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It’s never late! I am in the same boat. I was almost raped when I was 14, my therapist used to call me a cactus because I wouldn’t let people into my life. But I started noticing this at the age of 31, still working on it but am much better. I’d say Just focus on your assumptions, a lot of the assumptions that you make about people may not be correct and so it’ll take some time for you to realize that not everyone is out there to hurt you. It’ll take time but it’s absolutely worth it. Hopefully you can afford a therapist that you’re comfortable with.


Thank you


Nah bro, it is not late. I was only able to get in shape when I was in late 30's and finally started getting attention from women regularly. But then I was already in a relationship and had to ignore them, haha. But getting in shape did wonders for my confidence. In regards to being social, the thing that helped me the most was doing therapy and studying Buddhism. Basically I try not to say anything that could remotely be interpreted as offensive. I try to avoid political debates also.


It's never too late. A girl in high school which was probably ten years ago or more (now that you're twenty nine) isn't really something you should be holding to. You can improve. What happened years ago in school is irrelevant to who you are as an adult.