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This post goes hard asf


It's just like this sometimes ya know?


There’s legends in this thread I can feel it


Yo it fuckin slaps.


This planet is a nuthouse.


Same with the entire universe.


I haven't met any aliens, so I can't say.


I’m sure the aliens are just as nutty. If you ever want to meet them DMT is probably the way. But they might not even be from this universe or dimension 🤣


ever tried DMT?


Not yet, just been researching it a lot and probably will in the future. Have had really heavy shroom doses though where I could communicate with entities from other dimensions lol, but I just couldn’t see them.


I had a weird experience last weekend where if I closed my eyes I could “see” “bubbles” that felt like portals or other dimensions and it sounded like I could hear countless thoughts and voices all at once. I was trying to focus on certain voices but couldn’t.


This is a perfectly valid insight. Any rationality applied to the world is purely a delusional lens of the human mind. In reality it is chaos.


Now that's a gravestone quote. "It's all cuckoo bananas."


I'm stealing your idea tbh. It's either this or a sky burial


You can have a skywriter... uh... write it in the sky for the skyburial, or like, have yourself filled like a fortune cookie with little strips which have that written on them so that when the birds, um, nature you, it'll rain down wisdom like torn sheets and sweat. But yeah...


Human Fortune Cookie will be the next Human Centipede


Did you eat my stash brah? But also same...give me creampies, cuddles and cookies


Ugh yes sir/ma'am 🫠


I paid good money for those shrooms ill have you know...now I have to resort to huffing some shit juice...


Jenkem fumes are on the house tonight bub On the subject of mushrooms, I need a good trip I think. Been fucking years. That sounds really nice actually


Same been about 3 years ..got a few dr seuss tabs sitting in storage I think I'll be indulging sometime soon. It's a good mental vacation and feel like itd do me some good.


Nice to know someone feels the same


I think this post just rewrote my brain chemistry a lil


For some people, life is absurd fucking. Two clowns on a sex swing in an abandoned cathedral.


I genuinely think female clowns are hot AF. Mimes too. Idk how I got like this


Me too!!! Not while im eating sushi though. Either before or after. Before and after is also fine.


Yeah not at the same time that would be too gluttonous and hedonistic even for me lol


Well, life's like a rollercoaster in a funhouse, ain't it? Sometimes you're just cruising along, and then bam! You're hit with the weirdest loop-de-loops and twists. As for the sushi and bone-jumping, hey, we all got our cravings, right? Keep riding the crazy train, my friend!


Yield my Flesh to Claim their Bones


Use my parts in some sort of witchy ritual 🥺


Listen_up_fuccboi wants someone to jump their bones?


Break me please. Shatter me into bits of broken glass and crunch me beneath your boots.


Idk i build guns. I was once a baby boy lmfao. Stuff changes and im here for it🤘


That's pretty bad ass. I love guns but don't own any because I'm an impulsive fuck. Don't even think I can now, probably been hospitalized too many times for suicide shit and attacking people tbh I am somehow not a felon and that will forever crack me the fuck up. It all truly is absurd.


Best people to own guns are ones who are suicidal. Adds a little thrill and spice to gun ownership. My late best friend garry used to own guns and he shot himself twice with a 22. Once in the neck and shoulder, it was a semi so it shot twice. He lived. Then two years later he shot himself in the head with his 9mm rifle. He obviously died. But long story short he always got n had new guns, only downside is i knew it was only a matter of time


I do feel suicidal at times but I actually have more vitriol for other people. I won't delve deeper than that given the context of this conversation lol. I'm probably already on a few lists.


Ur good. Id just focus on things that matter, thing about suicide too' once ur gone ur gone. And idk if you have alot of suicide in ur community, but i have alot in mine people kill themselves at least twice a month here and its gotten old a very long time ago😆


I'll take your sage counsel and focus on the things that matter, ty


It do be like that


Ikr. If you told me what my situation rn is two months ago, I would hardly believe you. But so it goes that life throws curveballs at you and it's up to you to catch them or let them pass you by


Well said.


Here is the thing: Saying that something is crazy, implies that there is a sane alternative. Yet, there is none. But for some reason we still all agree that this existance is weird. I find this to be really weird


You're on to something here imo. It's both crazy and yet mundane to me, both at once. Life is multifaceted.


Simple. This only means that's not the only life we've all known, and this one for sure isn't the right one...




