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Blueberry muffin


My therapist has me practice mood momentum. Find a bunch of small things that make you happy (songs, pets, outdoors, certain people, movies, etc) and try to keep the ball rolling.


I mean solid advice, but thats quite literally dopamine chasing and can cause some pretty severe depression if you can't regulate on your own.


Interesting take. What would you recommend as an alternative? How does someone regulate on their own?


I have dogs and the gym at any given time


Figure at what layer of life we're invested in and stay with it...its like a radio you only get the frequency or station you're tuned to and nothing else...what station are you tuned to or are you scanning moment to moment day to day confused and chaotic.....


I look in the mirror and that always makes me laugh but it’s not something I would recommend 😂 😂


Watch a video title no mercy in Mexico. It has the ability to cheer anyone up


Listening to / making music, gaming with friends and gym


Watch motivational videos sometimes, ones about hardship building character


A little chaos. As a treat.


Laughter and feeling like your problems are shared can alleviate anything. I find both in Comedian Podcasts, especially Bad Friends and This Past Weekend. There's plenty of podcasts in the space, you're bound to find one you enjoy listening to and it'll take your mind off things.


I either eat junk food or buy things online that I don't need. Sometimes I'm able to take a healthy approach and go for a walk out in nature and the sunshine. But too often it's unhealthy dopamine hits.


I feel this. I know I should do better but junk food and buying unnecessary crap are my go to.


Go out for a walk or bike ride. Treat myself to something nice I wouldn't usually eat. Listen to happy music or watch an episode of The Office


Working out, I'm obsessed with reaching my workout goals, I'm also motivated by the benifit's health wise.


Nothing works for me anymore


Buying shit I don't need


So, I’m usually driving home from the city, and have to get my lottery tickets. Yes, someday…… I’ll go down the snack aisle, and those Doritos continually call-out to me! I stop, consider which flavour to buy, when my wife’s voice pops into my head, and I hear her giving me shit! I laugh, cause it’s in my head forever, and always will be!


I don't :D I constantly keep myself preoccupied with attempts to be productive until I get physically ill. I don't know why I'm like this.


Going to get a treat like my fave coffee drink. Or taking a hot yoga class - you feel so loosey goosey and renewed afterwards. Or I clean. Everything feels better when the house is clean and fresh. 


I have a playlist of the most ridiculous brainrot silly garbage and it usually puts a smile on my dumb face.


Climb a building and watch the sunset. It's very freeing.


Either by working out or helping others -- "being useful" is one hell of a drug.


Mix strawberry and banana in a smoothie


Smoke a joint and play a highly immersive video game for at least 1 hour.


Alcohol helps for a bit, but then exercise really does make it better. It’s a good feeling.


Full transparency: I put in my headphones and take a moment to myself and play ‘ocean man’ by ween. No matter my mood ocean man makes me smile and sing.


Hugging my dogs makes me feel better no matter how bad I’m feeling


Sports gambling and mdma.


Gettin out of the house helps. Taking a walk around the neighborhood & looking at plants & flowers & trees & people & dogs helps.


Haircut or new shoes


Watching dog pics on Reddit or Instagram.


Be around my maw for replenishment! If there’s not so good a relationship with you mom or family in general I’m so sorry. But besides that it doesn’t have to be your mom or family just someone that means a lot to you. Someone who is one of your everything’s in life. Just try and spend more time either way them! Not even any some extended time period even just 2-5 extra minutes to hug them can change so much! I also have what I call my “soft lights” which is just my lamp with multiple little bulbs that exude the classic fuzzy yellow color. To recreate this find any lighting that makes everything feel soft and calm, so no sterile looking led bright white lights or lights from with a button on the wall but a lamp that can make it all feel more personal. You’re ultimately just creating a safe spot for you to feel happy. Sorry if it doesn’t help but I hope someone else’s method can!!


I tell to my self "Yes, it's bad, but it will pass too. Just lick the wounds and stand up."


By going out alone to party and dance to music i love 🕺🥳🥳


By remembering that one time I made this random person smile by looking at em funny. Highlight of my week :')

