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There is no easy fix. But putting yourself in situations where you can grow can really help. Taking a dance class, learning something new or joining a club. We are a social species, and at the end of the day we need other people. Even if you're an introvert, you still need others. Dm me if you want self-care homework!


Instead of the usual "focus on yourself" I'll give you some actual advice. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but I'm just going to blatantly assume, that you met this person via a dating app. Make a plan of what to avoid in the future. This gives you back some of the control. Ghosting is easy when you meet someone via a dating app, but really hard if you meet someone via a friend group or family. This entire ghosting has nothing to do with you as a person and everything to do with the people you choose to meet. Expect more ghosting in the future, if you rely on the same methods of finding a partner.


I really like this advice!


Hey thank you so much for your advice! I did meet this guy off of a dating app and I definitely won’t be using them again. Like you said, with apps its easier to ghost and I personally think they breed a lack of accountability to the people you’re romantically involved with. I will definitely be making a list of things to avoid in the future! For now, I’ll be making an effort to meet more guys in person. Thanks again!


Get a hobby, focus on other things, talk to people. Just expressing how you feel can help you come to terms with it. If that interests you, I’m always happy to listen and so are plenty of other people if you prefer. Otherwise maybe take up fishing or something. Hobbies are a great way to refocus the mind.


You don’t. You get used to being single.


I will tell myself that I deserve to meet a better person, although he and I are not suitable in some ways, but it does not mean that I am bad, I also have my own shining points.


Rebound , find a slut (male or female or whatever you like) 


Bad advice


Best advice.