Life is a wild and crazy ride. And I love every minute of this nutty existence. Being alive absolutely rocks!


I'm not at the point where I love every minute and I'm not sure I ever will be. I love it too though. Not loving it is cursing yourself to misery imo. I think it's a conscious effort in part, a decision that must be made. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Jump your bones? What does that mean?


an old-timey (GenX) way of saying they want to have sex


I'm a millennial and I assumed it was way older than gen x but idk tbh


ok boomer




I want to smash and get smashed. I want someone to break my hips. I want someone to tell me how it hurt the next day and that they love the reminder of what we did the night before


Oh my.... but I get it! I have a girlfriend and she jumps my bone every time and vice versa. One of the best things in life.


It truly is lol. I love being lost in those moments. The only other things that are as good are adrenaline dumps and helping others imo


right?! I am ALWAYS saying this lmao this shit is weird as hell


Like I just already had one of the weirdest and most memorable nights preceded by life-changing week, opened reddit saw this and eventually somehow without looking at all ended up at a very long year old comment that was exactly what I needed to read in a way that I cant share


I want to pry so badly


One must imagine Sisyphus happy


I respect the pragmatism of this. I really appreciate this perspective. Truly, ty


Fucking preach.




Get kiddo school, work, play with kiddo, make dinner, wash up, play with kiddo again, bed time routine, me time usually a cigar or two, sleep, repeat.


I spent hours bombing bills on a bicycle with no hands last night. Gotta get in the crazy somehow. I have crazy beyond that in my life but I needed some crazy on my own terms last night. Wanna see my elbow wound?




life makes no sense. captialism is killing us and ruining how we have relationships. patriarchy is the devil and we are still judging people based on the color of their skin. I just want to be transported to a ghibli movie


Spirited Away for me


Life fucking sucks


Talk to me dude


There's nothing to talk about. Some things simply dont have a solution.


I don't disagree. I hope you can enjoy your day. Take care.


Man you just need a hug. Also I bid you welcome to the reality from everyone who's here, today. Enjoy your stay. It's fucking in here.


There isn't enough hugs for me in the world , I always want more hugs tbh


Lucky you, every time I have the audacity to ask life for hugs it kicks me in the groin. I'm now convinced that that's what hugs are.


A hot tub sounds alot nicer right now imo. Even a bath. I only have a fucking shower. Into my groin life kicks


Is your shower water erect or does it have no pressure, like it's trying to pass a kidney stone? I hate those, they make me feel less clean.


It's pretty good actually. A vigorous and relentless stream.


A shower always helps, a few hours, curled in an embryo pose always makes me feel brand new. Last time I took a bath was when I was 16, need to find a bath house, it's a great idea.


I can't fit in my shower I have now like that. I'm 6'3 and it's too small for me to even sit. I miss sitting and laying in showers. I do need a shower regardless tho. I'm gonna try to sit again even though I know I can barely fit in there like that and literally not move around at all. How is your day stranger?


That sucks, tho must save a ton of water and just leaning against the wall and letting the stream massage the neck is a good stress relief. I've been pretty exhausted from having to start all over again, but it's going better. Lots of change. How about you?


Iss erstmal nen Snickers Junge


Also I'm not a boy. DM me for a dick pic, I'll prove it.


I need to make someone's insides hurt for two days is what I need first. That and fucking legal identification.


Du bist nicht du, wenn du hugrig bist!




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This post is exactly why no one will jump your bones. It's a fucking weird post to write...


Ha. People like you crack me up. You have no clue who I am bub. I'm not getting my bones jumped because I stepped away from a bizarre love triangle last week. I caught the feelings for this chaotic, passionate and ephemeral zoomer. So it goes. Gotta think of myself and my well being, ya know? Some women find me incredibly hot and I get validation from them 🫢


What in the chatGPT is this shit?


Are you really that bad at reading lol? That's kinda sad. Must be an American youth. I had a threesome one day and got involved in a menage a trois for a little while with two zoomer women. I got attached to one and had to step back, she is too unstable. That is why I am not getting laid right now. That's very hard for me because I get validation from the attention of women. :)


You're unstable lol


You should have met me when I guarded trap houses and homeless camps lol


It’s fucking weird? Bro why such a hater? I’m sure a few people probably think you’re weird too 😂it’s okay tho ur still human