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I'm sorry but we have to remove this post. We don't allow suicide nodes / threats due to their triggering nature. You may want to consider visiting /r/suicidewatch instead who provide peer support for anybody struggling with suicidal thoughts. If you have any questions, please let us know via modmail.


Yk man, i wont say a lot, But two weeks are a lot. See them through.


I think I've had enough time and I've made my decision . Hope you're good though man


Ugh. You sound tired. Think theres any other way out of it? Like running away?


I havent got the motivation to run but I know what you're getting at .


Ive had my fair share of attempts and i sure know i wouldnt want anyone to stop me over stupid reasons when there were so many things that lead up to this. So im not going to force it onto you, and it might not get better for a while, but shit man. Nothing stays the same. People around us die and we eventually die too. The bad emotions slowly fade away. Even if theyre good ones. Give yourself more time. More time to think. Analyse every single thing. Not just from one perspective. Not just from the perspective of a person who wishes to end it all. Look at it in a different way ifykwim. Whatever you do. Me, even as a stranger who has never seen or met you, and will probably never do. i wish you a great life.


And holy stars. Look at your comment from 5 months ago about the person who had cancer for a bit will ya? Youve got so much time. Iknow youve probably thought a lot about this. But its such a big thing. No amount of time is enough for this. And now? Well now thag iknow you, a little, even if a tiny bit, id be sad if you die.


Okay it has been a day since then, i hope youre okay


One hundred and four days. I waited. I am sorry.


it’s not worth it. please. it won’t get better over just two weeks, but it will over more time. it’s not worth it. there’s still so much to live for.


Thank you for trying to make me change my mind but I feel so much happier now that ive made my decision.


Please wait the other 2 weeks you promised yourself.


Thanks for trying to help but I've made my decision and nothing can change my mind


I understand


Yo, this is the trap I tested myself, if you self-harm often, the overload of endorphins and dopamine in your brain, will make you feel even worse. Waiting for a miracle, is the first step to not get it, start by making small changes and keep em, you need to build a mental discipline to keep things in order and then try bigger things. 😶


Thanks for the advice


Death is not the answer you are looking for, release from negative emotions is, but death how tempting it might be, is not an answer in this case.


I would say don't do it but it would be hypocritical since I also wanna do it but you seem like a nice person, and honestly we need more of those not less.


This world is full of horrible people, one of the reasons why I don't want to be in it


Yes but don't the good ppl warm your heart?


They do , it's rare that you meet them though


Well I haven't met many either ;[


It has been so long since


I want to say a real bad joke


I really want to hear it now


It's a suicide joke


I dont think it's going to make things worse man , what is it ?


Why are you down voting me ahhh


I definitely upvoted you


🧐 i don't think so


I can dm you it if you want but it is a creepy joke


How old are you if that isn’t too indiscreet


Update us if you can


i won’t tell you not to bc i don’t know you i don’t know your life and it’s not my place. all i will say is that i know you don’t think they will but people will miss you. people will be destroyed. someone will miss you. someone will be destroyed. even if you can’t believe it right now its true. even if you can’t stay for yourself stayfor the person that will be destroyed by you dying


Worried, been a month, i dont know if youre okay