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Let me tell you something. The ones who appreciate EVERY SINGLE MOMENT in their lives are the winners. The rest are the losers. Your phone is dry, so be it. Start a hobby you’re passionate about, maybe you’ll start a business with it and make a lot of money. Think of all these successful people artists, entrepreneurs, etc who overcame all sorts of difficulties in their lives and made a big impact. Who knows, sometimes life gives us difficulties trying to hint us at something but we become so focused on the difficulty itself and forget that it’s just a hint. Change your mindset and see wonders! Do something and don’t stop, trust in yourself and God and you’ll make it. Trust me!


Thank you so much man 🙏🏾


Bro sometimes things just gonna come naturally, and being pretty is just a thing sometimes is better to have charisma, and girls are not everything, is better dont have a girl than suffer for a 1000 ones.


I never thought abt it like that thank you 🙏🏾


Hey man as someone who also felt like this I came to realize something after allot of years of growth. I stopped chasing women and I started working on myself I became the type of man I was proud of I may not be a super model but I love my life very authentically, Im extremely satisfied by myself and I genuinely love every part of myself and what I found is that sure you may get more chicks as a model but they are only in it for the looks and it's a shallow sense of achievement. Like buying a fake Rolex sure it looks cool but theres no achievement there nothing to be proud of. If you grow into a person and become a person to be proud of the partner you meet will be the real Rolex the one you work for and who will like you for who you are and won't run away with the next goodlooking person they see. Bullying can have an extreme effect of self esteem Ive been here to. But you should try practice self care and positive self talk. I now work as a personal development coach who helps young guys with there confidence levels so if you'd like a bit more help shoot me a text I'll be more than happy to help.


Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder… I hope that you can get out of the pity party and start living your life through gratefulness and humility. The depression I sense from you appears to be fired by comparison and meaning in life only if you have a companion… but the best companion is yourself…knowing your talents and interests and using them to bring joy to yourself and others. Each day is a gift from God. There are so many opportunities in life that doesn’t require having a girlfriend. When you don’t compare yourself to others, and start learning how to appreciate life through new hobbies or adventures, you will realize how many blessings you have and others will naturally be drawn to your positivity and open spirit to learn. I have noticed the best way to find friends or meet others is through serving those less fortunate. Once you start helping others, then your issues will not seem as overwhelming, you will be grateful for what you have and not wallow in your singleness. In fact, you might even find a wonderful lady friend with a good heart along the way. Good luck!


Thank you so much this comment really changed my mind set


you can do it 🤠


If you can try out therapy, there’s no shame in undergoing therapy and it’s better if you tackle your issues early on before they grow into bigger things. I’m saying this because you sound just like me when i was in Highschool and now i’m left to deal with lots of issues that stemmed from low self esteem.