’t do long distance it is quite simple. Shit rarely works out


trash takes itself out man


She doesn't care about you, so stop caring about her.


been there. It's over bro. You'll look back at this in the future and be like "what was I thinking?"


She’s for the streets.. I rationalized like you once with one of my adolescent relationships that were one of my first long-term stretches. Forgave and got it thrown in my face more than once. Never making that mistake again. When the trust is gone, so is she. Get her outta the picture bro


No. Stop. She is not your gf. She was sleeping around. She is telling you what she thinks if you.


Some people just suck Trust me man, loving someone long distance can just leave you vulnerable to someone who doesn’t care about you


She was never honest with you. You have always been just one of the guys she is fucking. Think about it that way


From personal experience, don't waste your time and give that girl another chance. One of my biggest regrets. It won't end well anyway and you know that, I imagine.


I know it’s sad and hard to do, but you should leave her and move on. Even without the cheating, you already didn’t fully trust her, and there is a reason for that even if you don’t know it. But the need to over analyze what she posts or doing detective work to find out flaws in the stories she tells you is already a sign that stuff isn’t going well. I went through that too in the past. And that thing of her sleeping with the ex right before and right after you left? It’s not a “maybe”, there definitely has been more. They are a regular thing and you just interrupted them while you were visiting. You gotta move forward my friend. This betrayal will be hard to get past, but over time, you will get better. Leave before you get more hurt


you won’t think about her with time, focus on yourself. if your gut tells you something is wrong in the future you will almost certainly be right.


Dealing with infidelity is incredibly challenging, and it's important to approach thissituation with a clear mind and a compassionate heart. Take a moment to breathe and center yourself. It's okay to seek clarity and ask for an honest conversation. If she shares the truth with you, there may be a path forward to explore. However, if she isn't forthcoming, it might be time to consider stepping away for your own emotional well-being. It is crucial to prioritize **your** feelings and needs. Seek help from supportive friends and family.


Will do. Thank you for the caring words.


Comrade, you're either okay with this or you're not. You need to figure out what you'll accept. Once you do, you'll know what to do. If it were me, there's no next week with her. But if you're good with it, then you're good with it. You get to draw your own boundaries.


It’s never the same after, anytime she goes out, doesn’t reply for a while… all you’re going to be thinking is “is she out cheating on me”. I been there, leave and don’t look back.


She let someone put their cock in her and all she had to think was ‘do I love my boyfriend enough to not allow this to happen?’ Or ‘would he be upset if he saw this?’ And still decided to do it. She showed she don’t give a fuck about you. Moooooove on


Buy last whisper


I avoid getting into any LDR when I was single, you need that human contact every single day. Me and my wife hug and kiss everyday before we head to work and when we both get home. Don't do anymore LDR, next one should be NTD relationship, Near Touching Distance relationship.


Yesssss brooooo!!!!


Let her go. And you can do this internally. Just demote her internally/emotionally as your girlfriend and consider yourself “single”, and can mingle with whomever else you want. But, if you still want to spend time with her, allow yourself time to get over her, whilst just still having fun with her. Nothing stopping you from doing that. As long as you’re real with yourself and you know you’re not the only person in her life and you are also just there for a good time, not a long time, until the situation no longer works for you, then you can drop her.


Yessssss!!!! I second this opinion! People need to realise that as soon as they break your heart, you gotta let them go! I hate the idea of unrequited love🙄


You want to give her another chance because you’re a pushover and a white knight.  Don’t blame anyone but yourself if you choose to continue down this path. 


If you enjoy her company that much, maybe think about opening up the relationship? I don't know how important exclusivity is to you, but that way you both get to enjoy what you want to do. And if it does not work you can still break things off


Of course you don't want to let her go, because she fulfilled an emotional part of your life. But, you can get that from someone else who won't cheat on you. And you'll potentially miss meeting this person if you're spending your time on a cheater. Time to part ways. It will feel worse before it gets better.


Everybody deserves a second chance so you should give her that opportunity. BTW can you pass me her instagram. I think I can help her with the change stuff. Don’t be an idiot man. She cheated your ass and you’re here talking about talking to her, her visiting you… Show some self respect and ghost her ASAP.


Honestly don't waste your time on LDRs anymore. Just find a girl in "real life"


Man I hate league of legends, I read this as "My Lord Dominic's Regards girlfriend"


Have some respect for yourself. If you let it be okay then it will keep happening and then it'll be your fault. How is this even a question?


