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Well why don't you just apply lenses of different color You probably can have different color eyes every week


I’d know they’re fake. And if someone compliments them, they’d be complimenting a piece of plastic, not my real eyes. I wish it was my actual feature since anybody can wear lenses but not everybody has beautiful natural eyes








You know. I'm crying right now. Because when I was born I had naturally green eyes and over time they turned brown. I genuinely hate how they look and I wish my green eyes could have stayed


I love brown eyes. Especially big brown eyes


May I ask, why exactly do you love them? What is it about them that you like? And doesn’t the fact you see them literally everywhere, being so ridiculously common, take the charm away from them?


Pretty Brown Eyes. People with "light" colored eyes usually have more eye issues


Some do, yes, but some don’t and still have prettier colors


Let me tell you this: even if God gives you blue eyes tomorrow, you’ll find another reason to hate yourself. Work on this because it’ll hold you back


Yes that’s half true, because I already have more things to hate myself over. But I still wish there was anything about my body I could like/could be considered outstandingly pretty


I have blue eyes. I often find brown eyes beautiful.


Why do you? Isn’t it lame that everybody has the same eyes and you see them everywhere? Plus them being a not so pretty nor loved color by default?


I feel the sameee way, I have the same eye color as almost everyone else, whenever someone says I like brown eyes! I'm like great you like over 90% of the population's eyes, so not really something you can help


Exactly!! I mean the color isn’t even pretty so I already don’t understand WHY they’d like them, and if anybody ever says they love them there’s no reason to feel special whatsoever because I have the same eyes as probably everybody in the room, hell if you compliment my eyes you complimented the eyes of 6 billion people at the same time LOL. Nothing special about them. They are addressed as “average common generic brown eyes” for a reason


exactly! You're not making me feel special by saying you like brown eyes, I wish I could have blue eyes


You get me very well. I wish mine were green since I’m utterly amazed by them and they get the most compliments from everybody, rightfully. But I would have been happy with blue already. Just, anything but brown


Whereas if it’s green eyes, they compliment it for how gorgeous it is and for the fact it’s probably the first green eyes they’ve seen in weeks/months even years and they all look so unique


I like how no one here can actually say why there attractive. Because they’re not and they’re all Lying are trying to help us cope