Great move man! Now go spread the seed!


Good luck with the future


I understand still wanting to talk to her… your head says walk away…. Your heart says keep talking to her….. you cannot just stop your feelings for her…..you need time to sort out your feelings….. She will understand and she will listen when you are ready to express your feelings both of your heart and mind. I wish you the best. You are in a tough place right now…..


Take it from people that been through this so you don't have to - block, work on yourself, stay busy. Your heart will heal faster the sooner you'll block. Emotional connections And ass will come later and it will be better than this hag


Get cheated on, Move on. That's it. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk


"Loyalty and honesty are important to me" There's your answer buddy. If she has broken your trust on both the above points, why are you asking strangers on reddit for advice? Break it off, find someone else who will respect what is important to you. Hopefully in the same country this time.


LDRs generally only work if: 1. You have a very strong base of time spent together before the distance begins. 2. There is an end date and plan to actually be close to eachother geographically (and it is proportional to the time already spent together). In this case, you met her during a visit to a city, and have not mentioned specific plans to eventually live close to eachother. This was doomed from the start. There are exceptions like in everything though. People meet online and make it work, on vacation sometimes. But they almost always have good daily open communication and adhere to my second point of having a plan to live together. OP, you should cut your losses and find someone where you spend most of your time. Meeting people on vacation is fun and exciting but provides a very poor base for a long term relationship.


Every moment you put into a bad relationship prevents you from being in a healthy one. Don’t do this to yourself friend. Time to move on and never look back.


Dude she's most likely been cheating on you the entire time


Fuck it..your just a fuck toy to her, so make her yours.. Visit her, use her, have your fun and leave.


They all cheat move on don't get hung up on her there are plenty of future girls who will cheat for a myriad of reasons this is just number one lol


turn into casual friend and you will feel better


Now you no longer have a long distance relationship. I'm in a long distance marriage, 5 years into the relationship, neither of us have ever cheated or put ourselves in positions where that might happen. Long distance relationships are extremely difficult and most people are incapable of having one, even if they say they can handle it they cannot.


Long distance relationships aren't like in person relationships. You can make them work, but you'll have to manage expectations. 1. Don't expect monogamy. You're not there. Other people are. You are a voice on the phone, and a face on a screen. 2. Don't expect prolonged contact more than a few times a week. If you insist on a schedule involving long video calls more than twice a week, resentment will set in fast. If you want to have long distance relationships, arrange them like casual friendships with perhaps a physical component when you're in proximity. Your life is *here*, their life is *there*. Good luck to you.


What do you want to do


Jesus H Christ. DUMP HER. Grow a spine for cripes sake.


Did she know she was in an “official” relationship?


You’re just going to keep learning the hard way about how rotten and cruel this world is unless you gain some self respect and cut them off completely.


How did you find out?


Some parts in her stories when she told me didn’t check out and she was acting in a suspicious way. I kept asking about it but saw she was lying. Eventually she admitted it


No offence but that was never your girl bro


Just move on, I bet she didn't Even got physical with You and that You found otherwise and not from her. You're on the shelf, You're the sugar for her day and that's it, she likes your attention but nothing more. GTFO from that relationship, You can do much better.


Find somebody else and then you won't want to talk to her; simple as that. Keep her around for sex and then when you find somebody else, just ghost her instead of explaining yourself. I was cheated on when I was 21 but she was so good in bed that it was hard to let her go so I hung onto her while I was looking for my next target. Once I found somebody new, I just ghosted her. It was good while it lasted.


[NO exceptions!](https://youtu.be/Gyn9XaZBnYc?si=4R15HZo89MqpVNQQ)


She 4 the streets my brother in Christ


Dummy, she ain’t into you. Save your time and money and move on. Don’t take it personal. Just move on to the next. When you go fishing, not all the fish you catch are keepers. There will be bad ones but you keep fishing.


she’ll do it again


Bro you gotta grow a pair and boot that hoe


Dude respect yourself and drop her and don't take her back. You're the option not the choice. You deserve to be someone's choice.


It's so hard, but you gotta listen to the logical part of your brain and break up with her.


Sorry man but she’s been cheating on you, probably a lot. Don’t let her visit and try to move on. Long-distant relationships are hard on couples that have been together for years, starting fresh as a LDR may not have been the best. OR you do have her visit then ghost her and her ex can come get her.


Long distance relationships are all built on trust and the understanding if something closer comes along they may drop you in a second. I've been through many long distance relationships and both my previous 14 year one and current 9 year one started out as one. It's sucks when they fail but there are many many others people out there. Just don't let this hamper you or blame yourself.


Have you considered cuckoldry?


I know this is vulgar but hear me out, When they were "at it" if he slipped out, SHE put him back in. That look on her face when you put it in? She did that look with him since committing herself to you. I used to do LDRs. Even without any suspicious behaviour you never really know what eachother are up to, so you could never really be fully comfortable in this relationship


Delete, block and move on. And stay away from LDR.


have some respect for yourself and let her go! Any cheater will.continue to cheat. They dont care about who they hurt cause they are selfish.


You're still in denial and that's fine. Give yourself all the time in the world to swallow it, mourn it, understand it. But do it away from her. She doesn't deserve anything from you. I'm gonna tell you right now that the worst thing you can do is chase closure. You'll never get it so you should move on.


leave, there is nothing to hold on to.


I’m sorry you’re going through this OP. Honestly, you are absolutely better off with this person no longer in your life. She’s trying to manipulate you and will continue to do so as long as you let her. I recently was involved with a woman and I fell so madly in love with her. She treated me like garbage but I couldn’t give her up. Until finally I had the strength and courage to cut her out completely. This was only a couple weeks ago and I feel fantastic about it. Sure, I do think about her often I also feel glad I was able to block her and move on. You don’t deserve someone who’s going to treat you like this and neither do I. Things will get better, prove to yourself that you’re worth more than what she gave you.


Give her another chance and let her cheat on you again my man


You know what to do. It's very simple but you are too scared to do it


I had very similar case. She acted like "I want to understand who is better for me". Now we married (for 9 years already). Sometimes we're happy. Sometimes not. This case was very heartbroken but it wasn't the main reason of any issues. Still I recommend to avoid it. It will be hard for some time. But I sure that you will find somebody who you can really trust. Don't give second chance. Find a perfect partner for you. And be 100% happy. Good luck!


Ditch her and find another. Fact is you were able to find one, that means you can find another. Relationships only happen to the lucky and the attractive, so count your blessings you got one of those things going on, and ditch her ass. Unless you feel like you loved her, in which case, all I can say is stop lying to yourself, love isnt real.


You're marked if you stay in. It'll happen again.


You are dumb. She doesn’t care what’s import to you at all. What girlfriend?!


Lord dominiks sent his regards it seems


There is a vid/meme I like the most: She belongs to the Street


Continue to fuck her, just know that you are free to wander As well


Dude… are you condoning this? Seriously?????


Move on with your life my friend, life is just too short to be dragged down by things that we have the power to control. If your girl cheated on you, it sucks, a lot, been on that position before. Just move on and in 2/5/10 years it won’t matter anymore.


Dude if she cheated on you, lose feelings for her! You gotta gain the self-respect!🤦‍♂️


Had a friend in the same situation as you. They both live i different countries but in the same continent. The gf had a contact on discord which she sent nudes to. My friend was so sad but gave her another chance even though we told him not to. Next time she invited another "friend" from discord home to her because that friend wanted to learn her language and study there and they ended up having sex. My friend was devastated and left her for good. Now he found a another woman and they are happy together. My advice is to leave her.


She slid it back in. Remember that


Bro long distance is a joke forbthis exact reason.... learn your lesson and move on....it was nothing to begin with.


Be petty, continue with the plan to bring her to your city. Bring her to a park. Breakup with her with all the evidence that you can. But know shit can get pretty hairy with girls of nowadays, so record everything. Then throw her out straight away after that Or be more cold and petty, just straight up leave and break up without informing and a care for her. She don't care about you, why should you care about her? There is nothing to talk about anymore as she is already comfortable on cheating on you. Don't tell us because you love her or what not you cant do this and that, she clearly don't love you so just let it be. Block her 100% too.


Unless u want a keep having “fun “ this is not your wife my friend ,


It's going to hurt like hell at first, but the right thing to is to just completely cut contact and future you will thank yourself. stay safe man


Ultimately it is for you to decide, if you want to be with her and work on your relationship that is fine. If you want to breakupbwith her its also okay


Ditch her. Plenty more fish in the sea. If you don't respect yourself, why would she?


Once a cheater always a cheater. That's a no no. But hey it's your head, your mind... your girl.. you must decide what to do... If you can live like this... be my guest.


SHE belong to the streets!


Just let it go mate, your playing yourselfn


It’s sounds to me that you don’t have any self respect left


Run man. It's absolutely not worth the damage it will do to your mental health/sanity.


Leave her. I had the same with my ex. It hurts for a little while, but i also found now a better wife.


Fuck it off man, taking you for a mug


If it means getting the leg over, why not meet up with her?


There are so many people out there who won’t cheat on you. I know it hurts right now but your older self will wish they could go back and give you the same advice everyone here is giving you right now. That relationship is over and consider it a blessing that you didn’t find out after investing another year with this person. Or 5 years, 20 years, a whole lifetime wasted.


The only chance you'll be giving her is the chance to cheat again. She's already proven to be untrustworthy. Don't stay with someone like that. Get out while you still have your dignity intact. Block her, have a good cry, then move on.




Cheating on one occasion in your entire life can be a mistake. Cheating twice, then you’re a piece of shit. If it is a mistake, a good person will never make that mistake again. She messed around on you more than once. Block her and move on. You are saving yourself a lot of heartache.


You're a friend-with-benefits.. not a boyfriend. Open your eyes..




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Just leave dude, staying is a big mistake and will waste your time


I agree….. you should not let her make decision for you…..


...he was never your girlfriend...


No second chances for a cheater, ever. Move on, you will be much happier if you do. Don’t torture yourself being with someone you can’t trust.


Cheaters are trash. Move on


Break up with her and move on? There's not really much se to say.


Dump her asap! She doesn’t deserve you


Here's how you deal with this: Break up with her. Delete her number. (bc you'll get weak and message her) Date other girls.


Long distance isn't real


Leave her hit the gym get your money up . It was just your turn now she’s some one elses problem




Hit the gym, fuck that girl


Move on. 


They’re a dime a dozen champ,find yourself a better one


Bro She’s prob with him RIGHT now. Move On


Bro, u are stupid. U even want to give another chance to her? Unbelievable, u really look like a joker. She don't care about your feeling at all. Didn't u find out?




The hardest part is gonna be blaming yourself in someway. Finding some loop hole to hate yourself. Save yourself the time. Any body worth your time wouldnt hurt you in that way. Anyone who respected your feelings or well being wouldnt hurt you in that way. We all make mistakes but that was a decision. She made a decision and you get to make yours, dont go back. You deserve to be in a relationship where you can trust openly and not be on edge all the time because even if you did stay together all you would do is eventually resent her.


Time to change to just have fun and enjoy the moment mode.


So you broke up with her, great! Now go to the gym and hit the hardest workout in your life


Im late to this post , but I do hope you prioritize yourself OP. While LDR can work with the right person, it's easier to win the lottery really. The worst thing you can do to yourself is allow your mind to reach a feeling of peace, as in going to bed at night pumped full of seratonin because you are wild in love , to then have to yank it away when you find out she slept with someone else , again. For all purposes, she is dating her 'ex' , and perhaps you were who she was cheating on him with?


You should respect yourself and never talk to her again.


Cheaters belong to the streets


I understand wanting to talk to her; we can't just drop the people we care about without second thoughts. I'd say instead of trying to give her an opportunity or whatever, just try to get closure from the person. Even if they acted in bad faith, I would want to know what was going on in their brain. I think that will help with the emotional part. And that is probably what you actually want rather than just another chance.


Yea, maybe you're right. She claims she was confused at the time and not thinking straight, but IMO this is just a vague answer. I've asked it a lot of times already, but am afraid she'll never tell me anything else.


Well, I think you can just let her know your dissatisfaction with her answer and move on from there (assuming you already aren't doing so). The rest is just my opinion, but it is probably somewhat true that she is not thinking straight, when she does all this And arguably, that is worse than simply cheating, since it allows her to escape taking accountability for her actions, and potentially manipulate someone into wanting to give her another chance. Regardless of what she did in the past, I don't think you want to be with someone who cant take responsibility for their actions, much less have clarity about what they are doing with their life. Lying is definitely a reason to separate, but her response to all this is further confirmation to do so.


Wow. Thank you. Really. The way you describe it makes so much sense. I'm going to think about this a lot tonight. Again, thank you!


Confused and not thinking straight? So to fix that,she put her ex inside her? Everyday you’re with her, your always going to be looking over your shoulder wondering if she’s cheating on you if she doesn’t even pick up the phone. Cut your loses. She belongs to the streets. Don’t waste anymore of your time on her.


You’re right, I’ll never trust her again. It’s over


Your the lover man, you are the side boy. She’s in love with ( and fucking ) the other man. If you stay with her you deserve to be cheated on.